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Chapter 638 Rewarding the Blue Bird (please vote for me)




Different from Anhui's "Huangshan", Chongqing's "Huangshan" covers an area of ​​about 280 acres.

In the 10th year of the Republic of China, this place was bought by a wealthy Chongqing businessman named Huang Yunjie and built a private villa and high-end club. He became famous in Chongqing. The mountain was named after this person and was called "Huangshan".

In the twenty-seventh year of the Republic of China, the Japanese began to carry out "indiscriminate bombing" of Chongqing.

For safety and environmental reasons, the government selected Huangshan as the leader's official residence and purchased it from a wealthy businessman named Huang for 5,000 oceans.

In December of the 27th year of the Republic of China, the 'Chairman' arrived in Chongqing from Guilin and made Yunxiu Tower in Huangshan his office and living place.

This is Huangshan, the official residence of Huangshan, the official residence of the leader.

Late at night.

Dai Chunfeng walked out of the Huangshan official residence in a hurry.

There was a proud smile on his face.

Just an hour ago, he came to the official residence at starry night to ask for an audience and urgently informed the 'Principal' of the intelligence reported by the 'Blue Bird' about Britain and France declaring war on Germany on the third day of Europa time.

The national government has also been paying close attention to whether and when Britain and France will declare war on Germany.

However, the information from all parties is mixed and interferes with each other.

Dai Chunfeng was the first person to clearly report that Britain and France would declare war on Germany, and even the date was conclusive.

The 'principal' was quite surprised and asked for the inside story.

Dai Chunfeng told the truth that this was the information captured by the Blue Bird at great risk. The information came from the phone conversation between Eiichi Iwai and Hyōtaro Imamura.

The 'principal' was quite shocked and praised the young talents in his hometown a lot.

Dai Chunfeng later said that Britain and France secretly revealed the decision and time to declare war to the Japanese, but in fact they intended to inform Germany about the matter through Japan. This shows that Britain and France declared war for the sake of declaring war, and even if they declared war, the war would not start soon.


The 'principal' nodded frequently and praised Dai Chunfeng for his insightful judgment, which was both the careful analysis of an agent and the talents of a diplomat.

Dai Chunfeng was extremely happy to receive the praise.

Later, Dai Chunfeng directly expressed to the "principal" and asked the principal to check his "Versailles Peace Treaty" homework.

After a eloquent account, the 'principal' was greatly shocked and said that Dai Chunfeng was diligent and studious and had made great progress, not bad, not bad.

Dai Chunfeng smiled and said that he had asked someone else for advice, and said that this was a "person whom the principal did not know".

The 'principal' asked, "Who can I ask for advice?"

He was surprised that there were actually talented people in the government who he didn't know who were familiar with the international current situation?

Dai Chunfeng smiled and said, this is what the Blue Bird learned from his teacher Mr. Li (the head of the village).

Later, the Deputy Director of the Military Command was even more embarrassed to say that he had just said that Britain and France were secretly communicating with the Germans through the Japanese. Hyotarō Imamura also made similar statements in his discussion with the Blue Bird. However, Dai Chunfeng repeatedly emphasized that this

It's not that he plagiarized Imamura's views. He had a similar feeling when he received the telegram.

He especially emphasized that he asked the principal not to blame him for asking questions.

Chang Kaishen was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter, almost bending over with laughter.

After the "New Life" movement, I have always paid attention to health care. I refused to eat at night and was in a good mood. I even asked someone to give me two bowls of dumplings, one for me and one for Dai Chunfeng.

After being given a meal by the principal, Dai Chunfeng felt very happy when he left.

At the foot of the mountain, he saw Wang Zhihe scolding his men in the attendant room.

It turned out that not far from Huangshan's official residence, someone seemed to have opened up wasteland to grow vegetables and brought dung water for watering. Now that the south wind was blowing, a smell of dung was wafting in. How could Wang Zhihe not be angry?

Dai Chunfeng rolled his eyes and thought it was an opportunity to ease the relationship with Wang Zhihe, so he went up to persuade him, "It's a good thing. The smell of excrement is a good thing."

Wang Zhihe was furious and said that Dai Chunfeng was crazy and talking crazy words.

Dai Chunfeng said, who would have thought that the place with the smell of feces would be near the leader's official residence?

Wang Zhihe thought about it for a while, and he was convinced, and he praised for the first time, "Those who engage in spy work do have some tricks up their sleeves."

Dai Chunfeng's face turned green, and he couldn't offend this person, so he could only walk away in anger.

Qi Wu was waiting at the foot of the mountain.

He was surprised and a little confused when he saw the official going down the mountain with a gloomy expression.

"The principal is very happy and praises our army for its effective intelligence work." Dai Chunfeng knew that Qi Wu had misunderstood and explained.

"Did the principal say that he wanted to praise Yuan Guoan?" Qi Wu asked with a smile. If Dai Chunfeng didn't tell him why he was in a bad mood, he wouldn't ask again.

