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Chapter 705: A Poster of Painful Reform

 【As a stalker, she has indeed changed her past.】

"What a sad person." After reading this, Xu Huo sympathized with the owner of the prop for three seconds, and then studied the use of this special prop.

The biggest function of the "Reformed Posters" is tracking, and it is much more convenient than props such as screaming chickens and balloons. It can display photos, portraits or some particularly obvious features of the target person, and directly identify the real person.

Poster for tracking.

Most of the time, it will be attached to specific things, such as walls, floors, furniture, etc., and of course it can be detached. The only flaw is that in addition to tracking, it also has a "killer" function, often waiting for opportunities to kill the target.


"Not very obedient." Xu Huo thought thoughtfully.

"Hit it if it doesn't obey." The painting girl continued next to him.

Xu Huo looked at her, "Do you know this prop?"

The painting girl shook her head and added: "I can help you fight."

Although the poster and the painted girl are both made of paper, they are not necessarily related.

Xu Huo took out the poster, but he didn't expect that the "ghost shadow" had changed drastically. Although the face before was perfunctory, it still looked like a human being. Now this face could no longer be seen as a face. At first glance, it looked like a flatulent one.

Rotten tomatoes, broken skin and blooming again, fake eyes still protruding from the sockets.

"This is...a new level of ugliness."

The biggest affirmation of the poster to the holder is that it is ugly. The uglier the poster is, the more beautiful the holder's soul is. Although I don't know what standards the props use to judge a person's character, this thing seems to be clamping regardless of beauty or ugliness.

Someone's head.

The girl in the painting has looked away, expressing "ugly rejection".

The poster had no feeling. As soon as Xu Huo let go, it dutifully stuck to the wall, then slowly moved from the side to the ceiling, staring straight at him.

Touching his chin, Xu Huo found a few things to test the specific usage of the poster.

It is not as flexible as the painting girl. It has no ability to express meaning and cannot carry objects. It can only simply track.

In addition, it cannot be used with other tracking props, such as screaming chickens that can leave traces. As long as you let it out to track, unless the target is missing or dead, it will not give up the target until the target disappears or the holder

Recycling, it will not return automatically.

In other words, this thing may never come back, and if it turns around and comes back, it may be counter-tracked.

Of course, because it is a tracking prop, Xu Huo can recover it from a long distance as long as it is in the same city. Props like this are enough to connect with the holder across space. It is just like ordinary props. Once lost, it is useless.

Main props.

It's very convenient to use to harass people, after all, it will pop up from time to time and cover your face.

When Xu Huo first got the prop, he originally planned to use it to track Dr. Deng, but he didn't want to kill Dr. Deng, so he followed the original method and spent some money to find someone to track Dr. Deng.

Recently, many high-level players have returned to Area 011, and he does not intend to let the painting girl go out.

"Sir, Miss, breakfast is ready." Mr. Dong walked up.

The painting girl turned around and waved her hand at the ugly face on the ceiling, indicating that it was not allowed to follow her, and then trotted downstairs.

However, when Xu Huo went down, the poster followed him, but it had an instinctive way of moving. It was posted at the corner from the ceiling to the stairs on the first floor, making it very inconspicuous.

Mr. Dong was very considerate and asked him if he wanted to change the pattern of the castle so that he could hide the posters, "so as not to scare the guests."

"Can the overall structure of the castle be modified?" Xu Huo asked.

"The appearance is not good, but the inside is okay." Mr. Dong said: "There are still five days before the banquet. Sir, you can draw a sketch."

Xu Huo nodded slightly and said, "Can the annex be changed?"

"Of course, everything here belongs to Mr. Dong." Mr. Dong answered readily.

"Can I use the props on the third floor?"


Xu Huo continued to eat.

After breakfast, Xu Huo made some modifications to the interior design. He and the painting girl live here. It is best to adapt the interior of the castle to them. The empty castle is not easy to move around, so the dome and columns can be modified.

It’s a little more complicated. In addition, doors must be added inside and outside the room, real or fake doors will do, and some paintings must be purchased.

Some small doors have also been added inside and outside the garden, especially inside the maze, and undulating steps have been added to the ground. There are not many in number and the height difference is not large.

The annex at the rear stores many of Fan Xiao's things, as well as the spiders raised by Mr. Dong. Xu Huo does not plan to change the interior. He will just repair the exterior walls and add some patterns.

Mr. Dong was slightly surprised when he got the picture he gave him, "Spider?"

The pattern on the exterior wall of the annex is Xu Huoding's spider, which is also a super large 3D model.

"Add some special features to the castle." Xu Huo said, "When guests come, you can invite them to visit the spiders you raise. If there are new varieties, you can also buy them, and I will pay for them."

Mr. Dong stood there for two seconds, not moved by his generosity, but said: "If you repair the castle next time, you will need to pay for it."

The cost of maintaining an ancient castle is not small. Xu Huo paused and said, "Didn't He Pu leave the money?"

"It took a lot to repair last time." Mr. Dong looked serious.

Xu Huo heard the implication behind his words, "I try not to cause trouble."

Mr. Dong nodded and said very kindly: "Please pay attention to your safety."

The iron castle, the heir to flowing water.

Their eyes met, and the two of them were speechless.

After a while, Xu Huo turned the topic to the preparations for the banquet. Mr. Dong told him everything he needed to know, and reminded him that it was best to have a female companion when attending the banquet.

"Let's dress her up." Xu Huo pointed at the painting girl.

The painting girl knew very well what "female companion" meant, and shyly came over to lean on his shoulder. However, when he tapped his finger on the table, she retracted her head and sat back on the sofa to eat dessert.

Mr. Dong said it didn't matter, and took out the list he had prepared in advance, "These are aristocratic ladies with the same status as you. You can invite one of them to be your female companion, but you must give them a gift of little value after they agree."

Fei’s gift.”

"You should ask someone for help." Xu Huo casually pointed at one of the black-haired women.

Inviting female companions in this way is common among nobles. If you don't have a suitable partner and need a female companion to attend, you can invite nobles of similar status. If the other party likes you or wants to make friends with you, they will nod directly. This is a means of broadening the social scope.

Xu Huo also wants to do charity work with the Duchess, so getting to know a few more people is not a bad thing.

Having said this, Xu Huo paid attention to the orphanage again. During the time he left, many children were adopted.

This chapter has been completed!
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