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Chapter 483 Arsonist

 The players locked up in the club have no player identities, and it is impossible to escape the pursuit of the club. Even if they run out, they can only hide in the lower city area, and it is not difficult to find them.

So Xu Huo's behavior is meaningless.

"What are you talking about?" Xu Huo opened the car window and lit the lighter towards the club building.

"Boom!" A fire broke out from a damaged wine cabinet somewhere in the building.

As the fire went out several times, several different places in the building were ignited. The fire burned to no one knows where, causing a series of explosions.

As soon as the explosion began, the fire-extinguishing facilities in the building were insufficient. Rolling fireworks and thick smoke poured out of the building, accompanied by the howling of some unknown animals.

The cigarette was finally lit. Xu Huo took a breath before squinting his eyes to admire the burning building, "I just want to see the fireworks."

Their car, like many other people's speed cars, was suspended around the building. The rolling firelight reflected Bai Kou's beautiful face. She said something unclear, "You are also very courageous."

Xu Huo turned back and pointed out the window, "You don't like it?"

Bai Kou smiled lightly, "I promised Uncle Fan Xiao not to set fire to play... I must abide by my words."

"Then I still like you." Xu Huo raised his eyebrows, "I don't see that you are a good person who abides by the law."

"No, I'm here to discuss business. If we cause trouble in District 011, how can we continue to discuss business?" Bai Kou looked outside and said, "Here comes the black epaulette."

She took a video of the captured alien before driving away.

"Do you want me to upload it for you?" Xu Huo looked at the communication device she threw aside casually.

"Okay." Bai Kou replied casually.

But when Xu Huo picked up her communication device, a holographically projected alien species suddenly jumped out of it and bit him ferociously!

"Roar!" The alien projection shouted fiercely. Xu Huo moved the communication device to the side without moving his eyelids and looked at the snickering woman beside him. "It's not a technical prank."

"It's just fun." Bai Kou said with a smile: "This is perfect to scare those bastards who like to peek into people's privacy."

Xu Huo posted the video on the Internet and said: "This can only scare the little kids. What sense of accomplishment can there be in scaring kids?"

Bai Kou didn't care about his lack of support, and instead said: "Black Shoulder will probably track you down soon. You left the club and then reappeared inside. It's hard not to arouse suspicion. In the end, you are not interested in that club."

The player has used the characteristics, will he be able to recognize you afterwards?"

"I don't know. It's the first time the new feature has been used." Xu Huo said, "But I didn't show my face."

Bai Kou said "Yeah" and said no more.

The two returned to the castle. Mr. Dong prepared a supper according to Xu Huo's taste, so Bai Kou took two bites and went upstairs.

When Xu Huo went upstairs, Mr. Dong came to tell him that Bai Kou was gone again.

Xu Huo paused while holding the note, "Do you know what she came to Area 011 to do?"

On the surface, it seems to be for ordnance and supplies, but sleeping day and night every day, it obviously has other purposes.

"For arms." Mr. Dong rarely said more this time, "Miss Baikou seems to have something to do with the Platinum Eye."

Xu Huo glanced at him. As a special prop, Mr. Dong was as mysterious as his owner. So far, he didn't know He Pu's criteria for selecting heirs. In name, he inherited the Rose Flower Castle, but in reality, he inherited the Rose Flower Castle.

The owner is still Mr. Dong.

Mr. Dong has reservations about him and never takes the initiative to say anything. He will also answer selectively when he asks questions, and the answers may not be true.

It can be seen that he did not completely follow the requirements of his previous master.

Mr. Dong is a highly independent housekeeper.

Of course, this can also be seen from He Pu's relics. He Pu will accompany him to participate in some inexplicable spider competitions, and the two of them are more like friends.

"If I plan to leave Area 011, will you stay here or come with me?"

Mr. Dong stood there upright, serious and boring, "I'm here waiting for Mr. to come back."

Xu Huo understood that even if he nominally inherited Rose Flower Castle, all he could completely take away were the few things He Pu gave him.

Changing the topic back, he asked again: "Are you sure that Bai Kou is related to the Platinum Eye?"

Mr. Dong said calmly: "She did not hide this in front of me, and bombed the castle with the Platinum Eye's heavy cannon."

No wonder these two people’s noses are not noses and their eyes are not eyes.

The castle was destroyed in such a way that it was obvious that there was a lot of movement, but no one noticed it, probably because both parties deliberately used props to cover it up.

It is not clear the specific details of Mr. Dong’s judgment on the relationship between Bai Kou and the Platinum Eye, but there should be evidence for what he said.

Bai Kou disguised her identity and came to get arms from the Rongxin Group. She was also involved with the Platinum Eye. It happened that a transport ship of the Platinum Eye was robbed recently...

"Is she here waiting for a delivery?"

It is speculated in the system news that the person who snatched the arms may be the Knights of Sophistication. Bai Kou also knows this news. Is she confident that she will do it alone, or will there be help from others?

Several thoughts flashed through his mind. Xu Huo looked at Mr. Dong and said, "Let's move as soon as possible."

Mr. Dong was a little confused, but Xu Huo said: "I'm afraid this place will be demolished again."

Mr. Dong's face fell, and after changing his expression several times, he said seriously to Xu Huo: "Sir, you should be the one to see off the guests."

This pot was thrown cleanly.

But it's no wonder that if Mr. Dong had a way to deal with Bai Kou, he wouldn't swallow his anger and find trouble in small things every day.

"I can't help." Xu Huo smiled apologetically.

Mr. Dong left very unhappy.

Xu Huo was in a good mood and paid attention to the current news.

The results of the wounding incident in the club have come out. Except for a particularly unlucky person who hit his head on the corner of a table while escaping and died, no one was killed by the alien species, fire or explosion - this is thanks to strict protection training.

Players on duty.

Although there was no irreversible situation, there were casualties, and it was most likely caused by alien species, so the target was pointed at the club.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Black Epaulets leaked some "performance" videos during the investigation. Such bloody and cruel programs made the citizens of District 011, who had always lived in a peaceful and peaceful environment, react violently.

How many players have sacrificed themselves at the mouth of the alien species in exchange for today's situation, and there are actually people who smuggled the alien species in to do such a thing as giving birth to a son without having buttocks, and even let the alien species escape!

Interests were related, and a mechanical parade broke out immediately.

Mechanical parades are real-name robots or remotely controlled mechanical devices that carry out protest marches on behalf of the holders with the authorization of the holders. Real people do not have to come forward, which is a major feature of Area 011.

This chapter has been completed!
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