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Chapter 381 Catch the Betrayer

 "Welcome everyone to participate in this new game event. I am the game planner this time - Weissen Meni. I am honored to host this game today."

The white-haired man wearing a snake mask said: "I believe all the old friends who are here today know that Rongxin Group's game themes have always focused on fitting the real copy, and are committed to imitating a game world in the virtual world. Many players have compared us to

The game is called a 'Tiehan' game, and apart from life and death, there are no other elements that make people's hearts beat faster."

"Isn't it easy to make people's hearts beat faster? If you replace me with a beautiful woman, I guarantee that two-thirds of the people present will have their hearts beat faster. Or if I am thirty years younger, I may be able to make the beautiful faces of the ladies present radiate charm.


There was roaring laughter in the hall, and when the laughter subsided, the white-haired man said again: "But I am not a person who pays too much attention to appearance. My beautician can testify to this."

Laughter again.

"In order to prove this to everyone, I planned this unique palace night tour."

"Being here, many of my friends should have guessed what this time is probably related to. Yes, it is prayer."

"According to Rongxin's statistics over the years, one-third of the people who come to experience dungeon games are players. They are trapped in a game that will not stop until they die. They are tired of running around, but they have to work hard to improve their survival.

They enter the simulated copy at a high rate, and it can be said that their hard work and pressure are something we will never understand."

"For most of us, this is just an inconsequential simulation game, but for them, it may be an experience to live on again and again."

"We can live in such a peaceful and peaceful world, and it is definitely due to the players. In order to support the players, Rongxin donates a large amount of materials to the government every year, and the group also employs players, but the power of one person and a group is very small.

Yes, more people should have friendly sympathy towards players."

"While I was planning this simulation game, I learned that a group of players in District 011 who went to high-risk game worlds to develop resources were all dead. They had no bodies and no words left for their families who were still waiting for them..."

"I am willing to donate money to players!" an elephant mask shouted: "Sponsor them with potions and props!"

After getting started, several more people came forward to donate.

"Thank you. I believe that those players who sacrificed will be grateful to you after they die. Your sincerity will definitely receive positive feedback." The white-haired man said: "Before the night tour begins, I suggest that everyone pray for their next life.


A pulpit was projected in front of him, flipping through non-existent books, and praying devoutly:

“Though cruelty and sin consume the light;”

“Though murder and meanness pollute the world;”

“But we will never give in to the darkness;”

"Take up arms, chant chants, and drive the enemies back to their filthy lairs;"

"The enemy is strong, so there is no need to be cowardly; the enemy is cruel, so there is no need to be complacent;"

"God will bless every warrior, and the new sun will guide the path of hope for the dead and the living!"

Weissen Meni's prayer seemed to have infected the people present. With every word he said, more people joined in the prayer, and the voices went straight to the dome. After he said "Send off our soldiers", the dome was full of people.

Spreading golden-white light, shining on everyone.

Xu Huo looked at those people with their heads raised and eyes closed, as if bathing in holiness, and a smile appeared on his lips. He now knew the function of those murals.

Guests who enter the simulation game cannot use props, but the game venue can. It is difficult to say where the power of props is deployed in this game. Seeing how these people are so arrogant, the palace night tour is fake, and the missionary brainwashing is real.

"Are these people down here okay?" Someone not far away asked, "Are they here to play games? Why are they starting to preach here? What's the point of this? Money is wasted?"

At this time, Wesen Meni on the podium waved his hand, and an altar appeared behind him. He raised his hands and said: "God has blessed us, and we should also give back to God. Who is willing to sacrifice himself here and serve in another world?"


The noisy hall fell silent.

"For God, shouldn't we dedicate our loyalty?" Weissen Meni seemed unaware of the strange eyes around him. The snake eyes on his mask looked straight ahead, not looking at anyone, but seemed to be looking at everyone.


Soon, a man wearing a black wolf mask walked forward in the crowd.

"Our sacrificer has appeared!" Meni took the lead in applauding, and thunderous applause immediately erupted in the hall.

Xu Huo's eyes darkened slightly. The black wolf mask was the person who deliberately approached the fox just now. The two had just met in the crowd, and now the black wolf actually took the initiative to sacrifice himself?

He was not the only one who felt strange. The fox and hyena began to slowly retreat.

The people behind wanted to push forward, but the two of them were not eye-catching, but something happened when Hei Lang lay down on the altar. Seeing the golden dagger in Meni's hand, Hei Lang suddenly jumped up and jumped off the altar, towards the crowd.


Meni, who was holding the sword, sighed, and then said loudly: "The disloyal person must repent to God and bring him back."

He did not order anyone, but immediately after saying this, some guests reached out to stop the black wolf, shouting and joking, and those who participated in the palace night tour began to consciously join in this forced sacrifice.

Black Wolf was put on the altar and shouted in horror: "I don't want to sacrifice! Let me go!"

Meni looked at him with pity: "Young man, everyone must be responsible for what they have done."

Hei Lang still wanted to argue, but the person next to him directly covered his mouth: "Anyway, he won't really die..."

The golden dagger cut off the black wolf's head, blood flowed all over the altar, and the people in the audience cheered.

Meni held up the head of the black wolf, "I just received the oracle. There are rebels here. The blood of the betrayed people will guide me to find them!"

The blood on the altar began to surge, gathering into thin snakes and flowing down the pulpit, burrowing into the crowd.

The guests gave way one after another, and two of the bloody snakes ran towards the fox and hyena. They knocked away the people around them and ran away. Then someone shouted excitedly: "Catch them! Send them to the sacrifice."


The guests in the main hall joined the carnival and followed the blood snake out, and some people on the second floor also followed enthusiastically.

The one-handed Wesen Meni disappeared from the podium with dancing steps, and reappeared in one of the corridors leading away from the hall the next second.

This made Xu Huo give up the idea of ​​tracking the fox, and followed him when he came downstairs. Unexpectedly, when he walked in, the man had disappeared, and there were branch roads on both sides of the corridor, so he didn't know where he had gone.

After walking slowly through two forks, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a figure passing by not far away. After taking a few steps, the man was waiting at the corner and intercepted him directly. A pair of purple eyes were revealed under the hollow golden butterfly mask:

"What are you following me for?"

This chapter has been completed!
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