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Chapter 1268 Escape

Look at ‘Lu Shifan’ standing opposite.

Zeng Jie really wanted to beat this guy up.

However, Zeng Jie chose to forgive when he looked at the tall and alert men behind him who were a head taller than him.

When did the military commander become so arrogant?

In front of him, this guy claimed to be Lu Shifan, the second inspector of the Central Patrol Room, and proudly revealed that his cousin was Lu Jiufan, the deputy inspector of the third inspection room.

Zeng Jie really wanted to spit in the shoehorned face of this guy who called himself ‘Lu Shifan’.

The Juntong guys are getting more and more rough:

Although Lu Jiufan is called the Ninth Brother, he is not the ninth oldest. This person is called Lu Jiufan because his father once turned over the Nine Fans while playing mahjong. Then when he got home, he heard that his mother-in-law had given birth. In this case, the old man was born.

Lu named his son Lu Jiufan.

Not many people know this allusion. Zeng Jie also accidentally learned about it from Inspector Su.

Therefore, many people mistakenly believe that Lu Jiufan is the ninth in the ranking, but this is not actually the case.

The guy in front of him claimed to be Lu Jiufan's cousin Lu Shifan, and he seemed to have no problem. In fact, for Zeng Jie, who knew the inside story, this group of guys' move was almost equivalent to carving three words on their foreheads:

We have a problem.

If you wipe the engraving clean and see it clearly, you can even see the words "The man is the military commander" written in the thickness.

"It turns out they are Shifan brothers." Zeng Jie clasped his fists and said with a smile, "I had a drink with Brother Jiu a few days ago, and he even mentioned you."

Hearing this, Ma Changwen smiled and said, "My ninth brother must have scolded me."

"Let's go." Zeng Jie hugged Lu Shifan, waved his hand, and turned around to leave with his men.

The cry of "blood bat" just now has been confirmed to be a misunderstanding. The other person is just an ordinary citizen. The neighbors can also prove that this person is the arithmetic teacher of the nearby Friendship Association Primary School.

Seeing Zeng Jie leading the people away, the expressions of the people next to Ma Changwen darkened.

"What's wrong?" Ma Changwen asked immediately.

This person is a close confidant of Ma Chang20 and has won the trust of Ma Chang20. He can be regarded as the staff advisor of the Second Military Command Shanghai Operation Brigade.

"Although I don't know what went wrong, my feeling is that Zeng Jie should have guessed our identities," Yao Di said.

"People say that this Melan house hunter, Brother Jie, is an all-rounder. Now it seems that what he said is true." Ma Changwen said, "It seems that Zeng Jie has no intention of exposing us."

"Exposing us will do no good to Zeng Jie." Yao Di said, "This man has a good reputation and shows no signs of seeking refuge with the Japanese."

As he spoke, Yao Di frowned slightly, "It's just that Zeng Jie seemed to have something to say, but he didn't say it in the end."

"Ignore it." Ma Chang said in a deep voice, "The secret note will be gone when it reaches here. Secretary Cheng must be nearby."

As he said that, he looked around, and his eyes stopped in front of a house with a plaque on it that said 'Chen's Mansion'.

"This should be Chen Zhuan's other courtyard." Yao Di glanced at the plaque and said, "The plaque was inscribed by Zhou Huaigu. This man and Chen Zhuan have been friends since the Beiyang period."

"Send Zhou Huaigu and Chen Zhuan to accompany you sooner or later." Ma Chang said with regret.

Zhou Huaigu was once a subordinate of Sun Chuanfang, the Zhili warlord, and later served as the commander of the Anguo Army. After September 18, this man exposed himself to the Japanese many times, saying that the Japanese were not here to invade. Don't panic. Zhou Huaigu has always been

He is quite high on the military commander's assassination list.

In the twenty-sixth year of the Republic of China, Zhou Huaigu came to Shanghai to attend a traitor meeting. He whitewashed Japan's crimes of invading China. He opened his eyes and acted vigorously. The Shanghai Station of the Secret Service of the Society sent people to assassinate Zhou Huaigu but failed, causing many losses.

"Call the door." Ma Changwen sneered.

They are now members of "Mr. Xiao Cheng" of the Central Patrol Office. It is okay to be arrogant, but there will be problems if they are not arrogant.

As he waved his hand, several military agents came forward and banged on the door.

Fansandu Road.

Dong Zhengguo, Wan Sanliang and others found the Shikumen residence where Cheng Xuyuan was hiding under the guidance of the patrolman from Mailan House.

"Surround it up." Following Dong Zhengguo's order, the agents of No. 76 surrounded the residence.

"Call the door."

Two agents from No. 76 banged on the door.

Soon, a man spoke from inside, "Who is it?"

"The patrol room is searching for the criminal thief 'Blood Bat', open the door quickly!"

"Didn't you check it just now?"

"Stop talking nonsense, when did we check your house?"

"It's not Mailan's house..."

"Su Zhe, the patrol officer in the center of the French Concession, open the door." Dong Zhengguo, who had been silently watching his subordinates calling the door, suddenly said.

