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Chapter 611 The clown (please vote for me)


It rained heavily.

The sky seemed to be pierced by something, and this sudden heavy rain swept the entire Shanghai beach.

Aidoya Road.

A black Citroen car parked at the gate of the Big World.

The doorman wearing a raincoat saw the license plate clearly, quickly held an umbrella, and diligently stepped forward to open the door.

"Thank you, Brother Hao, for the reward."

Li Hao threw the keys and another silver dollar. The doorman caught them one by one with one skillful hand and shouted happily.

The doormen in the big world all need to be able to drive, and they will help guests park their cars.

"Brother Hao!"

"Brother Hao!"

When the dancers along the way saw Li Hao, their eyes lit up and they all came over.

In the eyes of some dancers in the big world, Li Hao, the most trusted subordinate of "Mr. Xiao Cheng" in the French Concession, is definitely a bachelor worth pursuing.

"Taohua, let's invite everyone to drink." Li Hao took a few banknotes from his body, put them directly into the hands of a dancer, and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Brother Hao." Taohua said happily, not without resentment but also with envy, "Brother Hao must have come to find Hua Xin, she is waiting at the same place."

"Smart." Li Hao pinched Taohua's cheek and walked away with a smile.

"I don't know what's so good about Huaxin's little hooves." A companion next to Taohua looked at Li Hao's walking back, took a puff of a long and thin cigarette, and said with a sneer.

"If you don't want to die, just shut up." Taohua glared at her little sister, looking at her unhappy expression, she sighed, "Silly sister, if you are so jealous, why not have a good relationship with Huaxin? You may not know what to do.

Time can save your life."

As he said that, he took two of the banknotes in his hand and put them into his Kun bag, and handed the other few banknotes to the other party, "Put them in the public account and share them together when the time comes."

Huaxin is Li Hao's old sweetheart.

Every time Li Hao came, he would ask Hua Xin to accompany him, pinch her feet, beat her back, chat, and drink tea. He didn't want her body, but he would pay her exactly what was due, not a penny less.

Li Hao did not order Huaxin to keep it secret, so many dancers in the big world knew about his habit. On the one hand, they envied Huaxin, who did not need to sell his body, but only served people with his craftsmanship. He could even eat melon seeds and give away money while drinking tea.

After making a profit, on the other hand, he was jealous and said that this woman was pretending to be so pretentious, so she might as well just strip off and crawl into Officer Li's bed.

Of course, although some people are jealous and some say strange things, no one dares to provoke Hua Xin for no reason. This confidant of Mr. Xiao Cheng has long spread word to the big world that Hua Xin looks like his sister who was separated since childhood.

Whoever dares to bully Hua Xin is bullying his sister Li Hao.

"Try this tea. It's the best Mingqian Biluochun. Sister Taohua gave it to me." Hua Xin poured tea for Li Hao.

Li Hao twisted his neck.

Hua Xin understood, put down the tea cup, and skillfully came up to help Li Hao relax his neck.

"People are here?" Li Hao asked.

"No one is there, but something is in the mailbox." Hua Xin said, picked up the Kun bag, took out the exquisite cigarette holder, and handed the third cigarette from the left to Li Hao, and then took out the cigarette from the Kun bag.

I took the blade and tweezers and handed them to him.

Li Hao gently opened the cigarette, used tweezers to look inside the tobacco leaves, and pinched out a small note.


Hua Xin handed the magnifying glass to Li Hao.

She herself retreated without any intention of knowing what was written on the note.

After reading the words on the note, Li Hao frowned.

There was a word he didn't know.

However, he did not ask about the core of the flower, but directly took out a lighter to light the note, and then burned the tobacco leaves and other 'props'.

"The work there this time is quite delicate." Hua Xin said with a smile.

This is the liaison point between the Shanghai Special Forces Task Force and the Special Forces Headquarters.

The intelligence and tokens passed by the Rangers before were rougher than this one. It's not that the intelligence transmission methods were unsafe, but it was not as precise as this one.

Li Hao smiled and said nothing.

He smoked several cigarettes one after another, and the room was soon filled with smoke.

Hua Xin understood, and she stepped forward and opened the window so that people outside could see inside.

At this time, a dancer walked by holding a goblet in her hand.

Li Hao's eyes lingered on the other party's beautiful figure.

His brows furrowed and his expression quickly returned to calm.

"Brother Hao, do you know this woman?" Hua Xin asked.

Li Hao opened his mouth, ate the almonds fed with flower cores, smiled and said, "I've seen it before."

He lowered his voice and said, "This woman's name is Ding Yu. She is from Zhongtong. She is just a little strange."

"What's weird?" Hua Xin stuffed another almond into Li Hao's mouth, stood up and massaged his head so that the two of them could talk in a low voice.

"Her commander is Su Chende. Su Chende voted for No. 76, but she is fine?" Li Hao squinted his eyes and said with a comfortable look.

"Could it be that this woman also voted number 76?" Hua Xin asked.

"It's possible." Li Hao said.

