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Chapter 2 Evolution

Chapter 2 Evolution

The old residential building was quickly surrounded by police cars, and the downstairs was blocked with water, but the residents on Xu Huo's floor kept their doors tightly closed.

"I really don't know what kind of bad luck you have, this is the third time this month." Zhao Biao, the veteran detective who led the team, took the cigarette from Xu Huo, shook his head with pity, and pointed to the police car decorated with

A black RV, "There are other people coming to ask questions today. Tell me everything you know and nothing will happen."

Xu Huo looked over and saw a young man in a neat suit and shiny leather shoes getting out of the car. He looked like an elite attending a formal event and was out of tune with the community.

The other person glanced at him, then walked up to him in a few steps, "Are you Xu Huo? Let's go to the car to talk."

He looked at Zhao Biao and did not ask Xu Huo about his wishes.

"Okay, I'm done asking here." Zhao Biao waved his hand.

Xu Huo followed the young man into the car, and the two sat across from each other. A secretary-looking person next to him turned on the recording on his mobile phone.

"Is there a replacement today?"

Xu Huo was the first to ask the question. The secretary who was being questioned subconsciously looked at the young man next to him. The young man dressed as a gentleman answered the question, "I want to ask you some questions, and I hope you will answer them truthfully."

Xu Huo nodded. This car had been here twice before, but the secretary was accompanied by an experienced middle-aged man.

"Tell me what happened."

Xu Huo told the truth. After listening to what he said, the young man began to ask questions:

“Why buy a refrigerator?”

"The one at home is broken."

"What kind of food do you usually like to eat?"

"I'm not picky about food, I'll eat everything."

"Has there been any change in your appetite recently?"

"The weather is too hot. Eat more vegetarian food."

"Are there any physiological changes when in contact with the deceased? For example, hunger, thirst, or increased strength."


"Your information shows that you graduated from a top domestic university and come from a wealthy family. Why are you working as an extra in Tingcheng?"

"I don't have a good relationship with my family, and I don't want to rely on them."

"You worked as an understudy in Tingcheng for two years and as an extra for four years. During this period, several directors offered you acting opportunities. Why did you refuse?"

"personal hobby."

The young man's eyes paused on his face for two seconds, and then continued to ask:

"Why do you think criminals came to you three times?"

Xu Huoping's tone changed, "Victim guilt theory?"

The secretary smoothed things over, "Mr. Xu, we are asking this to determine the conditions for criminal gangs to select victims..."

Xu Huo stared at the young man for a while, thought for a while and then said: "I don't know about the first two, but today's one said that I am very fragrant and that I am a woman. It is probably because I am handsome."

The young man half-smiled, "What do you think is different between that woman and ordinary people?"

"It's quite perverted. He even seduced me when he came in. He's very strong. He may have been a martial artist."

"What did she say?"

"Within a few words, she said she was an evolved person, had a lot of money, and asked me to save her."

"Do you know the person in the refrigerator?"

"I know him. He often delivers express delivery around here."

The question-and-answer pattern lasted for a long time. It took nearly two hours in the car before Xu Huo was free. When he got off the car, the young man handed him a business card and said, "If you have any physical changes, you'd better contact me.

This is also the wisest choice.”

"Tingcheng First Research Institute, Nie Xuan." Xu Huo pinched the business card and joked: "You're not going to capture the evolvers and slice them into slices, right?"

"There are many rumors about evolvers on the Internet, but if they are not properly managed, the result will be that they become like the woman who attacked you."

Nie Xuan didn't say much. He stuffed the cigarette left in the car into his shirt pocket, patted it lightly, then stopped and left.

Watching the car drive away, Xu Huo stuffed his business card into his trouser pocket, lit another cigarette before turning around and walking back.

The police were not done yet, so Zhao Biao wanted to arrange him to a nearby guest house, but Xu Huo refused and said he would stay at a friend's house for a few days. He simply packed up two pieces of clothing and found a nearby hotel.

As soon as he entered the room, the suppressed hunger surged over him. Xu Huo took a shuddering breath of cigarette, turned the compressed biscuits out of his bag and stuffed them all into his mouth, but this still couldn't relieve the craving. He covered it with his hands.

On the mouth and nose, the washed skin seemed to still smell of human blood, and the aroma was alluring.

After a few minutes, he rubbed his trouser legs hard and opened the tablet.

A month ago, strange phenomena suddenly occurred all over the world. Along with these strange events, many people had the desire to eat. The first ones to be attacked were domestic animals and pets. A spurt of crime broke out half a month ago, including cases of wounding and disappearances.

cases, with the most homicides.

After the initial fermentation, someone suddenly proposed the "evolutionary theory". Because the desire for gluttony is accompanied by increased physical fitness and sensory evolution, public opinions about "earth mutation" and "survival of the fittest" were rampant. There were even some people in some radical forums

Calling on evolvers to follow their instincts!

Of course, the forum was blocked immediately, but what is dangerous is not such remarks, but the "evolver's" uncontrollable desire to eat.

Xu Huo met the first evolver half a month ago, the second one ten days ago, and the woman today is the third one.

The first evolver was obviously a novice, and his physical strength and reflexes could not keep up. He acted completely on instinct, like a wild beast.

The second evolved person had learned how to hide his gluttonous desire, and even sneaked into the set to be friends with him for a day, and then found an excuse to "borrow" at his house that night.

The woman who came today knows how to disguise, but the disguise is not subtle. It is not unexpected. It is more likely that she feels that she has someone to rely on and does not need to hide when facing an ordinary person.

Within a month, the evolvers have adapted to this state.

Xu Huo put out his cigarette butt and counted his heartbeat on the watch.

227 beats per minute, this heartbeat is far beyond the normal heartbeat range, but it is not the fastest heartbeat, which is nearly 300 beats per minute.

Normally, a fast heartbeat will cause symptoms of dizziness, fatigue, difficulty breathing or even fainting and shock. However, his abnormal heartbeat started a month ago. In just ten days, he has gradually adapted to this heart rate. The highest heart rate is nearly 300, and the lowest heart rate is nearly 300.

Less than forty.

In addition to changes in heart rate and desire to overeat, physical fitness and sense of smell have also improved, and my eyes, which were originally slightly myopic, have returned to normal levels.

But it's not as good as the woman I saw today.

The woman's physical speed was obviously higher than his. The woman was petite and her physical strength was inferior to that of an adult male. Her progress was greater than that of him and the two previous evolvers.

"Is it because of the initial review?"

Xu Huo sat at the end of the bed, repeatedly lit the disposable lighter in his hand, and stared at the flickering light:

"How do I get into that car?"

At this moment, his vision suddenly went dark, and then a translucent projection screen lit up:

"The player's attributes are detected and the following three career options are provided:"

"A a gambler; B an adventurer; C a passerby."

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