Turn off the lights
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Chapter 857 Beheading in Sleep

 The flight attendant smiled and walked to the next person.

Starting with Xu Huo, the subsequent players also tipped generously and included red envelopes - there is no need to offend the flight attendant for this small amount of money.

Of course, there were also those who didn't, and the yellow-haired female player was one of them. Not only did she not tip, she didn't even order a set meal, she only ordered a bowl of noodles.

The flight attendant said nothing and left as usual.

"I don't think it's a big deal." The other old man who gave the gift package shook his head in pain.

"You are quite rich." The medicine seller sat next to Xu Huo and introduced himself, "My name is Xiao Xianglin, brother, let's make friends. Maybe we will go to the same station."

"Yu Cong." Xu Huo looked at the backpack player opposite, who said, "Xu Jinfeng."

Apart from his name, he didn't seem to want to say anything more. Afterwards, he put on his headphones and closed his eyes to relax.

Xiao Xianglin chatted with Xu Huo for a few words and revealed that the station he was going to was the Sea World. When he learned that Xu Huo was the same, he smiled and said: "Maybe we can encounter a copy. Please take care of me then.


"Look out for each other, take care of each other." Xu Huo said politely.

After the train traveled for three hours, the conductor pushed the dining car to the carriage.

Except for the yellow-haired female player, everyone else had a set meal worth NT$5,000. The player who paid for the gift also gave an extra piece of pudding as a thank you from the chef.

Spending more money on the train won't hurt you. Most of the players in the same carriage obviously knew this. Xiao Xianglin ate the pudding first and nodded to Xu Huo with a smile on his face.

The yellow-haired female player looked back, and then said to the female player at the next table: "Sister, you have such a good figure, you must not like sweets, why don't you give me the pudding, I like sweets."

The female player ignored her and picked up the spoon.

The yellow-haired female player then looked at the black mole player opposite her, "The cakes on the menu are too expensive, how about I give you a hundred white notes and you sell them to me?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" The black mole player swallowed the pudding in one gulp.

The yellow-haired female player sneered, "I'm not afraid of someone poisoning it!"

The time after lunch passed quite peacefully, probably because today was special. Lyrical music was played on the radio in the afternoon, and the beautiful female player took the initiative to invite the black mole player opposite to dance.

Dancing by good-looking people is also pleasing to the eye. The atmosphere in the carriage is relatively relaxed. Xu Huo and Xiao Xianglin successively invited female players to dance with them.

Different from her indifference when she first got on the bus, the female player seemed to be dancing very happily. Soon her cheeks turned red. She even took out a bottle of wine from the luggage compartment and left the car to go to the bathroom while tipsy.

The black mole player is the first to follow.

Others were not surprised, and showed disdain for "the world is declining" and stopped paying attention.

Not long after, the female player came back, with unusually bright red lips.

"It's good to be young." The old man said enviously, and then asked the female player with a different meaning: "Where is that young man?"

"He," the female player lowered her voice, "went to another carriage."

With these words, the old man choked back the rest of his words, and the yellow-haired female player also suppressed the contempt on her face.

"Ha!" The female player laughed sweetly, returned to her seat with steady steps, and sipped her wine and said, "Some people are just annoying. They don't want to talk to them, and they keep talking."

Xiao Xianglin was embarrassed and a little scared, so he avoided looking at the female player when she looked back.

Xu Huo smiled and nodded to her.

The female player smiled lightly, raised her glass to him and then looked away.

Time soon came to night, and after the lights were turned off, the car plunged into darkness along with the sky outside.

There was some commotion in other carriages when the lights were just turned off, but it quickly calmed down and fell into silence again.

The sound of breathing in the carriage gradually became soothing and long.

Under the even and regular breathing, Xu Huo also felt sleepy. He closed his eyes and planned to rest for a while, but his consciousness gradually became blurred until a fishy smell poured into his nose. He suddenly came to his senses and opened his eyes to see.

He saw a broad shadow standing in front of him, holding an ax in his hand.

Xu Huo adjusted his reflexes and swung his sword, but the shadow was swept away and disappeared like an illusion.

He stood up and found that half of the players in the carriage were lying on the table and asleep. The old man and the yellow-haired female player had their heads removed, and their bodies were leaning against the table, with blood flowing all over the floor.

The young female player and the player with the broken finger were both awake. The man in the raincoat who had been sleeping on the seat during the day was also sitting upright at this time, while the man with a cigarette between his fingers half-squinted his eyes and seemed mentally exhausted.

Xu Huo kicked Xiao Xianglin.

Xiao Xianglin struggled to sit up, pulled open his eyelids, took out a loudspeaker prop, and pressed the switch. A long and sharp sound instantly penetrated the carriage. Most of the players who were lying down were awakened and smelled the smell of blood in the carriage.

They all woke up instantly.

Some people also wore special prop eyes and immediately stood next to the car wall after discovering that someone was killed, "Who did it?"

The few people who could see couldn't help but cast their eyes on Xu Huo, who was holding the sword.

"Everyone, calm down!" Xiao Xianglin said quickly: "It's definitely not Yu Cong, he was the one who woke me up just now, otherwise you would still be asleep now."

"What exactly is going on?" Backpacker Xu Jinfeng rolled his eyes suspiciously. He couldn't see and could only judge the location of others by their voices.

"When I opened my eyes, the person was already dead." Xu Huo said, "I was almost the third one."

"Then the person who was awake before you must be suspicious." Xiao Xianglin said immediately.

"I was awake before he got up." The female player in the front seat said, "Not only me, there are three other people who are also awake."

She stretched out her finger to point out the player with the broken finger, the man in the raincoat and the player with the smoking cigarette one by one, and said to Xiao Xianglin: "Look who among us is it?"

Xiao Xianglin had a sullen face in the darkness. Just as he was about to say something, the carriage in front of him also became noisy. Then someone opened the carriage door and rushed to their carriage. However, the other party did not intend to come in, but sealed the door with props.

Xu Huo immediately looked to the rear. There was no movement at all in the two carriages behind.

"It seems something happened in the front. There was no sound from behind. Are they all dead?" The female player stood up and looked around.

No one would rush out at this time. Xiao Xianglin opened a crack in the door and shouted twice into the car behind him. When he received no response, he immediately closed and locked the door.

"There are problems with more than one or two carriages." The player with the broken finger said for the first time since getting on the bus, "It has been less than two hours since the lights were turned off. Under normal circumstances, the player will not fall asleep at this time, and there will be no external inducements.

Reaching a state of deep sleep, it is impossible for players to wander around in each carriage to select people to attack in such a short period of time."

"So the problem is inside the cabin."

This chapter has been completed!
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