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Chapter 1194 Secret Arrest (two chapters in one)

Ding Matun lit a cigarette and fiddled with the kerosene lighter again and again, his expression gloomy and uncertain.

After taking several puffs of cigarettes, he started coughing.

Chongmutun had tuberculosis and his lungs were not good, so he seldom smoked. It was not because he had no craving for tobacco, but because he wanted to stay away from tobacco as much as possible physically.

He was coughing a little violently, and his originally pale and delicate face became a bit sickly pale.

Some things just can't stand the thought. The more Dingmutun thought about it, the more frightened he became.

He originally had no doubts about Tang Kanlao and Tong Xueyong's previous reports.

Ding Mutun now reflects on himself. He feels that he was so attracted by the "results" of successfully capturing Qian Yuanxu and Lu Benshan of the New Fourth Army that he did not find anything unreasonable in it.

Now that I think about it, one of the most intriguing things is that when Tang Wenlao led people to set up control in the hospital, his target was the person who secretly met with Cheng Qianfan. Under this circumstance, even if Qian Yuanxu and Lu Benshan were discovered,

These two people were acting suspiciously, and Tang Kanlao's first target should also be the person who met Cheng Qianfan in the ward.

Even taking a step back, even according to what Tang Wenlao reported, Qian Yuanxu and Lu Benshan seemed to have discovered some clues. The two left quickly, as if they were about to escape. Tang Wenlao immediately arranged for his subordinates to trick the two into becoming agents.

Rickshaw arranged by the headquarters.

However, at this moment, Tang Kanglao had no evidence pointing to these two men being from the New Fourth Army. In other words, whether there was any problem with these two men was actually a question mark.

In this case, with Tang Kanlao's usual caution, while he arranged for people to secretly arrest Qian Yuanxu and Lu Benshan, he would not let go of the visitors in the ward, and at least arranged for one person to secretly follow them.

, this is completely possible.

However, Tang Kanlao did not do this.

Ding Mutun coughed again and shook his head. At that time, Tang Kanlao reported to him that his subordinates had used words to test, causing the two of them to subconsciously acquiesce in their identity as the New Fourth Army. He was overjoyed at the time, but he did not notice this oddity.

After that, he went to Chu Mingyu.

When I got back from Chu Mingyu, I had to deal with the matters Chu Mingyu told me, so I didn't have time to question the two captured New Fourth Army soldiers.

Then, Tang Kanlao and Tong Xueyong came to report to him, saying that the two people arrested had special identities. One was the deputy director of the Military Supplies Department of the Third Division of the Pacification Army, and the other was a police officer of the Nanjing Police Station. Moreover, these two people had no idea about their New Fourth Army status.

Confess frankly.

The most important thing is that both of their confessions pointed to the secret site of the New Fourth Army in Jiming Temple.

Naturally, he was overjoyed and ordered Tang Benlao and Tong Xueyong to go to Jiming Temple to set up an ambush and round up them.

Later, Yuan Huafeng, one of Tang Wenlao's subordinates, was killed, the New Fourth Army escaped, Tang Wenlao was also shot, Tong Xueyong fell and was injured, and there was a traitor Bian Lin at Laohu Bridge who drove away Gao Yao and killed Qian Yuanxu.

The shocking incident of Reuben Shan.

Dingmutun snorted coldly and muttered:

New Fourth Army!

It was the words 'New Fourth Army' that seemed to have magic power, which made him only focus on this, and actually ignored other things that seemed reasonable, but in fact were somewhat intriguing after careful consideration.

In addition to the fact that Tang Wenlao did not arrange for anyone to follow the people in Cheng Qianfan's ward, there are several other coincidences:

Yuan Huafeng died, killed in a sneak attack by the New Fourth Army from Jiming Temple.

Qian Yuanxu and Lu Benshan also died, at the hands of traitor Bian Lin.

Bian Lin also died. He was wounded by Gao Yao and then committed suicide.

A character clue has emerged in Dingmutun's mind:

Yuan Huafeng led a team to successfully trap Qian Yuanxu and Lu Benshan - Yuan Huafeng died.

Lu Benshan, Bian Lin, who was captured by Bian Lin himself, is dead. He was a traitor to the Red Party and committed suicide by taking poison.

The most important thing is that Qian Yuanxu and Lu Benshan also died.

Dingmutun's face became increasingly gloomy, and he subconsciously thought of a word:

Kill and silence.

