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Chapter 2280 Exit of Building 7

"Are you a resident here?" Zhu Xiaojin asked.

The other party held up the phone and looked at them for a while. When it fell on the little girl in the red skirt, he immediately stammered and shouted: "That's not... not a human... and there is a woman beside her..."

"Stop barking, we all know it." Zhu Xiaojin raised the rope in his hand, "How about you see how she is tied up."

The young man looked at them in confusion for a while before gritting his teeth and saying, "Okay, you wait!"

Hearing a crackling sound from the room, a moment later the young man came out carrying a large bulging bag. In addition to some exorcism tools, there were also axes and kitchen knives. The other party came over fully prepared, "Are you guys?

You also want to leave this community, why are you going upstairs?"

"Look for someone." Xu Huo said: "A companion came in and disappeared. This female ghost lady said that he was here, so she came to take a look."

The young man glanced at the female ghost, then swallowed his saliva, "I advise you not to go up there. Yesterday I overheard someone chatting upstairs, saying that they wanted to turn this community into a corpse raising ground, and raise corpses in every building.

Holding the corpse, waiting for a dead person with enough evil energy to arouse... I originally heard that there was a murderer living upstairs, and he also died a few days ago, and it happened to be his head after twelve o'clock..."

The more he spoke, the more frightened he became, and he couldn't help but move closer to Lao Cai, "Brother, you seem to feel more secure, can I follow you?"

Lao Cai ignored him and said, "Since you knew it was not safe, why didn't you leave during the day?"

"Do you think I don't want to?" The young man regretted, "There have been a lot of funerals in the community recently. I went to help out when I had nothing to do at home. I had two big drinks every day. Today I came back from drinking and was about to go to bed. I accidentally heard

Someone was chatting with me and I woke up with a fright. I was about to take my things and leave, but I stepped on a wine bottle and fell unconscious. When I woke up, it was already dark and I couldn't get out through the gate of the community..."

There was no need to distinguish the truth from falsehood in his words, Xu Huo asked: "Then where do you plan to leave now?"

"I heard that there is a special exit in the basement of Building 7. People in the community who need to carry people out usually use the exit of the basement. You should be able to go out there." The young man quickly persuaded them, "How about we go together?

We have to look after each other, and that friend of yours, to put it bluntly, may be dead."

"It doesn't matter. If you want to see a living person or die, you want to see a corpse." Xu Huo winked at the painting girl, who then pushed the floating female ghost forward.

The group of people continued to go upstairs. Being daring in numbers, the young man also followed them.

In the middle of the stairs on the third floor stood an old lady facing the wall. With her gloomy back and the dim corridor, anyone who saw it would be frightened. However, before the old lady could recover, Xu Huo's incarnation appeared.

I greeted him first and sliced ​​it directly.

The old lady, who had no body in the first place, disappeared instantly.

"Keep going forward." Xu Huo said without changing his expression.

The young man gave a thumbs up when he saw this, "So you are knowledgeable people, no wonder you are not afraid at all!"

After passing the third floor stairs, there is also the third floor corridor, which is more confusing than downstairs. The mist is shrouded in pale green lights, which makes it creepy to look at.

"Come on, come on, I'll do this." Zhu Xiaojin stepped forward, took out a handful of miniature bombs, and threw them into the aisle like firecrackers, making a loud noise.

It exploded a lot, and it seemed that there was a bit of sharp neighing mixed in, but nothing came out.


After a few minutes of explosions, the fog in the corridor dissipated. Just as they were going up to the fourth floor, a roar suddenly came from upstairs. The beast-like roar made people's eardrums hurt, and then a blockade was arranged outside the building.

The barrier vibrated.

"I'll go out and take a look." Xu Huo immediately disappeared from the corridor.

After he left, a person suddenly rushed out from upstairs. The speed was extremely fast, and he was in front of Zhu Xiaojin and others in the blink of an eye. The female ghost who was walking in the front screamed and escaped, and the painting behind it

The woman happened to be face to face with the person running down. The next second, the painted woman was knocked down the stairs. Before she could stand still, a long knife struck her head off.

Tang Yu, who was next to him, helped block the attack and used props to pull away the person rushing down. Only then did he see clearly that it was a corpse that had been dead for some time.

"Could this be the murderer?" Tang Yu threw a blockade and looked at the living corpses howling and chopping in the air, frowning, "What the hell are they?"

"Whatever he is, his combat power is not as good as that of a mutant." Zhu Xiaojin threw bombs inside in a familiar manner, and within a few seconds the hands and feet of the living corpse were blown to pieces.

The living corpse was paralyzed on the ground without support from its arms and legs, but it still squirmed toward Zhu Xiaojin and the others. Tang Yu thought it was noisy and simply twisted off its head.

Several people were waiting in the corridor. After a while, Xu Huo came back and said to them in a deep voice: "No one was caught, so we entered Building 7."

"Is there really an exit in Building 7?" Zhu Xiaojin turned around and asked.

The young man with dark circles nodded quickly, "I went to see it, it's really there, but I don't know if I can go out now. Anyway, you can't go out through the gate of the community."

"Then go and have a look." Xu Huo glanced at the time, "It's not even eleven o'clock now. I don't know what changes will happen to the community in the future. You all should be careful."

Then everyone went to Building 7.

Someone led the way, and they easily found the passage hidden in the underground garage. It was a locked door. There was an exit in the underground garage. It was unreasonable for such a place to lead outside the community. Of course, considering that this was

No matter what the situation, it should be unreasonable.

The female ghost ran away just now, so the only one who came with them was the child in the red dress. It walked to the door and refused to go in, and its fingernails scratched blood on the wall.

"Forget it." Tang Yu said, "It's useless to carry it with you."

"I'm trying to prevent it from causing trouble." Zhu Xiaojin refused to let go, "otherwise, I might as well kill it."

"Don't waste it." Lao Cai came over, grabbed the child in the red skirt and threw it into the passage, then closed the door.

For a moment, there was a scream from behind the door, and then there was no movement.

Lao Cai reopened the door. Except for a few pieces of fallen clothes, there was no trace of the child in the passage.

"Does this look like an exit?" He looked back at the young man.

The young man was very frightened and said tremblingly: "It's so dangerous, I think it's better to go back and hide for the night. You are so powerful, you don't have to go out."

I don’t know what is going on with this prop. Of course, the sooner you leave, the better. Xu Huo and the others don’t want to waste time here.

"Don't waste time." Xu Huo entered the passage first.

This chapter has been completed!
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