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Chapter 1719 It’s best to act together

 The short-haired female player concealed her dislike for the people in District 019 and went to several small shops to inquire about the whereabouts of the players who were in the town before.

However, they had no memory of the players coming and going, and they didn't even notice that there were fewer players walking around. Instead, they felt busier because of the arrival of a new tour group, and there were more people. As for who the tour group was, they

It's even less clear.

There are many tourists coming to Dingdinghua Town every day. It is normal for them not to remember. The female player looked at them as if they were lying. After returning, she said: "I guess these people don't know. If they knew better, the players in Area 019 would not use it at all."

You don’t have to do it so secretly, there are so many people missing all of a sudden, and there won’t be any trace in the town.”

At this point, she vaguely felt something was wrong, "Are these people gone?"

"I don't know." Xu Huo said. Although he didn't sense the impact force nearby, he thought it was a prop or instrument used by the opponent during the fight. If it wasn't used to cover up the traces, it was probably used to force the player away.


Xu Huo opened the player panel and searched for more information about this dungeon under Dimensions. In addition to the vague clearance guide, he also read some other notes about his experiences. No one mentioned that Area 019 was cleaning up foreign players - this

That's logical.

If District 019 has always had this habit, it cannot be completely invisible. Is it a recent thing? Or was it some sudden incident?

In a technologically advanced zone and a place where gems are produced, players are certainly not weak in strength. However, when the people are living and working in peace and contentment, there are very few opportunities for players to come forward. For some minor problems, combat machinery will suffice.

Of course, moving the battle to a remote area so as not to affect more people is also one of the strategies.

"It doesn't have to be the District 019 government," the female player said after calming down: "It makes no sense at all for them to do this. We are just here to clear the customs and we are not causing trouble in District 019, so why bother?"

"Did someone offend some family force, or was there someone specifically interfering with our clearance?"

Her guess was not entirely unreasonable. Xu Huo thought for a moment and said, "Go to the bar."

The short-haired female player nodded, "I want to tell this matter."

The residents of the town go to bed early at night, so you can only ask questions during the day, so there should be no one in the bar at this time, but it doesn't matter, the short-haired female player calls for people while walking, and all the players will inform them, saying that they have important things to share with them.


Anyone who is interested or not is willing to listen. Anyway, I was wandering around the town, but when I arrived at the bar, I realized that there were only about ten people gathered here.

"Has everyone left?" Someone was surprised, "There were at least thirty players in the town yesterday."

"Did you not come?" Someone else asked: "Ding Dinghua Town is not a small town."

Xu Huo paid attention to the two unfamiliar faces that appeared in the bar, and then interrupted everyone's conversation and said: "We may be in trouble."

Everyone in the bar looked at him, and Xu Huo gave the opportunity to speak to the female player.

She briefly talked about the matter, from the suspected death of the curly-haired woman, to the players with scars, to how they rushed back to the town to find that the number of players suddenly dropped sharply, and the speculation that Area 019 was harvesting players.

"The most troublesome thing now is that we don't know who is targeting players in other areas, and we don't know if it's just targeting players in this dungeon, or whether it's the same for everyone."

After hearing what she said, the others first felt incredible. After all, they had been in the town all the time, and any movement could be hidden from them. In addition, the dungeon of "Embell Girl" involved a large area and many people, so it was normal for players to move around frequently.

"Have you ever seen flashes of light in the town?" Xu Huo interjected and asked.

"About three hours ago, it should have been more concentrated."

A player immediately reacted, "There were about two relatively high-frequency flashes, which occurred in different places in the town. I thought it was the equipment in the town operating."

There are a variety of instruments in Area 019, including dozens of instruments used to repel insects. Dingdinghua Town is close to the mountains and forests, and there are even more messy instruments, some of which emit light from time to time.

The player who spoke thought about it carefully, then slapped the table, "Looking back now, those flashes are indeed a little different from what I saw in the town two days ago, but no matter how powerful the players in Area 019 are, they can't leave no traces at all.


"I have seen the players who came with the tour group today, and their levels are not very high."

"They don't necessarily come with the tour group," another female player frowned: "It's not impossible to use props and instruments to flash."

These words undoubtedly covered everyone's heads like a dark cloud. Regardless of whether they came with the tour group or not, they had taken so many players from the town and they didn't even notice. Did this mean they were secretly preparing to harvest them?

Are people far more powerful than them?

"I said it was so strange..." The bald man sitting in the corner suddenly said: "I have been in the dungeon for more than 20 days. When I first came here, there were many people in Dingdinghua Town, but I didn't touch it even after going for a walk outside.

When I see several players in the same dungeon, it stands to reason that people are entering this dungeon all the time, and even if there are enough places, I won’t be able to encounter them at all.”

"It seems that no one has discovered it." The male player who had spoken before stood up quickly, "Does that mean we have become the prey of Area 019?"

"Not necessarily," the female player said: "They regard us as prey. We can't just be beaten passively. District 019 has always been known as peaceful. If this matter is made public, whether it is done by the government or someone else, it will definitely

It’s somewhat restrained.”

"Whether they are willing or not, as long as they want to continue to attract foreign customers, they will definitely have to respond."

"We have no evidence." The short-haired girl said, "No one will believe us. And to put it bluntly, it's hard to say whether there are players from Area 019 mixed in here."

Of course, others have thought of this, but this is not the most important thing now. Most of them are C-level players. Once they are targeted and cannot escape from the dungeon, it is very likely that they will really be revealed here.

"So it's best for everyone to act together," the female player said: "Firstly, it will reduce the possibility of something happening, and secondly, if something does happen, others can testify."

"I didn't expect that as a player, I have to rely on public opinion battles to protect myself." A young man said.

"You must have not done a few C-level dungeons." The female player looked back at him. "The more you go there, the more you will know that there are things even more extreme than this. Some places even specialize in hunting down dungeon players. Instead, areas like Area 019

Such a rule-bound partition is more beneficial to us."


This chapter has been completed!
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