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Chapter 128 Ma Yishou (asking for the moon)

"Master, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are looking better and better." Cheng Qianfan picked up the thermos out of habit and wanted to add water to Ma Yishou's tea cup.

"Yes, I'm an old man. People who are half buried in the earth should be self-aware." Ma Yishou put the teacup on the table and snorted coldly.

"Who made you unhappy again?" Cheng Qianfan picked up the tea cup and filled it with water. Ma Yishou did not stop him or answer, but just snorted coldly.

Seeing Ma Yishou's appearance, Cheng Qianfan felt reassured. He had a firm idea of ​​Ma Yishou's behavior and thoughts.

The old horse will be angry and dissatisfied, but he is not stupid.

Maybe Ma Yishou still didn't see through Xiu Gongshen's plan. His anger affected his judgment, and he thought that Xiu Gongshen was trying to force Cheng Qianfan to get the position of the third patrol inspector.

However, Ma Yishou had no intention of breaking up with Cheng Qianfan.

Lao Ma is a person who is greedy for money, afraid of death, and has small calculations. This kind of person cannot achieve great things, but he will not be completely confused.

Cheng Qianfan has the ability and background. Young people like this cannot be suppressed and will climb up sooner or later.

In any case, Xiao Cheng is his apprentice, and Lao Ma thinks that he has always been pretty good to Xiao Cheng. Since he can't stop him, he has to count on this little bit of love to plan for the future.

He was feeling unhappy right now, but he also knew that he couldn't really fall out.

Besides, showing off one's face is also for outsiders to see. Otherwise, if he is so forced to be climbed over by his disciples, and he usually has no temper when making dough by himself, then who will treat him as a dish in the future?

Therefore, despite Ma Yishou's intimidating and sarcastic appearance, he did not stop Cheng Qianfan from adding water to him. This was leaving room for him and sending a signal.

Cheng Qianfan received this signal.

"Master, I'm going to Hangzhou now. Things are complicated, and I don't have time to hang out." Cheng Qianfan said, taking out a wooden box from his briefcase, "I happened to pass by a shop, and my apprentice brought it to Brother Tian."

Brother Tian is Ma Yishou's son, his scientific name is Ma Juntian, he is six years old this year.

Ma Yishou was a little hesitant. If this was a gift from Cheng Qianfan, he would refuse it directly. However, this was a gift that Cheng Qianfan brought to his son as his apprentice, and it was really hard for him to refuse.

If you refuse, this master-disciple relationship will basically end here.

Cheng Qianfan opened the jewelry box directly, and inside was a longevity lock made of pure gold.

Ma Yishou picked it up in surprise and saw Lin Ji's brand on the gold vessel. He looked up at Cheng Qianfan.

Xiao Cheng happened to be passing by a shop here, and this was specially ordered by Lin Ji.

"I heard you talk about this last time, master, and I remembered it in my heart." Cheng Qianfan said with a smile.

Ma Yishou's son also had a longevity lock from Lin Ji. The elders of the family specially went to Hangzhou to order it and asked the great monk of Lingyin Temple to open it.

It was just that it was accidentally lost by a family member not long ago.

It was also strange that after the longevity lock that had been turned on was lost, Ma Juntian fell ill. Although he recovered later, everyone in the Ma family still had lingering fears.

One time, Ma Yishou and Cheng Qianfan were chatting and asked whether the longevity lock was lost. They planned to take some time to go to Hangzhou and build an identical longevity lock. Ask the chief of Lingyin Temple to

The monk consecrated the light.

"This and Brother Tian..." It's 'related to' his precious son. Ma Yishou couldn't care less about being reserved and asked hurriedly.

"I was worried about this at first. Fortunately, most of the items sold by Lin Ji have records. I asked the master to check the records. This one is exactly the same as Tian Geer's one." Cheng Qianfan said happily.

"What about Lingyin Temple?" Ma Yishou asked hurriedly.

"Master, are you still worried about my work?" Cheng Qianfan patted his chest and said, "I asked the great monk of Lingyin Temple to get the light."

"Okay, okay, okay." Ma Yishou picked up the longevity lock, looked at it carefully, and carefully put it back into the wooden box.

When he looked at Cheng Qianfan again, his face looked much better.

No matter what kind of rumors there are outside, with the longevity lock that Cheng Qianfan specially requested for Brother Tian, ​​his dignity has been restored.

What's more, his son is Ma Yishou's lifeblood. Xiao Cheng has this heart, and Ma Yishou must appreciate it.

That's it, that's it, there's no need to fight, and if we can't fight, we'll just take advantage of this guy.

"Qianfan, you're interested," Ma Yishou said, just as he was about to think about how to speak in a way that would make him look like he'd surrendered.

"Master." Cheng Qianfan smiled and cupped his hands, "Congratulations in advance. With you as the new inspector of the third patrol, and with Vice President Jin as the senior leader, those of us who are subordinates will have more hope in the future."

Ma Yishou, who was preparing a face-saving "sincerity" speech, blinked. What did he just hear?

Ten minutes later, the other patrol officers who went out to the corridor to smoke and brag came back and saw a scene that stunned them:

Xiao Cheng and Ma Tou drank tea together and smoked cigarettes, chatting happily. Looking at Lao Ma's happy face, it was almost as good as the day he gave birth to his son.

Everyone was surprised and puzzled.

I was very curious in my heart, wanting to know what was going on like a cat scratching its claws.

Of course, seeing that Xiao Cheng and Lao Ma, the master and apprentice, had restored their previous relationship, no, they were even closer than before, the police officers felt relieved, at least they no longer had to think about taking sides.

During the chat with the police officers, Cheng Qianfan finally figured out the case of Miyamoto Saburo and the specific reasons why He Guan was suspected.

A rickshaw driver was squatting in the grass in the corner not far from the crime scene. At this time, Miyamoto had been killed. He saw a panicked man throwing the knife in his hand into the pit.

Although I couldn’t see the face of the ‘murderer’ due to the angle.

However, I couldn't figure out who the rickshaw driver was, so he naturally remembered the appearance of the policemen the best.

'Looks like Police Officer He.'

Just like that, He Guan came into the sight of the patrol room.

Furthermore, taking into account He Guan's attitude toward Saburo Miyamoto's acquittal, the suspicion on He Guan is getting heavier and heavier.

"It shouldn't be He Guan." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "At around two o'clock, He Guan was at my home."

The policemen looked over, with different expressions in their eyes.

Cheng Qianfan understood the meaning expressed in these eyes.

He smiled bitterly and waved his hand, "The death of a Japanese is not a small matter. I don't dare to lie."

"Besides, Second Lieutenant Pitt from the Political Department personally asked the question. If Lieutenant Pitt hadn't told me after the interview, I wouldn't have known about the death of a Japanese."

He took the cigarette from Datou Lu and said, "When He Guan left my house, there happened to be a neighbor at the door of my house. My cat almost knocked over the clock. I remember it was a little past two and a quarter past noon."

After hearing what Cheng Qianfan said, all the patrolmen believed it.

Xiao Cheng just came back yesterday. I'm afraid he has never even heard the name of Saburo Miyamoto, a Japanese dwarf, and it is impossible for him to be involved in this case.

If a neighbor can prove the time when He Guan went to Xiao Cheng's house, it is impossible for Xiao Cheng to commit perjury on He Guan.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, they (have to) accept this explanation.

This chapter has been completed!
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