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Chapter 2022 Suicide

The night became even more torturous, especially after it was discovered that Xu Huo's mental state was not stable. The players in the ten carriages were originally isolated on purpose, but now in order to guard against the eleventh carriage, the players in the front carriage were not allowed to enter the ten carriages.

After closing the door, a few more people were arranged to enter the tenth carriage. While monitoring Xu Huo, they also monitored the players in the tenth carriage.

The players in the ten carriages were originally excluded, but now because Xu Huo was targeted, their faces became not very good.

More versus less, no one cares about their attitude.

Probably because everyone focused too much on the eleventh carriage, in the middle of the night, a player in the three carriages in front died quietly.

The person died for a while before being discovered by the players who were about to change shifts. The way of death was the same as the previous players. There was a small slit in the back of the protective suit, water was everywhere in the clothes, and the person showed the characteristics of drowning.

But this time, the windows of the third carriage were not broken, the sealed areas of the second and seventh carriages were not broken, and there were no water stains on the ground. It was as if the player was drowned by water that appeared out of thin air.

"Would you like to do another autopsy?" someone suggested.

"It's probably the same." Bai Sui said: "Otherwise, where would the water in the train come from to drown people?"

"Beep! Beep!" The sound of water suddenly sounded outside the carriage. Everyone's expressions changed and they quickly opened the windows and looked outside.

It's raining.

The alien species lurking near the train is related to water, so it happens that it rains again.

"It seems that they really have no intention of letting us live." A burly player said to everyone: "Rather than just sit back and wait for death, it is better to take the initiative. Does anyone dare to go out with me?"

"No, haven't you seen the movie?" Gao Mawei said: "Generally those who are alone and isolated, and those who take the initiative are the first to die."

The burly player laughed, "If I'm going to die sooner or later, I don't want to die so cowardly. Who dares to go?"

In fact, there were players in the carriage who couldn't hold it in any longer. Three people came out and said quite confidently: "Any species has shortcomings in the evolution. Since this alien species does not dare to show its face until now, it means that it is evolving into a spirit."

When the interference occurs, physical fitness deteriorates. Shouldn't we take the initiative in this situation?"

"Otherwise, let's wait until the rain stops." Someone else suggested, "There's no need to go out specifically when it rains."

This statement was recognized by several burly players, so everyone waited for the rain to stop.

However, the rain near the track cannot be estimated by common sense. One second it was drizzle, and the next second it was pouring. The same goes for the weakening of the rain. One second it might be heavy rain, and the next second it suddenly stopped raining.

After repeating this process several times, the burly player estimated the time when the rain would stop and led the three players out of the train.

They first went around the front of the train and checked both sides of the train. After finding no more signs of damage, they tried to explore both sides of the track.

Although there are green plants on both sides, they are not very lush. If you stand outside and use props, you can test whether there is anything hidden inside.

It's a pity that several people crushed the surrounding grass and still found nothing.

After a few more minutes, the burly player saw that it was almost time to stop raining, so he called a few other people to prepare to return to the carriage.

Just when they approached the door left by the train, it suddenly started raining outside again. The protective suits of the two players behind were all soaked. When they got on the train, they changed out of their protective suits in the transition car before entering other cars.

The protective clothing was thrown out again. For safety reasons, even the water on the ground was cleaned by the robot, and no towels were left.

Although there was no gain this time, it told the players that there is not as much danger outside the train as they thought. Even if there are indeed alien species, judging from the frequency of killing one or two people at a time or entangling one or two people, the number will not be large.

When it comes to reproduction, it's not that easy.

So once the first group of people went out, there would soon be a second group. They went out when it stopped raining and came back before it started to rain. Everyone could take turns getting out of the car to get some fresh air.

However, if there are too many people going out, there will always be someone who cannot come back on time. The other players don't care about the number of people. They will close the door when it starts to rain and never wait for anyone.

The first two players who were left outside were a little panicked at first, but as time went by, they discovered that there was nothing abnormal and even set up props next to the track to rest. Some people started this, and others did not.

As rigorous as before, the train space is limited and cannot accommodate larger props. For players, it may be safer to stay in their own props.

Seeing the number of people stranded outside gradually increasing, the people in the ten carriages were amazed.

"How long has it been before they are no longer afraid?"

"Do you think they are stupid?" The red scarf said: "Everyone is trapped in the car, and maybe they will become the target of alien attacks. We are constrained by using props on the train. It is not as convenient as using props in our own place. In other places

The props are also sturdier than the train. If it doesn’t work, just get back on the train.”

It rained heavily again and again, and it didn't stop until the morning of the third day. At this point, everyone gave up searching and were all resting. However, the first player suddenly woke up from his dream less than twenty minutes after falling asleep.

I woke up with a start and slashed the wall in front of me with my knife before I realized that I was in a venue prop.

Soon a second and third person was forced to wake up.

So they walked out of their own place and props, looked up and saw that there were people around them, and they guessed that everyone was in the same situation.

"Wow!" The rain suddenly picked up and stopped again half a minute later. At this time, some people were outside and some had returned to their own places and props.

At noon, the players outside the train began to get together to cook some hot soup. Three players did not show up, so the white suit asked someone to call. Unexpectedly, the person who called the people found that the props had been used as soon as they touched the place.

It became an ownerless thing. After picking it up, the corpse inside fell out.

Three more people died, still drowned.

Seeing this scene, even if some players put away their props and went straight back to the train, the rain was coming in and out, and there were many players outside. At this time, it was difficult for them to change their clothes one by one, and it was impossible for the people on the car to change their clothes.

They were all blocked in the transition car, so I could only let two cars out and keep a distance from them.

Now, in addition to carriages eleven and ten, the vacant carriages seven, two, three and four have also been separated.

But getting on the bus does not mean safety. In less than an hour, a player suddenly went crazy. He could not listen to anything at all. He attacked the surrounding players crazily and then pulled out a dagger and slit his own throat! ()

This chapter has been completed!
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