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Chapter 2020 Under high pressure

"Unless everyone on our train is wiped out and everyone is done playing, your chance of survival is the greatest." The female fortune teller gave Xu Huo a wink.

Xu Huo did not speak. There is a high probability that he will not be completely wiped out. Although the divisions he has visited so far do not often deal with Hengxing Pharmaceutical, judging from the information revealed by Dr. Deng, there is no communication between different companies of Hengxing Medicine.

In other words, the experiment on the train may not notify the game government base in advance. If there is a problem with the train, the track supply department will come to clean up the mess sooner or later.

Of course, this is one of the better situations. If it is bad, as other players have said, the experiment will not end until Stellar Medicine comes to recover the alien species.

"Just wait." Xu Huo closed his eyes and said calmly.

"You can rest assured, I'll take care of the wind." The female fortune teller said with a smile.

Carriage 11 fell into silence again, and soon the players in other cars also began to take turns to rest.

Less than two hours later, it was already ten o'clock in the morning the next day. It was still dark on the track. Suddenly, the eighth carriage became noisy. The reason was that a player suddenly screamed and other people in the same carriage

They thought he had been tricked, so they used props to lock him up. Just when they were about to find the alien species from him, the other person woke up and said that he was fine and just had a nightmare.

The players checked the carriage and his protective clothing to make sure they were intact before relaxing.

"A dream can scare you so much, why not go home and feed yourself." In such a depressing environment, facing unknown opponents, players who were already emotionally unstable became more impetuous, and their words were inevitably unpleasant.

It also angered the player who had just woken up from the nightmare. He stared at the person who was taunting him, "Do you want to die?"

The tall man opposite showed no sign of weakness, "If you have the guts, do it!"

The two of them were about to fight, but White Suit stepped in to stop them, "We'd better not get into trouble. The aliens haven't appeared yet, so there's no need to consume each other."

The tall man didn't appreciate it, "Who do you think you are? It's your turn to give orders here?"

As he spoke, he quietly moved his hand, but the white suit was not a vegetarian either. After blocking his prop, he pushed it back a step, with a warning tone: "What we are going to face is just a beast, you are no better than

You beast can't control yourself."

The difference between strength and weakness can be seen once they fight. The tall man restrained his temper and silently took a step back to express his concession.

The carriage returned to its calm state, and the white suit asked the player in detail about the nightmare.

The content of the nightmare was related to personal experience, so even if he asked, he couldn't get any useful information from it, so everyone cleared up the matter and returned to their own cars.

But less than half an hour later, there was another commotion in the third carriage. Two players got into a fight for no apparent reason. If the people next to them hadn't reacted quickly, the carriage would have been overturned. However, after they were stopped separately, they both

He said that the other party attacked him and forced him to resist.

The player is not a judge and cannot judge the case between the two. Lest they damage the carriage, they can only separate them into different carriages to settle the matter.

But the third conflict happened soon, and this time it was more serious. A player in the fourth carriage suddenly exploded and killed a female player at an extremely fast speed. The female player was probably seriously injured.

After the defensive barrier was broken, he didn't react in time, so he was stabbed through the belly and pulled horizontally by the suddenly angry man, and his whole body was almost cut in half!

It was impossible to save the person. What was annoying was that when the two of them took action, they not only broke the props used by other players to seal the windows, but also tore off a window - the top and left sides of the train were connected together, and the damaged area was too large.

It is very likely that the entire carriage will be scrapped directly.

With the combined efforts of everyone, the murderous player was quickly subdued. The white suit stopped the others and asked first, "Why did you kill her?"

The killing player's eyes burst with hatred, "She deserves to die!"

No matter how slow everyone is, they realize that something is wrong.

"Why?" Gao Ponytail checked his instrument, "They were all mentally disturbed, but the instrument didn't respond!"

Players basically have an instrument or prop that can sense spiritual power. Some can simply sense it, while others have the ability to resist interference. However, these props and instruments are unresponsive, and the player is indeed affected, otherwise it would be impossible for someone to lose control continuously.

"Did the instruments and props malfunction?" Someone speculated, becoming more frightened at the same time, "Will other props malfunction next?"

This guess is not unreasonable. It is obvious that the ticket is not unusable on the track, but the player's ticket cannot be used. Otherwise, how would the train staff evacuate? The props and instruments that the player relies on are dependent on the stable game world to take effect. If

This stable external environment is out of control or simply restricted, and the props and instruments are just a pile of junk!

At present, many players are testing their own props, and then they feel relieved after confirming that there are no problems in using other props.

"Is it possible that the space here is special and can interfere with mental instruments?" Someone else said, "Isn't there a dangerous zone full of mental interference in the game?"

It is usually caused by changes in the partitioned environment during the evolution. People who enter will be affected, including but not limited to auditory and visual hallucinations. In more serious cases, they may even have delusions. In this case, it is very difficult for relevant instruments and props to malfunction.


"It just so happens that the window is broken, let's reinforce it from the outside." The red scarf in the tenth car came forward and said: "Wrap the inside and outside with a layer, lest we don't even have a place to stay in the event of an accident."

Other players also agreed with this, so they arranged for a few robots to go out and seal the windows with the ordered metal plates. Of course, they still left a palm-width gap in the middle for observation.

Soon the players occupied the carriages. Except for the eleventh carriage which was not sealed at Xu Huo's request, the others were sealed from the outside. Although the others did not understand what he was going to do, it was still better to leave two people outside to observe.

Happy to see it come to fruition.

"Didn't you sense anything?" the female fortune teller asked.

"Nothing has changed." Xu Huo said. Due to the sequelae, he was not very focused after getting in the car, but he could still feel the spiritual power slowly increasing in the space.

Speaking of enhancement, in his opinion, it is impossible to reach the level of affecting high-level players, making it difficult for people to have nightmares, let alone stimulating players to go crazy and unable to control themselves. The accidents of the previous players may not be entirely related to mental interference. They were originally

The mental problem may be bigger.

But White Suit is very interesting. He is not a spiritual super evolver, but he pays too much attention to the mental changes of those players.

A new year has begun. I wish you all good health and happiness from now on! (* ̄︶ ̄)

This chapter has been completed!
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