Although there is no evidence that Tang Kanlao had the need to kill people and silence them, considering the problem from the perspective of spy work, this is indeed a seemingly strange explanation, but in fact it is very reasonable.

Why kill people and silence them?

Koizumi Nobuzawa's visit, he asked No. 76 for Okada Toshihiko, the director of the Ume Agency's private liaison office - Okada Toshihiko is missing!

This news that shocked Dingmutun seemed to give him a trending answer——

Tang Kanglao most likely sent people to trap Qian Yuanxu. At the same time as Lu Benshan, he also sent people to follow the people in Cheng Qianfan's ward.

The most likely possibility is that Okada Toshihiko and Pang Yuanju were also arrested by Tang Kanlao.

No, Dingmutun shook his head. The most likely thing is that Okada Toshihiko and Pang Yuanju were arrested by Tong Xueyong.

This makes sense. Tang Kanglao led people to arrest Qian Yuanxu and Lu Benshan. He informed Tong Xueyong's actions that three groups secretly followed and arrested Okada Shuhihiko and Pang Yuanju.

In other words, Tang Kanlao and Tong Xueyong only mentioned the arrest of Qian Yuanxu and Lu Benshan in their reports, as well as the subsequent arrest of Jiming Temple.

However, the two of them never mentioned that there was another arrester from beginning to end, let alone the name and identity of Toshihiko Okada!

Yes, Ding Mu Tun was inclined to reveal his identity to Tang Benlao or Tong Xueyong after Toshihiko Okada was arrested.

Ding Mutun rubbed his chin. He could fully imagine how shocking it must be for Tang Wenlao and Tong Xueyong to be the head of the concubine's liaison office of the Mei Agency.

When the matter has reached this point, it can only be regarded as Tang Wenlao and Tong Xueyong did something wrong and arrested Okada Toshihiko by mistake. They immediately released him, apologized, and reported to him urgently in order to mediate the situation, although there may be punishment.

, however, his Chome Tun can still save the lives of the two of them.

So, here comes the problem.

If all this is as he just speculated, and Yuan Huafeng, Bian Lin and others were all silenced, this means that the nature of the matter has changed drastically——

Why silence?

Only when things are irreversible can one take such a dangerous step.

What does it mean that something is irreversible?

Dingmutun's whole body trembled. He thought of a possibility, and this was the reason why he broke into a cold sweat just now:

Something happened to Toshihiko Okada!

What happened?

Chome Tun tended to have some kind of accident during the arrest, which resulted in Okada Toshihiko being injured. No, even though he extremely did not expect things to develop in this direction, Chome Tun still had an intuition that Okada Toshihiko was extremely

Maybe it's already braided.

Only this possibility will really force Tang Kanlao and Tong Xueyong to take risks!

Chongmetun held the cigarette between his fingers. Except for the first few puffs, he did not smoke again. The cigarette was extinguished and the ashes fell sadly.

His facial expression was somewhat ferocious.

Toshihiko Okada.

Dingmutun recited the name silently.

The terrifying reasoning just now all stems from Koizumi Nobuze telling him the identity of Okada Toshihiko and telling him that Okada and Pang Yuanju disappeared after leaving the hospital.

At that moment, Dingmutun had a bad premonition in his heart.

But we know that he endured it very hard. The more he thought about it in his heart, the more he thought about it and became more and more afraid, but on the surface everything was as usual. In the end, he responded angrily with an attitude that he couldn't stand Koizumi Nobuzawa, and drove away Koizumi Nobuzawa in anger.

Of course, all this is just his reasoning and analysis.

Although reason tells Ding Mutun that there is a possibility that his seemingly unbelievable analytical reasoning can turn into facts, and the possibility is not low, but he still hopes that all these are errors in reasoning. Maybe, maybe Tang Wen

Luo and Tong Xueyong did not send anyone to follow and capture Okada Toshihiko. Maybe they just captured Okada Toshihiko, but because they were busy interrogating Qian Yuanxu and Lu Benshan, and busy hunting down the New Fourth Army in Jiming Temple, they temporarily detained Okada Toshihiko.

Forgot, of course, these two people don't know Okada's identity...

As for the deaths of Yuan Huafeng, Qian Yuanxu, Lu Benshan, Bian Lin and others, they are all just coincidences——

Coincidences are ridiculous, only a fool would believe that all this is a coincidence!


"Director, are you looking for us?"

Both Tong Xueyong and Tang Kanlao were sweating profusely, and Tang Kanlao looked even more miserable with his arms hanging up.

