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Chapter 636 Danger


Cheng Qianfan took out the white gloves from his briefcase and put them on carefully.

He came to the wall opposite the love seat.

The curtain on the wall has been drawn, hiding the map behind the curtain.

To be precise, not all of the curtains are covered tightly, there are short gaps at the joints of the curtains.

Cheng Qianfan did not directly open the curtain. He measured it with his palm and found that it was about half a foot.

I glanced again, using the middle line as the benchmark, slightly closer to the left curtain.

With these situations silently in mind, Cheng Qianfan opened the curtain.

There are two maps on the wall.

One map was the map of Europa, the same map he had just pointed at with a map stick to 'explain' it to Hyōtaro Imamura.

There is also a map called "China Kanyu Complete Map".

In fact, there are also two maps on the wall behind Cheng Qianfan, one is the 'Map of the Empire of Japan' and the other is the map of Shanghai.

Previously, Cheng Qianfan opened the curtain, his eyes swept over the two maps, and there was a natural stop on the Chinese map, and then he focused all his attention on the Europa map.

It was at that glance that Cheng Qianfan keenly captured the 'new changes' on this map.

On the map, several place names were circled with a red pencil and seemed to have writing on them.

If the drawings and writing on this map were normal pencil and ink colors, even if Cheng Qianfan was interested in the newly added content on the map, he would not arbitrarily choose to take the risk and come back to secretly take pictures.

Because Cheng Qianfan was familiar with Hyōtaro Imamura, there was no red pencil on Hyōtaro Imamura's desk.

Hyōtaro Imamura will not use red pen unless he uses red handwriting in places where red pen is required to sign.


There is no reason, it should be a personal habit, maybe it is related to personal superstition, customs, etc. This is the judgment Cheng Qianfan has made through silent observation over the past few years.

So, the person who drew and marked this map with a red pencil was not Hyōtaro Imamura himself.

Who is this guy?

Cheng Qianfan knew Hyoutaro Imamura very well. Imamura seemed to be gentle and approachable towards his subordinates, but in fact he was a man who was very particular about the strict class etiquette in Japan.

Take today as an example. As Hyoutarou Imamura's favorite student, Kentaro Miyazaki was answering Hyoutarou Imamura's class question. Imamura just handed him the map stick and would not allow Kentaro Miyazaki to directly use a pencil on

Scribbling, marking on the map.

Therefore, based on his understanding of Hyoutaro Imamura's life, work habits and temperament, Cheng Qianfan judged that the person who scribbled and marked on this map of China should have an extraordinary status.

At the very least, this person should have the same status as Hyōtaro Imamura, the counselor of the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai.

A senior Japanese diplomat in Shanghai and another senior Japanese official with an identity no less than Hyoutaro Imamura were having a meeting in the study room, and they also very formally added new marks on a military map.

Cheng Qianfan naturally would not think that these two people were just chatting casually.

Cheng Qianfan quickly found the newly added mark on the map he had glimpsed before.

To be precise, there are three places circled with red pencil.




Next to the three place names, some detailed markings were added.

Cheng Qianfan had no time to think about the meanings of these three place names, nor did he have time to carefully read the Japanese written in red pencil on the map.

He picked up his camera and looked at the map to take pictures, but found that the light was insufficient.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at the desk lamp on the desk. He silently remembered the position of the desk lamp on the desk. Then he picked up the desk lamp with one hand horizontally to fill in the light. With the other hand, he controlled the miniature camera in his hand and clicked the shutter.


“Beautiful to the extreme.”

Imamura Kogoro rubbed the Erzhu gold in his hand, admiring it with admiration, and his eyes were full of joy.

The Genroku period was the heyday of the Tokugawa shogunate. The economy was extremely prosperous. Mega cities such as Edo, Osaka, Kyoto and a series of small industrial and commercial cities were developed. The town people class rose. This era has a special place in the hearts of many Japanese people.


The Genroku period is considered Japan's Renaissance period.

For example, the emphasis on classical culture.

He advocated directly studying the classics of Confucius and Mencius, tracing back to pre-Qin Confucianism, and restoring the ancient spirit that had been distorted by those who followed.

Promoting the humanistic spirit, a large number of common people's cultures appeared, such as "Ningyo Joruri" (puppet rap drama), "Kabuki" (dance drama), arts and crafts (ukiyo-e, woodblock prints), etc.

