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Chapter 922 Tracking Samples

 Hearing what Shangguan Xi said, Teacher Ai showed no expression, while Xu Huo glanced at him and said, "Take it away with props."

Although Shangguan Xi didn't understand why he was so insistent on bringing the guide, he naturally wouldn't talk much if he didn't need his help. He handed the person over in an obedient manner and said to Teacher Ai: "Brother, you have met a good person."

, otherwise I would have died eight hundred times earlier.”

Teacher Ai stared at him coldly and replied: "You won't suffer any loss if you take me with you."

Shangguan Xi shrugged.

Xu Huo threaded a balloon string through Teacher Ai and made him half-float in the air before walking out.

There was an unbuilt underground city outside the south gate, which was covered with metal plates. As soon as he walked up, Xu Huo estimated the general area. After passing through this area, he dug up the soil and touched some metal plate bridges.

, touched it with the "Core of Life" before stopping, and casually covered the place with soil.

Although a randomly laid trap may not necessarily be useful, it will be a happy thing for everyone if it comes in handy.

You can't bring a third person "to the destination", so the speed of the three of them is not very fast. Seeing Xu Huo's unhurried appearance on the way, Teacher Ai couldn't help but guess: "Did you really get the living sample?"

Shangguan Xi also looked at him.

Xu Huo did not answer the question directly, but said: "The living sample at the south gate is just a cover-up. There is no sample in it, only one player."

Shangguan Xi was shocked, "You can actually deceive so many players!"

As long as the car is located in the underground parking lot, it is not difficult to get rid of the prop effect at the south gate. As for blurring the player's senses, it is easier. Without seeing it with their own eyes and having close contact, it is difficult for ordinary players to distinguish what is inside.

Is there anyone? How many people are there?

Xu Huo changed his position several times and entered and exited the building just to confirm this. There was no other person inside except one player.

There are two possibilities for this. One is that players use the sample as a cover to hunt down players, and the other is to delay time for teammates. At present, it seems that the second possibility is higher.

Anyway, the second sample is no longer W19.

Some of the defending players have spent more than a day, which is enough time for the samples to migrate a long distance. If there is suitable transportation, it is impossible for other players to catch up.

So the person who took the sample had no better way to get on his way.

As for the player who stole the car, it is obviously unrealistic to capture it in a city, but Xu Huo prefers that the player has a relationship with the player guarding the south gate.

When going up.

"This road is harder than I thought." Only two hours after leaving W19, they had already encountered three alien attacks. Shangguan Xi looked at the jungle with unusually dense vegetation in front of him, and couldn't help but raise his head and said to Teacher Ai: "So

Is there no one to develop good places?”

"There is a nest of alien species living there." Teacher Ai said expressionlessly: "There was once a base city that sent people to set fire, but the alien species were not burned to death. Instead, a large number of alien species fled to the nearby base city, and this forest area

There is a poisonous plant inside, which cannot be burned completely by setting fire. Instead, it will release seeds on a large scale, which will be poisonous if inhaled, causing heavy losses to the nearby base city."

"The best way is to go around it and be quiet, so there won't be many alien species coming."

"It's a good way to go around..." Shangguan Xi said as he took out the map, his voice immediately changed, "It will take several times longer to go around!"

Xu Huo had already checked both sides and came back, "The people in front have also taken a detour, please follow."

"If we can't catch the living sample, our trip will be in vain." Shangguan Xi frowned slightly, "To be honest, we are definitely not the only ones who want to intercept the sample outside W37."

"The worst result is nothing more than failure to pass customs." Xu Huo looked at him, "You don't have enough return tickets?"

If the game zone where the player comes from is completely integrated into the game, the return ticket is actually of little significance, and you can still go back with the ticket.

Shangguan Xi was silent for two seconds before saying: "If I don't pass this game, my ranking will definitely fall out of 20,000."

The two people present obviously did not expect this reason. Teacher Ai all said sarcastically: "Is a ranking so important? What difference does it make between 10,000 and 20,000?"

"How is that the same?" Shangguan Xi said matter-of-factly: "Who wants to be at the bottom of the competition? And the players at the front are more famous. When they become more famous, other players will take the initiative to invite you to play dungeons together.

, this will not only increase the chance of passing the level, but also increase the chance of getting good props."

"This is a benefit right in front of you. Who is willing to play with you if you can't even make it to the rankings?"

What he said was reasonable and well-founded, and Teacher Ai could not refute it.

Xu Huo patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, it won't be in vain. To say the least, even if we can't pass the level, it won't be that easy for others to pass."

Shangguan Xi gave a thumbs up when he heard this, "Brother Xu is still interested in me. If I can't get up, it will be the same if everyone gets down."

Teacher Ai looked at the two of them in astonishment. After a moment, he put away his expression and looked at the sky blankly, "Let's go quickly, it's going to rain."

"Raining is not fun." Shangguan Xi said: "It rains acid rain here. If it lasts too long, you will lose a set of protective clothing."

There are traces of someone walking on the outskirts of the woods - this further proves that someone did indeed pass by with living samples, otherwise there would not be so many traces left.

"Is it so difficult to transport living samples?" Shangguan Xi felt strange, "Even if there are no suitable props, one or two small vehicles should be necessary. As for there being such obvious traces along the way?"

"You've never seen a metal cage holding living samples. It's very heavy." Xu Huo said: "Players usually buy small tools for one or two people. The large luggage compartment can't fit it, and it can't carry such a heavy cage.


"Like this prop," he moved the balloon string in his hand, "although it can make objects float, it has great limitations in terms of weight."

"If there is no weight limit, there will probably be a time limit." Shangguan Xi took over, "So far, I have never seen a perfect prop."

"Can't you throw away the cage?"

Xu Huo's eyes moved slightly, "The bracelet authentication is on the cage."

"Then there's nothing we can do." Shangguan Xi looked at the crushing marks on the ground again, then looked at the dark clouds in the distance, and couldn't help but said: "Do you feel that it has suddenly become colder?"

"It might snow." Xu Huo said nonchalantly: "First hurry, and then find a place to take shelter from the snow."

Teacher Ai can only provide information on some abandoned animal caves where you can hide temporarily, but this does not eliminate the problem of low temperature. On the contrary, Shang Guanxi mentioned that he has a high-temperature oven, but it can only be used in a place sheltered from the wind.

It is not difficult to find a shelter from the wind, and Xu Huo has one readily available.

This chapter has been completed!
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