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Chapter 1935 Identity in doubt

A large-scale investigation that established the authority of the Ministry of Supervision suddenly showed signs of intensifying conflicts because an inspector captain and a gang leader were killed.

The Department of Supervision's investigation has not yet ended, and the black organizations in the Western District have found players as quickly as possible - they are even more worried that the Department of Supervision will take advantage of this time to attack their own people to frame them, and the captain

His death seems to be the beginning.

Of course, the Ministry of Supervision has also felt this pressure, especially the inspectors below, who have begun to question the purpose of this large-scale investigation.

Without instructions from the Eastern District Headquarters, the Western District Supervision Branch should not have provoked such a big dispute. Some people are worried that players from outside the district are causing trouble.

As these doubts deepened, the heads of the various branches of the Supervision Department also had to pay attention. The intensity of large-scale inspections of neighborhoods has not weakened, but they have begun to use armed robots and aircraft as the main inspection tasks, while ordinary inspectors are responsible for

Scheduling and support, one is to take care of the inspector's mood, and the other is to prevent players from outside areas from secretly attacking the inspector.

As for self-examination of players from outside areas, it is basically impossible. First, even if they are found, they probably won't be able to arrest them, and they may pay a greater price for it. Second, players from outside areas come and go.

, there are always players, but they cannot always investigate.

However, not investigating did not delay their suspicion of others, especially Wang Kai, who shot and killed the gang leader. Suddenly he became the target of suspicion and exclusion, and even the two new members Xu Huo and Han Cong were implicated -

—After all, it happened after they came.

"Isn't this nonsense?" Han Cong felt the other inspectors' overt and covert vigilance towards him, and couldn't help but said: "The attack on the inspectors did not just happen in the past two days."

"We can't rule out the possibility that players from outside the area will take action." Xu Huo made a reasonable conjecture, "What if the players from the outside area deliberately attacked the inspectors in order to enter the Supervision Department? Otherwise, why haven't they found anyone so far?"

Han Cong was speechless and couldn't help but muttered, "Is it possible that he is really a player?"

Who can say for sure? The knife that killed Captain Jiang appeared out of thin air. There were actually quite a few players around them at that time, including those from the West District and those from outside the district. The purpose of the attack was certainly not to kill a person.

The leader of the underworld is probably trying to provoke a melee between the Supervision Department and the underworld, which will cause chaos in the Western District.

When it comes to motives, any party is possible. The East District, the Resistance Army, and the players in the outer districts all have good reasons.

"Don't take any rest tonight." When the inspection came to an end, Li Song said to everyone: "Work overtime."

Most people have no objection to working overtime, and gathering them in the Supervision Department building at this time is actually to protect them.

However, this inspection was not completely fruitless. The Supervision Department caught two members of the resistance army. They were ordinary people. They were captured immediately after the clues were discovered. There was no time to resist or commit suicide.

It was not their turn to interrogate the rebels, but it could be seen from the few words of the old inspector that the rebels had become active recently, and they might be plotting something big.

"Let's go." Han Cong called Xu Huo. Their task was to deal with the members of the black forces and the ordinary people who resisted who were captured in the chaos.

The basic process is to first ask them whether they were involved in the inspector's attack. If there is no result, they will be beaten and then asked if they know who it is, or if they heard someone talk about it. But no result is found? OK, then beat them again and continue to ask.

Why did you cause trouble for the Supervision Department during today's investigation? This is a question that does not need to be answered, because the resistance offended the authority of the Supervision Department, so they have to be punished no matter what.

The interrogation lasted only half an hour, and two people had already been beaten to death.

Trained inspectors are different from ordinary people. Their skills may not be flexible, but they are much stronger than others in the West District, because the East District will regularly issue evolution agents to the inspectors.

The evolution agent that may have been popularized to every ordinary person in other districts is a treasured item in the West District, and it is also a means for the East District to control the West District. If here, which black force organization can get enough evolution agents, from the oldest to the youngest people

They might even sacrifice their lives for it.

But it is a pity that even if some black power organizations have players, they still control the gate and try not to let more people participate in dividing the cake.

When a partition first begins to evolve, there will be a large number of evolvers, and these passive evolvers will be the main force of the first batch of players.

Then the government or individuals use the blood of evolvers who have not taken the player's evolution agent to inject it into ordinary people and force them to evolve. This is the main force of the second batch of players.

Compared with the first batch of evolvers, those who are not adapted to evolution in the second batch will have a certain probability of death and degeneration. It is more like opening a blind box. If you drive well, you can get on the preliminary review train, but if you drive bad, you will die.

After the birth of the first batch of players, there will still be people in the evolved partitions who become evolvers one after another, but they are not in an explosive state like at the beginning. These people who slowly become evolvers over time are very important to a relatively stable group.

Society is actually a very unstable person.

Take the situation in the West District as an example. There are so many children, and players may be born among them in the future. Ordinary people can strengthen their bodies and extend their lifespan by taking milder and safer evolutionary agents. And if any of these people become adults,

If you have players, their starting point may be higher than those who have not taken the evolution agent, so even the dark forces will try their best not to let the evolution agent leak out, because when the quantity increases, one day their enemies may become players.

Therefore, the vast majority of people in the Western District are very fragile ordinary people. Not only have they not taken evolution agents, environmental pollution will continue to harm their bodies, and many people are actually already sick.

"I haven't been beaten enough. I haven't been angry enough!" The old inspector who was missing half of his eyebrows wiped the blood on his hands bitterly and asked Xu Huo and Han Cong to drag the body away.

Lin Guang, who escorted the newcomer in, saw this and followed him to help.

Not only them, but also corpses were dragged out from other interrogation rooms.

Han Cong couldn't bear to look directly at him.

Lin Guang thought for a moment and said, "Actually, don't blame Brother Tong. There is a reason why he hates people from the West District so much."

"I can't go into details about the reason. You will naturally know it after a while."

After a busy night, Xu Huo's basic task was to lead people and drag bodies. One-third of the men captured were dead, and the women were still alive and locked up, probably because they wanted to deal with them later.

After a tense night, at dawn in the morning, Li Song asked them to go back to their respective homes so that the newlyweds could have a day off today.


This chapter has been completed!
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