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Chapter 541 The Sword Points at Shanghai District

 Hou Bao yawned.

Normally, he would choose not to hear it, then turn around and leave.

However, the higher-ups now attach great importance to this "street cleaning" operation.

The Police Chief of Police, His Excellency Mr. Ferguson, strictly ordered that during the National Day celebrations, we must absolutely put an end to beatings, smashings, robberies and other vicious incidents, especially street robbery, abduction, kidnapping and other "people's livelihoods that are most concerned about citizens" incidents.

The most important thing is that the guys from the Political Department sent a lot of detectives to conduct unannounced visits on the streets.

These people lack great virtue.

"Boss, I seem to be calling the kidnappers for kidnapping," a patrolman said.

"Go and have a look." Hou Bao's eyes lit up and he said.

Who will be kidnapped?

Rich people.

Note, he is a rich person, not a powerful person, nor a rich and powerful person.

People with money but no power are the kidnappers' favorite targets.

Similarly, these "meat tickets" are also the kind citizens that the patrolmen like most.

Hou Bao did not forget to tell his brothers, "Kidnapping in the street, the gangsters are fierce, brothers, please pay attention to safety."

When several people heard that it was kidnappers, they were all shocked. They felt sorry for them.

Che Luwang indeed shouted ‘kidnapping’ on purpose.

They understand the virtues of patrol officers very well.

They're all a bunch of guys who can't afford to be early.

Che Luwang's personal force is indeed tyrannical, but he has no choice but to fight against many people.

Five people fought with him one after another.

The citizens nearby all gave way, showing no intention of pitying the heroes who saw injustice on the road.

‘Kidnapping by kidnappers’ is very attractive to police officers because the police officers have the authority to manipulate the ‘victim’, but for ordinary citizens, they are afraid to avoid it.

Just when Che Luwang's physical strength was gradually exhausted and he thought he was going to be doomed this time, an angry shout rang in his ears, "Stop, the police are on duty."

He was already being held down. When he looked up, he saw several police officers rushing towards him.

Two police officers held guns with both hands, and the other three held brass-tipped batons with both hands.

"Get down!"

"Shoot if you move!"

"Police officer, I am the young boss of Linji Grain Store. My father knows Mr. Qian Nan from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau." Che Luwang immediately shouted.

His words were of course false. He was not the young owner of a grain store, and my father did not know Mr. Qian Nan from the Ministry of Industry.

These words are meant to restrain and force the patrol to save people:

Conning the policeman is the first step.

The second step is to prevent the patrol from being intimidated by the identities of these people and leaving. Although these people have not revealed their identities, they are either No. 76 or Japanese Special High School, no matter which identity they have.

It may cause the patrol officer to retreat.

Of course, this possibility is unlikely. After all, the French still want to save face.

However, he had to be careful. This was a life-and-death moment. How could he save his life?

After shouting these words, Che Luwang's whole strength seemed to be drained away.

Hou Bao was a little surprised. This was a bit abnormal. The kidnappers actually attacked rich and powerful people in broad daylight?

He glanced at the 'meat ticket'.

Che Luwang was here for a date with Wang Yin, so he was neatly dressed, and his clothes were all high-end goods. He wore a watch on his wrist, and his hair was so shiny that flies would prick at it.

He looks handsome, like a wealthy young man.

He then looked at the five kidnappers who were intimidated by his brothers.

These kidnappers look like they are unruly and evil, no wonder they dare to attack people who know the directors of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau?

"This police officer, we are from No. 76," said an agent from the Secret Service Headquarters. "We have been ordered to arrest violent elements in Chongqing."

Hou Bao's eyes narrowed and he looked critically at Che Luwang, who had been helped up from the ground by his men.

"What kind of violent people? They just want to kidnap people!" Che Luwang hurriedly 'redressed his grievances' and shouted with an idea, "What are you doing in a daze? Arrest these lawless kidnappers."

Chelu Wangyi's commanding manner temporarily reduced Hou Bao's suspicion.

"What's No. 76? This is the French Concession, the territory of the French!" Hou Bao snorted coldly.

"Take them away." Hou Bao said with a straight face, and with a wave of his hand, he ordered his men to take the 'meat ticket' and the kidnappers to Fuxi's patrol room.

Just as Che Luwang expected, for such a young man with a profound background, he would not dare not to save him now that he was in the police force.


Liang Yuchun opened the blinds and looked outside, and saw Cheng Qianfan's car driving into the yard.

It's raining.

A policeman stepped forward eagerly and stood by the car door holding up an umbrella.

Seeing Cheng Qianfan enter the arresting hall, Liang Yuchun snorted coldly.

This bitch is quite shrewd.

