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Chapter 402 The ignorant are fearless

"It's so magical." Wan Tingfang said with emotion: "If you just look at the light and the scenery, it's quite beautiful."

Unfortunately, beautiful things often carry unknown dangers. After this spectacle, the outer shell of the train recorded showed signs of weathering, and the specially made metal dissolved as lightly as gray skin. After another minute of driving, it stopped, and the interior

The instrument is damaged and cannot be left at all.

The records are gone here. How to deal with the people on the train and how to maintain the train are not recorded.

"There's not much maintenance. I still want to see how this is going to be dealt with." Wan Tingfang said regretfully.

"I'll probably go there with a self-contained instrument, no one is needed." Xu Huo took the second record disk.

"Yes, if someone needs to handle it, it must be a technician." The team led by Shi Youzhi was obviously biased towards train security, that is, running errands.

"By the way, did you hear that something big happened last night?" Wan Tingfang lowered her voice subconsciously.

"What?" Xu Huo asked while looking at the projection.

"Someone broke into the Ministry of Law Enforcement Prison and I heard they killed a lot of people." Wan Tingfang said with a smile: "There were a lot of players there last night, but I heard no one was caught."

Xu Huo glanced at her and said, "I didn't hear that there was a big fuss?"

"Martial law will be enforced for two hours, and the entire city will be searched." Wan Tingfang added, "Except for private residences, almost all of the main urban area of ​​this station city is under surveillance. There are no blind spots. After martial law, everyone must stay where they were when the martial law notice was issued.

You cannot move around the location at will, otherwise you will be regarded as an enemy, and players who cannot wait for the law enforcement department may be killed by the law enforcement machine."

"This is of little use to players. You can't go anywhere with a ticket." Xu Huo said casually.

"That is to say, what's the use of searching the city when everyone has run away." Wan Tingfang was no longer interested in the content of the projection. He flexed his neck and said, "Maybe the people from the Law Enforcement Department are too free and came out to find some sense of presence.


Xu Huo then read several records of alien attacks.

The time when the alien species appears is usually at night. Due to limited vision, the appearance of the alien species cannot be clearly seen in several records. However, judging from the body shape alone, it is different from the one on the initial review train.

There are many kinds of alien species - he has known this for a long time, but there are too many weird alien species.

What's very clever is that all alien species appear in the dark night. Are they restricted by species?

"The ones you are looking for are not interesting, so why not take a look at mine." Wan Tingfang interrupted him, "I found a few plates without obvious time marks. Maybe there will be surprises."

Xu Huo gave up his position to her.

Wan Tingfang put it up with great interest. After reading it, she looked disappointed, "It turns out it's for station maintenance."

Of course, how could the records that can be shown to them contain important information? Besides, there is no need for humans to deal with these things in the first place. The old records can be automatically cleaned up by the instrument.

The base will fire players, maybe there is something wrong with these players themselves.

Players will be curious about the secrets of the game. Does the 011 district government, which occupies several game zones, not care about the technology of the game?

After reading the recording disks he took out, Xu Huo put them all back to be destroyed.

Nothing will happen after that. The team members can move around freely until the next notice.

Sanyang called Xu Huo to the office, "Did you take some records to read?"

"I want to know about the world outside orbit." Xu Huo said frankly: "It's more dangerous than I thought."

Sanyang scratched his curly hair twice, "How is your physics knowledge?"

"I went to school and learned the basics, but I didn't pursue further studies." Xu Huo said, "If I had become a scientist, I might not be in the game now."

"Haha! Maybe there are some in the game who are engaged in technology and theory. These are talents, and the game district government will actively strive for them." Sanyang laughed twice, "Those who have the ability in this area can also apply to the game.

Gray players, working for the game government."

Xu Huo spread his hands and said, "If you don't have the ability, you can only take risks."

"Young people, it's good to have more experience, but you'd better not think about the world outside the train." Sanyang reminded: "Even if the train is destroyed by alien species, it's best to stay on the train, as long as

If he survives, he may be rescued by a maintenance train."

"It's not a bad thing to be curious and ambitious, but you have to act within your capabilities. Even if you are a D-level player, even an A-level advanced player may not dare to leave the train."

"The ignorant are fearless. It's not a bad thing to know something." Xu Huo smiled.

Sanyang nodded, "Okay, I have nothing else to do here. By the way, if you are free, help me go to the law enforcement department. The logistics department over there bought a few instruments. You can ask anyone to go with you.

Get a receipt."

Xu Huo was running errands for the first time, so of course it was better to call an acquaintance, but several members of the Ai family had already left, so he contacted Wan Tingfang who said they were unavailable, so he had to call Wan Tingfang, who stayed because he wanted to buy props.

"Is there overtime pay?" Wan Tingfang asked immediately.

"You want overtime pay for such a leisurely job?" Sanyang asked impatiently.

"You can't blame me, I really don't have enough money." After getting in the car, Wan Tingfang complained to herself, "I have to buy medicines and props. Although the base gives eight thousand white notes every month, it is better than other places.

, but it’s not enough.”

She said and looked at Xu Huo, "I see that you are not short of money."

Xu Huo smiled and said, "Didn't you see that I didn't even look at the props? The money in my pocket is only enough for food and accommodation."

Wan Tingfang immediately looked like "we are brothers in distress" and said, "But you are so right. I haven't paid for the rent for the house next month yet. I will enter the dungeon again soon. I really don't want to go."

"What about you, when is the next copy?"

"There will still be a while." Xu Huo started working on the Rose Castle relatively early, and after spending the past few days in Area 011, there is still more than a month before the next dungeon deadline.

However, Brother Tu in the picture frame has been imprisoned for almost thirty days, so we have to find an opportunity to release him.

"We're here ahead." Wan Tingfang reminded.

They came to the headquarters of the Law Enforcement Department, which is where Xu Huo and Fake He Pu accidentally arrived last time.

The buildings in this place somewhat imitate the base in appearance, but they are more tightly protected than the base. No one is allowed to be around, and you need to go through several checkpoints to get in.

"Usually there aren't so many people," Wan Tingfang whispered, "It should be because of what happened yesterday."

"Who are you?" A law enforcement officer in a white uniform with white epaulettes stopped them.

"I'm here to deliver something on behalf of the base." Xu Huo patted the car and said, "Your law enforcement department bought it."

White Epaulets glanced back and said: "Wait here, don't wander around."

After the person finished speaking, he stayed next to them and did not communicate with anyone else.

"I said, if there is no problem, you should always tell the logistics department that someone has delivered the goods." Wan Tingfang waited for a while and then spoke unbearably.

This chapter has been completed!
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