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Chapter 572 Candidates

 Cheng Qianfan slowly drank the meat porridge from the bowl.

His mind was already thinking about a plan to get rid of Naito Tsubasa.

The decision to start at TEDA Apartment was not based on impulse.

Almost as soon as he made this decision, he already had several reasons in his mind to support it.

It was rare to be allowed to take action against Japanese compatriots, Cheng Qianfan wanted to maximize the use value of Naito Tsubasa's death.

Faced with the aggressiveness of the Japanese, the French Concession authorities gave in step by step.

This situation not only brought great inconvenience and safety risks to the anti-Japanese personnel hiding in the French Concession, but also had an extremely bad subtle influence. In other words, Cheng Qianfan keenly felt that as Britain and France retreated step by step towards Japan,

, some ordinary people will have a kind of pessimism and despair that cannot see the light of day - even the French are afraid of the Japanese!

China is really going to die?!

Under this situation, it was rumored that "Xiao Cheng always killed a Japanese, and he was also a Japanese diplomat. No matter what the inside story was, the Japanese had nothing to do with Cheng Qianfan."

Cheng Qianfan will also secretly send people to build momentum. On the one hand, it is because Mr. Cheng has always had a good relationship with Japan. The Japanese have no ironclad evidence that Cheng Qianfan sent people to do it. Of course, the most important thing is that the Japanese do not dare to attack the French.

Xiao Cheng, who is the backer, always takes action.

This also boosted the morale of the people in the French Concession.

For No. 76, Zhang Xiaolin of the New Asia Peace Promotion Association, and even other major forces in Shanghai, Cheng Qianfan, who killed Japanese diplomats and survived unharmed, is undoubtedly more mysterious. No matter which party wants to

If you want to have any plans for him again, you have to think carefully beforehand.

This is to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

Or maybe it was because he was pretending to be powerful, and he cleverly took advantage of Hyoutarou Imamura's acquiescence.

"Brother Fan, do you want to inform Jiang Mulezi to send people back to the concession to take action?" Li Hao asked. He did not ask Brother Fan why he decided to take action in TEDA Apartment. Since Brother Fan has decided, Brother Fan has his own reasons, and in Li Hao's heart

, I am also quite excited about Brother Fan’s choice of the place to do this.

Just kill a Japanese dog. Only in this way can he be worthy of the status of the famous Mr. Cheng in the French Concession! Cheng Qianfan thought seriously.

The most capable operational force in the special situation group is Jiang Mulezi's special operations team.

"Brother Fan, Vice Captain Lu was a master of action when he was at the Shanghai Station." Li Hao suddenly thought of Lu Xingge, the military's ace killer, and suggested.

"No." Cheng Qianfan shook his head.

Lu Xingo is not suitable.

Not only was Lu Xingge unsuitable, but no one from the Shanghai Special Investigation Team was suitable to be involved in this operation. "This matter cannot have anything to do with the Special Investigation Team," Cheng Qianfan said solemnly.

Li Hao thought for a while and immediately understood the reason. He nodded in admiration, "Brother Fan is still thoughtful."

He finished the preserved egg and lean meat porridge in two gulps, wiped his mouth, and said thoughtfully, "Then it would be most appropriate for Chen Hu to take action."

Chen Hu.

Cheng Qianfan pondered, in fact he was also considering Chen Hu.

The reason why he did not develop Chen Hu into the special situation team was because of the current situation:

If it is not convenient for the special situation team to get involved, Chen Hu can be arranged to do it.

"Hu Zi is capable, and his brothers are also very good." Cheng Qianfan thought, "It would be appropriate for him to take action."

Everyone in the French Concession knew that Chen Hu was his.

He wanted to get rid of Naito Tsubasa in a big way, and he considered not hiding that it was his people who did it, so as to have the greatest deterrence. Anyway, he himself would never admit that Naito's death was related to him. However, in Cheng Qianfan's heart

I have a vague feeling that Chen Hu may not be the most suitable candidate.

This was an intuition. He didn't think of anyone else who was more suitable to do this for a while, but he just subconsciously felt that there was a more suitable person.

"Chen Hu should make preparations first." Cheng Qianfan said, "You inform Chen Hu and ask him to make a plan of action.


"How is the progress of the patrol room's arrest of military commanders in the Shanghai District?" Cheng Qianfan also finished eating the meat porridge and asked casually as he watched Li Hao clean up the bowl quickly.

"Captain Pitt led people from the Political Division to supervise the arrests. The Political Division deliberately delayed the arrests, and in the end only two units in Shanghai District were busted." Li Hao said, "Fifteen people were arrested, but Captain Pitt cited insufficient evidence.

They forcibly detained seven people and did not agree to the extradition request on the 76th."

Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly. This was the greatest possible role he could play in secretly stimulating Peter by using Peter's interest in safeguarding the glory of France, his sympathy for China's anti-Japanese actions, and his dislike of the Japanese.