"Do you want……"

"No." Li Hao shook his head gently, "Have you forgotten what the team leader told you?"

"Be yourself, don't get involved with others, don't inquire, don't have contact." Hua Xin said.

This was the request of Team Leader Xiao Mian that Li Hao conveyed to her before she was appointed to work as a liaison officer in the big world.

"Remember." Li Hao had a comfortable expression on his face, "Don't worry about her. Just treat her as if you don't know. I'm telling you to just remind you to be careful."


About half an hour later, after half-full of tea, water and snacks, and a flower core massage, Li Hao drove away feeling refreshed.

The rain is getting heavier.

When passing the intersection of Fukaisen Road, Li Hao turned right and parked the car on the side of the road.

In the rain and fog, a figure flashed, opened the door and got into the car.

"Brother Lu, was the journey smooth?" Li Hao asked as he continued to drive the car.

"I met some thugs from the New Asia Peace Promotion Association on the way, so I killed them and robbed their boat," Lu Xingge said.

"Great." Li Hao said happily, "Those guys do all kinds of evil and are even more hateful than the Japanese."

"Is there something going on here in Shanghai?" Lu Xingge asked.

"Yes." Li Hao nodded.

He briefly told Lu Xingge that "Chen Gongshu arranged for people to come to Shanghai to secretly meet with Sheng Shuyu. His personnel were arrested on the 76th, which led to the discovery of Sheng Shuyu's whereabouts by the secret service headquarters. Sheng Shuyu was rounded up on the 76th, and Brother Fan had to lead

Brothers from Operation Group Two came to the rescue; although Sheng Shuyu was successfully rescued, our side also suffered huge losses in which six people, including Liu Yuchu, the deputy leader of Operation Group Two, died for their country.

"The most important thing is that the secret traffic officer we arranged to lurk inside the Qinggang was suddenly arrested." Li Hao said, "Hao Zai is this person's direct boss."

Lu Xinge nodded, he understood.

Once Hao Zai is exposed, Fan Di will also be exposed.

"No wonder the team leader secretly ordered me to contact you after I come to Shanghai." Lu Xingge said.

As usual, when they come to Shanghai, they will contact each other via telegram in advance to agree on a meeting place and other arrangements.

However, this time, in Xiao Mian's secret telegram to the Rangers, Team Leader Xiao hinted in code that they could not contact them in advance through telegrams, but had to wait for them to arrive in Shanghai, hide on the spot, and then contact them through the contact point in the big world.

This is to avoid something happening to the Shanghai special situation team. If the pre-agreed meeting point is controlled by the enemy, they will rush into the enemy's encirclement.

Only he, Jiang Mulezi, the team leader and Li Hao knew about the contact point of the Big World.

The security level is quite high.

Most importantly, this is the point of contact for death.

What is a dead contact point? If Huaxin is alive, the contact point will be fine. If something happens to the contact point, Huaxin will die for the country:

Only Xiao Mian and Hua Xin knew the address of the dead mailbox, not even Li Hao.

Huaxin died for the country, no one picked up the information from the dead mailbox, and Lu Xingge's troops were safe!

"How is Chief Sheng's injury?" Lu Xingge asked.

Although he and Sheng Shuyu were not familiar with each other, they had met each other before. He was a very arrogant person, and his attitude towards everyone was considered lukewarm.

However, Sheng Shuyu was capable of killing enemies without Hu, and Lu Xingge also admired him quite a bit.

"I was shot two or three times, but fortunately none of them were critical." Li Hao said, "My brothers are taking care of me."

"Where's the team leader?" Lu Xingge asked.

"Wang Chuhai's Pseudo-Sixth National Congress was held today, and the team leader was suddenly dragged away to a meeting." Li Hao said.

"Wang Chuhai's Pseudo Sixth Congress?" Lu Xingge's voice rose, his eyes seemed to be shining brightly, "Do you know where it was held?"

At this moment, he was already thinking in his mind whether the thirty men and guns he had brought into Shanghai were capable of taking over Wang Chuanhai's pseudo-sixth conference. If they could easily get rid of Wang Chuanhai and other traitors, even if It was worth it for everyone, including himself, to die for the country.

"I don't know." Li Hao shook his head, "The team leader was suddenly notified of a meeting today."

He understood what Lu Xingge's eyes were planning, so why didn't he think about it.

Li Hao said to Lu Xingge, "The team leader strictly ordered that without his order, Wang Chuhai's pseudo-six major forces should not act rashly."

He paused and saw that Lu Xinge did not protest against this order, and then continued, "The team leader said that both the Japanese and Wang Chuhai's side attached great importance to this meeting. Wang Chuhai's side suddenly Notifying everyone of today’s meeting caught everyone off guard, and all parties had no time to organize manpower to destroy it.”

Lu Xinge was silent for a while and nodded, "He is right, and there is another situation. Even if we can find out where the meeting place is, we cannot rule out that the enemy will deploy heavy troops and wait for us to come."

