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Chapter 1175 List

 To arrest or not?

The answer is naturally yes——


But when do you start arresting people?

Which one to catch?

Or should all three be arrested?

These are all things that need to be considered when making soup.

Secret service is about killing, but it is not just about killing.

The person outside Cheng Qianfan's ward should be a minor character, while the visitor inside the ward should be an important figure. However, this person's importance is lower than that of Cheng Qianfan.

These two people can be captured.

As for Cheng Qianfan?

Tang Kanlao's consideration was not to take action against Cheng Qianfan first, and because of this premise, he needed to secretly arrest the other two people.

The main reason why we don't swarm all three of them now is because of Cheng Qianfan's sensitive identity.

Ding Mutun had secretly told him to be more cautious about Cheng Qianfan's actions. Under the current circumstances, taking action against Cheng Qianfan would most likely touch the sensitive nerves of Secretary General Chu Mingyu.

Tang Kanlao understood the meaning of Ding Mutun’s words:

You can take action against Cheng Qianfan, but you must have more convincing evidence.

And this "convincing evidence" cannot be obtained after being tortured. At least before the person is arrested and tortured, there must be strong evidence that can support the arrest.

This is also the reason why Tang Bo was hesitant and did not make up his mind to directly serve the three of them in one pot.

He had no strong evidence to prove that there was something wrong with these three people. He only relied on a temporary worker's confession that one of them had spoken dissatisfied with the Locust Army. This could be used as evidence to arrest ordinary people. However, this did not apply to Cheng.

A person like Qianfan who has a backer.

Therefore, Tang Kanlao made a very smart and decisive decision:

Cheng Qianfan, a guy with a profound background and a thorn in his side, will not be moved for the time being.

Take the other two soft persimmons first.

After prying open the mouths of these two people, it would be logical to attack Cheng Qianfan at that time.

"Tell the brothers to cheer up and wait for the two people to leave the hospital and seize the opportunity to arrest them secretly." Tang Kanlao said in a deep voice.

"Yes, team leader." The subordinate hesitated for a moment and then asked, "Team leader, do you want..."

"Let's inform the team leader." Tang Kanlao said thoughtfully.

His original intention was to use his own team to complete this secret arrest. However, this time he collaborated with Tong Xueyong to handle the case. Even if he really wanted to eat alone, he knew that the food should not be too ugly. After all, Tong Xueyong took the initiative.

Showing up outside to confuse the other party is also meritorious in itself.

"Wang Qianhai was not injured in the assassination he suffered a few days ago, but was slightly frightened." Okada Toshihiko said suddenly.

Cheng Qianfan looked at Toshihiko Okada in surprise. He did not expect Toshihiko Okada to take the initiative to mention this 'confidential information'.

This was not a lie, he was really surprised.

"I know that many young people in the empire, including you, despise China, and even look down on Wang Chuanhai." Okada Toshihiko said, "However, even if he was assassinated, Wang Chuanhai saw a doctor that day. Later, he still insisted on participating in the negotiations.”

He looked at Kentaro Miyazaki and said, "Moreover, Wang Qianhai made a fuss about his own assassination to put pressure on Liang Hongzhi and Wang Kemin, which ultimately prompted the two to make certain concessions and led to the complete success of the talks."

Cheng Qianfan's heart was in turmoil. Was the tripartite meeting between Wang Chuanhai, Wang Kemin, and Liang Hongzhi successful?

What kind of agreement was reached between the three of them?

The reason why he was surprised was that according to the information Cheng Qianfan had, these three traitors each represented their own interest groups and had many conflicts over how to distribute power, making it almost impossible to reach a more satisfactory cooperation agreement. At least not in the short term.

According to what Cheng Qianfan learned from Liu Xia, after the talks began, Wang Chuhai preemptively asked Wang, Liang and others to participate in the so-called "Central Zhengzhi Meeting."

In addition, the most important thing is to establish a new central government in Nanjing as soon as possible, by which time the "provisional" and "reform" governments will be abolished.

The Wang family was quite encouraged by this move, thinking it was a preemptive strike that directly overpowered Wang Kemin and Liang Hongzhi.

However, in Cheng Qianfan's view, Wang Chuanhai's move that he thought was a success should actually have been expected by Wang and Liang.

Because what Cheng Qianfan had previously learned from Hyōtaro Imamura was that the Japanese government's attitude towards supporting Wang Reclamation in establishing a unified puppet regime was gradually becoming firmer.

Both Wang Kemin and Liang Hongzhi could feel this firm attitude and will from their Japanese masters. Naturally, these two traitors did not dare to go against their masters' wishes, so they wanted to ban Wang Quanhai's "Reformation" ', the 'provisional' governments should be mentally prepared.

However, it is obvious that these two people will not hand over their power happily. Therefore, this so-called three-party talks will definitely be full of bickering, and it will be difficult to reach any constructive contract or agreement in the short term.

