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Chapter 1276 The mystery appears

Araki Harima was sitting in the car. He slowly lit a cigarette. The sparks in the cigarette butt flickered. He watched Kentaro Miyazaki come to Shu Daming's door from the dark night and knocked on the door. The light in the room was projected.

Then the door closed and it was dark again.

From the bottom of his heart, Araki Harima was not very optimistic about the ‘Sickle Plan’ formulated by the section chief.

There are two reasons not to be optimistic.

First, it is not that he has any contempt for his friend Kentaro Miyazaki. Miyazaki-kun is a very smart person and has the ability to do things. However, this refers to the ability to manage and make money, and the special agent in the Special High School Division

At work, this good friend of mine always adheres to the rule of law, and everything will be fine if he makes no mistakes.

Taking advantage of Zheng Weilong's solicitation, he took the opportunity to break into the military command, and even seek a higher status within the military command, at least within the Shanghai military command. This task does not seem simple, but is actually more difficult and very challenging. This is very important for an individual.

Ability, personal courage, and adaptability are all no small tests.

Araki Harima did not doubt his friend's ability, but Miyazaki, who had always cherished his life, was obviously not so happy in his heart for this challenging and dangerous job.

In other words, despite the fact that this guy Miyazaki shouts slogans about being loyal to His Majesty the Emperor all day long, it is just a slogan. As a friend from Fukushima, what he really loves most is money and his own life. This and

There is no difference between the small traders and hawkers in the Imperial Fourth Division.

This kind of dedication that requires self-sacrifice to do your best work is not suitable for Miyazaki-kun.

Secondly, although because of Ruan Zhiyuan's surrender, the Special High School Joint Patrol Room successfully arrested Zheng Weilong, Araki Harima would not take this opponent lightly.

There was a certain amount of luck in Zheng Weilong's arrest at that time. According to the information later obtained by the Special Higher Education Course, Zheng Weilong's wife should have received a warning, and the warning person was none other than Cheng Xuyuan. However, this Mrs. Zheng was often beaten and scolded by her husband.

He didn't even dare to wake up his drunk and angry husband, and later forgot about it. Under various circumstances, Zheng Weilong didn't receive the warning and foolishly entered the trap.

This incident has been rumored as a legend within the Special High School and even within other imperial secret agencies in Shanghai. Hiroyuki Kikube, who unfortunately died for his country, even summed it up:

Imperial agents engaged in covert work, please do not beat or scold your wife or lover at will.

After listening to Hiroyuki Kikube's report, Section Chief Mimotojiro also thought it was quite reasonable.

Some colleagues may think that Zheng Weilong is too stupid because of this incident, which reflects the procrastination and stupid bureaucratic style of the Chongqing government. However, Araki Harima will not despise Zheng Weilong.

Zheng Weilong himself is Dai Chunfeng's sworn brother and one of the ten-member team in the initial stage of the Lixingshe Secret Service. Dai Chunfeng originally handed Zheng Weilong the Shanghai Station, the only first-class station of the Lixingshe Secret Service, which shows that this person is actually incompetent.

In fact, as the frontline commander of the struggle against the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service, Araki Harima was very aware of Zheng Weilong's abilities. Zheng Weilong's Shanghai Station did cause some troubles and troubles to the Special High School.

After experiencing the arrest incident, Araki Harima believed that this was almost a baptism for a veteran spy leader. Such Zheng Weilong would be more difficult to deal with than before. At least Zheng Weilong would pay great attention to some of the mistakes he had made in the past.


Faced with such a cunning and cunning Zheng Weilong, Araki Harima did not think that his friend could be easily deceived or even completely trusted by him.

Araki Harima didn't think he could figure it out, and the section chief would not have thought of the truth. However, the three section chiefs still firmly implemented the "Sickle Plan", which made Araki Harima a little incomprehensible, or in other words, he couldn't understand it.

Transparent feeling.

There must be something in it that you don't know...

Cheng Qianfan was wearing a high-collared woolen coat with the collar turned up.

