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Chapter 687 The meeting of the living and the dead

 The moment they saw the pattern, the three of them realized that this so-called "eye offering" was actually a way to enhance the power of the copy. Without seeing the actual eyes, the picture alone made their eyes pierce and their bodies tingle.

Instinct allows them to escape, but a strange thought urges them to see it.

"How are you?" Xu Huo asked Yi Pei.

Yi Pei shook her head. Her poor eyesight had no advantage at all now. When she couldn't see clearly, she would have the urge to get closer and take a closer look!


The three people quickly left from the float, and not far away they met other players who were also avoiding it. After the float came out, other residents began to hang various pictures in the yard. The things didn't look surprising, but they were

It gives people an unavoidable sense of oppression.

There are also players who destroy the picture frame. Without touching the picture frame itself, the player who destroys the picture frame will instantly experience a shock similar to dizziness.

"I seemed to hear a bell..." I tried the hoodie twice and didn't dare to touch the picture again.

The players walked around the picture frame, but there was no eye pattern anywhere in the city. They wanted to hide in the woods in the county seat. As if they had understood their plan, the residents came over holding the picture frame and handed it to them with smiles.

Send up.

The closer the players get, the more they hear the chatter and laughter of the residents, but a distant sound coming from afar. The sounds are so overlapping that they immediately know that they exceed the number of people in front of them.

"I can't stand it anymore!" Hoodie jumped onto the courtyard wall and ran quickly towards the woods.

Other players also jumped out of the encirclement one after another. Xu Huo looked back and found that people standing on the streets were turning to look in the direction An Jia was leaving. Their eyes seemed to be squeezed out of their sockets, with exaggerated smiles.

, strange shape.

However, the situation is not much better when you hide in the woods. The noise still reaches your ears from far and near, making people involuntarily feel furious. However, the greater the mood swings, the louder the sound becomes.

Then it came from the direction of the county town, but surrounded them, surrounding them 360 degrees three-dimensionally.

In order to isolate this hypnotic sound, the players all wore headphones. This is a common equipment that almost every player has, but the effect is not that good, and everyone's expressions are not relaxed.

The players kept a certain distance from each other, not too far away, but they were wary of each other. More than twenty pairs of eyes turned around in this weird atmosphere. No one was willing to speak for a short period of time until the county town lights up.


Big red and green lights were hung high and low, rendering the whole county's light very strange. After a few minutes, footsteps of varying severity were heard in the distance.

"Someone is coming!" The players quickly stood up, used binoculars or props to look at the source of the sound, and suddenly gasped!

"Corpse! All corpses!"

Countless corpses came from all directions. They approached the county town in an orderly manner like living people. They were dressed in new and old clothes, but all of them had empty eyes and empty upper bodies. Their bodies were decayed to varying degrees, and even a little dripping.

Covered in corpse water and emitting a stench!

"What the hell is this! Zombies? Zombies?" Many players couldn't help but ask.

Xu Huo and others climbed up the tree to observe the corpses from a high position. The player in black shirt said: "The directions are even, there are not too many or too few on that side."

"There is no gap. I don't know where the body came out."

"It's foggy outside the county town." Xu Huo looked around and then towards the water pool. There was nothing special there, but there were rows of corpses walking over.

The players all hid, but these corpses were not directed at them. They staggered into the county. A moment later, a horrifying scene of living people and dead people celebrating together appeared in the county. The aboriginal people in the county looked like

They didn't even know that they were facing corpses. Some of them kissed and hugged the corpses, and didn't care if the corpses, water and carrion rubbed against their faces.

"What kind of human tragedy is this? The remaining layer of scalp is shriveled!" The hoodie said about an old couple who "kissed passionately."

There was only a piece of skin left on the man's upper body. After kissing it twice, it hung softly on the woman's arm. The woman didn't stop. After the body fell to the ground, she went to find another one, as if she had become her own family again.

And the man and woman surrounded by the grandparents and grandchildren obviously did not match the people in the photo.

Xu Huo relaxed a little. If these corpses could accurately find his family members, he would have a headache.

"These corpses don't look like they are sane." Yi Pei subconsciously looked at Xu Huo.

"The ones surrounding us may not be corpses." Xu Huo pointed to the ground, "They left traces where they walked." There were no traces yesterday.

"Then what are you doing with so many corpses?" Fang Penghui frowned.

"Maybe it's to scare...disgusting people." Wei Xian took off the binoculars.


Suddenly there was a sound of drum sound.

The players calmed down, and Liu Shiyan said: "It seems to be coming from the direction of the water pool."

"There's not only the sound of drums, but also the sound of water." Xu Huo turned around and was about to go to the pool, but at this time Fu Danhong suddenly shouted: "They are all here!"

The family recognition and reunion activities in the county town came to an end temporarily. All the living and dead people turned their heads at the same time, facing the direction where the players were hiding. The next second, the county town beat the drums as if in response, and all the floats

, Sacrifice lamp, people all started walking, wooden cabinets were carried out one after another, and as soon as the cabinet door opened, the sacrificial team suddenly glowed with red light!

"Don't look at it!" Fang Penghui shouted.

"I almost got hit!" Tian Kunwen quickly lowered his head and turned his head to see Cao Dong next to him staring in the direction of the county with bloodshot eyes, throwing away the props in his hands and walking forward.

"****!" Fu Danhong waved at Cao Dong. The latter's pants fell to the ground and he was immediately tripped. The player in the hoodie behind him quickly made up for it and pierced his heart with a knife!

"What are you doing!" Fang Penghui kicked him over, the hoodie stepped back, and said solemnly: "He has obviously lost his mind. What if he is manipulated like other living people and turns around to deal with us!"

No matter what his purpose is, whether what he said makes sense or not, now is not the time to argue, because the sacrificial team came out of the county town, and the red eyes looked straight at the woods. After the light changed, all the players present

The mind fell into a trance.

"Puff! Puff!" There were several small sounds in succession, and a fire broke out in the team. Several wooden eyes were burned on the spot. Xu Huo jumped down from the tree, "Destroy those wooden eyes!"

The others followed closely, closing the distance and using props to destroy the enshrined eyes. However, after the eyes in front were destroyed, the rear of the team used a human wall to protect the wooden eyes, and then the corpses in the team ran towards them crazily.


This chapter has been completed!
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