"I don't know what benefit that kid gave you." Dai Chunfeng laughed and scolded, "You are more anxious than that kid."

"Don't talk about me, boss." Qi Wu said, which meant that Dai Chunfeng's closeness and favor to Cheng Qianfan was stronger than anyone else.

"The principal had a very good impression of him and praised him a lot in his words." Dai Chunfeng said, "This is more important to that boy and to our military commander than anything else."

Qi Wu nodded, Dai Chunfeng's words made sense.

However, he knew there was another unspeakable reason.

Senior cadres of the military command generally have low rankings because they are agents.

Dai Chunfeng's current identity is Lieutenant General, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Commission, and he holds the rank of Colonel in the Army.

Therefore, let's just talk about the military rank of Quanxu. Cheng Qianfan, a little fellow and junior student, is only one level lower than Dai Chunfeng. Let's talk about Qiwu. He now only has the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Quanxu, which is the same level as Cheng Qianfan.

Of course, Qi Wu's rank is Army Major General.

Cheng Qianfan's military rank is colonel. This is because the establishment of the Shanghai Special Intelligence Group is smaller than that of the Juntong Shanghai District, and the professional rank of the head of the Juntong Shanghai District is major general.

This also created a very interesting situation. As for Chen Gongshu, the new district chief of Shanghai Military Command, Chen Gongshu is a major general and Xiao Mian is just a colonel. In terms of rank, Chen Gongshu is Xiao Mian's commander, but most of all

Regarding the important military rank, Xiao Mian and Chen Gongshu are both lieutenant colonels.

As for Cheng Qianfan, Quanxu's military rank cannot be promoted for the time being, and his position and military rank cannot be as high as Chen Gongshu's Shanghai District Chief. Therefore, Dai Chunfeng is now quite worried about how to reward Cheng Qianfan.

"The bureau seat." Qi Wu suddenly said, "Yuan Guoan loves money, how about..."

"I have no money!" Dai Chunfeng shook his head like a rattle.

"Yuan Guoan has the disease of being a widower." Qi Wu originally wanted to say this, but after thinking about it, he did not speak.

Dai Chunfeng was sitting in the car. The night was deep outside the car window, the car lights penetrated the dark night, and two lampposts moved forward.

He frowned in thought.

This junior student of mine has repeatedly made meritorious deeds, and this time he won the first prize from the 'principal' for his position and the entire military command. This contribution must not be unrewarded.

Want money?

He has no spring breeze.

Don't think that he doesn't know that his little brother is living a more prosperous life in Shanghai than most of his military commanders.

Military rank?

Quan Xu's military rank cannot be promoted.

Position and military rank?

Dai Chunfeng's heart moved. He tilted his head and asked Qi Wu, "Qi Wu."

"Seat down, I'm here."

"The Shanghai Special Situation Team was hit hard this time." Dai Chunfeng said in a deep voice, "How much do you know about the students in the Qianyang class?"

"Qianyang class?" Qi Wu thought for a while and asked, "The Bureau means to transfer personnel from the Qianyang class to Shanghai? How many people will be transferred?"

After a pause, he said, "Commander, the one who knows these students best is Wu Xi. Why don't we ask him to go back to Chongqing?"

"Call Wu Xi to transfer ten outstanding students back to Chongqing." Dai Chunfeng said in a deep voice.

When the telegram arrived in Qianyang, Wu Xi was cursing.

A year ago, the Military Unification Bureau selected Linli County in Changde as the location for the class, which was called the "Linli Special Training Class" and trained more than 1,000 students.

The original name of this class was the "Military Commission Special Training Class," but the Military Commission did not accept the credit and therefore no seal was issued.

At that time, Dai Chunfeng was also the chairman of the Central Police School, so he named it the "Central Police School Special Police Personnel Training Course" in April last year.

However, within the Military Command Bureau, it has always been called the "temporary training class", and the graduating students are listed as the first batch of the Central Police Academy's special training class, or simply the first batch of special training.

In October last year, Linli was threatened by the Japanese army, and the second special training class was transferred to Qianyang City.

In order to strengthen his control, Dai Chunfeng specially transferred agent Wu Xi to Qianyang as the county magistrate.

At that time, the 10th Regiment of the Kuomintang Military Police was also training new recruits in Qiancheng. The original houses in the area were not enough, and the two sides had many disputes over people and houses, and at one point they drew guns at each other.

After many rounds of negotiations, Wu Xi finally designated Shengmiao, Puming Temple, Confucian Temple, Chenghuang Temple, Jianshi Academy, Xia Yanggong Temple, Xiannong Altar, etc. as the locations for the special training class. The class headquarters was located in Jianshi, Qianyang.

The duration of the "Guizhou Training Class" is one year.

The first half of the year focuses on political training and military education, including the "Prime Minister's Instructions", "Leader's Words and Deeds" and relevant legal knowledge and military common sense.

