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Chapter 1303 A first glimpse of the enemy (asking for double monthly tickets)

"Bag ducks down!" Sanbonjiro slapped the table, "What are the most basic and important qualities of an excellent imperial agent?"

"Be loyal to the empire and be completely sincere to the section chief!" Cheng Qianfan replied without hesitation.

"Well, that's right." Sanbonjiro nodded, "However, in addition to loyalty, the awareness of confidentiality is equally important."

He looked at Kentaro Miyazaki with a serious expression and said, "There is an old saying in China, 'If the king is not secretive, the minister will lose; if the minister is not secretive, he will lose his virginity; if a few things are not secretive, there will be harm'."

"Do you understand?" Sanbonjiro said in a deep voice.

"I understand!" Cheng Qianfan looked thoughtful, and then said seriously, "As an imperial agent, I only need to do my job as instructed by the section chief. I am stupid and know too many things, but it is possible that

It will affect the work. The section chief is not distrusting his subordinates, he is protecting his subordinates."

"That's right!" Sanbonjiro nodded with satisfaction, "Miyazaki, it's good that you understand my care and expectations for you."

He looked at Kentaro Miyazaki, whose grievance had faded away, and his eyes were filled with respect, and he felt increasingly satisfied.

At this moment, Araki Harima knocked on the door and entered.

Sanbonjiro glanced at Araki Harima, who stood solemnly.

"Xie Guanglin is indeed not Ren Anning." Sanbonjiro said seriously, "His true identity is Imperial Agent Aso Horiro."

He secretly observed Kentaro Miyazaki's expression.

There was surprise in Cheng Qianfan's eyes, as well as a hint of 'sure enough'.

"How did you guess just now?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"This subordinate is stupid. I just assumed that Xie Guanglin was a Chinese who surrendered to the empire." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, showing a look of shame, "I really didn't expect that Xie Guanglin was an imperial agent."

"Aso Yoshiro!" His expression immediately became solemn, "This Aso-kun's performance is perfect. His words and deeds are very consistent with an intellectual who has returned from Citigroup. His subordinates have been observing for several days, but they have not noticed anything.

Any flaws."

As he spoke, he sighed in admiration.

Then there was a look of regret, "It's a pity that Mr. Aso was shattered in this melee."

Cheng Qianfan said with a solemn expression, "Section Chief, my subordinates failed to protect me, and the empire lost a loyal and brave man."

However, Sanbonjiro caught Kentaro Miyazaki's imperfectly hidden look of doubt.

He knew why Kentaro Miyazaki was confused.

"Section Chief, my subordinates believe that Aso Yoshiro was killed. Objectively speaking, Miyazaki-kun does not bear much responsibility." Araki Harima suddenly said from the side, "My subordinates have studied the whole matter carefully."

As he said that, he glanced at Sanbonjiro and said, "All Miyazaki-kun's actions are normal and he has not exceeded the rules."

Araki Harima said sternly, "No one expected that not only Jisi Feierlu's side would be involved in this matter, but also the Military Command Shanghai District's side would suddenly intervene. In such a melee, Aso's death was completely accidental...


"The intervention of military commanders is not an accident." Sanbonjiro glanced at Araki Harima and said in a deep voice.

Araki Harima looked surprised.

"For reasons of confidentiality, you are not aware of this matter." Sanbonjiro continued, "According to reliable information, the Shanghai District of Military Command has also noticed Ren Anning, and they have been looking for Ren Anning..."

Sanbonjiro's expression was serious, Anze's mind was spinning rapidly, but Kentaro Miyazaki let out an exclamation.

"Section Chief, why did the Chongqing Military Command issue a mission to Shanghai District to find Ren Anning?" Cheng Qianfan exclaimed, the look of fear in his eyes unable to be hidden, "They didn't come through Zheng Weilong.

Did I help find someone? Does this mean they actually don’t trust me..."

As he said that, Cheng Qianfan took a deep breath and looked at Sanbonjiro, "Search, are they already suspecting that I am pretending to show my kindness..."

"Calm down!" Sanbonjiro was furious. He pointed at Kentaro Miyazaki and cursed, "You stupid guy, you are even less courageous than a rabbit!"

He glared at Kentaro Miyazaki with hatred, "There is no evidence that the search for Ren Anning in Shanghai was an order from Chongqing. It cannot be ruled out that they learned about Ren Anning through some channel."

Sanbonjiro said, "People like Chen Gongshu should be very aware of the importance of a cryptographic expert, so we cannot rule out that this is the action of the Shanghai District of Shanghai."

