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Chapter 1733: Don’t ask about welfare, just ask about funerals

 After resting nearby for a night, it was not until the next morning that Xu Huo and the others discovered that the retired senior executive of Haiers was traveling by car - there was an abundant supply of free aircraft in District 019, and many families did not have cars, so everyone

Accustomed to this way of traveling, Mr. Wei usually uses free aircraft when traveling. I didn't expect that he would drive by himself today.

"Isn't this a coincidence?" Zhao Yiming asked: "He went directly from home to the 'Seventeen Sides' activity lecture hall. He didn't get out of the car on the way, so he had no chance to make a move."

"Then let's go to the lecture hall first." Jiao Hongyuan searched the location and said, "It's still a long way from here. I can do it when Wei gets off the bus."

This was the best way, so a group of four people rushed to the lecture hall. Mr. Wei hadn't arrived yet. The first step was completed by Zhao Yiming and Meng Xiaoman. Jiao Hongyuan was responsible for assisting to avoid mistakes. Xu Huo entered the lecture hall first.


At this time, the morning ceremony of "Seventeen Sides" has been completed, and the residents living nearby have gone home. The ones who are still in the lecture hall are the lecturers hired by the religion, who are of course also religious people.

The other party packed his things and was about to take a rest. When he saw Xu Huo walking in, he couldn't help but stop and ask him, "Are you worried about anything, my child?"

A very familiar set.

Of course, with a few exceptions, most religions are very polite.

"I want to wait for a friend here." Xu Huo said, "Excuse me."

"It's okay, you can use this place." The lecturer raised his hand, showing his religious mind, "We welcome all friends inside and outside the church."

The lecturer didn't seem to be in a hurry and walked towards him, "Child, do you know where this place is?"

Xu Huo nodded, "The place where the 'Seventeen Faces Sect' holds its ceremony."

"Are you interested in learning more about my teaching?" The lecturer smiled and stood in front of him. "You have chosen to enter the lecture hall at this time. You and Shiqi Mian are very destined."

Xu Huo acted like he was all ears.

The lecturer sat down two seats away from him and began to preach the teachings of the Seventeen Sides.

No religion is static. Religions controlled by people, like people, will have their concepts change, and as time goes by, they will gradually expand their doctrines in order to be more in line with the inner thoughts of the public and attract more believers.

The same applies to the seventeen aspects. There is nothing strange about the teachings. It is nothing more than that there is punishment for sins, rewards for good deeds, settlement of good and evil deeds during life and death, or settlement of good and evil deeds in one's own body and future generations. In general, it is to teach living people to be good.

In addition, combined with the overall situation of District 019, Seventeen Sides also has a psychological counseling function and advocates inner peace.

Xu Huo followed his words and asked some questions, and the lecturer was able to answer them all. He could also expand and extend the questions, and even mentioned his special professional status and social situation intentionally or unintentionally, probably because he wanted to attract more players.

"Is there really an afterlife?" Xu Huo asked again: "With the advanced technology in Area 019, so many advanced instruments cannot capture people's souls. How can we be sure that there is an afterlife?"

"Living people practice not only the physical body, but also the soul. As for the world after death, only very enlightened people can get a glimpse of it during life, and it is difficult to tell it to outsiders. All we get is

These people leaked only one-thousandth or ten-thousandth." The lecturer said confidently.

Xu Huo nodded slightly, "Can I understand that whether a person is alive or dead, his practice is not over?"

The lecturer smiled and nodded.

"If this is the case, people can cultivate the physical body while alive, and continue to cultivate the soul after death. When the two states change, the physical body can only be abandoned. The abandoned physical body is no longer a carrier of spiritual practice, but becomes a

Unimportant things?" Xu Huo continued to ask.

"You can't say that," the lecturer said: "The body supports us walking in the human world. After cultivating, the soul can escape from the body, but it does not mean that the body is a useless item. It should still be treated kindly, the soul should be sent away, and the body should be buried.

It is also the end and beginning of life, not only the end of a journey for the deceased, but also the sustenance of others."

“One’s own birth, aging, illness and death and the birth, aging, illness and death of others are everyone’s issues.”

Xu Huo was thoughtful, and after a moment he said: "I have no relatives or friends in Area 019. If I die, will my colleagues in the sect collect my body for me?"

The lecturer showed a compassionate expression, "Don't be so pessimistic about your future... As long as you appear in Area 019, wearing a seventeen-sided badge on your body, any friend in the teaching will take the initiative to bear the responsibility for your death when they see you."

Everything after that.”

"Can I apply in advance?" Xu Huo continued: "I can't live in District 019 permanently. District 019 will not grant cemeteries to people from outside the district. Can I apply to the church to be buried in a unified manner on the 17th side?"

This was probably the first time that the lecturer had met the person who was undertaking the funeral without asking about the benefits of joining the religion. After Xu Huo persisted in questioning, he opened his notepad and registered his name, and gave him a seventeen-sided religious badge.

, "If that day really comes, Shiqimian will do its best to arrange everything for you."

"Thank you." Xu Huo put away his badge and turned to look at the door. Mr. Wei walked in unhappily, muttering something about bad luck. When he saw the lecturer, he took the lead and said: "I have a lot of things."

They've all been stolen, please send a message to my family first."

The lecturer did as he was told, and after asking a little about the situation, he was ready to take him out of the lecture hall.

When passing Xu Huo, the lecturer asked him to do as he pleased.

Mr. Wei glanced at him casually, as he would look at an oncoming passerby when walking on the road.

After watching the two people leave, Xu Huo looked at the religious symbols placed in front of the podium, clasped his hands and closed his eyes.

At this moment, to everyone, he looked like a devout believer.

The lecturer and Mr. Wei went to the back office.

The main purpose of Mr. Wei's trip was to donate money.

After his retirement, his salary was not low, and with the money he had accumulated when he was young, he lived a very prosperous life and had outstanding children. They would give him money regularly every year. In addition to his daily necessities, he would regularly donate a sum of seventeen cents.

The lecturer knew the cause and effect, sighed and said: "We are not short of money here, you can leave some money for retirement."

The two of them were obviously very familiar with each other, and Mr. Wei smiled and said, "I have plenty of pension money, and it seems that a new dessert has been launched recently. You can buy one for each of them."

The lecturer was quite helpless, "The dead really don't need to eat."

Mr. Wei disagreed, "Look, life in District 019 is getting better and better, and they will definitely not want to leave. When I was in my forties, they were in their twenties and thirties. Now that I am 167, they are still 23."

Ten years old, they are all children." ()

This chapter has been completed!
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