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Chapter 572 What kind of bad thoughts can a man playing with paper have?

 The paper worker's feet were submerged in the water, and mycelium "corpses" kept floating past him. Although his eyes could not be seen, he could still feel his gaze briefly lingering on these "corpses."

"You are mourning this woman because you have feelings for her?" he asked.

"No, I have only known her for a day. She is a respectable woman," Xu Huo replied.

The paper warrior declined to comment, and then added: "The props you use are very similar to a member of the Knights of the Sound. His props are called life cores. I don't know if your props are also called the same name."

The effect of the "Core of Life" prop is too special. If its previous holder is famous, then this prop will be remembered by more people. To be cautious, Xu Huo changed his face before using this prop.

I didn't expect to meet a super player in an E-level dungeon by such a coincidence.

"Are you a paper warrior?" He asked: "Are you related to the Knights of Sophistication?"

The paper warrior denied, "I don't look down on the Knights of Sophistication, they are just a group of desperadoes."

Xu Huo's eyes paused for a moment, then he saw him looking sideways at the "corpses" of mycelium that were constantly pouring out of the ground. "In less than a day, these fungi will contaminate the entire city, but the mixture of fungi in the underground lairs can destroy the balance."

, and also maintain balance.”

"This is a symbol of death and opportunity side by side, and I call it destiny."

"Destiny in the game is not a false statement, it is the mutual attraction between objects that humans cannot detect."

"The same goes for people?" Xu Huo said.

"The same goes for people." The paper craftsman said, "Before coming here, I went to the Jenga Fairy Tale City."

"Although that place was razed by suitcase men, the new city has been rebuilt and Granny Bai is still alive."

The paper clerk faced Xu Huo again, and several pieces of white paper flew out from behind him and slowly flew around him.

The distance was only more than ten meters, and Xu Huo was very nervous. He already understood what the paper warrior was implying. He was talking about the "angel's tooth" given to him by Granny Bai!

"Did you kill her?"

Granny Bai said that there are sixteen "angel's teeth" in total, and each one is an independent space, but where exactly it is distributed, the owner of the prop may not necessarily know all of them. Combined with what he said about the paper craftsman who appeared before,

He got the rumor of "Field's Battle Angel". As he said, it was fate that attracted each other. The only connection between them was the "angel's tooth". The fact that he went to the Jimu Fairy Tale City first is a good proof!

There is no need to pretend to be confused because the paper clerk will follow him and must have his own judgment.

The paper warrior seemed to smile, "Do you know Field Battle Angel?"

"Heard it."

"Field's Battle Angel is not the invincible super prop as rumored. Its real value lies in its ability to understand destiny." The paper warrior took out a piece of flying paper and folded it. "In the past, it disappeared because of destiny. Now it reappears, too.

Because of fate."

The white paper turned into a paper airplane and flew out of his hand, sliding towards Xu Huo, "I'll give you a meeting gift."

Xu Huo glanced at it but did not reach out to pick it up, letting the paper airplane fly around him.

"You mean you found me because of Super Prop Field Battle Angel? Why?"

"I don't know, but there must be a reason for me to come here." The paper warrior paused and said, "Take it, it's not an attack prop, and it won't locate you."

What Xu Huo really wanted to know was how he found himself in the vast wormhole, but the paper warrior didn't look like he was lying.

As soon as I grabbed the paper airplane, two words popped out from the other side: "For now."

Xu Huo's hands immediately froze because he also received a game prompt:

[Letter across partitions: A Class B prop produced by the paper warrior that can release positioning information at a wormhole point. It is suitable for calling for help when encountering danger. However, the paper warrior will also use it when he hates a person.

Follow up.]

Putting the paper airplane away expressionlessly, Xu Huo asked again: "Is the Field Battle Angel you got incomplete?"

"Of course they are incomplete." The paper warrior said: "Field's battle angels have been scattered long ago. What was announced by the Field family is just a relatively concentrated place where they were left behind."

When he said this, his tone was filled with joy, "But I got the core part, the part that can understand destiny."

Xu Huo pondered for a moment, "Which means that no matter which wormhole point you are in, you can follow Destiny to find the remains of Field's Battle Angel?"

It has been made very clear. "Angel's Teeth" is part of "Field's Battle Angel", but the former is also a separate prop. Could it be that "Field's Battle Angel" is composed of different props?

"Can the props be used in combination?" I took a big risk to talk to the paper craftsman. If he had any questions, he asked directly.

"Your brain reacts very quickly," the paper warrior said, "but not any prop will do. Field's Battle Angel is special."

Xu Huo began to worry about another thing, "Will other toys that have obtained the wreckage props also be attracted by this 'destiny'?"

If this is the case, he will have to start moving between different game divisions from now on.

"I don't know." The paper warrior touched his chin and said, "But even if it is, they should move closer to me."

"Although I don't know what it is yet, I believe there must be a very important reason for this guidance." He emphasized: "If someone really finds you with Field's Battle Angel props, you can ask me for help.

Only when I'm on E27."

"But don't come to me recently, I have something to do."

Xu Huo couldn't figure out his motive for the time being, but it was partly due to the "Field's Battle Angel". Since this super prop was scattered, it was normal for the super players fighting for it to want to restore the prop to its integrity.

"I have a question," he looked at the paper warrior, "is the so-called guidance of fate so important?"

The paper warrior could have killed him, but judging by his tone, it seemed that he didn't even touch Granny Bai.

The paper warrior seemed to have seen through his thoughts, "You will get bored if you kill too many people, not to mention that fate is not a line, it is a tree. If you cut off the branches and leaves, new ones will still grow."

"This is as interesting as origami."

Xu Huo could hear that he was happy from the bottom of his heart. He recalled that he had met several super players, and only Lawrence Lee seemed to be more normal. At least others were working towards the direction that a normal person could empathize with.

"In addition," the wind blew away some of the paper warrior's forehead, and the gray eye in the gap was like a temperatureless rock, "Only by obeying fate can you discern opportunities before reaching the end."

This chapter has been completed!
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