In the second half of the year, students are divided into intelligence, operations, telecommunications, police, staff, Japanese, and English departments according to their own wishes, and various spy techniques are taught in different categories. In the intelligence department, the training courses include intelligence theory, intelligence business, and reconnaissance techniques.

There are many subjects including makeup, shooting, secret communication, cryptography, psychology, mobility, grappling, poisons, explosions, etc. The subjects are complex and there are many courses.

The requirements for trainees in the Qianyang special training class are that they must have "clean" financial status, be between 18 and 25 years old, have a junior high school education or above, be in good health and have no obvious characteristics or hidden diseases.

At the same time, it is stipulated that existing agents within the military who are willing to participate in the training can also be transferred to the training.

It is particularly emphasized within the military reunification that students from all regions are assessed first by the heads of provincial stations and groups to prevent foreign parties from mixing in. If students have problems in the future, the original selection and sending unit must bear full responsibility.

As a result, the enthusiasm for delivery in various places has dropped sharply.

In desperation, we could only openly recruit young refugee students from Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei and other occupied areas.

These people did not know that this was a spy organization at first, and by the time they understood it, there was no possibility of quitting.

However, a pair of young students who were unmarried couples secretly planned to leave the Qianyang class. Wu Xi was scolding the two at this time. (PS1)


Hongkou District.

Extraordinary courses.

Hiroyuki Kikube came to a room with a serious expression.

This is the Telecommunications Research Laboratory of the Special Higher Education Course.

"Chief, that familiar radio signal has appeared again." A telecommunications agent handed the record sheet to Hiroyuki Kikube.

"The entire transmission time lasted..." He pointed to the start and end times on the record sheet.

"This is a long telegram." Hiroyuki Kikube frowned.

The imperial counterintelligence agency attaches great importance to radio management and has banned all non-imperial radio stations in the imperial-occupied areas.

And a reconnaissance radio station has just been secretly installed on the roof of the New Asia Hotel to monitor Shanghai's radio communications day and night. Once a signal of unknown origin is discovered, agents will be immediately dispatched to search and collect evidence. If anything suspicious is found, they will come to arrest him first.

Let’s talk about it later.

However, this method has a certain effect on the empire-occupied areas, but it can only do nothing for the tiny area of ​​​​the French Concession.

Taking this radio signal, which has been discovered by the empire and tracked many times, the Telecommunications Research Laboratory has long locked this signal to the French Concession, and can further confirm that it is within the two areas of the French Concession Central District and Jiafei District.

, however, it is difficult to go further.

"Too arrogant." Hiroyuki Kikube was very angry.

The reason why this rat hiding in the French Concession dared to send such long telegrams so unscrupulously was because the French Concession authorities had a certain degree of connivance, and this person also knew that the Empire was temporarily out of reach of the Concession.


Hiroyuki Kikube frowned. Judging from the time and length of sending the telegram, the content of this telegram should be very important.

So, who is this person?

What kind of information did he obtain this time?

Judging from his professional agent's perspective, this person is most likely to have access to key information, or to someone who can access key information.

However, what kind of information is key information is a matter of opinion.

For example, a batch of cloth was to be transported out of Shanghai by merchants. Such information was of absolutely no value to the empire.

However, for the Red Party's New Fourth Army, which was short of food and clothing, this was very important military intelligence.

Kikube Hiroo thought for a moment, then he glanced at the person next to him, "Nohara, can you possibly further confirm the location?"

"I've tried my best." Nohara said awkwardly, "Unless I bring a signal positioning instrument to work in the French Concession."

"Signal positioning instrument?" Hiroyuki Kikube glanced at Nohara, "Is it the stethoscope you mentioned?"

Nohara smiled, "Yes."

The "stethoscope" mentioned by Hiroyuki Kikube is an image name for the signal locator.

The so-called signal locator is actually a relatively simple device.

There are adjustment dials on it, a silent microphone that transmits sound to the earphones, and a compass-like pointer that points in the direction of the sound.

The dispatched personnel brought this signal locator into the French Concession, searched privately at the other party's accustomed reporting time, tried to locate the radio station, and then secretly came to arrest him.

"How accurate is it?" Hiroyuki Kikube asked.

This signal locator is new technology and has never been used before.

"This instrument is very accurate when used in long-wave signals, but it is less accurate in determining the emission of short-wave signals." Nohara said, he pushed up the lenses of his glasses, "Chief, anyway, enter with the signal locator.

French Concession, this is the only way we can possibly target this person and the radio station at the moment."

"Yes." Kikube Hiroo thought for a moment and nodded, "Nohara, you are personally responsible for this matter. You will lead the team into the French Concession."


PS: Please subscribe, ask for rewards, ask for monthly votes, and ask for recommendation votes, thank you.

PS1: Looking for character names, everyone can nominate themselves. They are a young couple who were former military agents.


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