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Chapter 1942 Western District Cleanup Plan

Because of the successive defeats of the Eastern District players, the Supervision Department began to have a difficult time, because the Eastern District blamed the Supervision Department for not paying attention to information collection. They should have drawn attention to the inspectors when they were repeatedly attacked, instead of like before.

Turn a blind eye.

So after cleaning the freezing processing plant, all members of Xu Huo's branch began to investigate past cases. Whether someone took the initiative to report a crime or found a body, as long as the case was registered, they had to investigate themselves.

However, most of these cases are just scratching the surface, without even a formal and complete record. What can be found through investigation, a group of people from the branch can only pick out some that look special.

Of course, this inspection was absurd and futile in Xu Huo's view. Not to mention that the Supervision Department had a one-day deadline to investigate the case. Not many members of the branch cared about the finishing work. Even if some cases had been handled at that time,

After improving the records, over time the files will be closed like those cases with no results.

There are too few cases that can actually be settled, so the Ministry of Supervision is becoming less and less concerned. Anyway, whether the cases are completed or not does not affect their salary.

As a newcomer, Han Cong couldn't understand it just like Xu Huo, and he was also a little sulky. Firstly, the filter of the Supervision Department was broken, and secondly, he didn't expect that the colleague he was about to share life and death with would be such a person.

The other inspectors either don't care or have a tacit agreement not to mention this matter. In short, they all do their own things. They just need to do what the headquarters requires. Whether they can complete it or not will be decided later.

During the break, Han Cong went to the corridor to smoke and couldn't help but said to Xu Huo: "What's the future of this?"

Xu Huo glanced at him in surprise, "What future do you want?"

The work of the Supervision Department does not involve performance appraisal. Whether he can go to the East District depends entirely on the specific requirements of the East District. Is it possible that he still hopes to achieve results in the West District so that he can be promoted by the headquarters?

"My purpose of becoming an inspector is to live a better life." Han Cong said with a bit of frustration: "But now they tell me that the best way out for me in the future is to be an ordinary inspector here and work as a Western District inspector for the rest of my life.

Man...have you ever wanted to live like this?"

Xu Huo looked silently at an old man walking cautiously around the Supervision Department building outside, "At least it's much better than them."

"We are different from them." Han Cong said, "We are inspectors."

After he finished speaking, he put out his cigarette butt and went to the bathroom.

When Xu Huo returned to the office, the atmosphere in the office had changed again. People who were busy just now were all looking at their watch terminals.

Xu Huo also opened his own. It turned out that something was going on at the freezing processing factory.

A small media shop published all the evidence it had tracked and secretly photographed over the years on the terminal. The freezing processing plant was just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, almost all the corporate factories in the East District were doing the same thing, kidnapping living people to obtain organs and

This is nothing new. In addition, they will also select some beautiful and young children to kidnap, and the final ending of these children is nothing more than two, either becoming playthings or becoming organ donors. People disappear every year in the West District.

So many, more than half were killed directly or indirectly by these companies and factories.

And this media obviously has certain connections in the East District. They publicly claimed that the reason why the East District needs so many people is not only because they need organs to replace patients. In fact, the people in the East District have been taking evolution agents for a long time, and their bodies

Their quality is several times better than that of people in the West District, and some incurable terminal diseases are not a problem, so it is impossible to use them all on patients.

The published information mentions a pharmaceutical research and development group. This group has a dedicated corpse pool. Every year, dead experimental living subjects are thrown here and eventually turned into some waste residue. Photos are attached.

These things look shocking, but the most impactful thing is yet to come. The media said that with the support of well-wishers, they found that the East District had privately passed a proposal aimed at people in the West District - the West District Cleanup Plan.

In this proposal, the East District believes that it is very wasteful for the West District to be divided for the lower classes to live in. What’s more, the average number of criminals per capita in the West District is not worth the East District’s time to manage. And they are like parasites, not only consuming the East District’s resources, but also repeatedly giving the East District

If it brings trouble, to put it bluntly, the existence of this place is an eyesore, so we should simply bulldoze it and rebuild it.

Of course, it is impossible for people from the West District to live in the rebuilt area anymore, but driving these people away is afraid of causing a backlash, so the best way is to let them die.

Yes, the core of this cleanup plan is to kill the West Enders.

As for the method used, it was not stated in the published information, but the media gave several conjectures. One was to use weather or water sources to poison people in the West District, and the other was to create a plague.

The Western District is filthy and filled with all kinds of germs. Is it any wonder that people get sick and die?

As for this article, anyone who lives in the West District will get chills down the back after reading it.

The Ombudsman is no exception.

Because they are also from the West District. If there are no people in the West District, what is the need for the Supervision Department to exist?

"This...could it be true?" Lin Guang turned his attention to several captains.

The expressions on the faces of several team captains were not good-looking either. One of them with a quick temper kicked over the pile of documents in front of him and cursed: "Damn it, I still expect to retire in the Supervision Department!"

"Probably not." Li Song was still calm, "The reason why the East District placed so many factories in the West District is to obtain cheaper labor force."

"But machines can replace living people long ago!" Another person said.

Li Song was silent for a long time before saying: "The factory doesn't need it, and the medical research and development laboratory also needs it."

The office fell silent. There is indeed some truth to this statement, but admitting it is tantamount to admitting that they are livestock raised in the East District and have completely lost their dignity as human beings - they came to be inspectors just to be human beings!

"Let's talk about the future later. Let's go for a walk. Today is a day off. Let's go out and have some fun!" A captain picked up his coat.

So everyone in the Supervision Department walked out again with worries.

News circulated quickly on the street, and many people had heard the rumor. The residents looked at them, eager to get a few words from them.

Presuming something would happen if they continued to gather together, the group dispersed shortly after entering the hotel.

Of course, it’s not only the people from the West who are worried, but also outside players, because the exposed clean-up plan is simply pulling the plug. As soon as the people from the West finish playing, all the dungeons related to the West will disappear. They have only been in Yuquan City for a short time, and they said that it was just a clearance failure.

That's it, people who spend a long time may face random transmission.

The shuttle bus was driving on an uneven road. Xu Huo leaned on the back of his seat and stared at the light passing by outside the window. He didn't know how many of the people running around the streets talking to each other were rebels... But he had to admit that resistance

Jun played this skill beautifully. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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