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Chapter 998 Fire of Freedom

 Not long after the shouting, players responsible for city security arrived in large numbers. These people who were bought and sold did not ask for help and cried out to them, but fled in a hurry - being captured by the city government, they may not be better than they are now.


These players did not come to put out the fire, they immediately surrounded the culprit.

"Stop!" Master Xuan shouted when he saw this: "I asked him to do it!"

"Who is that?" On the roof fifty meters away, a young man with white hair asked the people around him.

"Captain, he is from the Dong family. He and the Miss Cai family are classmates. Their name is Dong Jingxuan."

The white-haired young man jumped to the ground and nodded to Brother Lei before saying hello to Dong Jingxuan.

"Master Dong is not injured, right?" He expressed false concern, but did not wave away the men surrounding Xu Huo.

"Thanks to my new bodyguard." Dong Jingxuan was also angry with the players in Xiaoyang City and said with a cold face: "Otherwise, I might have died on your territory today."

"In the new era, I never thought that one day I would be robbed and killed on the street!"

"This is our dereliction of duty." The white-haired young man said: "Why don't you ask Master Dong to go back to the hotel to rest first, and let us handle the matters here. We will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation in the future."

"Go ahead and explain to him." Dong Jingxuan pointed at Brother Lei and then at Xu Huo: "That person is coming with me."

He seemed to have a non-negotiable attitude.

The white-haired young man looked embarrassed, "He is a player from an outside area and has killed so many people. If the guards just let him go, we will not be able to bear the responsibility if we are held accountable by the superiors."

"Accuse?" Dong Jingxuan's voice rose, "When I go back to Xuecheng and ask the General Health Department, you can blame me again. I ordered the people to be killed, but the people here dare to attack me. It's easier to kill them!"


After saying that, he didn’t give the white-haired young man a chance to speak again, and said directly: “Let’s go!”

The name is Xu Huo.

Xu Huo put away his sword and said to the two players standing in front of him: "Please give way."

The two of them first looked back at the white-haired young man, and then moved out of the way when they saw him nodding.

Xu Huo walked up behind Dong Jingxuan with a smile, patted his shoulder with a bloody hand, and said with a smile: "Master Xuan, I didn't expect you to have a good spirit of contract."

The words were addressed to Dong Jingxuan, but it was Brother Lei in front of him who was staring at him.

Brother Lei glanced at his hand and said to the white-haired young man: "We will take Master Xuan back to the hotel first. Someone will explain to the mayor later, so please don't disturb us for the time being."

The white-haired young man narrowed his eyes and chose to give in, asking his men to get out of the way.

"Wait, I'll take someone with me." Xu Huo interrupted, released the little boy from the cage, and asked him, "Do you want to run?"

The boy looked stubborn, looking at the burning houses around him, and then asked: "Will you sell me?"

Xu Huo touched his head and said, "Don't trust someone easily."

The boy raised his face and said, "If you want to betray me, I will find a way to escape!"

Xu Huo nodded and led him to follow Dong Jingxuan and his party.

The three girls with pigtails failed to follow Dong Jingxuan to the hotel. Brother Lei directly separated them from Dong Jingxuan. When they arrived at the hotel, he didn't even give him time to change clothes. He was ready to leave as soon as he got his ID.

"Why do you have to leave immediately?" Dong Jingxuan was displeased, "I want to take a shower and eat."

Brother Lei said: "If you still want to keep your new bodyguard, leave now."

"Are you threatening me?" Dong Jingxuan refused to cooperate, "I don't believe Xiaoyang City dares to do anything to me!"

"Of course they won't deal with you," Lei Ge said: "But if you want to force a player from outside the area to stay, do you have any way to stop it? There are only ten of us on this trip. Strong dragons cannot overwhelm local snakes, even we have to bow our heads.


"You think I don't agree with you killing people just to make you feel uncomfortable?"

"We represent the Dong family. Once we take action, it will be a conflict between the family and the local government. To smooth this matter out, the Dong family will have to shed some blood and cause such a big trouble to the family. Do you still want to come out in the future?"

"What he said makes sense." Xu Huo said calmly from the side: "If you go back now, you can file a complaint first. If you can get a win, maybe you will get less beatings."

Dong Jingxuan's face tightened upon hearing this, and he had no choice but to agree to leave.

Originally, the group of them had their own aircraft, but in order not to be stopped halfway, they chose to take the train - Area 002 has regulations that prohibit any local city government from delaying or stopping the train for any reason.

After getting in the car, Dong Jingxuan's young master became angry again and asked Brother Lei to get him clothes and food.

Although he was suspected of looking for trouble, Lei Ge still obeyed everything and did not resort to false pretenses.

Dong Jingxuan's expression became a little more relaxed when he saw this, and when he saw Xu Huo who had only changed clothes but not taken a shower, he said again: "You are extremely dirty, go and wash yourself."

The person who was using the communication device looked up and asked, "What did you say?"

Underneath his calm face, there seemed to be danger that others could not see through. Dong Jingxuan swallowed his saliva, "No... I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to wash it off. There was so much blood splattered on your body just now..."

Under Xu Huo's gaze, his voice became smaller and smaller, but he soon found a way to restore his respect. He pointed at the child next to him and said, "He must wash himself. People with disheveled appearance are not allowed to enter."

Snow City.”

Only then did Xu Huo's expression change. He looked at the boy next to him and said, "It's time to wash up."

"Go on your own." Xu Huo dug out a skirt in the luggage compartment and gave it to him.

The boy held the skirt and looked up at him.

Xu Huo lowered his eyes, "You can come out naked if you don't want me."

The boy went to take a bath obediently.

Xu Huo also contacted Chi Minghong and told her that he had already got in the car.

"See you in the car." Chi Minghong replied.

After a while, the boy came back. He was wearing the prop skirt Xu Huo bought for Little Pink Riding Hood. He grabbed the skirt and walked back to his seat. Apparently he had tried to tear the skirt open.

Seeing the table knife on the table, he grabbed it and scratched it on the skirt, but it didn't leave even a mark.

"Is this still a prop?" Dong Jingxuan, who was dining elegantly, seemed surprised as to why a person like Xu Huo would be carrying children's props and clothes.

"I bought it for the children at home." Xu Huo pushed a plate of food in front of the boy and said, "Your surname is Dong? When I came to District 002, I met a brother and sister named Dong. They said they were from Xuecheng. No.

Do you know if he is your relative?"

"What are their names, single characters or double characters?" Dong Jingxuan was a little interested, "If they are players from Syracuse, maybe they are actually related."

"One word."

"The single word means cousin." Dong Jingxuan didn't care, "In my family, only the children with the Dong surname born to the married daughter have the single word. Although they follow the Dong family's surname, cousins ​​are nothing... Do you have any issues with them?"

This chapter has been completed!
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