After entering the house, he took off his gloves and held them casually in his hands. He looked around the room, sniffed, and saw the cakes on the table. He couldn't help but smile, "Shen Dacheng's Tiaotou cake."

He said to Shu Daming, "This pastry is good, Shen Dacheng's signature."

Shu Daming quickly opened the pastry box and enthusiastically invited Cheng Qianfan to enjoy it.

"Forget it, this thing is common to me. Although it is not a rarity for you, it is not something you can eat often." Cheng Qianfan glanced at the pastry handed over by Shu Daming, shook his head and said.

As he spoke, he put his gloves on the table and sat down.

"Then I won't pretend to be fat." Shu Daming said with a smile, "To tell you the truth, with the little funds we have, we can barely make ends meet, and it is rare to improve the food."

He put the Tiaotou cake back into the box, "This thing is really expensive. If I wasn't really greedy, I wouldn't be willing to pay for it."

"I have some information that I think Brother Zheng will be interested in." Cheng Qianfan leaned forward slightly and said calmly.

When Shu Daming heard this, his expression became solemn, "Mr. Cheng, please speak."

Araki Harima estimated the time and found that it had been more than twenty minutes since Miyazaki-kun entered.

It's almost time to come out.

inside the house.

"Mr. Cheng, the information you mentioned is very important." Shu Daming said seriously, "I will report it to Chief Zheng."

As he spoke, Shu Daming expressed emotion, "Talents like Ren Anning are exactly what we urgently need now."

"In the face of national crisis, overseas students are willing to give up their comfortable life in the United States and choose to return to China to contribute to the fight against Japan." Shu Daming said with a smile, "This spirit is really admirable and gratifying."

"According to the intelligence, this person should be trapped in the concession. I don't know whether he is in the French Concession or the public concession." Cheng Qianfan said, "If Brother Zheng has any ideas or needs, he must do so as soon as possible.


His expression was serious, "As far as I know, the Japanese are secretly hunting for this Ren Anning."

As he spoke, Cheng Qianfan slowly lit a cigarette, "Mr. Cheng has said it before. If we wait for the Japanese to catch Ren Anning, I will just pretend that this never happened."

Shu Daming looked at Cheng Qianfan, he understood the meaning of these words, he understood Cheng Qianfan's thoughts:

This 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' is willing to help Chongqing, to help the military reunification, and to contribute to the anti-Japanese war. However, he can only help secretly to do some things. If this person is allowed to confront the Japanese tit for tat, he is not willing to do so.

Yes, I don’t dare.

"Don't worry, Mr. Cheng." Shu Daming said with a smile, "Before Mr. Shu came to Shanghai, Chief Zheng once specially warned that a friend in need is a friend indeed. He dare not forget Mr. Cheng's kindness in rescuing him. For a party-state official like Mr. Cheng,

It must be protected."

His expression was solemn, "Only by protecting yourself can you better serve the cause of the Anti-Japanese War."

"Brother Zheng's words are true to every word." Cheng Qianfan exclaimed, "It's well said. Resisting Japan does not happen overnight, and it requires long-term planning."

Cheng Qianfan returned to the car and smelled the smell of cigarettes in the car. He started the car and rolled down the window to get some air, "Araki-kun, you've been waiting for a long time."

"Twenty-eight minutes." Araki Harima said, "From the time you knocked on the door and entered the house, Miyazaki-kun, to the time you come back now, it is twenty-eight minutes."

He smiled and said, "It seems that Miyazaki-kun's meeting with Shu Daming today provided important information to Chongqing."

"If it hadn't been for the section chief's personal instructions, it would be hard to imagine that such information could have been passed on to the military commanders through my mouth." Cheng Qianfan said with a chuckle, without mentioning the specific content of the information.

Araki Harima did not ask further questions. Both of them knew each other's identity very well. Even though they were good friends, things that should be kept secret should still be kept secret.

The two of them chatted casually about whatever topics they could talk about.

The car started slowly, and after driving for a certain distance, Cheng Qianfan dropped Araki Harima down at an intersection, then stepped on the accelerator and left.