"How dare Wang Quanhai have such courage?" Cheng Qianfan said in surprise, tut-tutting, and then he showed surprise, "Chief, according to what I found out from Liu Xia, there is a conflict between the three parties. It stands to reason that we can reach an agreement within a short period of time." The possibility of consensus is not high.”

It's not just "contradictory", it's actually full of contradictions, Okada Toshihiko said in his heart.

On the first day of the meeting, Wang Chuanhai presented the "Draft Organizational Regulations of the Central Zhengzhi Conference" and the "Outline of the Interim Organizational Regulations of the North China Government Affairs Commission", hoping that the "provisional" and "restoration" governments would agree.

It stipulates that among the tentative 24 to 30 members of the Zhengzhi Conference, there are only 6 places for the "provisional" and "reform" governments, and they can only participate in the name of "important social figures"; the actual power of the North China Government Affairs Committee is All are controlled by the central government.

Of course, Wang and Liang were unwilling to accept this. They passively resisted on the grounds that they had not received advance notice of the proposal from the local Japanese commander, so they could not agree to participate in the Zhengzhi meeting of the Central Committee.

Since then, the talks have reached a deadlock.

It was under this circumstance that the Empire held a meeting at the Central China Dispatch Army Headquarters in Nanjing to study countermeasures to promote cooperation among the three parties.

The meeting conveyed the spirit of domestic instructions. In view of the situation of the Sino-Japanese war, Abe's new cabinet has decided to adopt "realist" countermeasures to support Wang Reclamation in establishing the central government, and dispatched the second minister of the General Staff Headquarters to Ning to convey this to the Japanese army.

Just after Wang Takumi was assassinated, he continued to attend the meeting "with a fearless attitude". Imperial Staff Headquarters Kage Sasakiaki, "Restoration Government" top adviser Harada, and "Provisional Government" top adviser Kita Makoto all attended "Wang,

Wang, Liang” tripartite talks.

General Ying Zuo announced on the spot that the Abe Cabinet supported Wang Reclamation in establishing the central government.

Hearing this, Wang Chuanhai was filled with joy, thinking that with the support of the imperial cabinet, the talks would go smoothly.

Unexpectedly, around nine o'clock that night, Wang Kemin and Liang Hongzhi hurried to Laohuqiao to meet Wang Chuanhai and express their latest attitude:

"We all disagree on issues such as personnel, headcount distribution, and the national flag at the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China."

The tough attitude of Wang and Liang was naturally supported by the imperial advisers behind them.

General Yingzuo also had no choice but to admit that the provisional government had been downgraded to a political affairs committee and the reform government was facing the fate of dissolution. This caused panic among the two governments and was indeed not conducive to the stability of the situation.

In this way, Wang Quanhai was overjoyed, and the three parties could only hold an emergency meeting overnight...

As a trusted assistant of Kage Sasaki, Toshihiko Okada was able to observe the entire incident.

As the saying goes, bystanders know better, but he was a little helpless in his heart.

The conflict between the Wang family and Wang and Liang was actually secretly caused by the conflict of interests between the imperial troops stationed in various places in China.

There are many factions within the Locust Army. The Locust Army in various places want to use the regime they support to expand their power and do not want a unified central government to emerge.

The attitudes of Wang and Liang actually reflected the positions of the North China Front Army and the Central China Expeditionary Army.

In addition, the imperial cabinet supported Wang Reclamation, but in fact the military had always objected to this.

Of course, there is no need to elaborate on these details with Kentaro Miyazaki, and this guy probably won't be too interested in them.

"Although there are indeed conflicts, with the empire as their solid backing, they can still better eliminate conflicts, integrate ideas, and reach consensus." Okada Toshihiko said.

"That's great." Cheng Qianfan said excitedly.

Okada Toshihiko glanced at Miyazaki Kentaro. The three-party talks reached a certain consensus. This is naturally a good thing. It is understandable that Miyazaki Kentaro is happy about this. However, this guy seems to be a little too excited.

Then he heard Kentaro Miyazaki ask him——

"Director, now that the matter here in Nanjing has been settled, can I return to Shanghai as soon as possible?"

Buggy duck down!

Okada Toshihiko was really angry.

All his efforts were in vain!

In order to give Kentaro Miyazaki a sense of honor and excitement for participating in such military and national events, he deliberately disclosed some confidential information to Kentaro Miyazaki. Of course, because Wang Chuanhai, Wang Kemin, and Liang Hongzhi will soon issue their own statements.

, so there is not much secret left in this confidential information.

The most important thing is that if he wants to give Kentaro Miyazaki a new task, he must briefly mention it, especially the progress of the meeting.

But I never expected that this guy's first reaction was not a sense of participation in military affairs. He didn't even have the natural cordiality and eagerness of an agent for such confidential information. This guy's first reaction was, 'This is a big deal.' He wanted to get back as soon as possible.


What to do when you return to Shanghai?

Busy with business?

