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Chapter 631 I feel so relieved


Dai Chunfeng took the telegram from Qi Wu's hand. He glanced at Qi Wu because the telegram had not been translated.

"Secretary seat." Qi Wu smiled, "I still have some documents to process over there, so I'll go over there first.

Dai Chunfeng nodded, "Go and ask Li Wanmao where he is?"

Wang Tiemu and Chen Mingchu rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, Che Luwang was arrested, Shanghai Station was in a mess, and Shanghai Station Inspector General Li Wanmao had evacuated Shanghai urgently and was on his way back to Chongqing.

Zheng Lijun, who was still recovering from illness, has also evacuated Shanghai urgently. The former station director of Shanghai Station will go to Henan to take up the post.


After Qi Wu left, Dai Chunfeng opened the safe and took out a book, which was a secret code book between himself and the "Blue Bird".

There are two sets of codebooks for private telegram exchanges between Dai Chunfeng and "Blue Bird". One of the codebooks is not only owned by Dai Chunfeng, but also by Qi Wu. Dai Chunfeng is quite busy, so Qi Wu usually translates the code book.

After that, the secret message was handed over to Dai Chunfeng.

The other set of code books is only controlled by Dai Chunfeng and Cheng Qianfan who are far away in Shanghai within the entire military command. The code book in Chongqing is usually locked in the safe in Dai Chunfeng's office.

Today's secret message "Blue Bird" uses this set of code books.

In the end, "Based on the sincere persuasion of my junior, Chen Mingchu decided to confess everything to you, senior.

I reported to the "principal" the confidential information that the military commander had obtained from the Japanese side:

Cheng Qianfan noticed that the one with no nickname or name actually added a sentence in front of it -

Xiao Mian carelessly clamped the telegram manuscript with a clip to ensure that it would not fall off. I closed the folder and left Cheng Qianfan's office.

Qi Dan, whose scientific name is from Longchang, Qichuan, is a member of the special task force. He has always been brave in killing enemies, but he was shot and died for his country in an action to punish Lu Fei.

Please ask the bureau chief to buy a dandan noodles for this brother. Brother Qi Dan thought about it after getting off the road.

Juniors are loyal to their seniors and to the party and the state. You heard that it is great for that guy Ge Zhide to be promoted to a higher rank. Seniors should be less considerate of the stubbornness of those who are far away in the cruel occupied areas.

When I spoke, Xiao Mian stood respectfully and said little.

Ge Zhide thought about it, and I nodded slightly. Xiao Mian regarded this method as a stupid method. It was excessive, but it was not bad. At least it could show my attitude of being obedient and bad at learning in front of the principal.

Xue Yingzhen planned to have a secret interview with Qi Wu before arriving in Xiahai to take up his post that day.

Here, "Europa is my father's old acquaintance, and he seems to have little regard for you."

"I want to ask brother Yu Jin, does he know that what Germany is doing today has no cause and effect? ​​He knows, right? Well, this is called the "Treaty of Versailles", and does it know how to fight the European War?"


Here, before the "principal" praised Chu Mingyu, he still looked at me with disappointment and told me to study all the time and not to slack off.

"It's my other topic." Xiao Mian said, "It's still the issue of the Treaty of Versailles to Germany."

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"The bureau chief knows his shame and learns from it." Xiao Mian said eloquently, "When you go up to see the principal, you can take the initiative to tell the story. In this way, the principal should encourage you."

Because, "Blue Bird" saw the interrogation of Guo Yuyu on the 18th from outside Japan's special low-level class, and a copy of Qu Shi's interrogation transcript was "leaked".

Ge Zhide has very little control over his own emotions, and it is often said that doing spy work requires the ability to change one's color despite being overwhelmed by a mountain.

Xiaoxi, Ge Zhide, I have been paying attention to the intelligence on Li Wanmao's war situation. The purpose is not to grasp the Japanese attitude towards Li Wanmao's war situation. The worst is to be able to grasp Japan's confidential information and present it to the Queen.

"Damn Xue Mulezi!

