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Chapter 1291 Director of Shanghai Special Situation Office: Major General Xiao Mian

"Team Leader Xiao." Qi Wu said with a solemn expression.

He glanced at Cheng Qianfan and continued.

"I have agreed to Section Chief Dai's previous request. I hope you will make new achievements and receive frequent good news, and live up to my expectations."

"Zhongzheng." Qi Wu glanced at Cheng Qianfan with a hint of envy in his eyes, "Book!"

Cheng Qianfan's eyes first showed a trace of doubt, and then with an expression of great excitement, he said loudly, "Students must work hard and fulfill their responsibilities with a fearless spirit——"

He raised his voice and saluted solemnly, "Be loyal to the leader and loyal to the party and the country!"

"You kid, the principal appreciates you very much." Qi Wu pointed at Cheng Qianfan, "Jane is in the emperor's heart, nothing else."

"Don't just be happy." Qi Wu motioned Cheng Qianfan to sit down and talk, "Is there something you don't understand?"

"Yes, senior." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "The principal said in his handwriting that he agreed to Senior Dai's request, but I don't know what he meant."

As he spoke, a smile appeared on his lips, "Sounds like a good thing related to me?"

"Hahaha." Qi Wu laughed and patted Cheng Qianfan on the shoulder, "You are not humble."

"Director's telegram." He suddenly calmed down and said in a deep voice.

Cheng Qianfan, who had just sat down, suddenly stood up with an unprecedented look of respect.

Qi Wu nodded slightly, "Xiao Mian, leader of the Shanghai Special Situation Team of the Military Command Bureau."

"My subordinate is here."

"The changes in the war survey situation have been submitted to the Chairman for approval." Qi Wu said solemnly, "The Shanghai Special Intelligence Group of the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Nationalist Government's Military Commission was withdrawn, and the Shanghai Special Intelligence Division of the Military Command Bureau was formally established."

He looked at Cheng Qianfan and continued, "Appoint Xiao Mian, the former leader of the Special Intelligence Team, as the Director of the Special Intelligence Division, with the title of Major General."

The excitement and excitement in Cheng Qianfan's eyes almost overflowed, and his fists were clenched tightly, showing his excitement.

"This order is for Dai Chunfeng." Qi Wu said seriously.

After saying that, he looked at Cheng Qianfan with a smile on his face and said, "General Xiao, congratulations."

Cheng Qianfan could hear a hint of loneliness in Qi Wu's tone.

He naturally knew that even though Qi Wu was smiling and congratulating him, Director Qi must be feeling a little uncomfortable at this moment.

The reason is very simple, his current military rank has surpassed Qi Wu:

He holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Quanxu, and Qi Wu now also holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel Quanxu.

In terms of position, he is currently the Major General Director of the Shanghai Special Intelligence Division of the Military Command Bureau; while Qi Wu is the Acting Colonel Chief Secretary of the Military Command Headquarters.

In terms of military rank, Quan Xu, the two of them were of the same rank, but in terms of job rank, his junior was a head taller.

"Qianfan is terrified." Cheng Qianfan said with a sincere face, "Qianfan is vulgar and unaware of himself, and often behaves arrogantly. However, he is where he is today thanks to the two seniors who have not hesitated to teach, promote, and are very tolerant."

"I cannot thank you enough for this kindness." He looked at Qi Wu and saluted solemnly, "Salute to the senior."

Qi Wu looked at Cheng Qianfan, his expression was also serious, he returned the military salute, and then suddenly smiled, "How can any general salute to a school officer?"

"Xiao Mian is a major general, what does he do to me, Cheng Qianfan?" Cheng Qianfan said immediately.

Qi Wu took a deep look at Cheng Qianfan, then laughed loudly, stepped forward and patted Cheng Qianfan on the shoulder, "Not arrogant, not impatient, good, good, good."

He motioned for Cheng Qianfan to sit down and talk. Cheng Qianfan sat down, but only half-squatted, and his posture was upright, and his attitude was more respectful than before.

Qi Wu couldn't help but feel more satisfied and nodded slightly.

"That female gentleman insisted on going her own way and was willing to become a historical sinner of the Chinese nation." Qi Wu said in a deep voice, "Based on the information you provided, and verified by many parties at the bureau headquarters, it is now basically certain that Wang Chuhai's puppet regime will soon be

It will be established in the first half of next year.”

"Shameless, the Wang family is the most shameless person in China for five thousand years." Cheng Qianfan sneered and said.

"Moreover, intelligence shows that Wang Ni intends to establish the puppet regime as its capital in Nanjing." Qi Wu said, "This means that Nanjing will become the focus of our intelligence struggle and armed resistance in the future."

Cheng Qianfan looked puzzled. Since the importance of Nanjing has increased in the future, why did the bureau headquarters promote the Shanghai Special Intelligence Group to the Special Intelligence Division?