Yuan Kaizhou judged that Cheng Qianfan carried out such a "street cleaning" operation, not only to save face for the old French National Day, but also to be suspected of targeting "Commander Tu".

Liang Yuchun felt that he could see the essence through phenomena: Compassion

The reason for this big fight was actually to suppress the scandal that he, Xiao Cheng, was always caught and raped in bed.

Cheng Qianfan had an affair with Cardinal Zhao's concubine, and was caught and raped by Cardinal Zhao. The couple even thought of murdering Cardinal Zhao - this rumor was just circulated in the market two days ago.

The newspapers have not yet followed up, but it is obvious that this is big news. Even if Xiao Cheng will always forcefully suppress the press, there will inevitably be newspapers with strong backgrounds and "not afraid of death" that will publish it——

The sexy news about Mr. Xiao Cheng and all kinds of beauties has fed some tabloid reporters, not to mention that he was caught in adultery, and this couple actually wanted to carry out the murder of Da Lang by Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian. This news is definitely sensational.


However, now, the patrol office has launched such a "street cleaning" operation, and has published articles in major newspapers, requesting comprehensive coverage of the "street cleaning" operation in the past few days. This is Zheng Zhi's overall situation. If you dare to violate it, you will be responsible for the consequences.

In this way, the embarrassing scene that Liang Yuchun expected to see Cheng Qianfan being widely reported was actually erased without leaving a trace.

This piece of shit! Sorry

Liang Yuchun snorted coldly, and then laughed again.

The scratches on Cheng Qianfan's neck had spread throughout the patrol room in the past two days and became the talk of the town after dinner.

There are those who don’t like this beast, and they are happy but also regretful:

Why didn't Mrs. Cheng scratch that guy's face?

Better to be disfigured!

"Brother Fan, this is the action plan jointly proposed by the two of them." Hao Zai took out a piece of paper from his inner pocket and handed it to Cheng Qianfan.

After Cheng Qianfan took it, he turned around and took out a book from the bookcase behind him, and carefully translated the secret letter.

Jiang Mulezi didn't understand this. This was a secret letter written by Lu Xingge himself.

Lu Xingge has been in the special task force for some time, and his cooperation with Jiang Mulezi is pretty good.

Jiang Mulezi came from a poor family, could get along well with his men, and had a certain talent for military combat, but after all, he was from a wild background.

Lu Xingge is a top student at the Central Army Officers School. He is a grassroots officer of the Central Army. He has rich theoretical knowledge and combat experience. He has been in the military for many years and is familiar with secret service work.

The cooperation between these two people happens to complement each other very well.

As the saying goes, Jiang Mulezi and Lu Xingge thought about an action plan together and submitted it to the team leader "Xiao Mian" for approval.

Cheng Qianfan memorized the plan in his mind, and then directly burned the original secret letter and its translation.

"Reply to the Rangers. I have read the plan, but it still needs to be considered." Cheng Qianfan said, "The Rangers are strictly ordered to maintain a high degree of alert. It is best to be quiet during this period of time and not to move. Everything is awaiting my order."

The emergency martial law imposed a few days before the 76th, and then quickly lifted, seemed to have little impact, but in fact it was impossible to ignore, like a thin thorn stuck in the throat.

It's not that you have to figure out what happened, because maybe nothing will happen, but it's more out of habitual caution.

"Yes." Hao Zai nodded.

Jingle Bell.

The phone on the desk rang.

Cheng Qianfan raised his chin, and Haozi stepped forward to pick up the phone, "This is Vice President Cheng's office."

Soon, Hao Zai covered the microphone and said to Cheng Qianfan, "Brother Fan, this is Lieutenant Pete."

"What's the matter?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

Hao Zai shook his head, and Cheng Qianfan stepped forward and picked up the phone, "It's me, Peter."

"Okay, I'll be right over." Cheng Qianfan frowned slightly. Peter said he had something important to ask him to come over, but he didn't want to say more on the phone. This inevitably made him feel suspicious.

"I'm going to the Political Department." Cheng Qianfan picked up his police hat, patted the non-existent dust, and said to Hao Zai, "In half an hour, you go to the Political Department Lieutenant Pete's office to find me."

Pete is his business partner and good friend, but he doesn't trust anyone.

"Understood." Hao Zai nodded.

Political Section, Lieutenant Pitt's office.

Cheng Qianfan whistled and put his right hand in the pocket of his police pants. He knocked on the door and entered, only to find that there was someone else in the office besides Peter.

"Brother Centenary is here too?" Cheng Qianfan said in surprise, smiling and stepping forward to shake hands with this man.

Li Baibai is the deputy chief inspector of the Fuxi District Patrol Room and is at the same level as him. However, due to the special nature of the Central Patrol Room, 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' is actually half a level above Li Baibai.