Watching Kentaro Miyazaki's car taillights gradually disappear into the night, Araki Harima kept frowning.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that there must be something wrong with the suddenly accelerated pace of the section chief's 'Sickle Plan'.

Araki Harima knew that he shouldn't pay too much attention to this matter, but since it involved his friends and driven by curiosity, he couldn't help but think about it.

Cheng Qianfan's expression was extremely serious.

Zheng Weilong's secret envoy, Shu Daming, who was sent to Shanghai by Zheng Weilong to contact him, has a problem!

He had no way of knowing what problem Shu Daming had or what the problem was.

However, there must be a problem.

The problem arises with that box of Tiaotou cakes from Shen Dacheng Pastry Shop.

On the lower right corner of the piece of Tiaotou cake that Shu Daming handed him was the word "Pirates".

‘Chiji, Pirates, Baiyi, Yulun, Shanzi, Quhuang, Hualiu, and Luer’, these eight names are the names of the eight horses of King Mu of Zhou.

This is the ‘Ba Jun Cheng Xiang’ pastry recently launched by Shen Dacheng Pastry Shop.

Write the names of the eight horses on the cakes. The eight horses represent a prosperous career, good luck, happiness and good fortune.

The most important thing is that these eight-horse pastries will never be sold separately, only the "eight horses" will be sold as a whole.

The pastries at Shen Dacheng pastry shop are never cheap. Even families with a relatively generous budget will not buy the "Bajun Chengxiang" cakes in all colors.

Sorry for the name, these colorful pastries are much more expensive than the usual eight pieces of pastries.

Therefore, Cheng Qianfan could tell at a glance that Shu Daming was lying. He definitely did not buy the cake and could not buy it.

The most likely possibility is that someone gave it to Shu Daming.

Moreover, this friend of Shu Daming should have considerable financial resources.

Of course, this only proves that Shu Daming lied, but it doesn't explain much.

After all, with Shu Daming's identity, there must be some things that cannot be discussed with outsiders when engaging in secret work. Maybe it is because of the special status of the friend who gave him the pastry, or other reasons, or maybe it was just Shu Daming's habitual casual remarks.

Therefore, Shu Daming's casual words on the cake are not enough to explain anything. To a certain extent, Cheng Qianfan, who is also a secret agent, understands Shu Daming.

However, as for Cheng Qianfan, he did not dare to take any detail lightly, even if it was just a minor 'flaw' that seemed explainable.

He will be careful to verify.

After just one glance and judging that Shu Daming had lied about Tiao Toutao, Cheng Qianfan became more vigilant and attentive.

He observed secretly.

After paying such attention, he, who was already cautious and alert, discovered several unusual things.

When Shu Daming opened the drawer to take out cigarettes, he picked up a piece of paper on the ground and put it into the drawer.

Cheng Qianfan immediately took out a cigarette from his body enthusiastically, invited the military commander brothers to have a cigarette, and then successfully glanced at the piece of paper.

This is an electricity bill from EDF. This kind of bill is usually stuffed into the house through the crack of the door by the postman.

According to common sense, this electricity bill from EDF should have just been slipped in through the door by the postman today.

However, Cheng Qianfan caught a glimpse of the date on the electricity bill.

The date is from the day before yesterday.

This means that this electricity bill from EDF should have been slipped in through the door by the postman the day before yesterday.

In this way, this revealed a signal that during the past two days, Shu Daming was not at home, or in other words, he never returned home.

So, here’s the question, if Shu Daming didn’t come home for two days, where did he go? And how could he bring back Shen Dacheng’s cakes ‘Ba Jun Cheng Xiang’ when he came back!

This is definitely unusual.

Shu Daming was the secret envoy sent by Zheng Weilong to Shanghai to contact him. In order to facilitate contact at any time, unless there were special circumstances, Shu Daming basically had to stay at home the rest of the time except for work.

Even if you are temporarily absent from home for something, you will never be absent from home for two consecutive days.