With a creak, the door opened.

The moment the door opened, agents from No. 76 rushed in and took the lead and pushed the man who opened the door to the ground. Others rushed into the inner room, and then a woman's scream was heard.

The operation was very successful.

A smile appeared on Dong Zhengguo's face.

Wan Sanliang didn't care about anything else. He rushed forward and grabbed the controlled man's hair. After seeing the other person's face, he didn't stop and rushed into the inner room again.

The smile on Dong Zhengguo's face also disappeared. He realized that something was wrong, and then he saw Wan Sanliang coming out of the room with a disappointed look on his face. Also being escorted out was a woman dressed in a gorgeous dress.

"No?" Dong Zhengguo immediately asked Wan Sanliang. Although he had a vague suspicion in his heart, he still held on to his last glimmer of hope.

"No." Wan Sanliang looked frustrated and shook his head.

"Name!" Dong Zhengguo's expression changed. He walked over, grabbed the male host's hair, and asked fiercely, "What's your name? Answer me."

The man seemed frightened and did not dare to speak.

"What's your name? Your name!" Dong Zhengguo took the short gun handed over by his subordinates and pressed the cold barrel against the opponent's forehead.

"Xi, Xi Guanpi... everyone calls me Watermelon Pi."

"You are not Cheng Xuyuan, why did you deliberately say that you are Cheng Xuyuan?"

"Ah?" Xi Guanpi looked confused.

"Just now the people from Mailan's house wanted to arrest your man, why did you call Xuyuan?" Dong Zhengguo turned to question the woman again.

"What Xuyuan?" The woman looked horrified, then thought about it for a moment and then suddenly said, "I'm talking about taro balls, I call him taro balls."

"Isn't it watermelon rind?" Wan Sanliang asked immediately.

"Someone else called him watermelon rind," the woman said, "I'll call him taro ball. His braised taro ball meat is the most delicious."

Both men and women cried out for injustice, saying that they didn't know what a 'blood bat' was, let alone a 'continued source', and begged the boss to let them go.

What a mess.

Wan Sanliang was so angry that he almost went crazy!

No, no.

He walked up to Xi Guanpi and looked at this person with cold eyes, "I almost got deceived by you."

He snorted coldly, "How would an ordinary person know that the director of the External Relations Office of the French Concession's Political Office is named Shangguan Wu?"

Sure enough, after hearing this, Xi Guanpi's expression changed slightly. Although the man's face quickly returned to normal, this subtle change was still clearly visible to Wan Sanliang, who had been staring at him for a long time.

"Brother Dong, these two people are definitely members of the military commander." Wan Sanliang sneered and said to Dong Zhengguo, "The military commander deliberately created the illusion that Cheng Xuyuan is here to attract us..."

As he said this, Wan Sanliang's expression changed drastically.

Dong Zhengguo's expression also changed drastically.

Oops, I fell into a trap.

He fell into the military commander's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain!

"Go back to Gein Lane quickly!" Dong Zhengguo ordered hurriedly.

The secret service headquarters deployed multiple forces to conduct searches around Robertson Road and its surroundings. He didn't know whether the military commander's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain was only for him, or whether other groups were also deceived by the military commander's tricks. He didn't care about other people.

, he only knows that he must not let mistakes happen to him!

There must be no problem with Gein Lane, which he is responsible for.

"Where is Qin Hui?" On the way to quickly turn back to Gein Lane, Dong Zhengguo suddenly felt something in his heart and asked.

Qin Hui is the informant who claims to be a police officer in Mailan's prison.

"Yes, where is Qin Hui?"

"The person is missing."

"When did you disappear?"

Dong Zhengguo's face was as gloomy as if he could drip water. At this moment, he didn't know that he had been fooled. This was a complete trick and a trick. Even this Qin Hui definitely couldn't be a patrolman from the Mailan patrol house. This person must be a member of the military.


Jingle bell.

Jingle bell.

The tram stops.

The citizens who had been waiting for a long time began to become restless, and the three hands who had been waiting for a long time also began to be busy.

Then I saw the back door of the tram open and a group of people swarmed out.

The sharp-eyed Three Hands couldn't help but feel happy when they saw a man supporting a woman with a sick look on her face. At this glance, she knew that the husband had taken his sick wife to see a doctor.

Medical treatment is naturally the most expensive thing. This couple must have money with them. This is the favorite prey of the three hands.

Then, when the three extremely excited hands moved forward, someone punched him hard in the stomach in the chaos. His face was twisted in pain, and his mouth was also covered, making him unable to speak.

The sound comes.

When he squatted on the ground in pain and looked around, he saw that the medical couple had long disappeared, and even whoever had done it to him had his head full of mud.

After the tram transition, they were officially far away from the search area centered on Robertson Road, and now they were on the pick-up car that had been arranged for them. At this moment, Cheng Xuyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

He touched his wife's forehead, which was already starting to feel hot.

"Mr. Cheng, my wife is seriously ill." Ma Changwen was sitting in the passenger seat. He turned around and said, "Should we go to a medical center first?"

