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Chapter 1599 Instance Site

 It’s not surprising that people would add their own subjective perceptions when describing something. Just like the resident of Brownskin City just now said that when he entered the "Midsummer Night" space, colored lights appeared - this was what he said.

Several other people who saw "Midsummer Night's Starry River" described it differently.

Therefore, this colorful light may be his own fantasy, or it may be the scene he happened to see when he entered the white mist, and it does not have universal significance.

However, judging from his description, the "Midsummer Night" space is a place with a high mortality rate.

According to the experience of the person who successfully saw the "Midsummer Night Star River" resurrected from the dead, whether it is Brown Skin City or other nearby island cities, the number of people who entered the "Midsummer Night" space is actually not that small, and what Xu Huo saw at the moment

The situation is at least similar. There are about twenty players plus ordinary people in this area.

But in the end, very few people were able to get out alive. Except for those who successfully found the "Midsummer Night Star River", no one else who was suspected of entering the "Midsummer Night" space came out alive.

In addition, people in Brown Skin City did not know that people on Shiyao Island would also fall into deep sleep on a daily basis.

Of course, this is not unusual. The land in Area 013 is scattered and separated by the sea. Without suitable means of crossing the sea, it is normal for it to be difficult to communicate with each other. No one at the Suffocation Rainforest Station has even heard of "Midsummer Night's Starry River".

However, it can also be seen from this point that the copy of "Midsummer Night's Starry River" either only moves within a small area, or the death rate is extremely high, and no one who was "selected" on some islands survived.

No matter what the situation is, since there are players who get out alive, but no players have announced the situation of "Midsummer Night Star River", this is the strange thing.

"How are you?" Xu Huo asked Chi Xian.

Chi Xian spread his hands and said, "There are too many types of fungi, which can be seen or invisible. There are tens of thousands of them at least. It is impossible to filter them out. The fungi in this space should be brought in from outside. A rough analysis

Look, it’s quite different from Shiyao Island.”

The two of them knew that starting with fungi was just a matter of luck. It would be good if they could get it, but forget it if they couldn't.

"Let's take a walk in the dungeon while it's still dark." Xu Huo said, at least you need to know what the city in the white mist world looks like.

The fog was thick and the humidity of the air was high. After walking for a while, the protective clothing of the two people formed a layer of water mist. With the restricted field of vision, they could not see too far away. Although players occasionally passed by,

However, they kept a distance from each other and there was no conflict for the time being.

In addition to finding out how big the replica site is and what its composition is, some traces of life left in the building are also worth taking a closer look at.

Xu Huo found a city map from the high-rise room.

"Except for the person who came to us just now, the other players are avoiding meeting each other." Chi Xian looked a little gloomy, "It seems that the thing about unconsciously falling asleep is true."

Xu Huo said while looking at the map: "This situation is consistent with Shiyao Island. It may be a copy formed by the factors of Shiyao Island."

Chi Xian also found some paper materials to look at, "This copy space has little overlap with area 013."

It is even active. It is more appropriate to say that it is a random dungeon. If it is affected by Shiyao Island, it should be stable on Shiyao Island. Unless the dungeon was later upgraded and absorbed the fungi from Shiyao Island, then the two will look alike.

There is some contact only after getting up, but not much.

"Sleeping is a small problem. Only when you disappear strangely do you need to pay attention." Xu Huo said.

"Don't you believe what Bian Lu and the others said? How can you be sure that the mysterious disappearance was not made up by them?" Chi Xian said strangely.

"They probably didn't lie about this matter. No matter what the facts are, at least in their opinion, it was a mysterious disappearance." Xu Huo did not finish his sentence. When he raised another possibility, the players did not express any doubts about him.

Their judgment was shaken, indicating that they must have substantial evidence to prove that those people were "missing" rather than "leaving quietly".

Since this copy itself is not very stable, it may be an incomplete and chaotic space.

Chaotic space...Xu Huo didn't know much about it.

The city where the dungeon is located has a long strip layout. Because the air quality is extremely good, it is suitable for stargazing in summer, so it is called "Star City". The direction of the city's construction is based on the direction of the stars in summer - this seems to be

The only thing that can be related to "Midsummer Night's Starry River".

Although the city is named "Star City", it is only based on preference. Other buildings or culture do not show special treatment of the stars. Simply put, it is seasonal. For example, if you want to celebrate a festival when the time comes, forget it.

, very ordinary, without other significant meaning or symbol.

"I thought the stars in the Midsummer Night were some kind of luminous fungus." Chi Xian was slightly disappointed.

People who saw the "Midsummer Night Starry River" seemed to be in a state of near-death. At this time, what they thought they saw may not be the truth, but everyone who survived mentioned the "large starlight", and falling asleep may be

As a result of a certain fungus, it is reasonable to mistake a glowing fungus for a "galaxy" when dying.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Xu Huo said, "This space is now shrouded in heavy fog, and no stars can be seen."

The two of them walked according to the map. Even with the props, it took half a day to get from one end of the city to the other. When they reached the edge of the city, they could no longer go forward.

During this period, the two of them even made a special trip to look for the planetarium, but when they looked out through the astronomical telescope, it was also covered in white fog. The city was the location of the dungeon.

it's dark.

"It's fine when it's daylight, but I feel like sleeping a little bit when it gets dark." Chi Xian still had a smile on his face, but his eyes darkened. With the player's energy, it's no problem not to sleep for a few days. They are suffocating the rainforest.

How could I doze off after just one day when I rested so well while standing?

This is not the most critical thing. The most critical thing is that they all wear protective clothing, which means that the filters that come with the protective clothing specifically to filter out toxic bacteria do not provide 100% protection.

Not sure if it was too late, the two entered the venue and changed their protective clothing into protective suits with self-contained oxygen devices.

"If I had known that I would have to spend this money sooner or later, I might as well have bought it in the first place." Chi Xian felt a little sad because the protective suit with its own oxygen device in the game is a high-precision instrument and the price is particularly high.

"If it's useless, it's all in vain."

"Maybe the key to clearing this dungeon is sleeping." Xu Huo said: "Players are not the only ones who have seen the 'Midsummer Night Star River'. You can know what you want most while sleeping, and it is possible to come back with a full load."


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