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Chapter 2119 The only holder of Angel’s Teeth


Xu Huo paused and chose to accept.

[Congratulations to Passerby A for receiving a legacy gift, which consists of five "Angel's Teeth". Since Passerby A has become the sole holder of this prop, you have also obtained the remaining ten "Angel's Teeth".

Yes, the remaining ten "Angel's Teeth" of this prop are still at the E27 wormhole point, and you can freely choose whether to recycle them immediately.]

"Angel's Teeth" is suspected to be one of the parts of the super prop Field Battle Angel. Unlike parts such as "Angel's Eyes", "Angel's Teeth" appear vaguely as a dungeon mission. Granny Bai who holds it

It seems that he knows the origin of the prop, but he doesn't value it that much. He even gave one of the teeth to a strange player who entered the dungeon.

Of course, Xu Huo also had doubts about Granny Bai. She had a grudge against the local government controlled by outsiders, and she didn't have much affection for the fairy tale city itself. It seemed that she only stayed there out of some habit, but later the suitcase man

Because the Smiling Puppet arrived at the Jigsaw Fairy Tale City, the city must have been destroyed once, but after that Xu Huo searched for the ticket at that station and found that he still had the ticket, and later when he met the paper warrior in the Clown City, the paper warrior also said that Granny Bai

Okay, this is even more strange, because in his memory, Granny Bai is a person who may die at any time. She survived when the fairy tale city was destroyed by the Suitcase Man, but now she suddenly "angel's"

All the "teeth" were given to him...Did an accident happen or the person died?

According to the game's prompts, Xu Huo realized that when Granny Bai gave him the first tooth, she had already planned to let him inherit this item one day in the future. Xu Huo immediately turned around and left the ruins, called the painting girl and left Hecheng.

He originally wanted to buy a ticket for the Jenga Fairy Tale City and go directly to the station, but the ticket for this station is no longer available on the game platform. The area where the Jenga Fairy Tale City station is located has been reduced to a breeding area. There are not many copies of it, the population is sparse, and alien species are everywhere.

, there are not even a few places for people to survive outside Fairy Tale City. Without the ticket from Jimu Fairy Tale City Station, it is almost difficult for players to reach this zone.

Xu Huo searched for relevant information on Under Dimension, but Jimu Fairy Tale City was only an E-level dungeon, and there were very few people discussing it. Therefore, he could not obtain the specific situation of the current Jimu Fairy Tale City, so he offered a reward for Fairy Tale City on Under Dimension.

There are no tickets for the station and the "doorbell" prop that can travel between the game world and semi-enclosed areas. However, a player who came to sell "doorbells" told him that if the area where the Block Fairyland City is located no longer has a copy,

It is very likely that he has been kicked out of the dungeon partition ranks. Such a partition will either be abandoned in the end, or become a site for high-risk random dungeons. The dungeons are gone, and the "doorbell" will naturally not be able to get there, but he can also use another way to get there.

, that is to purchase a one-time cross-district instrument. As long as you accurately locate it near the partition where the station is located, you can open a portal, but such an instrument is very expensive.

Xu Huo had experienced the equipment that crossed the zone before, and was thrown into a nearby high-risk dungeon site in a daze. Such equipment technology was basically blocked by the game government. The zone government bought it at a high price and used it as consumables, even under such harsh usage restrictions.

Next, the distance that the instrument can transmit is also graded, across partitions and wormhole points. The most basic version cannot locate the partition and cannot find the place at all. In the game, locating the partition is not an easy task.

"Do you have a way to accurately locate the partition?" Xu Huo sent the message.

The other party responded very quickly, "D-level and above dungeons have partition information, but E-level dungeons do not bring tickets. But you want to go to the Jenga Fairy Tale City. This copy was upgraded some time ago and it happens to have the partition information. I can do it for free."

To help you locate the location, as long as you enter the wormhole point where the partition is located, it is basically no problem to use the teleportation device. Just use the ticket when you come out. But the teleportation device is not cheap, and ordinary people cannot get it. I sell it here for 300 million yuan."

Teleporting from different zones in the same wormhole point is still a disposable instrument, so the price is obviously high. However, Xu Huo did not bargain, but proposed to trade it through the game's bounty platform.

One benefit of the bounty platform is that it can ensure honest transactions.

The other party probably wanted to skip the bounty platform and was reluctant to go through this channel. Xu Huo didn't say much, but offered a bounty of 200 million for a new one-time cross-district transmission device. There were many people who came to him, but most of them

All for the purpose of defrauding deposits.

In the end, the player agreed to trade on the bounty platform. Xu Huo paid 300 million in white money and got a teleportation device that had already set the teleportation location. After checking the partition information and the authenticity of the device, he confirmed that the copy of the Jimu Fairy Tale City was completely complete.

After the disappeared partitions were still within the range where tickets could be used, he took the painting girl to the wormhole point where the Jimu Fairy Tale City was located, and used this one-time teleportation prop after arriving at any partition.

The thick metal ring on the wrist was activated and deconstructed in the air. The six metal pieces released connected with the light to form a halo. The halo was projected in the space in front, and soon formed a dazzling circular portal. Xu Huo raised his feet

Stepping in, the next second you appeared in a dry forest.

Raising his hand to catch the scrapped teleportation device, he looked around, and then stepped out. After traveling quickly through the space several times, he encountered the first abandoned city that was basically occupied by alien species. This city

It has been devastated by war, and most of the buildings have been turned into flat ground. Scorched earth and yellow sand have become the main colors here. Even the alien species entrenched here seem to have evolved the ability to assimilate with the environment, hiding in the soil and sand.

hunting each other.

After finding a preserved map in a cellar, Xu Huo confirmed that this was indeed the subdivision where Jimu Fairy Tale City was located, and the map also indicated the location of the city.

After positioning himself, he directly used the teleportation prop to reach the Brick Fairy Tale City.

The city that was once famous for its tourism and attracted tourists from other districts has become a ghost town. Not only the places where ordinary citizens live, but also the government offices and the Wing Star Hotel are vacant. The stench of fermented garbage and small animal carcasses permeates the entire city.

, the fragrance of delicious food and flowers seems to have never appeared.

Xu Huo walked all the way to the center of the city. He saw no one, no dead bodies, and not even alien species entered. The whole city became an empty city, and all living objects seemed to have evaporated. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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