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Chapter 1206 An unexpected surprise

 Seeing Cheng Qianfan's shocked expression and uncertain words, Chu Mingyu's expression became more solemn.

"No, no, no." Chu Mingyu shook his head, "Maybe, maybe, it's completely possible."

His eyes were fixed on Cheng Qianfan, "Qianfan, who knows that you ordered Stypunk at Lideal Automobile Dealer? Think about it."

"Ah." Cheng Qianfan was surprised at first, and then quickly fell into thinking, "Besides myself, there are the manager Pang Yuanju of Ideal Car Dealer and Tian Gang, Toshihiko Okada."

"Look." Chu Mingyu said, "You have no problem, but Pang Yuanju and Okada Toshihiko, the Japanese have no reason to attack Mr. Wang at this time."

Cheng Qianfan nodded in agreement.

At the same time, Cheng Qianfan quickly captured the 'this time' in Chu Mingyu's words. Chu Mingyu's casual words inadvertently revealed the thoughts of the Wang family general:

There is not absolute trust between the Wang family and the Japanese. It can even be said that the Wang family is always wary of the Japanese.

"There is no problem with you who asked for the car or the one who provided the car." Chu Mingyu said, "Then the question is, why did Stypunk's car come into the attacker's sight? This shows that there must be other people as well.

Got this information."

"It's the 76th!" Cheng Qianfan suddenly woke up and said immediately, "I remember that because my nephew joined the visiting group temporarily, he was responsible for monitoring his nephew as a routine on the 76th.

It’s the person Tong Xueyong is.”

His expression became serious, with a hint of hatred in the seriousness, and in the hatred was the excitement of discovering the truth, "Perhaps Tang Kanlao's people also have a role in spying on my nephew. This guy gives me the impression that he is very cunning."

"The Japanese say that Tang Wenlao and Tong Xueyong are Chongqing elements. It turns out that's how it is." He looked at Chu Mingyu with admiration in his eyes, "Uncle's eyes were like a torch, and he even found out the joints at a glance. Nephew


However, Cheng Qianfan frowned slightly and said, "However, there is one thing that my nephew doesn't quite understand."

"Which point?" Chu Mingyu asked.

"If there is indeed a problem within No. 76, they are security guards and should know which car Mr. Wang is riding in..." Cheng Qianfan said.

Chu Mingyu knew what Cheng Qianfan wanted to express. He waved his hand and interrupted Cheng Qianfan, "No, they don't know."

He looked at Cheng Qianfan's surprised look and explained, "Even Personnel No. 76, who is responsible for the security guard, would not know which car Mr. Wang was taking before setting off that day."

"Ah! I understand!" Cheng Qianfan frowned and thought, and soon showed a look of surprise, "But this time is different, because Uncle Chu's car broke down, we had to use Stypunk, and it was

Because Stypunk's car is unique, this gives enemies hiding in the dark the opportunity to lock onto the route of Mr. Wang's vehicle."

"That's right." Chu Mingyu nodded, "This can also explain why the attackers chose Stepunk as their target."

He said to Cheng Qianfan, "In a hurry, because we were forced to change vehicles temporarily, the enemy could only send out the information about Stipunk in a hurry. My judgment is that there may have been deviations in the process of sending the information, which led to the attack."

The attackers only received instructions to target Stypunk, and therefore, they mistakenly focused on our vehicles."

"So that's how it is." Cheng Qianfan nodded fiercely, "No wonder we always feel that things are strange, but it's because of this."

As the real mastermind behind the assassination of Wang Kehai, Cheng Qianfan had to admit at this moment that Chu Mingyu's analysis was very reasonable. Even he, the mastermind, had a problem at a certain moment.


The feeling that things are just the way they are.

"This is ridiculous." Cheng Qianfan said angrily, "Mr. Wang was assassinated, and his nephew was investigated by the secret service headquarters because of vehicle problems. However, he did not expect that Tong Xueyong and Tang Wenlao, who were responsible for investigating his nephew, were Chongqing elements.

He is the mastermind behind the scenes."

"It would be better if the matter only stayed with Tang and Tong." Chu Mingyu said lightly.

His expression was calm and his tone was calm, but Cheng Qianfan was startled, and his face changed, "Uncle Chu, no, it can't be..."

Chu Mingyu didn't answer him, and he didn't need to answer.

Cheng Qianfan also felt obedient and did not continue the topic.

At this moment, his heart was filled with excitement. After many days, this incident actually caused Chu Mingyu to have doubts about Dingmu Tun. Although this doubt may only be a little bit, or even just a temporary doubt, as long as

Doubts arise, they have arisen before, and they will never completely disappear.

