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Chapter 1624 The Returned Corpse

 The current situation is pretty good. Players are in peace for the time being. After a small fluctuation, everyone is doing their own thing again.

"Are you still going out today?" Tong Qi asked Xu Huo.

"Not for the time being." Xu Huo sat on the chair brought from the shop and began to think about last night's dream.

In addition to the fixed characters appearing in the train accident, the location of the track accident is also fixed. In fact, the time of the accident should also be fixed. The only time change was the emergence of new variables based on the scene he temporarily set.

In the last two times, new variables also appeared.

The people pouring out around the track are new variables. Xu Huo hijacks the driver without approaching the track and the kidnapped people also add new variables. The difference is that one he knows and the other he does not know.

In other words, no matter whether he or the train eventually hit the people on the track, the final result remains roughly the same, that is, the train exists, the people on the track exist, and the accident is inevitable.

It seems that no matter how hard he tries, the train will leave and everyone on the track will die.

The only thing that changed this thing was his supposed bomb... Does this mean that a sufficient amount of change must be introduced to possibly cause a change in the final result?

The train can only go up one stop, and what he can do at the terminus is very limited... If the time can be earlier, and the train has not yet entered the station, maybe things can take another turn.

Regarding the turning point in time, all Xu Huo can think of now is the "curve time" he once witnessed on the dimensional train track. The train conductor at the time said that the "curve time" is special, and coupled with the time differences in different zones in the game, from

From a hypothetical perspective, the game Dimension Crack can achieve time and space travel.

If Dr. Wu has really been to this instance, this recurring dream should not be accidental.

Dr. Wu once had a daughter - this was something he deliberately revealed, and it was also something that many players and pharmacists who followed him identified. If his deliberate disclosure was not out of longing, then there might be other hints.

Using "curve time" to complete time and space travel, let alone people like Dr. Wu who know a lot about the Dimension Crack game, would be excited. Even Xu Huo would have a question when he first heard about it, that is, it can really be done.


If Dr. Wu is really doing this, does that mean there is a glimmer of hope?

Back in the past - these few people can make anyone excited, but Xu Huo soon calmed down. Assuming that his guess is true, Dr. Wu's daughter still has not been resurrected, which shows that going back to the past can change the fate of others.

The real existence is also very slim, so slim that even someone could not achieve it even after spending hundreds of years, and this is a genius who has developed the perfect evolutionary agent.

My thoughts paused here for a moment and then brought me back to last night's dream.

Working hard on time and adding variables with sufficient influence, it is not clear whether these two can really be realized in the dream according to his imagination. In the end, it still depends on the judgment standard of the copy. At least in the dream, the "time and space" cannot be truly achieved.

"Travel", and Dr. Wu should not make such harsh requirements in a C-level copy.

More than half of the people stayed in the mall, and the other half did not give up going out to look for clues. Not long after, Liao Xiaorong, Mi Yaojia, and three other players hurriedly turned back and eagerly came to Xu Huo and others.

"We found Zhao Qing."

Xu Huo turned his head and looked at the stretcher being carried behind them.

The person on the stretcher, let's call it a human, only retains the general shape of a human. From head to toe, it is occupied by dense growth of fungus. Part of the face has been pulled out. Judging from the incomplete face, it is indeed

Zhao Qing disappeared in the clock tower the night before yesterday.

There were no obvious trauma or blood stains on her body, and it was impossible to tell how she died. However, she kept her hands folded on her abdomen, and even the corners of her mouth were turned up, looking unusually peaceful.

Regardless of whether she was poisoned or killed, this was not the most terrifying thing. What frightened Liao Xiaorong and others was her state.

"Is it possible that she was really willing to die?" Liao Xiaorong said in horror: "She was not in this posture when she disappeared!"

"Never mind how she died, it doesn't mean there is another dimension." Tong Qi said: "The fungi on Zhao Qing's body are much more prosperous than those in this city."

The players present could not accept that the originally uncontrollable sleeping and possible death in their sleep were beyond their control. The hope of clearing the level and getting out of the dungeon was in another possible space, but now they were told to go to other places.

Space will die inexplicably. Who can survive this?

"Dungeons have a high mortality rate. Didn't everyone know this from the beginning?" Xu Huo said lightly: "Isn't it the probability of survival that we are fighting for?"

"That's true, but the previous dungeons will not be like this dungeon, completely clueless, as if everything we do is in vain." The Mi Yao family looked extremely ugly, as if they had been greatly deceived.

Xu Huo had no obligation to appease everyone, and said: "You can try not sleeping for the last few days, maybe you can get through it."

You can't go without sleep for ten days, but it's okay to go without sleep for three or four days. Make it through a week and wait until the end of the dungeon to read it again.

This actually speaks to the concerns of many players. Some people thought so before they found Zhao Qing, and some even wanted to wait for other players to take advantage of him at the critical moment of final clearance.

"Is this feasible?" Someone asked in a low voice, not knowing what their mentality was.

"You'll know if you try it." Xu Huo said no more and asked Liao Xiaorong and others to carry Zhao Qing's body out and bury it, fearing that more toadstools would grow over time.

Mr. Mo had already set up a protective shield over there. He got in and had breakfast.

Mr. Mo has no intention of looking for the player who used "Midsummer Night's Starry River" as bait to lure him in. Thinking on the bright side, maybe the player has died in this dungeon, and even the body has been digested by fungi.

"We can take turns on duty in the last few days." He proactively suggested, "Scar and I trust each other, there will be no problem."

"Isn't he your bodyguard?" Tong Qi looked back and forth between them, "You trust him so much, and you have so many good props. If he does something evil, where will you arrest people at home?"

"He will not betray me." Mr. Mo said.

"I will not betray Mr. Mo." Scar Glasses also said.

"I don't believe it." Tong Qi said deliberately: "I have already seen that your relationship is unusual. You can't be a couple, right?"

Mr. Mo's face turned green, and his usually expressionless mouth with scarred glasses twitched twice.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit strange, Mr. Mo seemed to be trying to stop others from thinking, "My half-sister married him."

This chapter has been completed!
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