"The bureau believes that Nanjing is very important, but this is by no means a trade-off. After the establishment of the Wang Puppet regime, the importance of Shanghai will not diminish, but will become more prominent." Qi Wu looked serious.

He took the cigarette handed over by Cheng Qianfan. After Cheng Qianfan helped him light the cigarette, he took a puff and took it in his hand. "The director believes that the struggle in Shanghai will be unprecedentedly cruel in the future. The special situation team

Performing meritorious service is actually the sharp edge of our military's overall control. It is for this reason that it is even more important to play the important role of the special situation team to achieve the greatest strategic value."

"Of course, the Special Situation Team has been upgraded to the Special Situation Division, which also includes the expectations of the bureau and me for you." Qi Wu patted Cheng Qianfan on the shoulder, "The bureau often says that our country produces talents, and you are the best."

Cheng Qianfan is the best."

"Although Qianfan is a little talented, he is more than reckless and arrogant. It all depends on the cultivation of the bureau and the support and protection of the seniors." Cheng Qianfan said sincerely, "Qianfan knows that this Zhuoge promotion must be due to the seniors.

Chongqing is a good word for thousands of sails."

His expression was solemn, "Qianfan can only try his best to do a good job, and he must not lose the face of the seniors."

"Although I have many good words for you, the only way you can win the favor of the bureau is because you have done a good job and stood upright." Qi Wu said with a smile, he waved his hand, "Okay, I won't talk about this.


He flicked the cigarette he had only taken a puff on, watched the ashes fall, and took another puff. "In short, the bureau attaches great importance to Shanghai. This time, the special situation team has been promoted to the special situation department. The greater the ability, the greater the power."

, also means great responsibility.”

His expression was serious, "You must do your duty wholeheartedly and live up to the leader's expectations."

"Be loyal to the party and the country, be loyal to the leader, be loyal to Senior Dai, and live up to the academic promise." Cheng Qianfan immediately stood up, stamped his feet, stood at attention, and said.

"Okay, okay, okay, sit down, sit down and talk." Qi Wu made a gesture, "In short, both the bureau chief and I have high expectations for you, so do your best."

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan nodded vigorously, "Qianfan will definitely not lose the face of Jiangshan people."

"You can draw up the personnel arrangements for the Special Situation Branch by yourself and submit them to the bureau headquarters for approval." Qi Wu said in a deep voice.


"Of course, the Special Situation Team has been upgraded to the Special Situation Division and is huge. If you have any difficulties, you can boldly ask the bureau headquarters for help." Qi Wu said with a smile.

"Senior, I've been waiting for your words." Cheng Qianfan said in surprise, "The most important thing about this promotion for our office is the lack of manpower."

He shook his head and complained, "The seniors don't know. The juniors are just struggling to make ends meet. To become bigger and stronger, and to fulfill our duties for the party and the country in the most high-spirited manner, the first thing we must solve is the lack of talents."


"You kid, what you said before was a lack of manpower, but the next sentence turned into a shortage of talents." Qi Wu pointed at Cheng Qianfan, laughed and scolded, "Don't think I don't know what you kid is planning.


He took a puff of the cigarette and said, "I'm telling you, I only have a few useful people around me, so you can't make any mistakes."

"But I don't care." Cheng Qianfan also chuckled, "When it comes to the special situation group, the juniors are just trying to maintain it. Now the seniors are trying to make things worse. The huge special situation department is really overwhelming. Senior, you can't take care of it.

Kill or bury them."

"I helped you get the general star, but you relied on me instead." Qi Wu was very happy, "Senior, I haven't even touched the general star yet."

"Look, look, senior, you are far more capable than me, and your qualifications are at the top of our military command bureau. No one in the bureau who mentions senior can give a thumbs up and say righteousness." Cheng Qianfan shouted, and then his face became solemn.

"Senior, you can help others, but you don't help your own people, right? If you don't help me, who will help me?"

"You kid." Qi Wu pointed at Cheng Qianfan and glared angrily.

Cheng Qianfan looked at each other without giving in.

"I'm afraid of you." Qi Wu pointed at Cheng Qianfan, "I once had a personal bodyguard, Mao Xuanyi, who is currently serving at the Hangzhou Station. He can be regarded as a talented person with both civil and military talents..."

"But Mao Zhengze, who killed three Japanese soldiers with three shots, including a captain and two Japanese sergeants?" Cheng Qianfan was overjoyed and asked immediately.

"Have you heard of Zhengze's name too?" Qi Wu asked, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Of course." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "Qianfan has also heard about the story of Mao Zhengze at Hangzhou Station who single-handedly caused trouble at the Japanese Military Police Headquarters, successfully killed several enemies, and escaped unharmed."

"It seems that you like this candidate." Qi Wu smiled and nodded, "As you said, Mao Zhengze made a big name on his own, but he was more than brave and not cautious enough. When he was under your hand, he had to

It’s a good training.”

Cheng Qianfan smiled and nodded.

