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Chapter 108 Deceit(Qiyue)

 Jun Kobayashi hates Oguri Motomitsu and Kurai Shinnosuke.

When agents from the Secret Service executed Oguri Motomitsu and Kurai Shinnosuke.

Cheng Qianfan keenly noticed that the screams of Xiaolin Runzhi, who was also being tortured at this time, became smaller and even disappeared for a time.

He walked over quietly and saw Xiao Linjun's eyes shining with inexplicable excitement.

This was when Cheng Qianfan pointed his gun at Shinnosuke Kurai in order to 'threaten' Hideya Eguchi.

Cheng Qianfan observed that Xiaolin Run's mood was almost strangely excited.

Yes, it's excitement, not anger.

When Hideya Eguchi 'gave in' and was willing to confess in order to 'save' Shinnosuke Kurai's life, Jun Kobayashi's excitement disappeared, just like the effect of the 'narcotic' disappeared, and he screamed again because of his injuries.


Therefore, Cheng Qianfan came up with a guess:

The relationship between Jun Kobayashi, Shinnosuke Kurai and Motomitsu Oguri is not harmonious, and can even be described as ‘hated’.

"Xiao Lin-kun, seeing these two people being tortured, you feel very comfortable."

"One question, who is that person who often goes to Hengrun Tea House to look for Hiroshi Endo?"

"You answer me, and I will continue to help you get revenge."

Cheng Qianfan spoke very slowly, his tone was slightly gentle, and his eyes were fixed on Xiaolin Run, trying to capture his facial expression as a judgment and confirmation.

Cheng Qianfan concluded that there was a very important person who often went to visit Hiroshi Endo. This was a guess based on Gu Changyou's confession.

Gu Changyou confessed that every time he went to see Endo Hiroshi, Endo Hiroshi would meet him in a private room on the left.

I have never been to the private room on the right.

According to Gu Changyou, he once walked into the wrong door and entered the private room on the right. Endo Hiroshi was very angry when he saw it.

Cheng Qianfan asked about the environment of the private room on the right.



There is a tea set that has just been cleaned on the table.

Therefore, Cheng Qianfan deduced that there was another important person who often met secretly with Hiroshi Endo.

And since he is using an elegant room, it means he is not an insider of Hengrun Tea House, but is pretending to be a regular customer.

"Who is that, you should know, tell me, I will continue to entertain Oguri Motomitro and Kurai Shinnosuke well." Cheng Qianfan saw that Kobayashi Jun seemed to be moving, and said again.

"Okay, Mr. Officer, you kill Shinnosuke Kurai first, and I will tell you." Jun Kobayashi said with a smile with blood on his face.

The smile on Cheng Qianfan's face disappeared, and his expression instantly turned extremely cold, "I said, you are not qualified to make conditions for me."


"Captain Cheng, it's the fourth brick."

"I said continue."

Xiao Linjun screamed, sweating all over his body, and you could even clearly hear the harsh sound of his foot bones being almost broken.

After a scream, Xiao Linrun fainted and died.

The structure of the tiger bench is simple, it is just a long bench with a wooden pole tied to the head of the bench.

Such a simple torture device is extremely cruel and terrifying.

The Tiger Bench mainly exerts tremendous pressure on a person's legs and joints, causing the body's nerves to convey a sense of pain that cannot be ignored and serves the purpose of torture.

"Wake up."

An agent first unloaded a brick.

A basin of cold water was poured directly on Xiao Linjun's body.

Looking at Xiao Linrun who was slowly waking up, Cheng Qianfan did not ask questions immediately. He looked at the other person.

This is a very young Japanese, about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a rather delicate appearance.

After learning about the special relationship between Jun Kobayashi and Hiroshi Endo, Cheng Qianfan tried to open a breakthrough with Jun Kobayashi.

As Endo Hiroshi's "pillow person", Kobayashi Jun should know some secrets that Eguchi Hideya doesn't know.

He had previously speculated that Jun Kobayashi hated Shinnosuke Kurai and Motomitsu Oguri.

Therefore, I am looking forward to cooperating with Jun Kobayashi.

However, when Jun Kobayashi asked Cheng Qianfan to kill Shinnosuke Kurai, Cheng Qianfan had doubts about his judgment.

"Kobayashi-kun, let's change the question. What position does Eiichi Kagezu hold in the Inoue Mansion?" Cheng Qianfan asked, "If you answer this question, I can guarantee that Oguri Genmitsu will regret coming to this world."

"Okay, if you kill Oguri Genmitsu, I will tell you about Kage Sa-kun." Kobayashi Jun said with a grin.

"Give me a good treat, Mr. Xiaolin."

Cheng Qianfan was furious.

What he just said to Jun Kobayashi was actually a trap. He was talking about torturing Motomitsu Oguri.

However, Jun Kobayashi's answer was to kill Motomitsu Oguri.

The conditions that Jun Kobayashi asked him to kill Shinnosuke Kurai were the same as when he first asked.

This isn't right.

If you really hate someone to the core, when you have the opportunity to do multiple choice questions:

Torture the man and then kill him.

Kill him directly, but this is enough to prevent him from being tortured, which is a kind of relief.

It is normal to choose the former option.

Kobayashi Jun insisted that Cheng Qianfan kill Kurai Shinnosuke and Oguri Motomitsu, and Cheng Qianfan couldn't help but doubt this choice.

This is more like trying to trick Cheng Qianfan into giving two Japanese specials a break.

Yu Ping'an's office.

The desk is densely packed with documents.

Yu Ping'an is reviewing documents. These are 'urgent items' that need to be dealt with urgently.

At this moment, the phone rang.

Yu Pingan took the phone.

"Deputy Director Yu, my name is Lu Yanhao. Congratulations. I have long said that Brother Yu will make extraordinary contributions sooner or later. Times make heroes. Congratulations to me for once again cracking down on a Japanese lurking group. Hahaha..."

"Chief of Staff Lu? What are you talking about?" Yu Ping'an frowned. The other person was Lu Yanhao, Chief of Staff of the Hangzhou Police Command. This person also had another identity - the brother-in-law of Yang Wanwan, a wealthy man in Hangzhou.

"Brother Yu, I have already found out. You kept it from me. Now it has spread all over the world. Brother, if you make great contributions again, okay, don't disturb Deputy Director Yu. You can handle the case. As agreed, Lu will do it another day."

I'm here to congratulate my brother, hahaha."

Yu Ping'an was about to continue questioning, but after hearing a burst of laughter from the other end of the phone, Lu Yanhao had already hung up the phone.

Yu Ping'an put down the phone, his face gloomy as if dripping water.

Yu Pingan rang the bell and said, "Here comes someone."

After a while, Wu Yuanfang opened the door and came in.

"Go out and check what's going on outside about today's operation." Yu Pingan patted the table.

"Deputy Director Yu, outside?"

"Someone told me that it has spread outside and is known to all women and children!" Yu Ping'an said almost through gritted teeth.

"I understand." Wu Yuanfang was sweating on his forehead and hurriedly went to investigate.

How is it possible that such a covert operation of the Secret Service has been spread outside?

If true, this is a big problem.

Yu Ping'an was still angry, and he, who was always elegant, couldn't help but cursed "Cena Niang" twice.

Lu Yanhao called just to laugh and ridicule, and to see a joke.

Previously, the Secret Service and Lu Yanhao had a feud because of Yang Wanwan. This bastard must have been looking forward to seeing the Secret Service's jokes.

Maybe he has already reported it to Nanjing.

Yu Ping'an pressed the bell again, "Go to the torture room and notify Cheng Wufang to come."

This chapter has been completed!
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