In addition to the unusual things revealed in EDF's electricity bill, Cheng Qianfan also noticed a very inconspicuous detail.

How Shu Daming smoked cigarettes today.

Araki Harima recorded that it took him twenty-eight minutes from the time he pushed the door into the room to the time he came out and returned to the car. This is not accurate. To be precise, from the time he pushed the door into the room to the time he left the room, it took exactly twenty-six minutes.

, the error will not exceed ten seconds.

And from the time Shu Daming started smoking his first cigarette to the time Shu Daming sent him out, it was twenty-one minutes.

In other words, Shu Daming started smoking five minutes after he entered the door.

This was much earlier than the time when Shu Daming started smoking cigarettes during his two previous secret meetings.

He has noticed that Shu Daming is not actually a big smoker. When he starts talking about important things, he will take out his cigarette case and take a cigarette, but he will not light it immediately, but just put it between

Between your fingers, then light it when you are thinking about the problem, and smoke it slowly.

It was not the case today. Shu Daming took out a cigarette, paused for only about ten seconds, and then lit it.

In addition, Shu Daming smoked cigarettes more frequently today, similar to the state of a long-time smoker who can't wait to smoke.

Shu Daming is not a long-time smoker, and he is not a big smoker. This is the strange thing.

In addition, Shu Daming smoked four cigarettes in twenty-one minutes, which is obviously not in line with this person's usual habits.

Cheng Qianfan thought of a possibility:


People who smoke also do this when they are nervous.

So, what is Shu Daming nervous about?

Combining these details, Cheng Qianfan began to suspect that there might be something wrong with Shu Daming:

An underground worker disappeared for two days and came back with inconspicuous food that did not suit his status. He also changed some habits and was suspected of being nervous.

Combining these details, no matter whether the person has a problem or not, it needs to be dealt with as if there is a problem!

So, what exactly happened to Shu Daming?

late at night.


Zheng Weilong was woken up from a deep sleep by his wife.

Chief Zheng, who was very angry when he woke up, suddenly became furious.

However, looking at the frightened lady, his anger was miraculously suppressed.

"Luojiawan's phone number." Mrs. Zheng said tremblingly, looking like she was "saving a life" for the rest of her life.

"I know." Zheng Weilong nodded. He lifted the quilt and got out of bed, got dressed, took two steps but stopped, turned around and looked at his wife.

Mrs. Zheng was frightened, thinking that she would inevitably be beaten and scolded this time. She wanted to say, 'It was you who told me to wake you up immediately when Luojiawan called me no matter what the situation was.' However, she did not dare to speak after all.

She was afraid of being beaten and scolded even more.

"Well done. Next time there is an emergency call like this, be sure to wake me up." Zheng Weilong said, he nodded, "I will ask someone to handle the incident in Xiaoxi."

Xiaoxi is his brother-in-law. He committed a crime and provoked people he shouldn't have provoked. He is now locked up in the police station.

Looking at her husband's back as he turned and left, Mrs. Zheng had an expression of disbelief on her face, and then her whole body trembled like chaff, and she cried excitedly.

An hour later, Zheng Weilong's car left Luojiawan No. 19 and drove to Dai Chunfeng's mansion like lightning in the night.

"Dao San, what happened?" Dai Chunfeng was woken up by Chen Hua. He was wearing pajamas and only a coat and came out to meet people.

Chen Hua served hot tea to the two of them.

Zheng Weilong quickly stood up and took the tea cup, thanking him repeatedly.

Dai Chunfeng always paid attention to his appearance, so wearing pajamas to meet guests this time showed that Brother Dai did not regard him as an outsider, and the hostess Chen Hua also acted in the same way, which made Zheng Weilong feel quite comfortable.

"Secretary, this is an urgent telegram from Straw Hat." Zheng Weilong handed the telegram to Dai Chunfeng.

Straw Hat is Shu Daming's code name.

Dai Chunfeng raised his eyebrows, showing surprise.

He naturally knew who Straw Hat was, and also knew what Zheng Weilong was doing when he sent Straw Hat to Shanghai.