"Hmm." Ding Mutun nodded, his eyes swept over the two of them, and finally landed on Tang Kanlao, "Kanlao, what did the doctor say? Is it serious?"

"The bullet was taken out. Fortunately, the director made a call and the hospital specially sent sulfa powder." Tang Kanlao's eyes were filled with emotion. He even moved his arms deliberately, "It's okay, he will be a member of the director's staff soon."

Strong warrior."

"Hahaha." Dingmutun smiled heartily, "You're such a hottie, but you're not humble at all."

"A capable person should restrain his sharp edge in front of a mediocre leader." Tang Kanlao said, "Subordinates naturally don't have to do this in front of the director."

Ding Mutun was astonished. Even at this time, he had to admit that what Tang Kanlao said was indeed to the ears.

He looked at Tong Xueyong, "Xueyong, did you find anything in the hospital?"

"Two people came to visit Cheng Qianfan this morning." Tong Xueyong said, "One of them is apparently Zhong Guohao, Cheng Qianfan's confidant in the patrol house in the French Concession."

"Zhong Guohao, has he come to Nanjing?" Ding Mutun asked in surprise.

Naturally, this surprise was not pretended. Just now, Koizumi Nobuze didn't mention Zhong Guohao, so he naturally didn't know about it either.

"Yes." Tong Xueyong nodded, "My subordinates speculate that it is most likely Cheng Qianfan who sent the telegram asking Zhong Guohao to come over."

"My subordinates have the same view." Tang Kanlao said aside, "Cheng Qianfan cherishes his life very much. He was shot at the Minsheng Bridge before. This will definitely scare Cheng Qianfan to death. This person has long been used to being in front of the French Concession in Shanghai.

I am surrounded by bodyguards, and now I am alone in Nanjing. I am afraid that the more I think about it, the more frightened I am."

"It is possible." Dingmu Tun thought and nodded, "What about the other person? What's going on?"

"My subordinates sent Ai Heng to follow the other person." Tong Xueyong said, "It's just strange that Ai Heng hasn't come back to report the situation yet."

"It's strange, isn't it?" Dingmu Tun nodded slightly and said. He looked deeply at Tong Xueyong and Tang Kanlao, snorted coldly and said, "Do you know why Ai Heng didn't go back to see you?"

"My subordinates don't know." Tong Xueyong said, confused. However, he also noticed that the director's tone was unkind. Some monks Zhang Er were confused and at the same time, they also had a bit of uneasiness in their expressions.

"Ai Heng followed people all the way to Tiger Bridge." Ding Mutun slapped the table, "Er Chun watched helplessly as Ai Heng, that idiot, followed the guests to Tiger Bridge. It was really embarrassing!"

Tang Zhunlao and Tong Xueyong both looked at each other.

"The director is saying that that person came to Tiger Bridge?"

"The director said, that person is——a guest?"

After listening to what Ding Mutun said, Tong Xueyong and Tang Wenlao were shocked, both of them had expressions of disbelief.

The first person to come to his senses was Tong Xueyong. His eyes were full of surprise, "Those two people who went to visit Cheng Qianfan in the ward turned out to be from the Mei agency..."

He paused and swallowed, "Mei Agency's Concubine's Office, Chief, Gangcun..."

"It's not Okura, it's Okada, Toshihiko Okada." Chometon corrected him.

"Yes, it's Okada. My subordinates immediately thought of General Gangcun, so..." Tong Xueyong said quickly, and then he frowned with anger in his eyes, "Their room chief is missing, but...

Coming to my secret service headquarters to ask for someone, this, how can there be such a thing..."

As he spoke, Tong Xueyong stopped talking.

"Why don't you continue?" Dingmutun snorted and looked at Tong Xueyong.

"I have nothing to say." Tong Xueyong smiled bitterly, "Japanese, they are always reasonable..."

Ding Mutun looked at Tang Kanlao, "Team Leader Tang, why don't you speak?"

"I don't know what to say." Tang Kanlao also smiled bitterly, "This is about the disappearance of a director of the Mei Agency. It's best for me to keep my mouth shut."

He shook his head, "It's best not to do this kind of thing, otherwise you can burn a layer of skin even if you don't do anything."

"You are quite clever and clever." Dingmutun snorted coldly, "But it's too late."

"Director——" Tong Xueyong said cautiously.

