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Chapter 1907 Platinum Badge

"If what you see is really the future, then this future must be doomed." Bai Kou said.

Xu Huo stared at her silently, and then said after a moment: "Since there is no way to change the future, what's the point of me coming to the Platinum Eye?"

Bai Kou smiled, "Isn't that just how people are? They believe in fate, but they don't."

Xu Huo also laughed, "How will you know if you don't try?"

Bai Kou raised her hand gently, and a chair appeared beside the table, "Let's sit down and chat."

Xu Huo sat down again and placed "Angel Eyes" on the table.

This time, the native stone was placed in front of him. Bai Kou tentatively put his hand on the stone, "It is indeed the 'starting point of time'."

"How far have you evolved?"

Xu Huo glanced at the fruits on the table and asked, "Try?"

Bai Kou looked at him steadily, then picked up one and threw it into the air.

Xu Huo used the power of the "angel's eyes" to move the time ray around him, and the scene of the fruit flying out and then falling was recorded and played repeatedly under the influence of the props.

However, he didn't feel it when he came out of the repetitive house. Now when he turned the time ray again, he vaguely felt the time ray in the fruit. It was just different from the space ray. The time power in the object was more like - one by one.

The mixture is lumpy and cannot be sorted out.

After feeling it for a moment, he retracted his hand and looked back at Bai Kou.

"You are very good at drawing inferences from one instance." Bai Kou glanced at the repeated images and met his gaze, "But it's still early to use props."

Mega Evolution has this process at the beginning, and there is still a long way to go before he can really do something with time rays.

"Will there be any side effects of time-to-super evolution?" Xu Huo asked.

"You have sequelae?" Bai Kou was a little surprised, "What sequelae? Hallucinations or headaches?"

"Headache..." Xu Huo hesitated, "If foreseeing the future can be considered an illusion, then it should be a hallucination."

Bai Kou thought for a while and said: "As far as I know, there are generally no side effects from time to super evolution. You should have evolved too many times in a short period of time, which has affected your brain."

"Have you used any other auxiliary props recently? Especially in terms of mental strength."

Xu Huo briefly described the effect of the "state of thinking".

"That's the sequelae of your unrestrained use of mental power." Bai Kou said firmly: "Frequent use of mental power puts a greater load on the brain, not to mention that you also rely on external forces to output high energy. It's best to rest for a while.

Don’t use spiritual power anymore, and don’t use it with props.”

"If you rest well, it won't have too far-reaching effects, but if you continue like this, be careful of schizophrenia."

"So serious?" Xu Huo picked up the fruit on the ground, wiped it and put it back on the table, and said casually.

"Who can say for sure about the brain? So far in the development of the game, we don't even know the specific reason for the super evolution." Bai Kou nodded his head, "In the end, it's still because of this."

At this point, Xu Huo was about to leave. He kept his promise and did not take back the "angel's eyes". Instead, he said: "Seeing that you are seriously injured, there is no need to rush into your second evolution."

Bai Kou smiled and threw him a platinum badge with eyes engraved on it. "Have a good time here for a few days. All expenses will be charged to my account. With this badge, you will be able to visit anywhere in Platinum Eyes."


Xu Huo caught it and looked at it before exiting the mechanical castle.

When he came out, a player in the uniform of the law enforcement team also came out of the mechanical castle. The other player was alone and summoned an unmanned aircraft and said to him: "My name is Yan Fang. Miss Kou Kou said that I will be in charge of you these days.


Xu Huo nodded politely and asked him to go to the station to pick someone up after sitting on the bus.

Xiao Yuan and Tan Qi should be arriving soon on the non-player train.

Yan Fang sat in the driver's seat and controlled the aircraft to the nearest non-player train station. "The next train will arrive at the station in fifteen minutes. The aircraft will arrive in about five minutes. However, the aircraft cannot enter the station. I can only

Wait outside. There is a special waiting area in the station. You show your badge and the station staff will take the customer to the waiting area."

Xu Huo nodded and said he understood.

Compared with player stations, there are twice as many armed robots in non-player stations. In order to protect ordinary people, players are generally not allowed to enter the inner station. There is a special waiting room outside, or you can wait right at the station entrance.

Xu Huo simply showed his badge, and the staff member's smile immediately became bright and sincere. He was invited into a separate waiting room, and after being served tea, melons and fruits, someone registered the name, appearance, and other information of the person he wanted to pick up.

There are trains.

After waiting for less than five minutes, the staff who stayed outside the waiting room knocked on the door and came in, sending the video feed from the internal station so that Xu Huo could confirm whether it was the person he wanted to pick up.

There is no need for Xu Huo to go out after this, the staff will send the two children over.

When it was delivered, they also gave each of the two children a gift bag, the kind that can be carried on the back with the station emblem. They also thoughtfully gave some discount coupons for amusement parks suitable for children, and asked them if they wanted to be delivered by aircraft.

, even when you go out, you have to be reminded of the non-existent threshold.

People from the law enforcement team were waiting outside the door, and people from the station stopped at the door in time.

After getting in the car, Xu Huo asked the two children if the road was going well.

Xiao Yuan nodded repeatedly, "The flight attendant sister is very nice. She knew that we were not following adults and gave us a lot of food."

As she spoke, she took out the snacks left behind and shared them with Xu Huo.

Xu Huo called up the information terminal in the car and said, "Let's go have dinner later. After dinner, you can choose a place to play."

Xiao Yuan cheered a little, and then happily looked at the travel guide on the terminal.

Tan Qi, who was sitting silently on the side, couldn't help but glance at Xu Huo and asked tentatively: "Don't you need to find a place to stay?"

"There are places to live everywhere." Xu Huo motioned for them to look outside.

Just at this time, a touring airship passed by outside, and countless balloons and flower petals were thrown down from it. Amid the excitement and commotion, the laughter of the children was especially obvious.

Passing aircraft all slowed down invariably.

Xu Huo reached out and took two small balloons in, giving one to each of the two children. "Blind box balloons, there are toys in the balloons."

Xiao Yuan thought the balloon was pretty and was reluctant to part with it. Tan Qi deflated his own, took out the small toy inside and handed it to her, "I'll give you mine."

"Thank you." Xiao Yuan took it readily, then gave him the balloon in his hand, "I'll give it to you."

"Want toys? I have plenty here!" A clown suddenly flew down from a high altitude, laughing and waving flower petals, and the flying petals formed words in the air:

"Welcome to the Exotic Animal Show!"

This chapter has been completed!
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