With that said, Cheng Qianfan enthusiastically handed Li Baibai a cigarette, "Last time on Fuxi Road, it was Brother Bai Bai who was the host. Now that we are in the Central District, I must do my best to be a landlord."

"Next time, I will kill you for a meal, brother." Li Baibai took the cigarette, took out the lighter and lit it, took a slow puff, and exhaled a stream of smoke, "This time, brother, I have something to ask for.

On your head, brother."

"What happened?" Cheng Qianfan noticed that Li Baibai looked sad and asked. While speaking, he glanced at Peter.

"Deputy Chief Inspector Li and Vice Chief Cheng are here. Please tell him the story again." Peter said calmly.


Cheng Qianfan frowned.

According to Li Baibai's story, Inspector Hou Bao of the Fuxi District Patrol Office was patrolling the streets when he encountered a citizen who was suspected of being kidnapped. Hou Bao immediately led his men to dispatch and successfully prevented the crime from happening, killing both the 'victim' and the kidnapper.

And take it.

But they never thought that the kidnappers revealed their identities as agents of No. 76. They were performing official duties and arresting violent elements in Chongqing.

The victim tried his best to defend himself, saying that he was the young boss of Lin Kee Food Co., Ltd.

Now, both parties are temporarily detained at the Special Detention Center of the Political Section of the Fuxi District Patrol Room. Li Cuiqun, deputy director of the Secret Service Headquarters, called the Fuxi District Patrol Room in the French Concession to accuse the man of being Che Luwang, a violent member of Chongqing, and requested that the man be extradited immediately.


For the first time, the patrol house has rejected the extradition request from the secret service headquarters, on the grounds that there are no "business" contacts between the French Concession patrol house and the secret service headquarters, and there are no extradition regulations.

Cheng Qianfan's heart skipped a beat:

Busy traffic!

The special commissioner of the Shanghai District of the Military Command who had just arrived in Shanghai had a busy journey. Something happened?! Sorry!

It is extremely unlikely that someone with the same name is mistaken, not to mention being designated by the Secret Service Headquarters as a 'violent element' in Chongqing. Cheng Qianfan is almost certain that the Che Luwang he is talking about is the Shanghai District Commissioner of Military Reunion, Dai Chunfeng, whom he knows.

Confidants, the road is booming!

How could something happen to this man?

Cheng Qianfan's mind was filled with doubts.

At the same time, he had a vague guess in his mind that the arrest of Che Luwang on the 76th was very likely to have something to do with the sudden and sudden cancellation of martial law at the Secret Service Headquarters.

If things are true as he guessed, then the goal of No. 76 this time will be determined - military control of Shanghai District.

So the question is, how did Cheluwang get exposed?

You must know that Che Luwang has just arrived in Shanghai. Not to mention that his whereabouts have been exposed, even many middle-level cadres in Shanghai District may not necessarily know the name Che Luwang.

One detail aroused Cheng Qianfan's alertness and attention. When Li Cuiqun called Li Baibai, he directly named the name "Cheluwang".

This shows that No. 76 confirmed Che Luwang's identity.

In this case, the problem becomes bigger.

"Cheluwang? Are you sure it's from Chongqing?" Cheng Qianfan flicked the ash from his cigarette and frowned slightly, "Is it a pseudonym or your real name?"

"I don't know." Li Baibai shook his head, "However, one thing is certain. This person said that he was the young owner of Lin Ji Grain Store. This is a lie. Brothers went to Lin Ji Grain Store to ask questions. Lin Ji only has one person.

This young man is currently studying abroad in Citi."

"Then it's very likely that they are indeed people from Chongqing." Cheng Qianfan thought, he said, and as he spoke, he looked at Peter, "What is the opinion of the Political Department?"

"Regardless of whether this person is the Cheluwang that Li Cuiqun mentioned, or whether he is from Chongqing, so far we have not found any criminal behavior in this person in the French Concession," Peter said to Cheng Qianfan.

Cheng Qianfan frowned slightly.

"The people on the 76th crossed the border and entered the French Concession to kidnap citizens. This is a fact." Peter snorted coldly and continued, "They violated the provisions of Article 11, Paragraph 3, of the Concession Public Security Regulations. The Concession has the right to kidnap the kidnappers.

Arrest, detain, interrogate, and sentence in accordance with the law.”

He spoke to Cheng Qianfan in French. Although Peter's Chinese was pretty good, it was more convenient to speak his native French to speak such a large number of words.

Li Baibai looked at Cheng Qianfan eagerly.

He couldn't understand French. In his ears, the words spoken by these foreigners, whether they were French, German, Citizen, or Italian, were all birdsong, nonsense, twittering.


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