It is conceivable that the telegram sent by Straw Hat late at night must be related to Cheng Qianfan, or the source of Straw Hat's information can only come from Cheng Qianfan.

This is strange. Wouldn't Qingniao (Xiao Mian) directly send him a secret message if he had urgent information? How could it be Straw Hat who sent the secret message?

Dai Chunfeng took the message and read it.

Cornell University?

Cryptozoologist Dr. Nigel Horn?

Dr. Horn’s student Ren Anning?

The look of surprise on his face became more intense, and then turned into a serious expression.

"Dao San, you go to a place with me." Dai Chunfeng said in a deep voice.


Late at night.

Dai Chunfeng's special car moved forward under the protection of bodyguard vehicles.

The vehicle drove along the Yanjiang Avenue and finally turned into a small road. On the way, it passed a place similar to the Gundilong slum on the Suzhou River in Shanghai, and then stopped at the end of the road.

The group got off the car, walked up the steps for a short distance, and passed through an archway guarded by stone lions.

After passing the ruins of another temple, we came to a wooden door.

Zheng Weilong took a look and saw the word "乐yu" in the moonlight.

An agent stepped forward and shook the bell.

Soon, footsteps came from behind the door. The person inside opened the peephole, looked outside, and then unlocked the door.


"Mr. Yashili, can you rest?" Dai Chunfeng asked in a deep voice.

"Mr. Yashili attended a dance in the afternoon, drank some wine, and went to bed early."

"Wake him up." Dai Chunfeng said. As he spoke, he walked along the path surrounded by a low fence under the protection of everyone. He passed a flowing mountain spring and creek, and knocked on a door again. This was the real moment.

Enter the main entrance.

Zheng Weilong glanced at it and noticed that the word "Yishui" was engraved on the archway of the main entrance.

Dai Chunfeng waited for about a quarter of an hour before he saw the drunk American arriving late.

His face looked a little unsightly.

"Mr. Yashili, although drinking and drinking is good, you must exercise moderation." Dai Chunfeng took a deep look at this American cryptography expert with a red rosy nose and said.

He doesn't like this big American nose.

Although this person is indeed the most urgently needed cryptography expert in Chongqing, and he has indeed made great achievements since coming to Chongqing, and is very helpful to the Military Command Bureau in deciphering Japanese secret messages.

However, he just didn't like this person very much, not only because Dai Chunfeng heard that this foreign devil dared to call him "stupid donkey" in private, but also because Dai Chunfeng thought this person was too greedy for money:

This is an expert invited by Chongqing at a cost of more than ten kilograms of gold!

Translator Lu Yi translated Dai Chunfeng's words to Hibet Yashili. The latter shrugged noncommittally at first, and then burped again. Then he yawned and asked, "Mr. Dai, it's so late. Is there anything you can do about it?"

Is there something important that we can’t discuss tomorrow?”

"Mr. Yashili, I came to see you to inquire about someone." Dai Chunfeng said in a deep voice.

"Inquiring about someone? Who?" Hibet Yashili asked in surprise.

"Dr. Nigelhorn from Cornell University." Dai Chunfeng asked, "Do you know this person?"

Lu Yi translated immediately.

Hibet Yashili showed a very surprised expression, but he quickly covered it up, "What do you ask him for?"

Dai Chunfeng took a deep look at the big-nosed Citizen in front of him. His deep eyes seemed to be able to see through this man's soul, "Don't worry, Mr. Yashili, we don't plan to invite Dr. Horn to China. We don't have that much gold."

Spend money."

Lu Yi glanced at Dai Juzuo, and he could naturally hear the irony in these words.

Dai Chunfeng nodded and motioned for the translation of his original words to Hibet Yashili.

"Okay, I know Nigel." After hearing what the translator said, Habit Yashili didn't feel angry. On the contrary, he breathed a sigh of relief and nodded happily, "Nigel is my friend. Of course, you can

The understanding is that we are colleagues."

"No, to be precise, Nigel was my former subordinate." Habit Yashili paused and quickly added.

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