Turn off the lights
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Chapter 6 Rules

Chapter 6 Rules

Just as he opened the door, Xu Huo suddenly asked: "Can I pay on credit if I don't have white money?"

The flight attendant said affably: "Of course, credit is welcome."

Xu Huo picked up three hundred white bills and rang the doorbell of the first-class carriage while everyone was watching.

The person who opened the door this time was Nie Xuan. He expected that Xu Huo would come to the first-class carriage again, so he kept waiting by the door.

Seeing the same coaster paper, he smiled and said, "Selling news?"

Unfortunately, there were many rich and smart people in the first-class carriage, and many of them got the gossip from the conductor.

"Two hundred white coins can buy the information in my hand. I can exchange it for your information."

"Three hundred white bills have a hidden rule, and they can also be exchanged for hidden rules."

Nie Xuan was not very interested in the message on the note. He also got the flight attendant's meal note just now, but it was just a piece of useless news.

Nie Xuan quickly made a decision, closed the compartment door, and talked to Xu Huo alone in the transit compartment.

"How many hidden rules have you found?"

"Two." Xu Huo exchanged notes with him, looked at each other's papers, raised his eyebrows and said, "How much did you spend to buy this news?"

"Three hundred white notes." Nie Xuan folded Xu Huo's note "Stay awake at night" and handed it back to him, "How much is yours?"

"One hundred." Xu Huo also handed over the "Don't turn on the light" card.

Nie Xuan paid him five hundred white notes, "I'll buy two of your messages at a discount."

Xu Huo accepted the money readily, covered his mouth and nose as if he was smoking, and said in a low voice: "You can't enter the lower-class carriages unless someone opens the door."

Nie Xuan instantly realized that in this transit carriage, the second-class compartment door did not have a doorbell, but the first-class compartment door did. Xu Huo had rang the doorbell just now.

"you sure?"

"The third-class carriage does not have a doorbell, but the second-class carriage has a doorbell at the back door." Xu Huo raised his cigarette again, "Second, you can order food on credit in the carriage."

Players in the first-class seats have no shortage of free money, which is more than enough for three days. Some people in the second- and third-class seats have credit, which means they have no free money. How will they settle the bill after three days?

The broadcaster said that players will be classified according to their performance ratings, and credit is most likely deducted from this aspect, so credit is the next best option.

Not only that, most people get on the bus hungry. If everyone is full because of eating, what is the rating standard? What is the point of the preliminary review?

This message is important and implies other underlying rules.

Nie Xuan also understood the meaning, looked at Xu Huo who remained indifferent, and reminded: "Trains are relatively safe for players."

Xu Huo turned his head and looked at the scenery outside. He was once again wary of the seemingly unobstructed scene. The flight attendant had the right to expel players. Did this mean that the train was a dead end?

"Don't sell the first piece of news to anyone else," Nie Xuan said again.

There are no restrictions on entering lower-class cars from high-class cars. Doesn’t that mean that people in first-class seats can attack people in second-class seats at will?

Xu Huo did not take over. Players are allocated carriages based on assets. Higher-class carriages do not mean stronger abilities.

The ability may not necessarily be stronger, but punishment may exist. Rational people will hesitate, and those without brains will have no influence on their instincts whether they know it or not.

After the exchange was completed, Xu Huo did not leave. Soon another person came out of the first-class seat and said, "I want to buy the news you have."

Although people in first-class seats have more money, not many people come out to buy news, but it is enough.

Returning to the second-class carriage, he already had 2,700 white bills in his pocket. Before the ordering time, he called the flight attendant and ordered two more bowls of noodles, one for himself and one for the old man.

The old man thanked him hesitantly and asked Yan Jiayu to eat with him.

"Good people are rewarded." Yan Jiayu ate the noodles and said to Xu Huo, "Donor, you are also a good person."

Xu Huo quickly finished his noodles, leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes and rested, and slowly sorted out the information he had obtained.

The one hundred white note was exchanged for the reminder "Keep awake at night", the three hundred white note was the reminder "Don't turn on the lights", "Turn off the lights at eight o'clock in the evening" is written in the riding rules, which shows that it is necessary to turn on the lights at night.

The consequences are at least more serious than falling asleep.

The switch in the carriage is a trap.

The purchasing power of players in first-class carriages is generally stronger than that in second-class carriages. What the woman with heavy makeup said is probably true. Players allocate carriages according to their assets, but she probably doesn’t have any more information.

She didn't care about the information she bought from the flight attendant. It might be a bluff, or it might be a winning ticket.

However, the first trial train is obviously a survival game with hidden traps, with more protection and less risk. There are also cannibal players on the train. There are too many uncertain factors, so the latter possibility is unlikely.

When there was a commotion in the third-class seat, she was the first to answer the door. Did she not know the rules or did she do it on purpose?

Xu Huo's thoughts paused for a moment and then quickly moved on to the next message.

The seemingly hidden but obvious setting that high-class carriages can enter low-class carriages is also a trap. The riding rules state that you cannot enter other carriages. On the surface, it seems to be a default that players in high-class carriages are stronger than those in low-class carriages, but in fact they are stronger.

The differentiation is not obvious.

In this case, it is absolutely unwise to enter other carriages, unless all the players in your own carriage are dead, or only the cannibal players are left.

Cannibalistic players are a known threat.

Judging from the information revealed by the courier girl, the train will definitely separate cannibal players in the first review, but ordinary players will not be tempted. If they cannot eat the food on the train, players who have never eaten people before may also be tempted.

Can eat people.

However, players can pay on credit. As long as all players are not hungry, it is impossible to rate or classify players, so the effect of food will most likely last less than 24 hours.

The difference lies in whether the effect of food on ordinary players is the same as that on cannibal players.

In this way, most of the accidents on the first day occurred after the lights were turned off.

Xu Huo half-squinted his eyes and observed everyone in the car.

After no longer being troubled by the desire to overeat, the car was not as tense as before. The woman with an oval face and Li Fei were flirting together, Chen Yi was playing with his toothbrush, and the man with a square face had his hands in his pockets.

He Yang was playing mobile games with the pony-tailed female student, Professor Han kept typing on his mobile phone, the middle-aged woman folded her hands in front of her belly and remained motionless, the woman with heavy makeup closed her eyes and meditated, and Yan Jiayu chatted with the old man.

Until three o'clock in the afternoon, there was no announcement on the train.

The four people at Li Fei's table murmured for a while, then he stood up, looked around everyone, cleared his throat and said: "We are on the same boat now. Whether you believe me or not, if we fight among ourselves, we will definitely die faster.

,Everyone takes turns guarding the goal tonight...Do you have any objection if I say this?"

Now that the urge to overeat is gone, it’s time to think about something practical.

Seeing no one objected, he continued: "The rest of us don't know much about the preliminary trains. I suggest sharing information so that we can respond to emergencies more easily."

In twos and threes, eyes were cast on the woman with heavy makeup and Xu Huo.

This chapter has been completed!
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