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Chapter 2298 Let go

"How do you want to discuss it?" Xu Huo turned around and looked at him.

"Calm down, calm down." Lao Cai acted as a peacemaker, pressed his hands on him, and then said to several players in the city government: "Let me tell you, if the office authority of the city government is really in your hands, you

Just for convenience, hello to me, hello to everyone."

"Why should we give in?" A short player said: "What benefit can he give us? Massacre the city? Lend him ten courages! Isn't he afraid of becoming a wanted criminal?"

Lao Cai looked at Xu Huo again, "Brother, it's not that easy to be a wanted criminal."

"Let's get to the point," Xu Huo nodded slightly, "You are right, I will find a way to make this matter watertight."

These words made the short man turn green, because the spiritual evolver can completely achieve this goal through other people, and the game may not really declare him as a wanted criminal when making a decision.

What's more, it's not that wanted criminals can no longer enter the dungeon, they just can't get tickets and good props.

For powerful players, wanted status is nothing at all.

"Brother, I see you are not a person without a bottom line. How many people are there in Buliu City? Those are all lives." Lao Cai thought for a moment and said: "How about we all take a step back and let them stop blocking your wanted application?


"Let's live in peace and return to the starting point?" Xu Huo smiled coldly, "It's impossible now."

As he spoke, the black knife appeared in his hand. After breaking through the several layers of barriers in front of him, his feet were a little bit on the ground. Everyone present fell uncontrollably. For a moment, it felt as if they had sunk to the next layer, but after falling,

When I went down, I found that my feet were still where I was standing just now, as if the feeling of falling just now was just an illusion.

However, the virtual intangibility of the surrounding objects told them that they had fallen into Xu Huo's spiritual world.

Then they discovered that most of the props suddenly became ineffective and could slip out of their hands. The space teleportation equipment also failed. Other types of attack equipment could still be used, but after Xu Huo raised his hand and flicked it in the air,

, some of them were directly damaged!

When the props and instruments failed one after another and the characteristics did not trap the opponent, the people in the city government were completely at a disadvantage.

People fell down one after another in front of them. The tattooed woman's eyes were red from the stimulation. She attacked Xu Huo's figure crazily and roared: "I want you to die!"

"Bang!" A player flew past her eyes. He hit the wall and vomited blood. He was knocked back before he landed on the ground. He landed in the center of the room and was hung up again, with his hands and feet broken off one by one.

The repeated attacks made the tattooed woman angry, and the repeated screams of her companions made her distressed. At first, she could ignore her companions and concentrate on attacking Xu Huo, but as she was seriously injured and fell to the ground, she watched her companions being tortured and killed at close range.

, her psychological defense gradually collapsed, and she shouted with tears streaming down her face: "Don't kill them! Don't kill them! I can give you authorization!"

Xu Huo appeared in front of her, "Can you make the decision? You don't need to ask your companions?"

The tattooed woman choked and couldn't speak. She followed his gaze and looked at Lao Cai, who had been sitting in the corner without participating, and her eyes became angry and resentful.

"Can you make the decision?" Xu Huo repeated the question, but it was Lao Cai who asked the question.

Lao Cai relaxed his clenched fists and said, "You are very powerful. There are so many of us who are no match for you. Even your characteristics cannot stop you."

Among players' trump cards, characteristics are the most difficult to guard against. Props and instruments may not be able to block them. Sometimes high-level players may get into trouble because of the characteristics of low-level players. However, Xu Huo is well prepared in this regard, and he can pull unlimited numbers.

Setting up a barrier makes it more difficult for characteristics to take effect, unless the intensity and scope of characteristic evolution are very high... and these people in the city government obviously do not fall into this category.

"How did you know that I am a player from Buliu City?"

"Just guess." Xu Huo said lightly: "Can we get down to business now?"

"What we told you before were not all lies," Lao Cai explained: "We do have a companion trapped in the city center. There were many people trapped inside, but now there is only one left."

"Buliucheng's system host is buried under the office building. It has been interfered with. I believe you have seen that the reason why the office system can be restored depends on the programmer who stayed in the city center."

"But the time when the office system can be turned on is not fixed. Sometimes it is interfered with, and we may not be able to contact you for several days or more."

"I have taken over all the flight instruments you gave me. You can take them back if you want, but the damaged ones are gone."

"The origin of one third of the game." Xu Huo asked.

"It appeared suddenly." Lao Cai replied, "It appeared here inexplicably."

"But I don't think she looks like her." Xu Huo pointed to the tattooed woman at his feet.

Lao Cai sighed, "That's because when it first appeared as a Water Cube, it was at peace with Buliu Castle. It just floated in one position without having any impact on the surroundings."

"We deliberately left a place to seal it, but someone was curious about it and accidentally touched it."

"Your programmer?" Xu Huo said calmly: "That's a water cube, not a terminal. Don't tell me that you can't see that there is time power on the water cube."

"That's why things in the world are fickle. People under high-level encrypted documents can't see them, so they don't know the seriousness." Lao Cai looked sad, "Who knew there would be such serious consequences."

"Now that you understand what the Water Cube is, what is your real purpose in entering the city center, let alone that you really want to destroy it." Xu Huo's voice was slightly cold.

"Years of close research have produced some results. Our companions said that the Water Cube can be made dormant, but we need help." Lao Cai said sincerely: "We just want to end one third of the game."

"That's why I'm looking around for someone who can help. I didn't explain the real situation to you before because I was worried that you would be afraid of the situation inside and wouldn't dare to lead the way..."

"Perhaps more than that," Xu Huo interrupted him, "it may also be that he deliberately made it specious to make me think it was profitable and lure me into taking the bait."

Lao Cai quickly said: "I definitely don't mean this. We know how dangerous the city center is, and we are not people without a bottom line. If we don't want to end all this, why bother to worry so much?"

"What is the sleep mode of the Water Cube?" Xu Huo asked, "It's not like the Water Cube is really a smart terminal."

"That's not true. I just observed its activity patterns. You have to see the Water Rubik's Cube before you can try it." After saying this, Lao Cai paused and put forward the conditions more sincerely, "If the Water Rubik's Cube can really sleep, as long as you can

Take it away, we will never stop it!"

The specious bait became a clear bait.()

This chapter has been completed!
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