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Chapter 1163 My sister is not easy to get along with!

No wonder Cheng Qianfan is so humorous and Liu Xia is laughing and joking.

In fact, the dispute between Mr. Wang and Chinese medicine practitioners is quite deep.

In the 16th year of the Republic of China, Yu Canzhi, a disciple of Mr. Zhang Meishu, returned from studying in Japan.

Mr. Yu Canzhi was deeply influenced by the Meiji Restoration and Western thinking while studying in Japan.

He believes that medicine should not be divided into traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, but should be called "modern medicine" together.

In order to achieve his "ambition", he decided to promote the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine and comprehensively develop Western medicine.

It just so happened that the second-ranking figure in the Kuomintang at that time, Wang Chuanhai, who was then President of the Executive Yuan, was suffering from a disadvantage in his struggle for power with Chang Kaishen. In order to win support within the party and among the people, Wang regarded himself as a "reformer".

Therefore, Wang Chuanhai was very interested in Yu Canzhi's views, and it can even be said that they hit it off immediately.

Wang Chuhai expressed his support for Yu Canzhi's views in public. He said that an important reason why Japan's Meiji Restoration was successful was that Japan abolished traditional Chinese medicine. Western medicine and Western medicine represent science and reason, and traditional Chinese medicine represents the same as Western industrial technology.

Due to ignorance and backwardness, only by completely abolishing traditional Chinese medicine can we improve the health of our people and strengthen our bodies.

Therefore, President Wang warmly welcomed Yu Canzhi on behalf of the Nanjing government and invited him to become a member of the Central Health Committee of the Ministry of Health.

Soon, the "Abolition of Old Medical Treatment Act" drafted by Yu Canzhi and signed and sealed by Wang Chuanhai was freshly released and released to the whole country through the Executive Yuan.

It has only one purpose, and it will not hesitate to enforce this case even if it is enforced. The "rotten and backward" traditional Chinese medicine must be completely abolished.

Of course, there are many rumors about President Wang's vigorous promotion of the abolition of traditional Chinese medicine. Cheng Qianfan later heard that there were rumors that Wang Quanhai had received large financial sponsorship from Western medicine manufacturers. However, there was no market for this rumor because Vice President Wang

He has an excellent reputation within the party, and everyone generally believes that Wang will not act for money.

In fact, on the matter of abolishing traditional Chinese medicine, Yu Canzhi was the one who shouted the slogan, Wang Chuanhai agreed with it, and it was Chu Mingyu who really worked hard.

A single word from a leader can cause subordinates to run into trouble.

After Wang Chuanhai nodded, it was Chu Mingyu who ran up and down and fought against all opinions to get the bill to abolish traditional Chinese medicine passed in the Executive Yuan.

However, although the bill was passed, it also caused an uproar across the country.

You must know that when Confucians called the violent Qin Dynasty, they did not burn medical books when they burned books to harass Confucians.

Now Dean Wang has issued a bill to completely destroy this Chinese treasure that has been passed down for thousands of years!

Traditional Chinese medicine doctors across the country were angry. They gathered in Shanghai, formed a petition group, and went to Nanjing to petition and protest against such an absurd order.

Kuomintang elders Yu, Hu, Zhang, Li, Dai and others expressed their support for the actions of traditional Chinese medicine doctors.

Principal Chang, who had originally used the word "nonsense" to comment on Wang's move, was even more happy at this time. He was so sleepy that he hit the pillow.

Principal Chang enthusiastically met with the national delegation of traditional Chinese medicine in person and expressed his support for traditional Chinese medicine:

The principal patted his chest and said, "I often grow up taking Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is very effective. I am optimistic about Chinese medicine and support Chinese medicine."

As soon as Principal Chang spoke, there was an immediate upsurge within the government to promote traditional Chinese medicine and affirm Chinese traditional culture.

The bill to abolish traditional Chinese medicine will be nothing more than that.

This incident made Wang Quanhai disgraced and very humiliated.

At this time, it was Chu Mingyu who stood up to speak again. This matter was caused by Chu Mingzhi who was influenced by Mr. Yu Canzhi's thoughts and had nothing to do with Mr. Wang.

Of course, no one believed this. With Chu Mingyu's temperament of eating, drinking and having fun, if Wang Chuanhai hadn't spoken behind his back, he would have angered so many Chinese medicine doctors across the country when he was full.

As for whether everyone believes it or not, Chu Mingyu doesn't care at all. What he wants is a statement to show to Wang Quanhai.

"It is said that Mrs. Wang insisted." Liu Xia lowered her voice and said, "Mr. Wang couldn't resist, so he had to see a traditional Chinese medicine doctor."

I see.

Cheng Qianfan blinked with a clear expression. Mr. Wang was henpecked. This was an open secret that could not be told. Mrs. Wang had spoken. How could Mr. Wang dare not listen even if he wanted to save face?

The private matters of important people should not be discussed in depth.

Change the topic.

"As for why the attacker mistook our car and Deputy Director Chen's car for Mr. Wang's car." Liu Xia opened her mouth slightly and blew out a white smoke ring, "What do you think?"

"How do I know?" Cheng Qianfan shook his head and chuckled, "It can't be because that Stypunk is very modern and eye-catching..."

As he spoke, his facial expression began to change, first surprised, then thoughtful, then dazed, and finally frowning, looking at Liu Xia with an incredible expression.

"Now you understand why I came to you specifically?" Liu Xia held a cigarette between her fingers, "You rented the car. I received news that the people in Dingmutun have listed you as a key investigation target."

Cheng Qianfan looked Liu Xia up and down, half-believing and a little angry at the same time, "Sister Xia, you just said that it was a routine conversation with me at the Secret Service Headquarters."

"It's a routine conversation with many people, and you are among them." Liu Xia shook her head, "You have to know that you can't look at things at face value. A routine conversation is a routine conversation, but a private investigation is another matter.


"Sister Xia, do you think there's something wrong with me?" Cheng Qianfan said with a sullen look on his face, "I rented a car for my own use, but it just happened that the secretary-general liked it..."

"My silly brother." Liu Xia gave Cheng Qianfan a charming look and tapped his forehead with the green-white finger of her left hand, "Of course my sister believes in you. Not only me, the secretary-general also believes in your innocence.

Yes, otherwise, why would I come to you and tell you this."

"Then, what do you mean, Sister Xia?" Cheng Qianfan breathed a long sigh of relief, and his gaze on Liu Xia softened. However, he was still a little surprised and uncertain, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Of course the secretary-general believes in you. He also said that he was the one who forced Stepunk to take advantage of him. This is enough to show that you have nothing to do with this matter." Liu Xia said, "However,

It is indeed possible that the assassin used the Stypunk car as the target of the assassination, so this matter is indeed a bit difficult to explain clearly."

"The Secretary-General means..." Cheng Qianfan said with a gloomy expression.

"What the Secretary-General means is that you write a material, starting from your arrival in Nanjing, especially your whereabouts, words and deeds after you called the car dealer to rent a car." Liu Xia said, her expression was genuine, "After the material is written, after the agent

When the headquarters talks to you, take the initiative to hand it over to them and do what you should do. We are not afraid of shadows."

She took a new cigarette from the cigarette case that she had searched for Cheng Qianfan, bit it between her lips, lit it, and stuffed the cigarette into Cheng Qianfan's mouth. Her beautiful and charming face was filled with concern and sincerity, "As for their secrets,

Don't pay attention to investigations or anything like that. If they go too far, the Secretary-General will support you."

"If nothing else." Liu Xia looked at Cheng Qianfan, "You want to bully my good brother Liu Xia."

"Sister is not easy to get along with either." She smiled.

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