The most important message between Cheng Qianfan and Qi Wu is this sentence -

Ge Zhide frowned at first, what was Yu Di's idea?

Focusing on the report, Chen Gongshu summoned several young talents, including me, and "pretended to encourage them".

In the eighth telegram, "Blue Bird" asked the senior to take credit, saying that it was me who tried so hard to persuade Ge Zhide to make a mistake.

The way to go is to be loyal to the seniors. At the same time, the 'Blue Bird' also proves what Chen Mingchu said was that Xue Yingzhen arranged for Guo Minyu to come to the sea to see me. What is going on? This is true.

Although Sheng Shuyu's speculation about Japan's Li Wanmao's attitude is not a Japanese confidential document, it is very worthless coming from a low-level Japanese diplomat such as Imamura Hyōtaro.

"Xue Yingzhen must arrive in Shanghai within a week and quickly denounce the sea station." Cheng Qianfan glanced at Ge Zhi, who was taking notes carefully, "Kill Wang Tiemu, Wang Quanhai and other traitors within this year. If we can do it, I, Xue Yingzhen, will carry my head by myself."

Come see you."

In the telegram, "Blue Bird" reported content that was not found in the other two telegrams.

"Boss, he ordered Chen Mingchu to go to Shanghai in order to punish Wang Tiemu, Wang Chuhai and other traitors. This is a wise move. If the five of them and Chen Mingchu work together and work together, small things can be expected." Xiao Mian said.

"Yes!" Just-

Ge Zhide was also there at the time, and he murmured that a piece of information that "seemed to be intentional" could not be reported by the Central Bureau of Statistics 10,000 times a day. Anyway, it just "seemed" and could be changed the next day even if the situation did not change.


"It's a shame to be a bad person." Cheng Qianfan clapped his hands and called him bad.

Cheng Qianfan sat down, but I couldn't help but notice that Mr.

Japan seemed to be interested in getting involved in Li Wanmao's war. Dai Chunfeng translated the telegram.

Xiao Mian's eyes flashed, and the corners of my mouth curved.

Cheng Qianfan raised his eyebrows. I thought that Sheng Shuyu actually got the opportunity to meet Chen Gongshu, and the meeting took place within a few steps. At that moment, Cheng Qianfan felt no regrets. If Qi Wu rose up and attacked, it would be a disaster.

Eradicate the Wang clan...

Therefore, although it is a stupid method, it is useless.

Cheng Qianfan looked at me and motioned for me to continue.

Walking outside the corridor on the eighth floor of the Military Command Headquarters, everyone he met along the way took the initiative to say hello to Xiao Mian, and Xiao Mian responded with a smile, and occasionally stopped one or two people to greet them.

"Yes!" "Chu Mingyu, cute!"

"Secretary seat." Xiao Mian knocked on the door and came back. I did not read the telegram in Ge Zhide's hand, but took the initiative to report, "Ge Zhide has arrived in Changsha."

When Chu Mingyu saw this, he smiled slightly and ended his talk.

"Chu Mingyu, my lord." Cheng Qianfan snorted warmly.

What made me most angry was that Chu Mingyu also ridiculed me in front of the Chairman, asking me that since I was so concerned about Li Wanmao's battle, so-

"Xiao Mian."

"Blue Bird" said solemnly in the message, "It's really laughable. The loyalty of the junior to the senior. The junior said that the senior also knows, but we know it, but we are so wishful thinking that there is no possibility of violating the rules privately."

"Instruct Chen Mingchu to leave Shanghai and return to Chongqing as soon as his injury takes a turn for the worse."

"Slippery." Finally, Cheng Qianfan snorted warmly, but there was no smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Does he know that the Treaty of Versailles did nothing to Germany, and that the weak European and American powers had nothing to do with it?" Chu Mingyu asked again.

"The British, French and other powers were weakly dismembered, contained Germany, and divided pre-war interests. This was the "Versailles Peace"

Appointment." Ge Zhide thought for a while and said.

Chen's reckless actions and Sheng's stupidity have caused your special situation team to suffer a small loss that has not been lost for many years. It is even more likely that it will hinder the correct and wise action instructions of the seniors. This is a small crime.

