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Chapter 993

"The news said it was a real sun." Lu Qing said: "If it wasn't real, why would so many people spend money?"

"No," Chi Minghong said, "Have any of you ever seen the real sun?"

"You can see it on the communication device." Lu Qing took out her communication device and found the saved video about the sun, "Is this the sun?"

Chi Minghong glanced at it, quite speechless, "It's impossible to move a burning planet to Area 002."

Like Xu Huo, she thought this was a money scam.

However, the little girl was very insistent and said, "You won't know until you see it."

In fact, she had no other choice other than this.

This topic was not pleasant to talk about, and the three of them stopped talking. However, being in darkness for a long time without seeing any light inevitably made people feel depressed, so Chi Minghong turned on the radio.

"... Next is the final voting session that everyone is most concerned about. The top ten beauties in the Snow Palace are already preparing to enter the Snow Palace. When the final rankings are announced, these ten beauties will enter in order according to the final vote results.

Snow Palace.”

"And how will the Snow Palace, which has not been opened for almost three years, welcome its owner? It is reported that Jiyun Mining, which is responsible for the decoration of the Snow Palace, specially purchased a batch of special gems from outside the area, which can

The Snow Palace displays a starry effect without lighting. I believe all citizens are looking forward to it just like me..."

Chi Minghong changed the channel.

"A random dungeon entrance is suspected to have appeared near the L1317 national highway, and the entrance is gradually expanding. According to the current expansion rate, citizens across the country are requested to change their travel route to L1327 before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, and to L1337 after 8 o'clock."

"Any traveling public who finds something special can call our hotline to report it. We will continue to monitor changes in random copies to protect the safety of citizens' lives and property."

Xu Huo changed the channel and borrowed Lu Qing's communication device to check the traffic situation, and then said to Chi Minghong: "We have to change the route."

Chi Minghong nodded and took a detour onto the L1327 National Highway when passing a small town.

People followed the day and night schedule prescribed by the government. Due to the remote location, they did not encounter anyone in the first half of the main road. Only in the second half did rival cars gradually appear.

At this time, there are still two hours before eight o'clock in the morning.

Cars kept coming back in front of him. Xu Huo interrupted and asked a passing car what happened. The other car looked at the number plate that had been removed from his car, said in a hurry, "The entrance to the dungeon is occupying the road" and accelerated away.


"It's a waste of time." Chi Minghong complained and turned the car around. Because there were too many cargo boxes behind the car, they occupied the props when turning, causing the cars coming back from the front to be blocked in the middle of the road. The car at the front was

Che had a bad temper. He stretched out his upper body and slapped the roof of his car, shouting: "Do you know how to drive? If you don't know how to drive, just step aside. The road is blocked for you. You still don't have fucking eyes."

Long ears, I didn’t know there was a random copy expanding behind me!”

Chi Minghong was obviously not a good-tempered person. After enduring a few words from him, he still refused to speak. Instead, he flashed his lights and honked his horn. Without losing his head, he suddenly backed away and knocked the car out of the aisle, facing him.

The frightened man in the car raised his middle finger, "If you say another fucking beep, do you believe I will make you speechless for the rest of your life?"

A woman who dares to run long distances in Zone 002, and a woman from outside the zone, can only be a player. The other party dares to be angry and dare not speak out, so she can only huddle in the car and consider herself unlucky.

However, there are also players from Area 002 along this way. The obvious difference in appearance seems to make the players in this area have a clearer distinction between inside and outside. Therefore, when the people in the car shrank and did not dare to come forward, a player behind them said: "People from outside areas are running away."

Why do you want to show off? Let’s go or not!”

There were more and more cars behind. Chi Minghong turned on the electronic control switch and the car started moving again.

Since the electric storage car had a cargo box hanging on the back, it didn't move as briskly as other cars, so cars kept passing by them. However, two cars accelerated first and then slowed down, following them one to the left and one to the right.

"Brother, you have a lot of stuff in your car." Another car passed by them, and the player from the outer area driving the car raised his head at Xu Huo, "Be careful of others looking too greedy."

After saying that, the medium-sized electric storage vehicle sped away from them.

Robbery and murder are common in the game world, and being targeted is also normal.

Neither Xu Huo nor Chi Minghong took it seriously. During the shift change, Chi Minghong went to the cargo box at the back and released the five people in the cage.

Three girls and two boys, all children under the age of twenty. They have the typical appearance of area 002 people, with snow-white skin, slender bodies, and mostly white hair with mixed colors. Each child is groomed and groomed.

Too, wearing revealing clothes and wearing bright makeup.

Chi Minghong asked them to get into the compartment of the electric storage car. He looked at the trembling people and said, "Do you have a place to go?"

Several people subconsciously tightened their bodies and looked at her blankly.

Chi Minghong leaned on the chair, crossed his legs and said, "Don't be so nervous. Brother Xu and I are going to Xiaoyang City. If there is a place to stay, we can take you there by the way."

After a while, one of the boys who looked like the oldest said, "We are all from Huayu City and have no friends in Xiaoyang City."

"You guys are quite good-looking. Will you be sold out if you go to Xiaoyang City?" Chi Minghong scratched his head.

"Yes." It was Lu Qing who spoke, and she said expressionlessly: "In the eyes of people in big cities, immigrants who have no roots are not considered human beings at all. Even if they go out to work, as long as someone finds out their details, they will

It won't be long before they disappear in unison and then appear in various sensual places."

"If you are lucky, they may be bought by someone. If you are unlucky, they may be tortured and disabled by customers. When they lose their beauty, they may be broken into parts and sold. Blood, organs, hands and feet are all bought. If..."

Lu Qing stopped talking here and did not continue to finish her sentence. Instead, she said: "In short, it is difficult for people without the ability to protect themselves to survive in any city."

Men and women at the bottom are the same in this world. If Kong is strong enough, he can still work as a coolie or a thug for a few years.

The five children knew very well what Lu Qing meant, and they also knew the fate they would face next. However, they did not ask Chi Minghong for help. Instead, they waited blankly and numbly for the final result - whether it was sending them to

They can only accept it if they go to the next city to buy or sell.

"Oh, you are so pitiful." Chi Minghong sighed, "Sister, let me do a good deed today."

As she spoke, she took out a wad of white banknotes and divided a few among each of them. Then she gave each of them a non-player ticket and said with a smile: "Go ahead."

This chapter has been completed!
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