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Chapter 945 Fighting and Escape

 The copy only requires that living samples be sent to W37 base city, and nothing else is mentioned. For alien species that suddenly appear in the city, each base city must have its own prescribed treatment method.

According to what the ponytail man said, a living mutant will definitely be sent to the laboratory first.

Gao Xiaoyan's face sank slightly, "Inform the law enforcement team to put the laboratory under supervision."

The man with the ponytail nodded to the man with the lightning pattern and evacuated from the car. As soon as Gao Xiaoyan was about to get out of the car, he was stopped by Shang Guanxi, "You want to leave before the matter is resolved?"

Gao Xiaoyan was very dissatisfied with him, but did not take action. Instead, he said: "There is an internal problem in W37. Mr. Xu won't be so unreasonable, right?"

"It's okay if you want to find the traitor," Xu Huo said calmly, unlike Shangguan Xi's anger and Zhu Feiyun and others' disappointment and fear, "But I plan to send the samples to the base city first."

Not only Gao Xiaoyan, but also Shangguan Xi and others looked at him in surprise.

"The certification on the cage has not disappeared. I have to give it a try." Xu Huo shook his bracelet, "I originally planned to go to the base city. As for the 'recovery' you mentioned, it is better to talk about it after we get to the base city."

Gao Xiaoyan looked at him coldly, "You can't let you take the body of the alien species away. How it was killed is a clue to the investigation."

Xu Huo glanced at the players on the third floor and the third floor, "Miss Gao is going to break her promise?"

"If a dead alien species can pass the customs, why do you bother to bring it here alive?" Gao Xiaoyan said: "Since it is impossible to pass the customs, what's the use of bringing it to the base city?"

"Mr. Xu insists on doing this, I have to suspect that you have other motives!"

As soon as these words were said, the atmosphere at the scene became tense instantly. Someone shouted "shoot", and the weapons above the building began to fire indiscriminately. All the players hurriedly dodged around, including Gao Xiaoyan and the man with the lightning pattern.

He got rid of Shangguan Xi immediately and left the car.

"Who made the move first!" Gao Xiaoyan said angrily as soon as his feet touched the ground: "Stop shooting...!"

Unfortunately, her order was not conveyed to the training building. Before she could finish her words, several grenades and smoke grenades flew out. Along with the deafening explosion, thick smoke and flying stone debris covered the entire front of the building.

The small square blocked the line of sight at an extremely fast speed!

"Buzz!" The characteristic buzz of the off-road vehicle started. Gao Xiaoyan saw the shadow of the car passing by in the thick fog and quickly chased after it. He used the communicator to contact other players, "Seal the gate, stop people, and don't let them leave!"

While she was talking, she had already jumped on the roof of the car. After using the props, the wheels slipped and veered off the lane. She jumped into the car and met the players in the car!

"Pairs facing each other!" She clapped her hands, and Shangguan Xi and Zhu Feiyun, who were not far apart from each other, were face to face. The same was true for Kuang Wenjun and Pan Qiao. Teacher Ai next to her was not afraid. She looked at Xu who was driving in front of her.

Got it, jumped back and jumped out of the car.

She did not have a head-on confrontation with Xu Huo, but after she jumped out, the metal cage in the car was also attracted by a force and dragged out of the car!

As soon as the alien species came down, Gao Xiaoyan broke away from the chasing team. When she was about to leave with the body, she found that the cage was empty!

The alien is still in the car!

Gao Xiaoyan kicked the metal cage away, and the prop accelerated to catch up with the car again. This time, she didn't hold back. She slapped the ground first, then when the ground in front of her lifted up, she reversed the car like a seesaw toy. She was still some distance away

Reaching out: "Heavy crushing!"

"Crack!" A hole was crushed out of the sloping ground, but the off-road vehicle moved to one side in an irregular manner, avoiding the attack and knocking away two nearby players!

"Good job!" A player supported his companion, rushed towards the off-road vehicle angrily, and called to others, "Don't hold back! Kill them!"

The prop seesaw lost its function under that heavy blow, so the car got up again. Looking at the people who were rushing forward, Gao Xiaoyan loudly reminded them to be careful, but as soon as he finished speaking, the first group of players who approached the car suddenly froze in place.

It moved, and within a second, seven heads flew up in unison!

The accident was unexpected. Before Gao Xiaoyan could see the way out, he saw the next six players standing frozen near the car, and then died in the same way!

Gao Xiaoyan's eyes suddenly shrank, and he immediately took out a long metal bar as thick as his arm and threw it at the rear of the car: "Super firing pin!"

"Bang!" The prop collided with the rear of the car, and the off-road vehicle suddenly shot forward dozens of meters, instantly distanced itself from other players.

"Stop chasing him!" Gao Xiaoyan stopped the people behind him, "You are no match for him. Inform the base city to intercept them and don't let them cause trouble in the city..."

As she was talking, she caught a glimpse of the person standing next to her. Her eyelids suddenly twitched, and then she turned to look to her side. Her expression became visibly surprised. Without waiting for the people around her to ask, she looked forward again.

The traces left by the explosion and the seesaw are still there, and the long black marks caused by the strong friction of the off-road vehicle wheels extend into the distance - a gate on the right side of the building leading to the base city has not been lowered.

Their car, which was less than 100 meters away, was actually several hundred meters away, while the players who had just lost their heads were still alive and well!

The fight that lasted for nearly half a minute seemed real and fake, and for a while it was difficult for Gao Xiaoyan to distinguish what was real and what was fake!

She calmly took out the whistle and blew it. The golden prop made a sharp and harsh sound, which made some players who were addicted to hallucinations wake up a little. The pony-tailed man appeared in front, holding a toy car-like prop and twisting it: "Drive in the opposite direction."


The off-road vehicle speeding in front automatically turned around and drove back towards the building. At this time, the man with the lightning pattern stepped forward to catch up, and a bolt of lightning struck along the ground. However, the light flashed and the off-road vehicle disappeared from the spot!

"We are still hallucinating!" The pony-tailed man reacted and immediately urged people to check the gate, because mental interference has a range, which proves that Xu Huo and the others did not actually run far away.

But just at this moment, the first-level alarm in the building rang, and for a while the whole building fell into another kind of tension!

"All personnel in the base, abandon all tasks at hand and enter the hibernation room immediately!" Gao Xiaoyan glanced at the car that had completely gone away, and had no choice but to give up and follow the large team towards the hibernation room that automatically rose from the ground in an emergency on the opposite side of the building.

Although he was already beyond the scope of Xu Huo's spiritual world, he could still see the chaotic building when he looked back. Seeing that no one was catching up, Shangguan Xi couldn't help but ask: "What is going on?"

"It's a super virus alert. They don't have time to take care of us now," Xu Huo said.

This chapter has been completed!
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