"The people in the Mei Agency's Liaison Office know that you have been secretly monitoring Cheng Qianfan. Now their reason is that since we have been monitoring and investigating Cheng Qianfan, we will pay attention to and investigate anyone who comes into contact with Cheng Qianfan."

Ding Mutun said solemnly, "In this case, Okada Toshihiko and Pang Yuanju, who visited Cheng Qianfan in the hospital yesterday, will naturally come into your sight, and people will be arranged to follow up and investigate."

He rubbed his temples and took a deep breath, "The Japanese mean to either hand over someone or tell them where Okada and I went after leaving the hospital."

After speaking, he looked at the two of them with scrutiny in his eyes.

"Isn't this unreasonable?" Tang Kanglao immediately frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "At other times, the brothers would naturally follow Okada, but the director also knew about yesterday's situation, and the brothers all followed Qian Yuanxu and Lu

Ben Shan's two New Fourth Army soldiers are gone, and there is no manpower to follow Okada."

"If you can, go and explain to the Japanese." Dingmutun said impatiently. He looked at Tong Xueyong, "You were on the periphery, so you didn't send anyone to follow Okada?"

"Director, you also know that my subordinates are on the periphery. They are only responsible for cooperating with Team Leader Tang and have no idea about the specific situation inside." Tong Xueyong quickly explained, "My subordinates watched Team Leader Tang pretending to be a rickshaw driver and pulling him away.

After meeting two people, I wanted to follow him to help, but that guy Yuan Huafeng seemed to be afraid that his subordinates would steal the credit..."

After saying that, Tong Xue sighed and said, "That's all. Deputy leader Yuan is gone. The deceased is the most important, so this matter is over."

"You're a waste. If you fail to succeed, you will fail." Dingmutun cursed loudly, "Look at what you have done. Now is a good time. The Japanese have come to ask me for people. How can I hand them over?"

He looked at the two of them, "How about I hand you two over?!"

"Even if the director puts me in a frying pan, he can't find out anything about Okada." Tong Xueyong smiled bitterly, "My subordinates have no idea what Okada looks like."

Ding Mutun looked at Tang Kanlao and said, "What about you? Tell me about you. Why didn't you arrange for someone to follow Okada at that time? You slipped up at the critical moment."

Tang Kanlao's eyes narrowed, and he immediately called Qu and said, "The director obviously saw that there are only a few people under my subordinates. Then Qian Yuanxu looked at his subordinates, and then left in a hurry. This clearly shows that something happened, and his subordinates have no clones."

The art..."

"Leave your explanations to the Japanese," Dingmutun said angrily.

Tang Kanlao's expression changed, "Director, aren't the Japanese bullying others? Okada is gone, and this is really not our fault."

"I don't need to explain." Dingmutun's face turned pale and he said coldly, "The director of the Mei Agency's joint liaison office is missing. I don't need to say more. You also understand the serious nature of this matter."

He paused and continued, "Even if this matter has nothing to do with us, we still have to help find someone."

"What's more, Okada was lost right under our noses." Dingmutun frowned and said, "Anyway, you two groups should go out and help Mei Agency find people."

As he said that, Dingmutun lowered his voice and said, "Go find someone in a big way, do you understand?"



The one who said "I understand" was Tong Xueyong, and the one who said "I understand" was Tang Kanlao.

"I understand, get out of here now." Dingmutun waved his hand.

"Yes." Tang Kanlao quickly turned around and left.

Tong Xueyong also turned to leave, but when he was going out, he stopped and turned around and asked, "Director, what about Cheng Qianfan's side..."

"Withdraw, withdraw." Dingmutun said angrily, "Maybe that kid is also a member of the Mei Agency."

Although Koizumi Nobuze did not disclose anything and only said that Cheng Qianfan was a 'friend of the empire', based on the feeling of Chongmutun, Cheng Qianfan was more likely to be a member of the Mei Agency, at least he had some kind of secret relationship with the Mei Agency.

A secret partnership.

"Yes." A look of regret flashed across Tong Xueyong's face, and then he and Tang Kanlao left in despair.

Standing at the window, watching the backs of his two men gradually disappear, Dingmutun's eyes became colder.

He sat back on the office swivel chair and flicked the kerosene lighter with his right hand again and again.

Soup braised?


Or are both of them involved?

Ding Mutun thought for a long time. He opened the drawer, took out a black notebook, opened the latest page with a bookmark, and first wrote Tang Kanlao's name.