"Arrange the performance of each patrol room and patrol in the arrest operation. I want to listen to the report." Cheng Qianfan added.

This kind of arrest of anti-Japanese elements at the request of the Japanese and Han women was also a screening and test for the senior police officers of the French Concession and the middle-level police officers of each patrol in their attitude towards Japan.

Being able to secretly grasp the attitude of the patrol officers towards the Japanese and the fight against Japan, let alone whether to develop them to contribute to the fight against Japan, but simply knowing their attitude can save lives at critical moments.

"Haozi is doing this." Haozi said.

Cheng Qianfan nodded.

Although he had some idea of ​​the public attitudes toward Japan of the top and second-in-commands of each of the six patrol houses in the French Concession, it was difficult to say what these people were thinking in private.

In addition, Cheng Qianfan believes that the attitude of police officers at the patrol house inspector level is to some extent even more important than the patrol chief, deputy chief inspector, and chief inspector, because these police officers are the ones who lead the team on the front line. "

Brothers are strictly ordered to stay in hiding and no one is allowed to act rashly under the current situation." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression.

"Yes." Li Hao nodded, "I have already given the order."

He looked thoughtful and asked, "Brother Fan, those Shanghai District personnel detained by Captain Pitt are now being held in the shooting range (prison)."

"You are not allowed to have any contact with these people." Cheng Qianfan understood what Haozi wanted to ask, and he said sternly, "This is also for Haozi and others. Without my order, do not have contact with these people, let alone inquire.


His expression was serious, "Even if I see Pao Ze from Shanghai District die in front of me, I still have to hold it back."

"Understood." Li Hao nodded with difficulty.

"Get rid of it." Shao Mingkui wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered.

A patrolman suddenly searched the street where their apartment was located. Several people did not dare to stay in the apartment, so they climbed over the wall and left. They avoided the patrolman who set up checkpoints along the alley and hid in the Hengtai Dance Hall on McHewes Road. Hengtai Dance Hall

The Thai Dance Hall is quite spacious. When you enter the gate, there is an empty space on the left and a corridor on the right, which leads to the dance floor at the end.

There is also a "war stall" on the left.

Shao Mingkui was quite familiar with this dance hall. He knew that the war gambling stall had a back door that few people knew about. After exiting the back door, there was a dead end alley. However, after climbing over the low alley, there was a main road extending in all directions. At the critical moment, he could

as a fallback route.

"Throw it away." Zhan Hua nodded. He had been paying attention to whether there were any pursuers behind him.

Not long after the three of them sat down on the stage near the dance floor, they suddenly saw a person walking into the dance hall.

Zhan Hua was so happy that he walked up to say hello.

Cheng Xuyuan grabbed Zhanhua.

"Don't move." Cheng Xuyuan whispered.

"Boss Tan suspects that something happened to Boss Chen?" Shao Mingkui understood what Cheng Xuyuan meant and asked in a low voice.

"Extraordinary times." Cheng Xuyuan said.

Naturally, he had no evidence that something happened to Chen Mingchu, but he subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

He took a look and saw Chen Mingchu looking around, and his doubts increased.

At this critical moment, isn't Chen Mingchu afraid of arousing suspicion with his sneaky appearance?

There was a crash.

When Zhan Hua sat down, his elbow accidentally touched the water glass on the table. Fortunately, he quickly caught the glass with quick eyes and hands, but he still couldn't help but say something.



Cheng Xuyuan's heart sank.

Sure enough, the movement here attracted the attention of Chen Mingchu, who was looking around.

Chen Mingchu raised his eyes and saw Cheng Xuyuan and the others.

Naturally, he knew Cheng Xuyuan, and he also had an impression of Zhanhua from the district accounting team.

As for the man on the left of Cheng Xuyuan, Chen Mingchu didn't know him, but he had a vague guess that this man might be Shao Mingkui who escaped from the main arrest house in the public concession.

"Boss Tan." Chen Mingchu came up and shook hands with Cheng Xuyuan enthusiastically, "What a coincidence.

"Boss Chen, what a coincidence." Cheng Xuyuan said, and as he spoke, he moved closer and lowered his voice, "Mingchu, you came just in time, I was just about to try to inform you.

"What's wrong?" Chen Mingchu asked in confusion.

"Something happened." Cheng Xuyuan said, "There is a traitor within the organization. I am notifying all departments to hide. You must also pay attention to safety."

"What? Chen Mingchu was shocked, "Who is the traitor?"

"It's not clear yet." Cheng Xuyuan shook his head, "We are checking."

"What a traitorous woman does, everyone will find it and punish her." Chen Mingchu gritted his teeth and asked, "How is Mr. Ling?" Ling Qiuyun is the pseudonym of Zheng Lijun, the mayor of Shanghai District.

"Mr. Ling is very good." Cheng Xuyuan nodded.

