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Chapter 795: Xu Huo's Arrangement

 It was said that it was a loan, but Xu Huo was not really so unkind and left a relatively generous amount of money to the boss.

The boss took the money and said, "Your legs and feet are inconvenient, do you want me to drive for you?"

"No need." Xu Huo stood up directly, moved his hands and feet, and lifted the wheelchair onto the old van.

"Is there anything you want to get?" he asked Xiao Yuan, "I'll go back with you to get it."

"No." Xiao Yuan pulled out a small glass bottle from his neck, "This is enough for me!"

It contains a tooth.

Seeing that she really had no nostalgia, Xu Huo motioned for her to sit in the passenger seat, then started the car and drove out of the city.

It is not allowed to enter or leave a small town like this, but there are still many ordinary people paying attention to the movements on the streets. Xu Huo is leaving, and of course the small town cannot keep him. He will leave sooner or later, but he takes Xiao Yuan with him.

The adults who were hiding in the house and watching showed expressions of envy and regret. Several little wanderers ran wildly behind the car. After a while, they could no longer run. Some stood there stupidly, while others

Pu knelt on the ground and cried loudly. One of the children shouted while crying: "Xiao Yuan! Can I go with you!"

Xiao Yuan was also crying. She did not dare to make any more requests to Xu Huo. She just wiped her tears and looked at Xu Huo expectantly.

"Want to take them with you?" Xu Huo asked.

"Is it okay?" Xiao Yuan was stunned, but then became anxious. She could vaguely feel that Xu Huo was not simply taking her away to put her in another safe place, but if he took too many people, he might

change idea.

"If you have anything to say, just ask." Xu Huo said, "You are a child, you don't need to think so much."

"If I take them with me, won't I be able to call you teacher?" Xiao Yuan said immediately.

"You shouldn't have called me teacher." Xu Huo stopped the car, "But it's not difficult to take care of a few children. It's better to change the city than here. You come with me."

Xiao Yuan cheered cautiously, then leaned out his upper body from the car window, and quickly waved to the street children in the distance, "Come on!"

The children pulled me and I pulled you, and ran towards the car again. During this period, two children who were watching on the roadside also joined the team.

There were seven children in total, scrambling to climb into the back seat.

The car door closed again and the car slowly drove out of the small town.

The food in the car was not enough for so many children, so Xu Huo took them to have a meal on the way and bought some snacks to put in the car.

Either due to mold or leftovers from others, these children almost never eat snacks that are packaged well and have a fresh date. Even after eating a full meal, they still stare at those bags with green eyes.

"You can't eat any more." Xiao Yuan said to them, "If you eat too much, your stomach will burst!"

Children are very good at reading people's faces. Xu Huo didn't say anything, so they didn't dare to grab him. Some children started to worry about their own situation after they were happy.

There have been cases in the past where children were deceived and their whereabouts were unknown or they died.

"Xiao Yuan, where are we going?" the boy chasing the car asked in a low voice.

"Go to a big city." Xiao Yuan said happily: "We don't have to go hungry or beaten in the future!"

The children were still very nervous because her statement was the same as that of the adult who first deceived her.

When he stopped to rest on the road, Xu Huo asked Xiao Yuan to go behind with the children while he searched for orphanages in nearby cities.

Safe zones are not considered.

First, it may not be possible to enter, and second, the competition for resources in the safe zone will inevitably become more intense, and the elderly, weak and young may be abandoned in special circumstances.

A more prosperous ordinary city is enough.

Xu Huo set out again at the place he found without much effort.

There are checkpoints on the road into the city. Xu Huo alone with so many children will definitely attract attention, and some players will come to investigate.

The more rigorous the investigation, the better Xu Huo's attitude. He also made it clear that he wanted to send these children to an orphanage. The current situation is special. Even if some players are worried about the children's situation, they can't be separated. There is only one who is older and is of no use.

The old man went to the welfare home with him.

As soon as the old man got in the car, he saw fresh blood stains on the wheelchair and became nervous involuntarily.

"Don't worry, I respect the old and care for the young." Xu Huo comforted.

The old man's expression became even worse.

Fortunately, the journey to the orphanage was uneventful.

Xu Huo really took the children in, but he didn't rush to go through the formalities. Instead, he went to see the dean and teachers here first.

There was nothing wrong with the dean, and Xu Huo donated a generous donation on the condition that they would take good care of several children, feed them, clothe them, and send them to school if they could.

"This is what it should be." The dean smiled kindly, "Children should also go to school."

"I'm going to register the kids."

Xu Huo nodded, "I have met all four teachers in the courtyard. One of them has some problems. I will take him with me when I leave. The dean will not need to find anyone later."

The dean opened her mouth, her expression changing between disbelief and anger. In the end, she didn't say anything, but went to the small auditorium angrily. After meeting four teachers, she stared at them back and forth for a long time before giving up.

"Just as you said." She said to Xu Huo.

"There are eight children in total." The elderly player in the car said to the dean.

"Seven." Xu Huo waved, and Xiao Yuan immediately ran to him, "I want to go with the teacher!"

"Go?" The old man didn't respond, "Go to another welfare home?"

"Go to Area 011." Xu Huo glanced at him.

The old man was surprised, and then said with a little envy: "Area 011 is a good place, with advanced technology, stable public security, and no random copies."

"Children can't walk in the dungeon. You have to buy a non-player ticket. I'll give you a URL."

After Xiao Yuan said goodbye to the other children, Xu Huo asked a teacher to send him off.

The teacher felt a little strange, but when the dean nodded, he followed Xu Huo out of the orphanage with a smile on his face.

As soon as he went out, Xu Huo knocked the person unconscious and threw him into the car.

"What are you doing!" The veteran player had just finished writing the website address.

Xu Huo found the other party's cell phone, flipped through the encrypted file, opened it, threw it to him, and then drove away.

He found a random place to deal with the person. He changed cars first, then took Xiao Yuan to the hotel, logged in to the website and purchased a non-player ticket.

In larger game zones, non-player tickets can be obtained through the zone government or the game base. However, for areas like 009 that have just been fully integrated into the game, the game base will definitely look down on it, and the zone government has no binding force. If the players cannot organize well,

Until it is recognized, there may not necessarily be a more official organization for unified management, but most of this kind of business is done by people.

"Go and take the train yourself." Xu Huo told Xiao Yuan, "The non-player train is relatively safe. After you get on the train, give the money to the conductor, and the conductor will naturally take care of you. When you get to the station, go find the patrol car and ask them to take you to Rose Flower Castle.

, Mr. Dong, the butler, uses ventriloquism and goes to places to listen to his arrangements."

This chapter has been completed!
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