This is really an unexpected surprise.

"This is the third blessing." Liu Bo said excitedly.

Comrades from the New Fourth Army were invited to join us, but they did not expect that the visitors turned out to be Fang Muheng and He Guan. He was extremely excited.

This joy was naturally due to the fact that we finally had our comrades from the New Fourth Army come to join us.

The guests who came to celebrate this occasion were two worthy brothers, Fang Muheng and He Guan.

This third happiness is the derivative of the second happiness. He Guan, the 'third brother' who he thought had been sacrificed long ago, actually appeared in front of him alive!

It turned out that Aguan was seriously injured at first, and he was rescued by comrades in the underground party. He recovered from his injuries and successfully returned to the team.

"Xiao Huang must be very happy." Liu Bo said.

"Yeah." He Guan nodded. He suddenly fell silent, and then said after a moment, "They almost left them orphans and widows."

Liu Bo patted He Guan's shoulder and said, "Thousands of comrades have already sacrificed their lives in the great red cause and the equally great cause of the anti-Japanese struggle, and there will inevitably be thousands of comrades who will die in the future. This is exactly what happened."

This is the greatness of us Red Party members."

His expression was extremely solemn, "We are a political party that takes the liberation of the Chinese nation as its current cause and the liberation of all mankind as its lifelong cause. We are willing to make sacrifices for this great cause, and are already making sacrifices. In the future

There will inevitably be huge sacrifices."

Fang Muheng also had a solemn expression. He solemnly said, "The spirit of sacrifice is integrated into the blood and soul of every Bolshevik, and it is this spirit of willingness to sacrifice that is the fundamental difference between us and any other political party, because we are the whole of China."

People who regard the liberation of all mankind as their lifelong goal and career."

"Down with Japanese imperialism." He Guan said with a serious expression.

"Liberate all of China." Fang Muheng said.

"Liberate all mankind." Liu Bo said, his eyes seemed to be shining.

"Long live the great Red Party!"

The three people's hands were tightly held together, just like they did in the alleys of Shanghai three years ago...

"Ahhh!" After a shrill scream, the victim fainted.

Koizumi Nobuze looked at the unconscious Chang Mao with a sinister look, "Wake him up."

"Hai." An agent picked up a ladle and poured a ladle of cold water directly on Chang Mao's head.

Chang Mao groaned and slowly woke up.

"Tell me, where is the soup dumpling?" Koizumi Nozawa asked coldly.

"I don't know." Chang Mao whispered.

"Bag duck falls." Nakajima Shingo on the side was furious and wanted to go forward and torture him personally.

Xiaoquan raised his hand to stop Nakajima. He stepped forward and grabbed Chang Mao's hair. "You are a smart man. You should understand now that you were abandoned and used by Tang Kanrao."

He tore Chang Mao's hair hard, pulled it up and back, and Chang Mao could only look at him, "Tang Kanrao showed you a dead end, so you can escape!"

Thinking of this, he became extremely angry.

Tang Kanglao made a despicable sneak attack and killed the two Morisawa, and then Chang Mao led his men to attack them.

The attack by this group of No. 76 personnel was quickly suppressed. Six of the eleven people were killed and five were captured.

The prisoners identified Chang Mao as the leader who led them to attack the Locust Army, and were aggrieved. They said that Chang Mao had deceived them and told them that the Locust Army outside was disguised as anti-Japanese elements. Fortunately, the team leader saw through this.

Koizumi Nobuze was furious and asked why these prisoners were so stupid. Others said that the Locust Army was fake, but they actually believed it?

The prisoners' answer was: They never expected that the team leader would lie to them.

This is the special thing about Tang Canlao's group. Almost all the members of the team are from the Shanghai Youth Gang and the bastards in the market. They were all personally recruited by Tang Canlao, and they also regarded Tang Canlao as

As a trustworthy eldest brother, Tang Canlao has indeed always done a good job. He is as close to them as brothers and sisters. He never keeps the good things to himself, but shares them with all the brothers.

In a sense, in terms of organizational structure, the Tang Wenlao Group is not like a strict modern spy, but more like a Liangshan hero who eats a lot of meat and drinks a lot of wine.

It was precisely this unconditional trust in Tang Kanlao, or subconscious trust, that these people actually believed that the Locust Army was a fake at that moment, and launched a sneak attack against the Locust Army.

The only insider, Chang Mao, was even more willing to commit suicide and led his men to attack, thus covering Tang Kanglao's escape into Jilong Mountain in the chaos.