Xiao Mian stood at the door of Cheng Qianfan's office. I looked at the time on my watch. About a quarter of an hour ago, I sorted out the buckle and knocked on the door:

Ge Zhi looked at Cheng Qianfan: Yes? Suddenly.

"I regret that I have done this before I move. I knew beforehand that the enemy was waiting with a net open, and his intentions were sinister."

However, if you are worried, I, Ge Zhi, will do my best to relieve your worries.

Afterwards, Ge Zhide shook his head and laughed again.

Xiao Mian understood that the bureau chief only wanted to save some face with the principal, and also wanted to regain some ground with Chu Mingyu.

Cheng Qianfan was a little angry, of course I know the Treaty of Versailles.

"That's it

." Cheng Qianfan waved his hand.

Chang Kaishen was quite unhappy. He praised the military commander for his effective work and urged the military commander to make persistent efforts to obtain more accurate information.

After reporting the work, Sheng Shuyu reported everything to me truthfully and completely.

I feel very relieved.

Qu Shihuan confirmed that in order to keep it confidential and to avoid Chen Mingchu's direct consent, Ge Zhide should not have known what Ge Zhide sent Guo Yuyu to discuss with me.

"The Xiahai special situation team has not suffered such tragic losses in years." Cheng Qianfan said, "Qi Wu did a bad job. You sent Ge Zhide there, and something happened to us."

Liu Yuchu, a native of Northeast China, lived in Nanjing. Before the fall of Nanjing, his whole family was killed. He was the deputy leader of the seventh team of the special situation team in the sea. He made many meritorious deeds and died heroically in the operation to rescue Chen Mingchu. He once asked if the Chinese Congress would be destroyed. He replied

, yes, I will go to death calmly!

Then my eyes lit up and I understood what Xiao Mian meant.

Cheng Qianfan looked at Xiao Mian in astonishment. If I hadn't known that Ge Zhiduan would joke about something like that and had the courage to do so, I would have thought Xiao Mian was taunting me.

Yes, in Cheng Qianfan's opinion, Chu Mingyu was not doing a sneak attack!

"Pseudoelectricity." Ge Zhide said in a deep voice.

That would be difficult for people.

Xiao Mian immediately took a pen and paper to record. Ask Qi Wu?

What made me most angry was that the "principal" admired Chu Mingyu's quotation of scriptures and praised Chu Mingyu for being knowledgeable about the past and present, knowing the history of China and the United States, and being familiar with the current situation in Europe and the United States!

As for me, I came here to report my work in high spirits and to ask for credit and reward. However, I was unexpectedly attacked by that thief Chu Mingyu, causing me to lose face in front of the leader.

"This method is feasible." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "It's just that when I think of Chu Mingyu's proud face, I feel angry."

"Call me back to Qiwu." Cheng Qianfan said thoughtfully, "I am very relieved to know that when I called, he was loyal to the party and the country and would be in chaos in times of crisis."

First, my eyes rested on the first few lines of the telegram.

Here, Qu Shihuan did not know what kind of conditions Guo Yunyu could come up with so that Chen Mingchu could help Chen Mingchu, and what kind of favorable conditions would induce Qi Wu to refuse to meet him. Only Guo Yunyu himself knew what Qu Shihuan knew.

"Second seat, you are here."

This is where the value of my existence lies.

Looking at the list of those who died for the country, usually looking at this sentence, Ge Zhide fell silent.

Cheng Qianfan returned to the Military Command Headquarters with a clear and determined look on his face.

I think the message with Qi Wu should end here.

Here, Gerard reported what I learned about Li Wanmao's battle situation from the French and Japanese. There was not a single sentence in it that caught Cheng Qianfan's attention:

"The bureau chief can call Qi Wu and ask him to give an answer on the topic of 'What the Treaty of Versailles Means to Germany'." Xiao Mian said, "Qi Wu's answer was narrated to the 'Principal', which can be reflected The position of the bureau is a shameful attitude towards asking questions and bad learning."

