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Chapter 456

 "This is impossible." Xu Huo looked unbelieving, "If the game government can't even do this, how can it be possible to track him repeatedly?"

"The game's management of incoming and outgoing players and non-players can expand the search scope." Dr. Deng said: "Have you ever been to a game zone with advanced technology? In those places, AI technology is very mature and can be used to analyze existing data.

The whereabouts of the professor's escape."

"You still don't know whether Professor Wu is a boy or a girl?" Xu Huo raised his eyebrows.

"The game government is not the only one who benefits from scientific and technological progress." Dr. Deng hesitated before saying: "He may be from an A-level wormhole point, and what I just said about the S version of the evolution agent being monopolized is false."

Xu Huo nodded. If the game government had mastered the S version of the potion, there would be no need to pursue Professor Wu. This was just an argument used to deal with Miao Yu and others.

Naturally, Dr. Deng’s words may not be completely correct. There are gaps in information everywhere. In addition, he is only a doctor of pharmacy and not an insider of the game government. Even if he can get some inside information, that page must not be the most core.


"You used to work for the Stellar Group?" He thought of Master Nisei's dead son and daughter-in-law.

Dr. Deng did not hide this, "I have worked in sub-groups of different game divisions. Working for the Stellar Group has better benefits and benefits. My status as a player is one of the internal benefits."

"You have resigned now?"

The cigarette in Dr. Deng's hand was half burned. He picked it up again and took a deep breath. "I was fired because I had no contribution."

Then he smiled bitterly and said, "It's not surprising. It's so difficult to stand on the shoulders of giants and take a small step forward. It's not uncommon for a person to fail to achieve results in his life, but Hengxing Company will not raise such idle people.

That’s all.”

Xu Huo shook his cigarette and said without comment, "You must have heard of temporary passes."

Dr. Deng glanced at him in surprise, "How did you learn about the temporary pass?"

"From the mouth of a dungeon boss." Xu Huo said: "I also accidentally heard that a temporary pass can replace a ticket, right?"

"Yes." Dr. Deng gave a very detailed description. "The temporary pass is equivalent to a universal ticket. Any player within the date issued by the game government can board the train with the pass and search for the site by himself. The pass will transport you to the nearest destination.

It is a convenient station with no limit on the number of trips, and it is not divided into approximate levels like tickets. You can ride on any train."

When E-level tickets are used, there are very few people on the train, and players are usually teleported directly to the dungeon venue. After becoming a D-level player, there are some changes. Players with the same direction but different stations and dungeons sometimes encounter different levels.

players, but the difference is not big.

As long as you hold the ticket, advanced players can also enter trains with lower passenger levels, and vice versa. As the player level increases, the same train is more likely to have different levels.

"However, temporary passes are usually only given to game government staff and some players who have made outstanding contributions to the game. If you want to get it through other channels, it is very difficult." Dr. Deng recalled: "I remember that I was in a virtual auction last year.

I saw online that a temporary pass was sold for 100 million white notes.”

"Exclusively for advanced players." Xu Huo didn't show anything, as if he was just asking casually, and then he asked something about Professor Wu.

Dr. Deng knew everything, but there was a lot of exaggeration in his words - he personally admired Professor Wu very much. Judging from his description, Professor Wu should be one of the best experts in the field of game medicine research and development.

"Professor Wu must be a genius who is obsessed with pharmaceutical research and development. It is a pity that the game government refuses to give him a peaceful environment. It is really difficult for him. A person who works in a laboratory is forced to flee everywhere..."

Xu Huo just listened to Dr. Deng's emotion. The impression that Professor Wu gave him was not a dull person who only focused on developing medicines and didn't care about external affairs. He was a very smart person who could play cat-and-mouse games with the government.

After so many years, it can be seen that he has extraordinary talents.

In addition, even Xu Huo was a little unbelievable that he could escape every time. The technological civilization of the game government must be far beyond his imagination. It was so difficult to find someone, especially when this person was moving around in different game zones.

, there are traces of the pass, etc. - there may be other channels, but they have failed many times. It is more or less necessary to analyze Professor Wu's behavior pattern. It is unbelievable that he can't catch anyone.

He turned to look at Dr. Deng, and his thoughts took another turn. Is Professor Wu really fighting alone?

"You guys have been outside for a long time." Miao Yu walked out, "The rain hasn't stopped yet, why don't you come in and watch."

"You haven't slept yet." Xu Huo patted his pants, stood up, and walked inside, grabbing a handful of Dr. Deng's hand.

"It's really cold." Dr. Deng said while rubbing his hands.

Miao Yu's eyes stayed on the two of them for a few seconds, and then he said to Dr. Deng: "I brought cooking utensils to boil water."

Dr. Deng thanked her, lent her something and asked Xu Huo for water, boiled hot water for drinking, and rinsed his feet with warm water.

Xu Huo noticed that his feet and hands were red, which seemed to be caused by being cold outside, and there were many scars on his feet left after frostbite healed.

"The place where I lived was very cold, and I got sick, so now I am particularly afraid of the cold." Dr. Deng explained with a smile: "Just rinse it with hot water and it will be fine."

Chu Yuan over there had already opened his eyes. He originally planned to ask for a glass of water, but he took out the cups. Who knew that Dr. Deng turned around and went to wash his feet. He rolled his eyes and said: "Good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years. Cold

You won’t die in two blows.”

The others didn't say anything. When it got light and the rain stopped, Xu Huo found several large puddles nearby after he went out.

Miao Yu walked behind him and carefully observed the surrounding environment. "I didn't see any footprints. If Qiu Xiangdong is still alive, he should have left. The same goes for Tong Jian."

Xu Huo nodded.

The two people left yesterday when the heavy rain started and they haven't appeared yet. It is not ruled out that they used props to hide their traces, but he thinks the most likely thing is that the two people took advantage of the rain to go underwater to find potions.


"It's such a deep hole here." Chu Yuan stood in front of a crack, leaning on a wooden stick.

Dr. Deng stepped forward to check and said, "This should be the reason why skulls appear in the sky on rainy days. You see, this gully is so long, and there is an arc at the bend in front, which is similar to the outline of the skull's jaw. This is where the airflow comes from.


The crack is very deep, and the entrance is covered with flowers, plants and vines, making it impossible to see what's going on underneath.

"When did this crack in the skull form?" Xu Huo took a look and said, "We haven't heard any strange sounds since we came to the island."

This chapter has been completed!
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