There are even a large number of civilian novels that boldly depict people's pursuit of material desires, such as "The Sexy Generation of Men", "Five Sexy Women", "Japan's Edaizo", "The Use of Breasts in the World" and so on.

In addition, natural sciences have also developed, such as the development of ancient medicine, arithmetic, and the prosperity of Western science introduced from the Netherlands.

Natural philosophy and atheism have also been promoted and developed to a certain extent.

This social atmosphere is very similar to that of the Western Renaissance.

Although these Renaissances were not as vigorous as those in Europe, they were only in a "budding" state.

However, this itself is a kind of progress.

From today's perspective in Japan, although Japan during the Genroku period was not as magnificent as the European bourgeois revolution, it was already a great improvement compared to the lifelessness of China during the Qing Dynasty.

During the Genroku period, many Japanese learnings, such as literature, history, philosophy, etc., reached or were close to breaking through the level of the feudal era.

This social foundation ultimately gave birth to the Meiji Restoration.

Therefore, many Japanese believe that the cultural prosperity of the Genroku period is a profound national memory of the Japanese nation.

In the eyes of Kogoro Imamura, these two pieces of gold from the Genroku period express his reverie and admiration for the beauty of this era.

"Kentaro, this young man is indeed very good." Imamura Kogoro said to himself, remembering three years ago, when he was initially very wary of Miyazaki Kentaro.

I still remember that time when Sakamoto Yoshino arranged for Miyazaki Kentaro to take a nap in the guest room upstairs, and he hurriedly went up to check...


Imamura Kogoro frowned.

Kentaro Miyazaki went up to get his briefcase, why hasn't he come down yet?


When the counselor leaves, the study door will definitely be closed.

The door is closed, and Kentaro Miyazaki naturally can't get in, so what is he going to do? Even if he finds the door is closed after going up, he should ask him to open the door!

Kogoro Imamura's expression was gloomy and serious.

He had no intention of doubting Kentaro Miyazaki.

However, no matter what the reason is, Miyazaki Kentaro has not come down yet, nor has he called him to open the door. This is wrong!

Putting down the Genroku period Erzhu gold in his hand, Imamura Kogoro hurriedly left the door. After taking two steps, he returned to his room, opened the drawer, took out a small 'Palm Thunder' pistol, and hid it in the palm of his hand.

, walked quickly towards the stairs.

Cheng Qianfan first gently put the lamp back on the desk.

He walked towards the bamboo basket in the corner.

This is used to put paper scraps, melon peels and other garbage.

Cheng Qianfan squatted down and rummaged through the bamboo basket.

He saw the crumpled paper.

Cheng Qianfan carefully unfolded the paper.

Above is a simple hand-drawn map.

In other words, I could only vaguely see that the map was drawn because the paper was wet with tea.

There is also some Japanese written on the paper.

Cheng Qianfan rubbed the paper with his hand. It was still wet, but some parts of the paper were already dry to the touch. This was because it had been splashed with tea and had slowly dried in the shade.

Cheng Qianfan secretly guessed that this piece of paper should have been thrown in the bamboo basket for two to three hours.

With a thought in his mind, he picked up the wettest part of the paper and put it to the tip of his nose to smell it.

Cheng Qianfan's expression changed slightly and he nodded.

He put the paper on the desk and spread it flat under the desk lamp, picked up the miniature camera, adjusted the focus, and at the same time fine-tuned his standing position, and pressed the shutter three times in a row.

After doing all this, Cheng Qianfan crumpled the paper into a ball and carefully put it back into the bamboo basket:

When he picked up the paper, he noticed that the paper was under an apple core. He crumpled the paper into a ball and pressed it under the apple core.

Cheng Qianfan looked at the desk.

Under the reflection of the desk lamp light, there was a dull reflection where the paper was placed just now.

This is moisture reflecting light.

Cheng Qianfan immediately wiped it gently with gloves.

Can't use force.

Exerting force will leave hand marks and palm marks, etc.

His eyes stayed on the desk lamp.

Cheng Qianfan noticed that the position of the desk lamp was different from the position before he took the desk lamp to fill the light. He gestured with the palm of his hand above the desk, raised a finger to mark the distance, and then moved the desk lamp closer to the file.

About one centimeter.

After taking another look, he nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, an accident occurred.

The desk lamp cord rubbed against the documents on the desk, and several documents fell to the floor.

Cheng Qianfan was shocked. He immediately realized where the problem was.