"The team leader's judgment is that Wang Quanhai cannot use this meeting to set a trap, and the secret service headquarters does not dare to use this meeting to set a trap." Li Hao shook his head and said, "It is precisely because the enemy attaches great importance to this meeting that we need to be extra careful. and vigilance.”

Lu Xinge lit a cigarette, thought about it carefully, took two puffs of the cigarette, and said with a happy smile on his face, "Your team leader is much better than me."

As he said that, he shook his head, "This kid!"

He looked at Li Hao, "The team leader has summoned us. Do you have any specific action arrangements?"

"The team leader sent a call to the Rangers to return to Shanghai. It was initially a precautionary measure to prepare for the possible dangers that might arise in the special situation team." Li Hao said, "However, the team leader received a call and learned that he was going to participate in Wang Reichai's Pseudo-6 today. The Queen has urgently handed over the task."

"What mission?" Lu Xinge asked immediately.

"Hoe - rape!" Li Hao gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"When?" Lu Xinge asked again.


No. 76, Jisfield Road.

Agent Headquarters Auditorium.

Cheng Qianfan sat in the audience with a serious expression.

He was looking at the members of the presidium on the rostrum of Wang's Pseudo-Sixth National Congress.

Members of the Wang pseudo-presidency include Wang Chuanhai, Chu Mingyu, Zhou Liang, Gao Qingwu, Mei Shenping and others, and the secretary-general is Mei Shenping.

Wang Quanhai was wearing a suit and leather shoes, with hair wax on his head. He looked in high spirits, but there seemed to be a trace of concealed fatigue between his brows.

"Some people are looking for death." Lu Daren sat next to Cheng Qianfan and suddenly whispered.

"Huh?" Cheng Qianfan was confused and frowned.

Lu Daren pursed his lips toward his left front.

Cheng Qianfan looked over and understood immediately.

Before the meeting officially started, some representatives expressed their dissatisfaction when they saw that Cheng Qianfan, who was quite close to the Japanese, and that this "notorious" Mr. Cheng from the French Concession was also a representative of the Sixth Congress.

However, another person soon appeared to help Cheng Qianfan share more firepower.

This person is Lu Yin.

Lu Yin’s current identity is the police chief of the Japanese-controlled Shanghai Huajie government!

If Cheng Qianfan is only close to the Japanese, Lu Yin is an absolute hardcore traitor!

The most important thing is that Lu Yin not only attended the meeting, but also served as the secretary of the meeting!

At the Sixth National Congress of the Kuomintang, a Japanese traitor actually served as secretary. This was unacceptable to many people.

"Just wait, these people will definitely be restless later," said Mr. Lu.

"The clown." Cheng Qianfan smiled slightly, "It's nothing to worry about."

When they discovered that the pseudo-Shanghai Police Chief Lu Yin, who was a rogue detective, was serving as the secretary of the conference, many delegates found it unacceptable the more they thought about it.

Finally, at the end of the morning meeting and during the lunch break, some representatives tried to go to Mr. Wang to express their opinions, saying that the presence of traitors here was absolutely unacceptable.

The representative who gave the opinion was not able to see Wang Chuanhai. Zhou Liang came out to block the car and said that Mr. Wang was asleep, so he would receive it on his behalf.

The representative immediately pointed out angrily to his face that Lu Yin was not qualified to participate in this conference, and said that he was ashamed to associate with the traitor Lu Yin.

Zhou Liang seemed to be well prepared for this, and immediately replied: "Whether Lu Yin is a traitor or not, future generations will decide for themselves, but when Mr. Wang arrived in Shanghai, he was the first to respond to the peace movement. It was Lu Yin."

"Lu Yin is the puppet police chief appointed by the Japanese." The representative argued vigorously.

"This doesn't mean anything. What I saw was Lu Yin working for the peace movement." Zhou Liang said, "Did you know that Lu Yin overturned his car in order to meet Mr. Wang and almost lost his life? He can do anything for the peace movement.

To say that I am more enthusiastic than anyone else is to say that I am sincere."

Zhou Liang's face turned cold when he saw that the man wanted to say something else, "Did you know that most of Mr. Wang's bodyguards were sent by Lu Yin? If there is a misunderstanding due to a misunderstanding of Lu Yin, who will protect Mr. Wang's safety?"

Who will be responsible for your safety?"

The representative was silent. Zhou Liang's words were certainly not to emphasize Wang Chuanhai's safety, but to threaten his life.

"Then we can't arrange for Lu Yin to be the secretary of the conference." Another representative said angrily.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Wang has also appointed Lu Yin to be a member of the Central Committee." Zhou Liang smiled, "You see, Mr. Wang believes in Lu Yin's sincerity for the country and the people. Are you even more serious than Mr. Wang?"

Do you see clearly?"

Zhou Liang's words, both soft and hard, left everyone speechless.

"How is it?" Lu Daren touched Cheng Qianfan's shoulder and asked.

The two of them smoked in the corner and quietly watched the excitement.

"Some people are messing around and trying to ruin this event." Cheng Qianfan smiled slightly, "Mr. Zhou knows everything."

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