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Chapter 001 Cheng Qianfan

1936, Shanghai, early spring.

The spring is cold and cold.

Cheng Qianfan opened the window and took a look outside. The sky was so gloomy that it seemed like water was dripping.

With the corner of his eye, he was observing the entrance to the alley. People were coming and going, but there was nothing unusual.

You can hear Liu Ada, the wonton seller, arguing with Aunt Ma again.

Aunt Ma is always taking advantage, and she always gives various excuses: the filling of the wontons is too small, the taste is too bland, the skin is thin, and the skin is thick.

Every time Liu Ada had to give him an extra bowl of wonton soup, Aunt Ma would leave proudly, never forgetting to say "too few shrimp skins".

Liu Ada will always say that he will not sell it to you next time.

Cheng Qianfan took off his patrol police uniform and began to change.

The deep V-neck thick sweater worn on his body lengthened the lines of his upper body.

Layer a sweater jacket on the outside to give the overall look a layered look.

This is a very common dress of educated people, which gives Cheng Qianfan a lot of scholarly atmosphere, like a student in a university or a young teacher in a school.

Today is a routine meeting day agreed with Lao Liao.

Whenever this happens, Cheng Qianfan's whole person is hot from the inside out.

He believes that every underground worker feels this way when interacting with his comrades.

Underground workers are lonely, and their working environment is complex and full of dangers.

You must always be vigilant, battle wits with enemies and the surrounding environment, and do not tolerate any mistakes.

The happiest moment is meeting comrades, chatting, talking about work, and imagining the beautiful tomorrow of our motherland in everyone's mind.

Even if we can't touch or even talk when we meet, just a look in the eye is the greatest encouragement to each other.

We are not fighting alone, we have comrades.

Cheng Qianfan thought of a chat he had with Lao Liao. Lao Liao gestured and said that what he was happiest about (looking forward to) was that at the end of the year, he could sit in the yard of his ancestral home, basking in the sun, smoking a pack of cigarettes, and shouting, "(grandson)"

) The granddaughters gathered around him, and the grandparents made fun of him, which was really a pleasure.

Cheng Qianfan fell silent and did not speak.

Lao Liao is from Northeast China.

The whole family participated in the Anti-League.

A wife, three sons, and two daughters all died.

The old man is alone now.

The old man felt bitter and resentful.

The hatred of the country and the family.

Half an hour later.

Cheng Qianfan was waiting for the tram on Fada Avenue.

He was carrying a bottle of sorghum wine in his hand.

French Electrical Route 2 runs from Shiliupu to Xujiahui, passing through Fada Avenue, Father Jin Road and other downtown areas. It is the most important transportation line in the French Concession.

Cheng Qianfan's destination was to get off at Xiafei Road.

Lao Liao was waiting for him at the station.

Cheng Qianfan will get off the tram and Lao Liao will pretend to get on the tram. The two will have contact at this time and complete the transfer of information or items covertly and quickly.

The tram is crowded and there are many passengers waiting. It is difficult for the elderly and weak to get on the tram.

The Shanghai poster community once used an exaggerated title to describe the difficulty of riding a tram: "Charging on a crowded tram."

"The brave passengers jumped into the car through the window or the front or rear of the car without waiting for the iron door to open.

By the time you enter through the gate, the carriage is already packed with people, as crowded as sardines and suffocating.

A group of old and weak soldiers were left under the station, and they pinned their hopes on the next train ride.

Those who are impatient can only pay a high price to hire a tricycle or rickshaw, or work hard on the soles of their feet."

Therefore, when Lao Liao is old, he will pretend that he cannot squeeze into the tram.

This is very reasonable.

Rationality is the first thing an underground worker must consider. This is what Comrade "Zhulin" told Cheng Qianfan to always bear in mind.

Then, if Lao Liao chooses to wait for the next tram where he is, it means everything is normal, there is no emergency notification from his superiors, and everything is business as usual.

If Lao Liao acts like he can't wait for the tram and chooses to leave on foot, it means that the matter is urgent and the two people need to find an opportunity to meet immediately.

Unless Lao Liao or Cheng Qianfan are exposed and someone keeps watching them, this kind of contact will not attract the attention of others.

The tram is a carrier and a good cover tool.

Cheng Qianfan finally squeezed into the car.

I saw Li Hao at first sight.

Li Hao is a conductor on French Electrical Route 2. He is wearing a yellow twill uniform and has a white cloth bag used to hold ticket money slung over his shoulder.

He held the ticket folder tightly in his hand, stared at the passengers going up and down like a torch, and shouted, "Passengers getting on the train should buy their tickets!"

Cheng Qianfan said nothing, looked at Li Hao, and paid for the ticket.

Li Hao shook his head towards Cheng Qianfan in a subtle way, which meant that no one was following him.

As a tram conductor, I have a good position, and I have developed a pair of sharp eyes. I can see and remember all the men, women, and children who get on the train.

While using his peripheral vision to observe if there was anything unusual behind Cheng Qianfan who was walking inside, he raised his voice and shouted to a long-faced passenger, "I bought a four-cent foreign-money ticket. At most, I can take the train to Father Jin!"

Lao Liao was wearing an old thin cotton-padded jacket and did not crowd into the crowd. Instead, he stood at the corner with a bottle of rice wine in his hand.

This location is good, with a good view and easy observation.

Lao Liao glanced at the rice wine and sighed.

Today is the anniversary of the death of my wife and the youngest. These bastards are all good at wine, and the two girls can even have a few sips.

Especially the youngest, the home-brewed sorghum wine is her favorite.

I didn't buy sorghum wine, so I don't know if the youngest will get into trouble.

Lao Liao's nose felt sore, as if he had seen the scene of the youngest man firing a grenade and disappearing with the Japanese mountain search team.

That was the youngest child that he loved the most. He was gone and left to look for his brothers and sisters.

A few dozen meters away, on the second floor of a private house on the street.

"Team leader, I'm going downstairs to buy cigarettes." Ding Naifei asked for instructions. There were several cigarette butts at his feet. They were out of cigarettes and he was addicted to smoking.

Wang Kangnian waved his hand.

"This old man seems to be distracted." Wang Kangnian put down the telescope and thought for a moment, "What is he thinking about?"

Wang Kangnian is the leader of the third team of the Shanghai Special Economic Zone Action Unit of the Central Party Affairs Investigation Office.

This person especially likes to ponder these small details. Wang Kangnian believes that the emotions and expressions that people reveal unintentionally can sometimes reveal important information subconsciously.

Ding Naifei, who went downstairs to buy cigarettes, came back.

"Old Ding, take a look." As he said this, he handed the telescope to his deputy, Ding Naifei.

Ding Naifei opened the cigarette, chewed a cigarette himself, and handed one to the team leader.

At the same time, he picked up the binoculars, took a casual look, chewed on a cigarette and said, "Team leader, I'm just doing rough work. You asked me to kill this old man with one shot. I'm doing it. I'm just using my brain. Where can I be?"


"You, you have to learn to use your brain to fight and kill those who can't get on the stage." Wang Kangnian cursed with a smile.

"I'll just follow the team leader." Ding Naifei was not angry, lit the cigarette, and took a puff.

"Does this old man drink?" Wang Kangnian picked up the binoculars and looked carefully. When he saw the old man looking down at the wine bottle he was carrying several times, he suddenly asked. This detail caught his attention and interest.

This chapter has been completed!
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