Just now he picked up the desk lamp to use as a fill-in light for taking pictures. The lamp cord was originally bent, but he pulled it apart. Now he put the desk lamp back, and the lamp cord was still straighter and longer than before.

The lengthened lamp cord happened to scratch the documents on the desk.

Cheng Qianfan first glanced at the desk lamp and then at the lamp cord. He held the lamp cord in his left hand and gently rubbed it up and down to confirm the length of the lamp cord itself. Then Cheng Qianfan quickly moved the lamp between his right fingers.

The wires are wrapped and bent in different positions.

After another visual inspection, I judged in my mind that unless Imamura Hyoutarou also marked the lamp line, there should be no flaws.


Looking at the documents scattered on the ground, Cheng Qianfan's expression became extremely serious.

He picked up the document and looked at it a few times.

His heart sank.

These pages did not come from the same document, so he could not determine the order in which these pages were placed on the desk.

This is extremely troublesome.

Cheng Qianfan thought quickly as if a movie was playing in his mind. The scene two minutes ago and even the scene when he was talking to Imamura Hyoutarou in the study quickly passed through his mind.

He sighed in his heart and remained silent, staring at the pages of documents.

He was unable to recall the order in which the pages were arranged.

At this moment, there seemed to be footsteps coming from the other side of the stairs.

Cheng Qianfan's hearing was very sensitive. He judged that the distance was a bit far and he should still be going up the stairs.

Is Kogoro Imamura coming over?

Have you finished admiring Erzhujin?

Or did you notice something was wrong and come to check it out?

However, this is no longer important.

Cheng Qianfan was extremely anxious. He had tried it before:

It takes about thirty-nine seconds to walk from the stairs to the study room near the back at a normal human pace.

Every time he came to the study, he would memorize it in his mind. After many experiments, and then taking an average, he finally came to the conclusion that it was seventeen seconds.

However, Imamura Kogoro was shorter than him and his steps were shorter. Taking this factor into account, Cheng Qianfan judged that Imamura Kogoro should need nineteen seconds.

In nineteen seconds, he had no time to deal with the end of the matter.

Just at this time.

"Butler Imamura, butler Imamura!"

"Butler Imamura, butler Imamura!"

"Butler Imamura, butler Imamura!"

Downstairs, suddenly there was a shout.

Cheng Qianfan heard Li Hao's shout.

Then he heard footsteps that were approaching and moving away.

This is Kogoro Imamura walking back down the stairs.

Cheng Qianfan ignored these pages for the time being.

He held a miniature camera in his hand and pressed the button to open the card. He took out the small film and card slot, put the film into the card slot and closed it.

Then put the camera directly into the briefcase.

Then he put the film into a silk bag in his briefcase. There were five or six small yellow croakers and a stack of banknotes in the bag. He scattered the banknotes to cover the film.

After doing all this, Cheng Qianfan put the briefcase back on the seat, where it had been 'forgotten' before.

Then, Cheng Qianfan picked up the red wine gift box on the ground and walked towards the door.

Suddenly stopped.

He came to the desk and placed the pages on the corner of the desk.

After doing all this, he walked back.

I walked backwards and walked gently.


Time goes back ten seconds.

Imamura Kogoro stood at the entrance under the stairs and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Steward Imamura, could you please call Brother Fan? Time is running out." Li Hao said.

"When is it almost too late?" Imamura Kogoro asked with a frown.

"Brother Fan promised my sister-in-law to tell the young master a bedtime story before going out today." Li Hao said, "It's too late, the young master just..."

"I understand." Imamura Kogoro shook his head. He had long heard that Kentaro loved his son very much. He probably loved his wife very much, and he also doted on his Chinese wife.

Imamura Kogoro went up the stairs again, turned right, and walked straight towards the study at the back of the corridor.

"Uncle Kogoro." Cheng Qianfan stood at the door of the study, looking bored. He saw Kogoro Imamura coming from a distance, and shouted happily, "You're here, the study is locked."

"Why didn't Kentaro call me?" Kogoro Imamura looked deeply at Kentaro Miyazaki, placed the palm of his hand on his left hand, and took out the key with his right hand to open the door.

"It's not a good idea to disturb Uncle Kogoro's research on the ancient culture of the empire." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile, "I'll just wait for a while."

The door lock was unlocked, but the door seemed to be stuck by something.

Cheng Qianfan took the initiative to help push it, but it didn't open at first, and then with a big force, the door was knocked open, causing a gust of wind, and only saw a few pages falling from the desk.

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