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Chapter 1726: I am given my identity when I go out.

 A copy of "The Girl of Ember" traces the past of Master Solan. Among her interpersonal relationships, many people were involved in mining, and most of them were even injured.

In "The Abode of the Dead", "living without a soul" sounds like a rather religious statement. A normal investigation would focus on religion, but this religion is a derivative of the mining industry, and its essence is still in the mining group.

No matter where the final "residence" is, it is always right to start from the mining group.

Both copies are involved with the mining group, but "The Abode of the Dead" is more obvious than "The Ember Girl", and the direction of the former is even certain.

The mining group is just one of the many possibilities for a copy of "The Ember Girl", but it is a major participant in "The Abode of the Dead", and it very clearly connects the present with the past, more like a hint.

In the past hundred years, manpower has been gradually eliminated, and very few people have died in accidents. As a past history, one hundred years is enough for people to forget it, but since a copy has been born, there is at least a certain chance that the "residence of the dead" is "fresh"


Does remembering the deceased need to continue for a hundred years?

"What a coincidence that you are here too?" Shen Fei and his two companions, Ke Youming and Zhu Zhongliang, also entered the same restaurant. "It seems that we are very destined."

"Yes, let's sit together?" Xu Huo smiled and pointed to the seat next to him.

The three of them were very frugal and ordered the cheapest food in the store. Shen Fei took the initiative to explain: "Don't laugh at us for being stingy. The consumption level in District 019 is really too high. We usually have to buy props and potions, so what little money is left

You also need to give some money to your family, and you can save it when you go out."

"How could it be?" Xu Huo echoed a few words and took the initiative to chat with them. He learned that Shen Fei had actually found many players to cooperate with him before, but despite the fact that District 019 was so peaceful, the streets seemed to be full of tourists.

Players, if someone causes trouble, they will be dealt with quickly. In fact, players in outer areas are not that safe.

Some people specifically select players from outside areas to target.

"I heard that there is an instrument in Area 019 that can separate the space without attracting the attention of the robots." Xu Huo said: "The government sometimes uses this instrument to deal with players in other areas."

The expressions of the three of them changed slightly when they heard this. Ke Youming said: "We have been here for almost a month and have never heard of it."

Of course, when it comes to these things, the first thing players think of is their own situation.

"Do you think there will be such an instrument within the Haiers Group?" Shen Fei couldn't help but ask.

The three people who had repeatedly tried to enter the Haiers Group couldn't help but look happy.

"Is the news confirmed?" Zhu Zhongliang asked.

Xu Huo nodded, "I heard it from others, but I haven't actually seen it, but it's not surprising that there is such an instrument in Area 019."

Shen Fei deeply agreed and said: "It is more difficult to prevent players from other divisions from breaking the law than to change gender, but we have not encountered an incident with a wide range of effects for such a long time. It seems that it was dealt with quickly.

, or they use special instruments to separate them from the crowd, we just don’t know.”

"It seems that we have to be more careful in our actions in the future."

"I said those people's player levels don't seem to be high, so why do they go around luring players from other areas without any trouble?" Ke Youming couldn't help but said: "Maybe they have this kind of prop in their hands, and they are players from area 019."

To be honest, it would be a bit shameful for advanced players to do this kind of thing in an environment like District 019. How does the District 019 government allow them to exist?

"The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, not to mention those people are not necessarily from District 019," Shen Fei said more rationally, "If you want to do bad things, there are many ways."

Getting back to the topic, he asked Xu Huo where he planned to start. They had been here for a long time and could help him eliminate some worthless clues.

"Go to Haiyin Media first." Xu Huo gave an answer that surprised them.

Thirty minutes later, they appeared under the Haiyin Media building with freshly prepared media worker certificates.

Haiyin Media is a company under the Haiers Group. It can be regarded as a medium-sized part of many media companies. However, this company was formed from the merger of the three media companies "Hai Shi", "Hai Anemone" and "Lang Lang" that have been cancelled. , and Haishi publicized the mining accident many times a hundred years ago, and initiated articles and reports to become familiar with it.

"What are you doing here?" Ke Youming was puzzled, "The victims' information is all on the terminal."

Xu Huo had already prepared a summary of the materials in advance. He raised his glasses and said, "Of course we need more original information. You can only see what they want you to see in the subsequent news reports."

"Isn't it the same now?" Zhu Zhongliang said: "Things that were hidden before are impossible to tell now."

Xu Huo did not answer this question because the receptionist from Haiyin Company came out. After meeting the person in charge, he took out an overview of materials prepared in advance, which listed some large companies including Haiers and Tiantianle. Simple handling procedures for mining accidents.

"We are doing a special issue on the inheritance of corporate culture, and we plan to submit the 'Plough Bay Star' program to participate in the review. I hope your company can provide some help." Xu Huo said with a smile on his face: "Hailes Company is the symbol of Plover Bay City. A global enterprise should not only be praised for its technological innovations, but the entrepreneurial spirit passed down from generation to generation is the most valuable thing."

Everyone said polite words, but the person in charge of Haiyin Company did not open the door to him just because of his two kind words. Instead, he verified their identities first and said, "You have only been employed for half a month?"

"Yes," Xu Huo said without changing his face: "We are students at Enns College. We mainly do it to complete our coursework and practice, but we will complete everything seriously."

"It turns out you are a student from Enns College," the person in charge said with a gentler expression, "The graduates from Enns College are all elite talents. I didn't expect that you would come out to do coursework and practice at this time. Didn't the entire college enter because of the dean's serious illness? Is it a holiday?"

"We applied through special channels," Xu Huo said: "Part of the reason why we chose this topic is the dean. The dean has mentioned the martyrs who sacrificed many times. He doesn't want us to forget our predecessors. We were born late. , I have never experienced it before, so I want to know more about it.”

"So that's it." The person in charge got up and went to the large terminal in the next room to search, and selected some data sets to hand over to them.

"Please send it to our company's shared terminal." Xu Huo gave him an address.

The person in charge completed as instructed, and then said with a smile: "It's rare to come here, why don't I treat you to a simple meal. You are new here, and you must not have had time to taste the specialties of Plover Cove City."

Xu Huo said apologetically: "We want to send the results to the dean as soon as possible."

This chapter has been completed!
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