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Chapter 542 Two Clown Towns?

 Several people ran out of the woods one after another. Zhuo Wangsun retreated to Xu Huo's side and lowered his voice: "It seems that they have not completely degenerated."

Xu Huo glanced at him, but the player in front of him said: "You'd better not be overly sympathetic and get involved with alien species. Even if he can still speak now, you never know when he will change. If you hurt innocent people,

You are the culprit!"

"Do you still have humanity?" Zhuo Wangsun said angrily: "Even if you are infected, it does not mean that you will become a mutant. If you kill people on sight, aren't you afraid of killing the wrong person?!"

"I would rather kill by mistake than let go!" The player said very stubbornly, "How many people have died in Clown City because of the alien species? If I let you go, will the people you killed through alienation one day in the future deserve to die?"

Zhuo Wangsun laughed angrily, "According to your statement, then you are the ones who deserve to die!"

The few people who came out over there grabbed the two injured people and said to Xu Huo: "Brother, these heads can be exchanged for a lot of money, why are you so stubborn? Otherwise, let's join forces and kill you."

How about giving you a share of the aliens at the back?"

Zhuo Wangsun looked at them in shock, but Xu Huo stopped him, "They are not talking to you, but to me."

"Have you not noticed that, except for Master Tu and the two injured people in front, you and the others are also regarded as aliens by them?"

"How is that possible!" Zhuo Wangsun said: "I am not injured or infected. They say I am a heterogeneous species, but I think they are the heterogeneous species!"

"That's it." Xu Huo raised his hand and touched the person in front of him on the back of his head. The metal lock crumbled and the holographic glasses fell into his hand.

"Don't move," he warned the player who tried to resist, and threw the glasses to Zhuo Wangsun, "look at this."

When the glasses were put on the player, Zhuo Wangsun was not aware of their existence at all. When he took them in his hands, he looked at the player two meters away and said in shock: "Now he is not a mutant! What is going on? What's going on?

What’s going on!”

Xu Huo signaled him to be calm and said to those in front who were also wearing protective clothing and holographic glasses: "You guys don't mind if I'm delayed for two minutes, right?"

The group of people stared at Xu Huo without saying a word, but Xu Huo called Master Tu and others behind him and handed him the glasses, "Do you think they are products from Clown City?"

Master Tu checked it and said, "The model is new, but the color is different. The holographic glasses frames in Clown City are all red and black, but this one is blue and black."

"What are red and black, blue and black?" The player caught by Xu Huo also looked back at Master Tu and others, and found that they were all wearing red and black glasses, and most of them had no trauma or infection symptoms. They couldn't help but

He frowned and said, "The holographic glasses in Clown City are always blue and black. Have you faked the glasses?"

"My holographic glasses are an old model from a few years ago, and they look like this when I get them!" Master Tu was equally puzzled, "Clown City advocates red, how could it be possible to paint the frames blue!"

"It goes without saying that these infected aliens must have used special methods to take off the soldiers' glasses in order to survive, and used protective clothing to block secondary infections, so they could retain their sanity and move around outside." Master Tu's side

The person speculated maliciously: "Maybe they have formed an organization and deliberately use colors to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. I think they just want to kill all the soldiers in Clown City. Maybe they have malicious intentions towards the entire Clown City. After all,

Not everyone is willing to complete the cleaning task!"

The people opposite were confused, but they still understood the words. A middle-aged woman took two steps forward and said, "You think we are the alien species?"

"Isn't it?" Master Tu answered.

The middle-aged woman smiled and said, "I knew before that some people would do anything to survive, but now they can even make up such words."

She said and looked at Xu Huo, "Brother, you must have been deceived by their rhetoric. It seems that you have not been infected yet. It is best to stay away from them. It doesn't matter if you don't have glasses. If you want, let my companion go."

I can cash in white money right now!”

"You fart!" Xiaotian, the young man who was stabbed together with Master Tu, rushed out and put the muzzle of the gun against the player's temple, shouting: "Believe it or not, I will kill him now!"

The middle-aged woman's expression changed, and the person behind her also raised a gun. The two sides were at war with each other. When they were about to start fighting, Xu Huo kicked Xiaotian over and put his sword to his throat, "Do you want to listen to you or do you want to listen to me?


Xiao Tian dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. He swallowed his saliva and, following Master Tu's hint, said: "Listen to what you say."

Xu Huo then sheathed his sword, turned to look at the opposite side, and asked directly: "Are you coming from the east or the west of the canyon?"

The captured player became angry and said: "Sister Shan, don't talk nonsense to him, just kill them all!"

"Wen Ping!" Sister Shan, a middle-aged woman, interrupted him and answered Xu Huo's question, "To the east of the canyon."

"How is that possible!" Master Tu blurted out, "Going through the canyon is the second phase of the cleaning area. It is a restricted area. How can you come from that way!"

"What are you talking about? That's Clown City over there." Sister Shan said.

Master Tu was shaky and a little unsteady on his feet. He waited for the people next to him to support him before pointing tremblingly at the other side of the canyon: "Is that the east side you are talking about?"

"Old guy, are you kidding us?" Sister Shan said with a sullen face.

"Something is wrong, something is wrong," Zhuo Wangsun waved his hands repeatedly at this time, looked at Xu Huo and said: "When he didn't take off his glasses just now, I saw that he was a thermal image, which means he is a heterogeneous species, right? But after he took off his glasses,

I think he is just like you, completely normal!"

Xu Huo already understood what was going on when he saw Sister Shan and his party. He opened the new map of Clown City and clicked on the location of Clown City. "Master Tu is not kidding you. They are all from


The player named Wenping was still tied up by the kite string, and he did not dare to move even if the sword was not placed on his neck. He just looked at the map and exclaimed: "Impossible! The place you mentioned was occupied by alien species many years ago.

, the city was destroyed and people were killed, and it was in the deepest part of the entire cleaning area!"

Xu Huo smiled and said, "I'm not a player in Clown City, but I did start from this place and passed through a Gobi area, a jungle area, and a high-temperature area before arriving at this canyon. On the opposite side of the canyon, on the map I got

What is marked above also belongs to the hinterland part of the cleaning area.”

Zhuo Wangsun came to his senses, "You mean, there are actually two clown cities?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Xu Huo said: "The original map of Clown City is very large. Such a large place has been invaded by alien species. However, it is unreasonable for the Clown City government to just send some irrelevant people to complete the cleaning task.

The most intuitive evidence is the holographic glasses.”

This chapter has been completed!
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