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Chapter 968 Doctor Zhang

 "Impossible!" Luo Changren said flatly: "I have witnessed the efficacy of the genetic evolution agent with my own eyes. It has worked on human races in other game divisions!"

"In other words, Dr. Zhang not only used the genetic samples you provided to make evolution agents, but also conducted the same research in other game divisions." Xu Huo paused, "What kind of person is he?"

"A very elegant gentleman..." Luo Changren's belief was shocked. He reluctantly answered and then asked, "Did Gao Zhen tell you what you said?"

Xu Huo took out the evidence on the spot and showed him the key points.

Luo Changren's face didn't look good from the beginning. When Gao Zhen said, "Always leave people with some hope," he endured a mouthful of blood before finally spitting it out. He half-lyed on his lap and said repeatedly

: "I don't believe it...I don't believe it...I don't believe it..."

In fact, he was just an introduction. The real culprit that caused the spread of the SE virus was Base City 01. Even if the evolution agent he brought back was put into mass production, only a small number of players would be harmed in the end, and so many people would not die. What happened next

He took the blame, but his conscience still persisted. He escaped to retrieve the vaccine and endured the humiliation in order to atone for his sin. But now he was told that the vaccine might be fake, which no one could accept.

Xu Huo glanced at the time and did not interrupt him to vent his emotions for the time being.

Luo Changren finally recovered a little and said with hope: "The SE virus really won't destroy evolutionary genes?"

"If Gao Zhen hadn't lied." Xu Huo briefly analyzed: "There is no need for her to lie. This SE virus incident was planned by her. The main purpose was to clean up the population and not risk the future of the entire base city."

"The genetic continuation of a race is a top priority for anyone with ambitions."

Luo Changren seemed to be convinced and nodded slowly, "Yes, otherwise she wouldn't have let me go in the first place."

"When did you meet Dr. Zhang? Was he the first person to tell you about using ancestral genes to modify evolutionary agents?" Xu Huo asked.

"The first time I was kicked out of Base City 01." Luo Changren replied, "After graduating from Haiou, I was troubled by the limitations of being a doctor. I was obsessed with religion for a while, and then I decided to become a pharmacist after learning about Dr. Wu's deeds.


"A surgeon can save a few people. Only by developing a good enough medicine can the base station gradually grow. So I went everywhere to find investment for the evolution agent project, but my talent was limited, and those with real talent were not willing to work with me.

We worked together, and if we didn’t see any results, it would be impossible for the laboratory to support me anymore. After being unemployed several times, I couldn’t survive in Base City 01, so I had to buy a non-player ticket to go to other divisions.”

"After traveling through two districts, I met Dr. Zhang at E21-024."

"He was running a small laboratory at the time, but he was very famous. Many powerful people wanted to stuff money into his hands. It was only through a noble woman that I reluctantly went to visit one of his pharmaceutical experiments."

"The potion released that day was a physical strength enhancer. The effect was much better than the potion supplied to ordinary evolvers in that section, so it was highly sought after..." He didn't seem to want to describe this paragraph more, so he skipped it. "He came to me on his own initiative.

I was very troubled at the time, so I told him the matter, and he suggested that I start with genes."

"I was obsessed at the time. I felt that if I could really improve the genes of the base station, not only would the base station have a bright future, but my name would also be passed down from generation to generation..."

"Too naive... If improving genes was really that easy, other game divisions would have done it long ago. But I was too naive. After seeing players and evolvers, I thought it could really be done."

This was a speech made out of despair, and Xu Huo did not comment. But if it were him, he would probably believe what Dr. Zhang said. Not to mention the advanced talents like Dr. Wu, Hengxing Pharmaceutical Group might have mastered this technology long ago, but it has not been popularized.

, but having said that, evolution is actually a kind of genetic improvement. The difference is that Luo Changren wants the race of the base station to be specially evolved.

Luo Changren continued, "After I returned to the base station, I spent a lot of effort to find an ancient corpse. After the 01 base station funded my research, I went to the 024 area to find Dr. Zhang, and he agreed for a small fee.

Help me complete my research...but there is no such thing as a free lunch."

"Did he directly deliver the finished potion to you?" Xu Huo pondered for a moment, "What did he say to you at that time?"

Every word spoken by this man who was once regarded as a benefactor by Luo Changren but is now his greatest enemy was very profound to him. "I didn't understand what he said at the time, but now I understand."

"Gene improvement is a very long process. Human beings achieve this result through mating over time. Although it is to adapt to the environment, every component of the gene has a reason for its existence. Even if some parts seem to be waste, they are indispensable.

, accelerating this process and forcibly stripping off certain parts of the gene will bring unpredictable consequences."

"These are his exact words." Luo Changren clenched his fists, "I even wrote this at the beginning of my autobiography!"

There is no need to expose such shameful privacy.

"Let's talk about the vaccine." Xu Huo said: "You should have doubted him about the SE virus outbreak."

"I did have doubts, but I had no other choice but to go find him." Luo Changren said: "But I didn't see him that time. Only when I found his residence did I find out that he had left the vaccine for me before leaving.

, in case I regret it..."

Tears flowed from his red eyes, and he covered his face and let out a strange cry, "I was thinking, how could there be such a good person in this world... It turns out that even the evolution agent is fake..."

This remains to be verified.

It is true that Gao Zhen said that the SE virus does not affect the next generation, but it is not necessarily true that the evolutionary agent is useless.

Regardless of the purpose of other base cities, the combination of the evolution agent and the virus in 01 base city can cause such a tragic situation, which shows that this evolution agent has not eradicated the hidden dangers. Evolution requires a price. This is reflected in all players.

It is totally unnecessary for Dr. Zhang to teach Luo Changren a lesson with a gene-destroying potion, not to mention that he also left a vaccine potion behind, which means that he anticipated in advance what bad things would happen if he took this evolution agent... As for why

Maybe you really wanted to teach him a lesson by not giving the two potions to Luo Changren at the same time, but Base City 01 intervened and things developed in an uncontrollable direction.

Of course, this is just Xu Huo's speculation.

It can be expected that after Luo Changren came back with the vaccine, he was hunted down and was forced to change his face. He entrusted the vaccine to trusted friends and asked them to take it to the W37 base city to hide it. After that, he never saw Dr. Zhang again.

"Do you remember his appearance and physical characteristics?"

This chapter has been completed!
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