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Chapter 188 Simple Persuasion Methods

 Xu Huo had already finished checking the first office. When he walked out, he happened to face the flower seller. The two people, who had great contrast in appearance and body shape, had similar expressions. The strong man immediately stretched out his hand to sell the flower girl. The flower girl stood behind her, "If anything happens, come to me!"

Xu Huo raised his head and glanced at him, "You can speak Mandarin quite well."

The strong man and the flower girl looked at each other, but Xu Huo had already turned around and left.

The area of ​​this floor is not small, but the layout is simple. Overall, it is an irregular "T" shape. The horizontal direction is the corridor. There are fifteen elevators in front of the corridor. The place where he just entered the game is separated by a wall from the restroom and the entrance. Over here in the open office area.

After the office area, there is a tea room and several independent offices. In these two places, except for some daily living items and office items, there are no other personal items or research materials.

There are no sandwich walls, small secret rooms or invisible safes, and there are not even decorative paintings on the walls - this floor has been cleaned very clean.

Xu Huo walked to the window at the end of the corridor and looked up. There were sparse vine leaves exposed on the edge of the roof.

After standing here for a few seconds, he turned back to look at the person who quietly walked up behind him.

Zheng Liang, who deliberately walked softly, stopped and looked at him coldly, "Xu Huo, you still want to be in the limelight wherever you go. Let me tell you, those people outside will only hold you back in critical moments."

Xu Huo raised his eyebrows, "Except for being better than those outside in terms of force, in other ways do you think you are better than them?"

Zheng Liang forcefully took back his anger, turned around and left, saying: "The dog bit Lu Dongbin!"

Xu Huo walked towards the open office area.

Gu Yu and his party had already returned, and they were gathering together to discuss how to deal with the situation next.

Since there are no clues in the office, they have to find ways to prevent possible dangers.

"It's best to seal the elevator door." The glasses player suggested: "Whether it's a mutated plant or mutated movement, there are only two ways to get in, one is the window and the other is the elevator."

"What Wei Bin said makes sense. The elevator is easy to talk about, but how to seal the floor-to-ceiling windows?" Skull T-Sleeve said: "The window area is too big, and it is a whole window. There is no place to focus. Even if the tables and chairs here are removed, they will be blocked. Not on."

"My props can be used for a while," Zheng Liang said next to him: "But they don't have much lethality, so I'm afraid they can't prevent anything."

"What about the elevator door?" said the player with the mole: "Don't worry if you can't defend the front but the back."

The rest of the players are in a dilemma. Although they all have certain defensive items, their range is not large.

"It's really crazy. Why are there so many elevators in this damn place?" the bald player said, "There are actually fifteen elevators on one floor!"

"This may have something to do with the game." Gu Yu said: "This is the fifteenth floor, and there are fifteen elevators. It may have some special meaning."

The other players also looked puzzled. Compared to the number of desks on the fifteenth floor, fifteen elevators were a bit strange.

"Could it be that this building has been invaded by mutant plants a long time ago, and the researchers here developed a separate elevator?" a player with a Chinese character asked.

Zheng Liang rolled his eyes, "Who would live with such a ferocious mutated plant? Researchers are doing research, not crazy."

"It's impossible to tell." The Chinese-character face turned to the glasses player, "Wei Bin, do you think so?"

Wei Bin raised his nose and arched his glasses, and said slowly: "I can't tell, how normal do you expect people who can raise such ghosts to be?"

"Let's put aside the questions that we can't figure out for now, and let's deal with the problem at hand." Gu Yu lowered his head and glanced at the cell phone that had no signal, and said, "Seal the window first."

At this time, the middle-aged man with a backpack who had been beside him said: "We found a few rolls of tape, do you think you can use it?"

Gu Yu glanced at the people holding things. In addition to tape, they also made homemade weapons. They used tape to wrap pens or tool knives around the dismantled chair legs. The desks and chairs in the office were all assembled, and some parts were taken.

It can also be used as a stick when it comes down.

"What's the use of tape?" The player with the mole waved his hand impatiently: "Can it block piranha flowers or mutated animals? It can't even stop a person."

"You can try the tape." Xu Huo checked the toughness of the tape. "Even if it can't stop the piranhas, it will still hinder them. As long as you don't bite your head immediately when you are attacked, there is still a possibility of survival.


The people holding the tape were quite excited and immediately said: "Then we will seal the elevator with tape?"

"Don't seal the elevators, seal the windows." Xu Huo looked back at Gu Yu and others, and simply said more clearly, "There are fifteen elevators in total. The normal capacity of each elevator is thirteen people. Here are the players.

There are nearly two hundred people there, so it shouldn’t be a coincidence.”

"The elevator door can block the piranha, so there is no need for a second line of defense for the time being."

"You said it lightly, what if the elevator door suddenly opens?" The player with the mole retorted: "If someone dies then, it will be on you?"

This is just a matter of probability.

The elevator door is made of metal, which is better than any other defense. In other words, if there is something in the elevator shaft that can break the metal, then there is no use in setting up any defense.

As for whether the elevator doors will open automatically, it is impossible to estimate, and judging from the blood stains on the elevator doors, these elevators should be usable.

Suppose there is danger coming in from the window and they are unable to cope with it, the elevator is the only possible escape place.

Therefore, whether the elevator is sealed or not has additional risks for them, but Xu Huo prefers not to seal it.

However, he used a relatively simple persuasion method: "In ninety hours, will the game let you stay on the fifteenth floor to fish?"

The player with the mole choked.

"I also think it's better to leave it unsealed." The middle-aged man with a backpack said: "There are fifteen elevators, but there can't be mutant plants underneath each one, right?"

"Even if there is one, the elevator just happens to separate these mutant plants. It's easier to deal with one than fifteen."

Gu Yu and others thought about this and agreed not to seal the elevator but only the windows.

"Be careful, don't drop anything." She warned, and asked her companions to help, "Xiao Ba, Zhang Biao, keep a close eye on me."

Young people wearing skull short-sleeves and players with moles went to help, while the rest of the people went to the elevator and tried to figure out some clues.

"No, there's no movement inside even after I knocked." After a while, Zheng Liang said in frustration, "Maybe it's like just now, that thing came behind the door quietly."

"There's no smell." Wei Bin put his face against the crack of the elevator and inhaled hard, then turned around and said, "But it's good news, at least there's no poisonous gas inside."

This chapter has been completed!
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