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Chapter 2158 Measures against spiritual evolvers

There are also many players trapped in the blockade. Players from outside areas who wanted to cause trouble were immediately stopped by city government players and driven away from the hotel. However, there was still no chaos in the blockade. A large number of ordinary people were there without notification from the city government.

They automatically moved towards the edge of the blockade barrier, and everyone consciously brought their defensive equipment with them. If they didn't have it with them at the moment, they would immediately apply for one from the nearest law enforcement team.

Xu Huo went upstream and heard someone discussing Dou Shengnan's abilities. He was worried that he might be hypnotized without knowing it. If he suddenly went crazy and killed someone or committed suicide for no reason, his companions would definitely stop him.

Ordinary people in Lichuan City are still very optimistic at present, and they also joke with each other that if they feel hypnotized, they will knock their companions unconscious or inject a muscle relaxant in time, so that there is no chance of killing or committing suicide.

The rapid development of science and technology and economy has given ordinary people the confidence and confidence to deal with extreme situations.

However, we won't be able to get to this step for a while, if Dou Shengnan doesn't want the city government and the military region to formally participate in the war.

Like other players who are paying attention to the battle situation, Xu Huo has to change positions almost immediately, because due to the influence of various blocking instruments and jamming instruments, his mental strength may not be able to break through the obstacles and observe the situation inside and outside the hotel. However, he changed positions seven or eight times in a row.

This time, he still didn't notice any difference between every Dou Shengnan who appeared in the hotel.

According to his observation, three Dou Shengnan can appear in the same place at the same time. Unlike his different personalities, these Dou Shengnan are completely indistinguishable, with the same appearance, expression, and behavioral patterns. These are either unrelated personalities or the concentration of Dou Shengnan's spiritual power.

The dummy comes out.

There are fake people everywhere, where are the real people?

Xu Huo searched every corner of the hotel, but could not find a more special place. It was as if Dou Shengnan's spiritual power was evenly spread on every inch of the hotel's walls and floors...

The human eye is easily deceived. If an object is too small, you may not be able to see it. Conversely, if an object is too large, you may still not be able to tell what it is.

Dou Shengnan's spiritual world is probably enough to cover the ten kilometers of the blockade. If she can't be found in the hotel, she is probably somewhere else.

Just when Xu Huo was hesitating whether to test it with his mental power, the street lights all over the city suddenly turned on, as if it was time to turn on the lights uniformly, and all the lights within the blockade area emitted the same blue light.

The players in Lichuan City obviously knew the reason why these lights were on, and they all exclaimed: "Is our entire city in Dou Shengnan's spiritual world?"

Xu Huo's expression moved slightly, and he immediately let go of the spiritual world in a small area. As expected, the blue light emitted by the street lights around him was brighter, which also attracted the attention of the surrounding players.

What a big deal, Lichuan City actually added a psychic power detection system to the public lighting in the entire city. Once it is turned on, anyone can see that there are psychic super evolved people around them without the need for super evolutionaries to distinguish.

In addition to Xu Huo's place, there is also a place with brighter lights near the hotel. There are not only Dou Shengnan, but also the super evolvers of the Chunlei Organization.

But it's not any brighter than other places. Again, Dou Shengnan's spiritual power is evenly distributed within this blockade.

For some unknown reason, Chunlei sent over a few more super evolved ones, and also brought a few cannon barrels with him.

Those cannon barrels were not real attack weapons. When Dou Shengnan disappeared from the Chunlei members again, one of them activated the cannon barrel, and a conical tip shot out of the cannon barrel was pierced with a thin thread thinner than silk.

Disappeared place.

The energy in the barrel flows along the thin line to the conical head, and then sprays from the conical head into the air. Then some black mist appears in the air. These black mist extend like veins and float out of the window.

It continued to grow with the continuous injection of energy, until it merged with the energy shot from other cannons, and gradually formed a towering tree inside and outside the hotel.

The black mist on the giant tree is thick and light, and is not fixed. Where Dou Shengnan's figure appears, the black mist will be particularly thick, and the trajectory of her spiritual power activities also vary from new to old. From these thick and thin, the old and new can be discovered relatively slowly.

and estimate her whereabouts.

Not only foreign players like Xu Huo, but also local players in Lichuan City were shocked by this scene. They seemed not to have expected that there were so many ways to restrain the spirit of becoming a super evolver in Area 008. In this way, Dou Shengnan

It would be difficult to become invisible.

The lights of the instruments in the hotel began to flicker frequently again, but this was just to contain Dou Shengnan, because the giant black mist tree had not stopped growing, and one of its branches and leaves began to extend farther away.

If Dou Shengnan is really not in the hotel, it must be in the direction where the black fog extends.

Soon Dou Shengnan disappeared from the hotel and then appeared on the top of the building. She stood on the steeple, opened her pocket watch, and then snapped her fingers in the air.

In an instant, whether it was those who were watching the excitement nearby or those who were trying their best to get closer to the edge of the blockade, even ordinary people and players, all stood still in an instant.

The city suddenly became quiet, and only Chunlei members chased him out of the hotel one after another and surrounded Dou Shengnan.

"What do you want to do!" A member of Chunlei shouted when he saw the scene in the distance.

Dou Shengnan looked around them, his eyes were extremely bright but did not contain any human emotions. After a moment, he passed them and looked into the distance. "The people in the military region took advantage of the chaos to collect my mental power data, and then hurriedly made it into a cannon to track me.

Why hide it now and let a small player organization take the lead?"

After a while, Yang Chong from the city government showed up. He held a loudspeaker and stood at a distance to pressure Dou Shengnan to release the hostages, otherwise the law enforcement team would intervene.

Dou Shengnan was upright and her long clothes were flying in the wind. She ignored the warning from the city government and said, "What can you do?"

Obviously, Area 008 is not such a threat. Yang Chong held up a metal starter. After turning the button, the defense equipment on most people in the entire blockade was automatically activated. The defensive balls were ejected and activated at the same time.

In the self-destruct interference mode, within one second, everyone disturbed by Dou Shengnan's mental power fell into a coma under the influence of the sprayed medicine.

People without the ability to act independently cannot become Dou Shengnan's hostage. The crisis was resolved and members of the municipal government's law enforcement team began to dispatch.

However, at this moment, the blocking barrier of the non-game venue collapsed from a corner, and Dou Shengnan also jumped from the tall building, killing all the nearby Spring Thunder members in mid-air!

This chapter has been completed!
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