As he said that, Sanbonjiro glanced at Kentaro Miyazaki, his eyes full of dissatisfaction and contempt, "Even if Chongqing ordered the military command to search for Ren Anning in Shanghai, it doesn't mean anything. Don't be so timid."

"What the section chief said is absolutely true." Araki Harima nodded and said, "With the lack of talents in Chongqing, they must attach great importance to talents like Ren Anning, so even if they asked you for help through Zheng Weilong, they also ordered Shanghai

The district action is also excusable."

Cheng Qianfan showed an expression of shame and uneasiness, and said awkwardly, "My subordinates are stupid, but it is the section chief who sees deeply, and it is the section chief who teaches me a lesson."

Araki Harima then gave his friend a sideways glance, meaning that you should also flatter me.

Cheng Qianfan ignored Araki Harima.

There was a look of embarrassment and annoyance on his face, "In this case, just as the section chief criticized his subordinate, he said that it was not Xie Guanglin who died. This was an attempt to hide it and easily aroused suspicion in Chongqing...


As he spoke, a trace of worry appeared on his face, "Section Chief, will this make the military commander doubt the sincerity of my subordinates' cooperation with them?"

"Now you realize how stupid your superfluous behavior was?" Sanbonjiro snorted coldly.

Cheng Qianfan showed an anxious look, with a hint of hope, "Section Chief, since this Xie Guanglin is disguised as Aso Pauliro, does this mean that Ren Anning hasn't been caught yet? If we can catch him,

Let An Ning force the other party to serve the empire, and then..."

"Ren Anning should be dead." Araki Harima said in a deep voice.

"Nani?" Cheng Qianfan was surprised, and then asked, "Were you caught and executed secretly?"

Araki Harima looked at Sanbonjiro. He didn’t know the specific situation. He had only just come into contact with the ‘Sturgeon Project’.

"Citigroup sent intelligence about Ren Anning, and the imperial agents tried to secretly arrest Ren Anning on the ship." Sanbonjiro said, with a hint of admiration in his expression, "This is a scholar worthy of admiration.

During the arrest, he chose to jump off the ship."

Cheng Qianfan's heart sank, and he was even more heartbroken, but there was a cruel look on his face with a smile, "That person should be dead. Based on the height of the ocean-going ship, this person would have died even if he didn't drown.

I'm going to fall to death."

"It was night when we arrested him. In order not to alarm other passengers on the ship, our people did not conduct a search." Sanbonjiro said, "However, according to common sense, this man should have been buried in the belly of the fish."

"It's an advantage for him." Cheng Qianfan said coldly, "For such stubborn people who are unwilling to surrender to the empire, their heads should be chopped off with a saber!"

Sanbonjiro looked at Araki Harima, "Araki, you have communicated and contacted the other side and have a better understanding of the whole matter. In your opinion, do you still need to continue arranging for Suzuki Keita to pretend to be 'Ren Anning' to go to Chongqing?"


Cheng Qianfan looked at Araki Harima, and he immediately captured the intelligence contained in Sanbonjiro's words.

The 'over there' that Sanbonjiro said.

It should be referring to the real person in charge of this so-called ‘Sturgeon Project’.

"Communication" and "contact" refer to the fact that Araki Harima has already contacted this person, communicated with this person, and has the most in-depth understanding of the "Sturgeon Project".

This immediately attracted Cheng Qianfan's attention and interest.

It seems that if you want to find this guy who is 'good' at playing tricks, you have to look at your friend Araki Harima.

"My subordinates support continuing to arrange for Suzuki Keita to go to Chongqing." Araki Harima said thoughtfully.

"Tell me your reasons." Sanbonjiro said.

"Suzuki Keita is destined to die!" Araki Harima said, "In the 'Sturgeon Plan', whether it is Suzuki Keita or Aso Yoshiro, the two warriors are willing to be disposable consumables. Their mission is

Enter Chongqing, get close to the target, and destroy the target by burning yourself."

He said seriously, "Not only do we not need to suspend the plan, but we must speed up the progress of the plan."

Araki Harima looked at Kentaro Miyazaki, "Miyazaki-kun, you said today that the deceased was not Xie Guanglin. Objectively speaking, it was indeed a sign of your quick wit. You bought time for the survival of the 'Sturgeon Project'."

"What Mr. Araki means is that I contact Zheng Weilong, tell him that I have found the real Xie Guanglin, and then immediately arrange for Suzuki Keita to go to Chongqing." Cheng Qianfan thought.

"That's right." Araki Harima nodded.