Chen Mingchu nodded and asked, "Mr. Wang is with me. Do you want to meet Mr. Wang?" Cheng Xuyuan shook his head, "It's not like Brother Chen doesn't know about my relationship with him. I don't want to go see him until there is time."

If necessary, I will contact you again."

"They are all serving the party and the country. It is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies." Chen Mingchu gave a bitter smile and persuaded. As soon as Wang Tiemufu arrived in Shanghai, he took Cheng Xuyuan's position as secretary, sent Cheng Xuyuan as a field officer, and promoted him to Chen Mingchu as secretary


It can be said that Cheng Xuyuan's relationship with him and Wang Xuyuan is not good. However, Chen Mingchu has a good temperament and is good at making friends. He and Cheng Xuyuan still maintain a decent reputation. As for Wang Xuyuan, he and Cheng Xuyuan have fallen out.

"It's better to go see Mr. Wang. At this critical moment, Mr. Wang also said that we should put aside the past grudges and work together to overcome the difficulties." Chen Mingchu advised.

"I won't go today. Tell me Mr. Wang's address and I'll go see him next time." Cheng Xuyuan said. Alarm bells were already ringing in his heart. Chen Mingchu's words made him suspicious. He knew Wang Tiemu's temperament.

He claims to be a veteran of the military system, so he will not take the initiative to bow his head and reconcile with him.

"Okay then." Chen Mingchu hesitated, his expression unnatural, and he seemed to think for a while before telling Wang Tiemu's address.

After saying that, Chen Mingchu left on the grounds that something happened.

Cheng Xuyuan became suspicious, and he winked at Shao Mingkui, who immediately followed him. Shao Mingkui saw Chen Mingchu stopped on the corridor, facing the gate, with his back to the dance floor, whispering to a burly man.

Shao Mingkui was shocked, knowing that the situation was not good, so he turned around and ran back, calling Cheng Xuyuan and Zhan Hua to the stall where they were "fighting".

It was crowded inside, and the gamblers were fighting with red eyes.

Cheng Xuyuan's heart moved and he shouted, "Xiao Cheng is here to arrest someone."

Shao Mingkui understood and immediately shouted, "Run quickly, Cheng Qianfan is here to get someone."

Everyone was shocked.

Because this dance hall and gambling stall belong to Zhang Xiaolin, Mr. Xiao Cheng has a grudge against Zhang Xiaolin. If he gets a whim one day, he will send patrols to search and arrest people.

All gambling funds were confiscated, the personnel were detained, and a large bail was required to avoid disaster. Therefore, what people here were most afraid of was that Mr. Xiao Cheng and Zhang Xiaolin would argue again, which would affect Chi Yu. Suddenly, the scene was in chaos.

The table was knocked over, gambling equipment and money were scattered on the floor, making the situation even more chaotic.

Shao Mingkui was so powerful that he took Cheng Xuyuan and Zhan Hua through the crowd and went straight to the back door.

Exited the back door, climbed over the low wall, and entered the main road extending in all directions.

In order to avoid attracting attention, several people had deliberately parked their cars far away. Now it seemed that this was a wise decision. The three of them circled around, found a parking place, and drove away quickly.

The three of them drove away and fled, everyone calmed down in shock.

"Chen Mingchu definitely acted like a Han woman." Shao Mingkui cursed angrily.

Shao Mingkui, who had lost his ambition to avenge his relatives and friends who were killed, hated the Han women the most. He couldn't imagine what these weaklings thought, that they could kneel down and act like dogs to the Japanese who killed their relatives and compatriots.

"We must report to Chongqing immediately." Cheng Xuyuan said with a serious expression.

Chen Mingchu used to be the secretary of the Shanghai Station and the chief of the personnel department of the Shanghai Station. This person is too familiar with the Shanghai District. Once such a person becomes a Han woman, it will be very harmful to the Shanghai District.

He took Shao Mingkui and the two of them to hide in Tibet. The reason why he did not go back to join his wife and children was that they were afraid that they would be targeted by the enemy and be followed, which would harm their family.

However, now faced with this unexpected situation, Cheng Xuyuan must go back to see Gui Qing and ask his wife to send a report to Chongqing to report that Chen Mingchu had rebelled against the country and defected to Japan.

Not only Chen Mingchu, Cheng Xuyuan also had another worry in his mind.

That is Wang Tiemu.

Chen Mingchu and Wang Ironmu were close. If Chen Mingchu became a Han woman, he would be the first to tell Wang Ironmu. Cheng Xuyuan suspected that Wang Ironmu might have fallen into the hands of his enemies.

As for whether Wang Tiemu also became a Han woman like Chen Mingchu?

Cheng Xuyuan shook his head. Although he and Wang Tiemu had a deep conflict, from what he knew about Wang Tiemu, he was a tough guy, and he should not be like a person who forgets his ancestors.

No. 22, Xue Huali Road.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at Datou Lu who knocked on the door and came in to report on his work, and his heart moved.

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