After hesitating for a moment, he wrote Tong Xueyong's name again.

Staring at the two names with gloomy eyes, after a while, he wrote a question mark behind Tong Xueyong's name.

There was also a question mark written on Tang Kanlao's name.

Finally, I drew a circle on my name.

"Two springs." Dingmutun suddenly said.

"Director." Erchun, who had been guarding outside the office, hurried in.

"How is the situation?" Dingmutun asked.

"Ai Heng." Erchun replied.

"It's actually him?" Dingmutun was quite surprised.

He ordered Erchun to call Tong Xueyong's subordinate Ai Heng and Tang Wenlao's subordinate Gao Yao over for "routine questioning" respectively. During the period, they mentioned "Mei Agency", "Concubine's Office" and "Okada Toshihiko"

, and 'Pang Yuanju' and other key words to observe the reactions of these two people respectively.

Everything is fine with Gao Yao.

And this Ai Heng, when he heard Okada Toshihiko's name, his eyes wandered, obviously there was something wrong in his mind.

"Arrest Ai Heng immediately and interrogate him strictly," Ding Mutun said.

"Yes!" Erchun nodded.

"Secret arrest, secret interrogation." Dingmutun said again.


"Wait a minute." Dingmutun called Erchun again. He thought for a while and said, "Secretly arrest Ai Heng, and then directly——"

He hesitated, then finally gritted his teeth and said, "Give Ai Heng directly to Mr. Qingshui and say..."

Dingmutun waved his hand, "Arrest Ai Heng secretly immediately, and I will personally hand him over to Mr. Qingshui."

"Understood." Erchun nodded, but his confused eyes expressed stupidity and confusion.

Fortunately, Erchun knew that all he had to do was follow orders.

Near Laohuqiao Prison.

Koizumi Nobuze has not left.

He took his people to a tea shop and had tea slowly.

"Koizumi-kun, what are we waiting for?" Baichuan asked in confusion, "Shouldn't we hurry up and find the whereabouts of the room director now?"

"Wait, wait until someone from Chongmetun comes to see me." Koizumi Nobuze took a sip of tea and said.

"Chome Tun?" Shirakawa was surprised, "Is the disappearance of the room chief really related to the secret service headquarters?"

"Not sure." Koizumi Nobuze shook his head, "However, one thing is certain, there is something wrong with the secret service headquarters, and they must be hiding something."

Koizumi Nobuzawa sneered.

Dingmutun was extremely angry, quarreled with him, and drove him away.

There seems to be no problem with this, but Koizumi Nobuzawa caught the irrationality in it.

For Ding Mu Tun, the best way to prove his innocence is obviously not this kind of roaring. Whether he is innocent or not is obviously not about who has the loudest voice.

If he were Ding Mu Tun, he would summon all the men responsible for tracking Cheng Qianfan and question him in front of him, to show that he was not afraid of the investigation and had nothing to do with this matter.

Rather than an angry roar.

Of course, Koizumi Xinze knew that there might be another situation, that is, Ding Tun was indeed innocent. The reason why he was so angry might just be because he couldn't stand his own attitude.

The first-class secretary was not qualified to show off in front of him, so he was so angry that he even said things that could be judged in front of the director of Ying Zuo... Yes, Ding Mutun thought he was far away, so he said this

, but never knew that he, Koizumi Nobuzawa, is famous for his sensitive ears.

Koizumi Nobuzawa took another sip of tea and shook his head gently:

There is indeed a possibility that Dingmutun may be innocent, but as long as there is a trace of doubt, those possible innocence will be nothing.

He is waiting, waiting for Dingmutun to wake up.

Dingmutun is a smart man.

Knowing that he left without anyone, you will naturally understand what it means.

Koizumi Nobuze did not think that the Chome Tun Association was directly related to the disappearance of the room chief. He judged that No. 76 should have some connection with the disappearance of the room chief. However, the connection would not be too great, and Chome Tun was probably passively aware of it.

Otherwise, even if Dingmutun is pretending, he will not be so calm and confident.

Therefore, in this situation, he believed that Dingmutun weighed the pros and cons and the only way out was to give an explanation.

"Shirakawa." Koizumi Nobuzawa said.


"Call and ask the Military Police Headquarters to send a team of military police over." Koizumi Nobuze said calmly.

He felt that it was necessary to put more pressure on Dingmutun.

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Two chapters in one.

Do you think Dingmutun was more suspicious of whom at the beginning?

This chapter has been completed!
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