Cheng Qianfan did not speak immediately. He frowned slightly and thought, then looked at Sanbonjiro.

"Miyazaki, tell me what you think." Sanbonjiro leaned on the back of the chair and looked at Miyazaki Kentaro and said, "Whatever you have to say, don't worry about anything."

His eyes were fixed on Miyazaki Kentaro, "The Sturgeon Project encountered today's accident and is already in trouble. Now any plan can be discussed."

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan nodded.

He frowned and thought, subconsciously took out the cigarette case in his arms, then suddenly woke up, glanced at Sanbonjiro, smiled and was about to take the cigarette case back.

"Just smoke if you're addicted to cigarettes." Sanbonjiro said angrily.

Cheng Qianfan chuckled and took out a cigarette from the cigarette case. He did not light it, but held it in his hand and smelled it to relieve his craving for cigarettes.

Sanbonjiro saw all this in his eyes and couldn't help but feel secretly satisfied.

"What Araki-kun said is extremely reasonable. If the sacrifice of an imperial warrior can lead to the destruction of an important target, the deal is worth it." He looked at Araki Harima, "Of course, the first thing to determine is the target.

Is it worth sacrificing a warrior?"

"Chongqing Secret Room." Araki Harima said with a serious expression, "Does Miyazaki-kun think it's worth it?"

Almost as soon as Araki Harima blurted out, Sanbonjiro, who couldn't stop him, frowned slightly, and then relaxed it quickly.

"Chongqing secret room?" Cheng Qianfan asked in shock, "Similar to Citigroup's MI8? Has Chongqing also established a similar agency?"

Araki Harima looked at Sanbonjiro.

Sanbonjiro secretly scolded Araki Harima for being stupid, but you had already blurted it out, but now you remembered that you needed to keep it a secret.

"Although Miyazaki's level is not enough to understand these secrets..." Sanbonjiro said thoughtfully, "but I believe in Miyazaki's loyalty to the empire."

He nodded towards Araki Harima, which meant that it could be said.

"Section Chief." Cheng Qianfan looked at Sanbonjiro, his eyes full of emotion, but he did not forget to politely refuse, "Search Chief, it's better for my subordinates not to know..."

"Say it." Sanbonjiro said to Araki Harima. The matter has come to this, and it would be unsatisfactory not to say it.

"According to the intelligence possessed by the empire, Habit Yashili should be in Chongqing now. He helped Chongqing set up an agency similar to MI8." Araki Harima said, "This agency aims to track and decipher the imperial code.


"Nani?" Cheng Qianfan looked shocked, with a look of contempt in his shock, "Do stupid Chinese people have this ability?"

"Miyazaki!" Sanbonjiro snorted and said, "You have to get rid of your contempt for our opponents. This kind of pride will make you suffer sooner or later."

"Hai." Cheng Qianfan said quickly.

Sanbonjiro shook his head. The guy said 'yes', but it was clear from his expression that he didn't care.

This Kentaro Miyazaki, his contempt for the Chinese is engraved in his bones, and he must be called "China".

"According to the intelligence possessed by the empire," Araki Harima continued, "the Chongqing Chamber of Secrets seems to have made some achievements in deciphering imperial telegrams. The existence of this Chongqing Chamber of Secrets has already posed a certain threat to the Empire."

Cheng Qianfan's expression changed continuously, as if he was unwilling to accept that the "Chinese people" whom he had always despised could actually pose a threat to the empire in terms of deciphering secret codes.

After a while, Cheng Qianfan, who looked gloomy and uncertain, said, "Araki-kun means to arrange for Suzuki Keita to go to Chongqing to try to enter this 'Chongqing secret room' and then destroy it."

Araki Harima nodded.

"If it is true as Mr. Araki said, then exchanging Suzuki Keita for this target is indeed worth the money." Cheng Qianfan nodded and said.

Then he struggled and said, "It would be best to kill Hybet Yashili directly."

Cheng Qianfan said to the two of them, "In my opinion, it is impossible for the stupid Chinese people to achieve such achievements. The key to this 'Chongqing secret room' lies in Habit Yashili. As long as Mr. Suzuki can get rid of this Citigroup cryptography expert,

Chongqing has nothing to worry about."

Sanbonjiro and Araki Harima both nodded and did not refute Kentaro Miyazaki's point of view:

Although they may not be as extremely contemptuous of the Chinese as Kentaro Miyazaki, in their view, the success of the so-called "Chongqing Secret Room" is more due to the American Habit Yashili. As long as Habit Yashili is removed,

Then big things can be decided.

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