"You must continue to stay in Nanjing." Just one sentence from Toshihiko Okada was like a ladle of cold water poured on Kentaro Miyazaki. The excitement in this guy's eyes dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Chief, you just said that the talks have been successfully concluded. Why should I stay in Nanjing?" Cheng Qianfan frowned, then forced himself to relax and asked.

"Chu Mingyu will be appointed by Wang Qianhai to stay in Nanjing to handle follow-up matters." Okada Toshihiko said.

Cheng Qianfan looked astonished. Chu Mingyu would continue to stay in Nanjing, so naturally he, the assistant to the secretary-general, would also stay in Nanjing.

However, he frowned slightly and quickly found a reason to leave Nanjing, "Chief, after experiencing the assassination of Wang Quanhai, although Chu Mingyu said he trusted me, of course, my feeling is that Chu Mingyu should

I also believe that I have nothing to do with the assassination, but I am still under investigation by the Secret Service Headquarters. In this case, Chu Mingyu will most likely exclude me temporarily because he wants to avoid suspicion."

"No." Okada Toshihiko shook his head, "In this case, Chu Mingyu will only use you more."

He looked at Miyazaki Kentaro, "At least on the surface, I have to trust you as always and keep you by my side."

Cheng Qianfan was "puzzled at first", then after thinking about it for a while, he became thoughtful and finally realized it.

"Understood?" Okada Toshihiko asked.

"My subordinate understands." Cheng Qianfan looked ashamed, "My subordinate is stupid and needs guidance from the head of the department to understand."

Okada Toshihiko nodded with satisfaction.

"Wang Reclamation wanted to prepare a peaceful government, and the empire once allocated a sum of money to him to win support from all aspects." Okada Toshihiko said, "According to the intelligence we have, during the past few days in Nanjing, Wang's troops

A lot of money was secretly leaked."

He looked at Kentaro Miyazaki and said with a serious expression, "The whereabouts of these funds are unknown."

"Does the head of the office suspect Wang Chuanhai of embezzling 'public funds'?" Cheng Qianfan suddenly asked excitedly.

"He is Wang Chuanhai, not Cheng Qianfan." Toshihiko Okada shook his head, "He would not do such a thing."

Cheng Qianfan did not expect that the Japanese had such a high opinion of Wang Chuanhai. It seemed that Wang had a good reputation among the Japanese in terms of personal morality.

"According to the information we have, the outflow of this money mostly went through the hands of Chu Mingyu." Okada Toshihiko said to Miyazaki Kentaro, "Your task is to find out where these expenditures are going."

Cheng Qianfan frowned and thought.

"Are you having trouble?" Okada Toshihiko asked.

"I dare not brag." Cheng Qianfan said seriously, "Such matters must be absolutely confidential. It will be very difficult for me to find out these secrets from Chu Mingyu."

In his heart, he was completely satisfied with this task arrangement. However, Cheng Qianfan knew that it would be difficult to find out the secret whereabouts of money from Chu Mingyu, the Wang family's chief steward.


Therefore, his words really came from the bottom of his heart and were not a false refusal.

"Chu Mingyu has the habit of recording affairs with pen and paper. He should have a running account in his hand." Okada Toshihiko said. After a pause, he still selectively revealed a bit of information, "Some senior officers of the Appeasement Army,

Get the list."

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan suddenly realized, and he said with a serious expression, "My subordinates will try their best to get the list."

"It's not about trying your best, it's about getting the list." Toshihiko Okada said with a serious face, "This is an order."

He looked at Miyazaki Kentaro, "You can make any requests."

"As long as it is a reasonable request, I will try my best to satisfy you." Okada Toshihiko said.

"Chief." Cheng Qianfan thought seriously and said, "I need manpower."

Okada Toshihiko glanced at Kentaro Miyazaki and frowned slightly. He knew where the "human hand" in Kentaro Miyazaki's mouth meant:

The manpower Miyazaki wanted were his close associates in Shanghai.

These trusted subordinates are not the subordinates of the patrol room, but the bodyguards and thugs recruited by "Mr. Xiao Cheng".

"Even if your men come to Nanjing, they won't be of much help to you in completing this mission." Okada Toshihiko shook his head and said.

"Chief." Cheng Qianfan looked embarrassed, "My subordinates mean that they can come to Nanjing to protect me."

When Toshihiko Okada left the ward, his face covered by the mask had a sulky expression.

Kentaro Miyazaki was obviously frightened when he received a bullet during the assassination of Wang Qianhai at Minsheng Bridge. This guy was very afraid of death.

Okada Toshihiko thought about it again and again, considering that Kentaro Miyazaki really needed the help of trusted people, and Wang Qianhai was about to leave Nanjing. In this way, Wang's need for confidentiality was reduced, so he reluctantly agreed to Kentaro Miyazaki and could arrange for him to do so.

Several men came to Nanjing.

Standing at the window, watching the two men walking towards the hospital gate, Tang Kanlao waved his right hand:

Follow along!

Servo motor!

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