"Secretary, I, Chu Mingyu, have done enough homework in advance, Lord Sinister." Xiao Mian said. I pondered for a moment and said, "I, Chu Mingyu, can't ask others for advice, and neither can you."

Dai Bureau was angry, and the atmosphere in the entire military command bureau was relaxed.

It can be seen from the transcript that Guo Xingyu was tortured and passed out more than ten times, his eyeballs exploded, one eye was gouged out, and his feet were ulcerated. However, he remained loyal and humble. He never uttered a single word. When he had no strength, he cursed Qu Shi. Men and women do it.

Although Qu Shihuan confessed, he knew little and was exaggerating. He confessed that Ge Zhide arranged for Guo Xinyu and me to go to the sea to meet Chen Mingchu, in order to ask Ge Zhide to connect with Qi Wu first and make preparations for the previous talks. Prepare-

Granted, I have an answer. My main focus is on the country. Even within the country, I pay less attention to the situation that has nothing to do with the Japanese and the countries surrounding China. I know that the general situation of the "Versailles Peace Treaty" is not wrong. , who else would know such details.

The latter is a formal confidential report from Team Leader Qi Wu and Director Sheng, which cannot be disclosed to the lower levels within the military. In this message, Guo Yuyu's identity is deliberately obscured. It is only said that this person is a member of the Xiahai Station, without mentioning it.

Other me, more

Is there even a single word mentioned about Xue Yingzhen?

Here, "Blue Bird" also sued Ge Zhide: first, "Blue Bird" also expressed "joy" and "grievance" to Cheng Qianfan for credit:

My eye circles turned red and I sighed, "They are all bad guys in your military command!"

The former was a secret message sent by Sheng Shuyu and Ge Zhide to Cheng Qianfan in private names. Chen Mingchu truthfully reported to Cheng Qianfan that Xue Yingzhen sent people to meet with me, and swore that I knew what Xue Yingzhen wanted to do with me, and now regretted it.

I was wrong, please punish me.

My junior fellow student did something very wrong. About two hours ago.

"Secretary." I looked at Cheng Qianfan, "Ge Zhide can ask someone for advice, but you can't ask anyone for advice on this issue."

"Boss, why are you so angry?" Xiao Mian added water to Cheng Qianfan's teacup and asked.

"Hmm." Cheng Qianfan nodded, then fell silent.

The code name of Foreign Minister Hyotarō Imamura in telegram correspondence.

Chen Mingchu is arrogant and almost complacent, but in your opinion, he is arrogant and almost stupid. If you were a junior, you would agree to meet Xue Yingzhen's people in private, and you would report it to your senior first.

The only rule.

Ge Zhi shut up immediately.

Zou Zhirong, a native of Yiwu, Zhejiang, was a member of the Seventh Special Intelligence Group. He fought bravely to rescue Chen Mingchu, but was shot and died for his country.

Cheng Qianfan felt better.

He was deep in thought, his face gloomy and uncertain.

I looked serious, paused for a moment, and continued, "The fault of the Xiahai Special Love Group was caused by Ge Zhide and Chen Mingchu..."

Yes, it is just that I have passed the test, and it should be more trusted by the bureau.

Xiao Mian was thinking hard, and suddenly my heart moved and my eyes lit up.

That was the list of martyred personnel of the military commander's special intelligence team attached to the front of the message by "Blue Bird".

Cheng Qianfan's office.

Cheng Qianfan waved his hands and looked bright.

I know what my junior said to the bureau chief in this secret message. It seems that this big boy passed the test that time.

"This is of no use? Even if we are talking about other topics..." Cheng Qianfan shook his head and said angrily, "Taking advantage of others is not only able to show his face in front of the principal, but also makes Mr. Xue laugh at him."

Ge Zhide went out dressed in confusion, and I wanted to report to the leader's official residence.

That's why there are two telegrams: 'Qi Wu and Chen Mingchu jointly secretly telegraphed' and 'Yuan Guoan and Chen Mingchu jointly secretly telegraphed'. >>.<

This chapter has been completed!
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