At his current level, he took the initiative to request and allow Qi Wu to add sand to the special situation, which was already very sincere. Naturally, there was no need to be too polite to this 'sand'.

"There's something good for you to know." Qi Wu suddenly said, "Mao Zhengze is from Qingyang Village, Shimen Town."

"It turns out we are fellow countrymen." Cheng Qianfan was overjoyed, nodded, and said in a sincere tone, "Thank you, senior."

Seeing the joy in Cheng Qianfan's eyes, Qi Wu also nodded secretly in his heart.

Cheng Qianfan and the Shanghai Special Situation Team have a bright future, so he will naturally not miss this good opportunity.

Just choosing who to come to Shanghai takes a lot of thought.

In the end, he chose Mao Xuanyi, which was the result of careful consideration:

Mao Xuanyi has a reputation for bravery, but he is indeed a talent, one of a kind.

Mao Xuanyi is a Jiangshan Township Party member, which is the second and most important factor.

He believed that Mao Xuanyi's status as a member of the Jiangshan Township Party was enough to satisfy Cheng Qianfan. Even if Cheng Qianfan knew that Mao Xuanyi was a member of his team, he would take special care of him.

Without him, they are all Jiangshan people, and this is the most fundamental thing.

"Senior, is it just Mao Zhengze?" Cheng Qianfan waited for a long time and couldn't help frowning when he didn't hear Qi Wu say any other names.

"Isn't one Mao Xuanyi enough?" Qi Wu glared at Cheng Qianfan, "No more, no more."

He snorted coldly and said to Cheng Qianfan, "As you know, I am too immersed in paperwork and don't know much about field work. Even Mao Zhengze is somewhat familiar with it because of his status as a rural Party member."

Qi Wu said angrily, "That's it. You can reorganize your troops. If there are still difficulties in the follow-up, you should ask the bureau for help. I have nothing for you to plunder."

"That's all." Cheng Qianfan nodded, looking unsatisfied and reluctant.

Qi Wu pointed at Cheng Qianfan, laughed angrily, and finally said, "You must be content, General Xiao Mian."

After finishing the Military Commission Commendation Order, the Chairman's Warrant, and the Dai Chunfeng Electric Order, Qi Wu told Cheng Qianfan about the Dai Chunfeng Order's Special Situation Office cooperating with the Shanghai Station to eradicate Wang Tiemu, Chen Mingchu, He Xingjian, and others.

"Senior, to be honest, our department has been trying to eradicate these traitors and scum." Cheng Qianfan frowned slightly and said, "It's just that these people know the consequences of betraying the party and the country and betraying the leader, so they have always lived in a simple way, even more so.

His whereabouts are mysterious."

He shook his head, "We can't even catch these people, let alone seek sanctions."

"Can't you find any trace?" Qi Wu asked with a solemn expression.

"It can't be said that there are no traces at all." Cheng Qianfan thought, "It's just that these people are too vigilant. It is not easy to find a suitable time and place to take action."

He looked at Qi Wu's expectant eyes and gritted his teeth, "I'll give it a try here and see if there are any further gains."

"Okay." Qi Wu nodded, and he also gave the order from the bureau headquarters, "The bureau chief means that your department will provide intelligence and the Shanghai District will be responsible for the action."

Seeing Cheng Qianfan opening his mouth to speak, Qi Wu said, "I understand what you are worried about. Don't worry, the bureau has ordered that you will not have any horizontal contact with the Shanghai District."

Afterwards, Qi Wu arranged for Cheng Qianfan to hear the plan he had discussed with Dai Chunfeng.

"The bureau is strategizing, and the senior has the wisdom." Cheng Qianfan nodded frequently, admiring, "Just follow what the senior said."

His face showed a look of solemnity, "These traitors and scum should have been liquidated long ago."

Cheng Qianfan was about to report Ren Anning's matter to Qi Wu, but Qi Wu waved his hand and shook his head, "There is no need to report this matter to me, the bureau has given full authority to you."

His expression was serious, "I am a foreigner visiting Shanghai. I don't know enough about the situation, so I won't make any comments."

"Senior is too self-effacing." Cheng Qianfan said, but seeing Qi Wu's serious expression, he could only say, "Just follow the senior's advice."

As he said this, he showed a look of regret, "I was thinking that since the seniors were here, I was just being lazy."

"You lazy boy." Qi Wu scolded with a smile.

Cheng Qianfan smiled.

"Okay, the matter here is over. I will meet Chen Gongshu later." Qi Wu glanced at the extinguished cigarette butt, shook his head and threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and said seriously, "I don't know when we can say goodbye to each other.

Goodbye, I think that Brother Yu is having a corpse meal in Chongqing. Junior brother, you are here..."

"Senior!" Cheng Qianfan's expression was solemn and solemn, "Without seniors strategizing in Chongqing, without seniors there to protect me, how can I, junior, fight here with peace of mind?"

His expression was very serious, "Others don't know how powerful the senior is, how can I not know it?"

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