"Tell me, where is Tang Boluo?" Koizumi Nobuze asked sharply.

"I don't know." That's what Chang Mao said back and forth.

"According to the confessions of other prisoners, Chang Mao was a gangster in Shanghai who almost died in a fight between gangs. It was Tang Wenlao who saved his life, so this man was very loyal to Tang Wenlao."

Shima Shingo said from the side.

"The Chinese are complicated." Koizumi Nobuze stared at the tortured Chang Mao and said suddenly.

Take Chang Mao as an example. This man was willing to surrender to the empire, but he was also willing to die for Tang Kanlao, his savior.

Koizumi Nobuzawa pointed to the map on the table and looked at it with Nakajima Shingo.

"Jilong Mountain connects Jiuhua Mountain, Xiaojiuhua Mountain and Fuzhou Mountain." Koizumi Xinze said, drawing his finger in the northeast direction on the map, "Further here is Xuanwu Lake."

"To the northeast of the Xuanwu Lake water area is a large suburban area. From Jianggu Village to here, it is connected to Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum." Nakajima Shingo frowned and said, "And in this direction, further here is Fugui Mountain, and continuing to extend, it is

Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum.”

He couldn't help but shake his head, "Once Tang Kanlao breaks through the first and second levels of interception and enters these areas, it will not be easy to catch someone in the vast 'mountainous area'."

Koizumi Xinze's face turned livid, "We must not let Tang Wenlao escape."

He secretly resented it in his heart.

Although he was unwilling to admit it, Koizumi Nobuze had to admit that he was a little careless. He only brought a dozen military policemen to Jiming Temple to arrest people.

Because, Koizumi Xinze did not expect that Tang Zhunlao would be aware of the danger, and that this person would dare to take action first, especially that Tang Zhunlao would dare to order and successfully order his men to attack the locust army. This was the last thing Xiaoizumi Xinze expected.

His original idea was to order Tang Kanlao to come to see him, seize the opportunity to capture this person, and then order Tang Kanlao to gather his men, so that he could be arrested and killed smoothly.

It can be said that although the combat effectiveness of Tang Kanlao's team was weak, their sudden attack did catch Koizumi Nobuze by surprise in a sense.

He said to Nakajima Shingo, "Nakajima-kun, you personally lead a team to Jianggu Village to search. Once Tang Kanrao is found -"

After a pause, his eyes flashed with cold light and he said, "This person is extremely cunning and has rich experience in fighting and escaping. Therefore, please kill this person immediately."

Nakajima Shingo took a deep look at Koizumi Nobuzawa and nodded, "If Tang Wenlao really escapes to Jianggu Village, I will definitely come back with Tang Wenlao's head."

Looking at Nakajima Shingo's leaving figure, Koizumi Nobuzawa's eyes were a little dark.

"Sir, those other prisoners..." An agent asked Koizumi Nobuze what to do with the other four prisoners of Yukanro's team.

Koizumi Nobuze's eyes suddenly became extremely fierce.

He went straight to the torture room where the four "prisoners" who had confessed were held.

"Taijun." Seeing Koizumi Nobuze rushing in angrily, several people quickly stood up and stood respectfully.

"You are very good." Koizumi Xinze said with a smile, "Now it has been found out that you were deceived by Tang Kanlao and Chang Mao and did not intend to attack the locust army."

"Taijun Shengming." One person said quickly, "We were all deceived by that guy Tang Kanlao. We are all absolutely loyal to the Japanese Empire and the Japanese Locust Army."

"Very good." Koizumi Nobuze smiled and nodded, "The matter has been cleared up, you can go home."

Several people looked at each other.

Are you going to let them go?

When did the Japanese become so easy to talk to?

You know, whether they were deceived by Tang Kanlao or not, they did launch an attack on Japanese soldiers. In this attack, according to visual inspection, one Japanese military policeman should have been killed, and two others were killed.

They wounded.

Based on their understanding of the Japanese character, how could the Japanese let them off so easily?

"Taijun, are you really okay?"

"It's okay." Koizumi Nobuze smiled and nodded.

Several people were dubious, but they really didn't dare to stay here anymore. In any case, it would be best if they could go out first.

The four of them walked towards the door.

Koizumi Nobuze stretched out his hand, and one of his subordinates handed him the command knife.

Call out the wolf.

The command knife was pulled out of its sheath.

The 'captive' walking behind subconsciously turned his head to look, and saw the Japanese sword waving towards him...

A head fell to the ground.

At the same time, there was a burst of gunfire, and the other three people who had just walked out of the door were also shot to death.

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