"Go to Shunlin Medical Center in Beitang District." Cheng Xuyuan said.

"Yes." Ma Changwen nodded and said to the driver, "Shunlin Medical Center in Beitang District."

"Xuyuan." Gui Qian, who was in a semi-conscious state, grabbed her husband's hand.

"I'm here, Qianyun, I'm here."

"Children, eldest sister and little brother."

"I know."

"Big sister, big sister wants to eat fish."

"I know, I know." Cheng Xuyuan patted the back of his wife's hand, his eyes turned red, and a tear fell on Gui Qian's body.

He was able to escape the catastrophe this time, thanks to his wife Gui Qian's desperate warning and rescue.

After returning from that mysterious, sinister and cruel environment, the woman in her arms is now just an ordinary mother, a mother who cares about her children.

If a wife is found like this, what else can a husband ask for?

No. 22, Xue Huali Road.

Lu Jiufan led his team to search Fansandu Road to no avail, so he angrily took the team back to resume his duties.

"What's going on?" Cheng Qianfan looked unhappy and asked coldly.

"Brother Fan, I led people to search all over Fansandu Road, but no trace of the 'blood bat' was found." Lu Jiufan explained, "In addition, our side received the wind slowly this time, and Xiafei

The old man from the police station and Zeng Jie from the Mailan police station all took people there, but they found nothing."

"All in vain?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

Seeing Lu Jiu turn around and nod, 'Mr. Xiao Cheng''s expression softened a lot.

"There's one more thing." Lu Jiufan said, "My subordinates also met people who captured houses in Zhabei, a public concession."

"People from Zhabei?" Cheng Qianfan was a little surprised, "Who is leading the team?"

"I don't know." Lu Jiufan shook his head, and then he lowered his voice and said, "Brother Fan, I think the people from No. 76 are also searching nearby."

"I know, it is said that there are elements from Chongqing." Cheng Qianfan nodded.

As 'Mr. Xiao Cheng', he is naturally very well-informed.

"At that time, this group claimed to be Zhabei house arresters, and my subordinates thought it was a bit strange." Lu Jiufan said.

"What do you mean..." Cheng Qianfan showed a solemn expression.

"My subordinates suspect that they are people from Chongqing pretending to be people." Lu Jiufan said, "Of course, this is just my subordinate's guess. Before I could further verify it, I heard someone shouting that traces of the 'blood bat' had been found.

, everyone was busy catching the 'blood bats', and then dispersed."

"Lao Jiu, why do you think they are Chongqing elements?" Cheng Qianfan glanced at Lu Jiufan and asked seemingly casually.

"I just felt that that group was a little weird, and then the group on the 76th was searching for Chongqing elements again, so I had such a guess." Lu Jiufan told the truth.

His expression was serious, "The other party seemed to have noticed something at that time. My feeling is that if we hadn't mistakenly thought we found the 'blood bats' and dispersed them, we might have had a fight with that group."

"Check it out." Cheng Qianfan leaned on the back of his chair, frowning slightly, and then asked again, "Have you heard that anyone was arrested on the 76th?"

"I haven't heard anything yet." Lu Jiufan said, "Do you want me to ask about it as well?"

"Forget it, just pretend this never happened." Cheng Qianfan shook his head gently, seeing Lu Jiufan's puzzled expression, he chuckled and said, "It involves Chongqing, and it's in Jisi Feier.

Let’s not touch Lu’s territory. My senior is used to being suspicious, so we don’t want our good intentions to arouse suspicion in vain.”

"Understood." Lu Jiufan nodded.

"I heard that guy Tu Helin has appeared in Xianle. Please arrange for the little monkey to go to Xianle to see if he can grab this old guy's pigtails." Cheng Qianfan sneered and said,

"If the news spreads, it will be said that Tu Helin has returned to Shanghai. My previous offer of favor to Tu Helin is still valid."


At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the deputy chief inspector's office.

"Come in." Cheng Qianfan said calmly.

I saw Bai Ruolan carrying a food box behind me, Xiaobao pushing a stroller in front, and Xiao Zhizhi sitting in the stroller, looking around curiously.

A sunny smile suddenly appeared on Cheng Qianfan's face, and he waved his hand at Lu Jiufan, signaling to get out of here.

"Sister-in-law." Lu Jiufan greeted Bai Ruolan respectfully, then left, closing the office door behind him.

"Why do you remember coming here at noon?" Cheng Qianfan picked up Xiao Zhizhi from the stroller and pinched Xiaobao's nose, causing the little girl to jump in disbelief and snatched Xiao Zhizhi from his hand.

"I saw that you were getting angry over business matters these past two days, so I asked Zhou Ru to stew some soup to relieve the heat." Bai Ruolan tilted her white swan-like neck so that her husband could take off her scarf.

"Madam is interested." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile.

"You talkative." Bai Ruolan glared at her husband. She put her hands behind her back, deliberately made an inspection look, looked at Cheng Qianfan's office, and suddenly said casually, "I met Si Mao at the door. That child has grown taller.

So young, I almost didn’t recognize him.”

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