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Chapter 1334 The most shameless person

A few days later.

No. 31, Lane 1136, Yuyuan Road.

Cheng Qianfan got off the car and stood beside the car, looking up at the building in front of him.

He has a lot of information about this building in his mind.

This mansion was originally the residence of Wang Xingyi, Minister of Transportation.

It was built in the 23rd year of the Republic of China, covering an area of ​​11 acres, and the total cost reached an astonishing 300,000 silver dollars.

After Cheng Qianfan graduated from East Asia Tongwen College, he was admitted to National Tongji University. Then in the 22nd year of the Republic of China, at the age of 18, he applied for the Central Army Officers School without telling his grandfather and passed the tenth batch of infantry.

Was assigned to the first corps.

When he was in the Army Military Academy, Minister Wang's mansion on Yuyuan Road once attracted a lot of discussion in Nanjing newspapers. Some tabloid reporters from Shanghai even sneaked into the Wang Mansion to inspect and take photos.

After completing his duties as a patrol officer, Cheng Qianfan had an easy job in the Document Section. In his spare time, he often went to the Archives Section and was "quite familiar" with many well-known mansions in Shanghai.

For example, regarding the 'Prince's Mansion' in front of him, Cheng Qianfan had all kinds of detailed data in his mind.

It is said that there are thirty-two houses of various sizes in this mansion.

From the appearance, the entire building is a four-story reinforced concrete structure, with the main part of the roof having a hip roof and a dormer window on the front.

The eastern part of the building is larger than the western part, and the main building is divided into three parts: the middle, the east and the west.

The front of the middle part is convex and arc-shaped, and the east and west parts are symmetrically arranged at a 45-degree angle, which is full of variety.

Just from the appearance and the data, Cheng Qianfan came to the conclusion:

This place is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is impossible to break through this reinforced concrete building from the outside to kill evildoers.


He shook his head.

"What's a pity?" Chu Mingyu glanced at Cheng Qianfan.

"Looking at the deep courtyard, the small bridge and the flowing water, I can't help but think of the vigorous love story between Minister Wang and Miss Bao back then." Cheng Qianfan said, "The mansion is still the same, but the lady is not here..."

"They don't want to follow Mr. Wang and go to the remote areas of Chongqing to chew mud. What's the pity?" Chu Mingyu glared at Cheng Qianfan, "When you meet Mr. Wang, don't say such things again."

Young people just like to talk and love.

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan said, with joy visible on his face, "Mr. Wang's great cause is about to be accomplished. Just thinking about it makes people look forward to it."

Even as a follower of Chu Mingyu, Cheng Qianfan still accepted a body search by Agent No. 76, who was responsible for the security of the 'Wang Mansion'.

Yes, the "Prince's Mansion" of Mr. Wang Xingyi, the former Minister of Transport, is now the Wang Mansion of Wang Chuhai. If this house was spiritual, it would be painful and nauseating.

Cheng Qianfan took a look at the main building. The exterior walls were all made of brown cement bricks, which looked simple and elegant.

"Mr. Cheng, please."

Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly and strode to follow Chu Mingyu's footsteps.

The entire Wang Mansion building has a curved passage that runs from top to bottom.

The living room and living room are decorated with traditional oriental art, and the interior is equipped with painted murals.

The room was surrounded by teak walls. Cheng Qianfan took a look and touched it with his hands. He was sure that the teak walls had a certain ability to block pistols.

"Now that the peace negotiations between China and Japan have made great progress, we can fully believe and look forward to a new era in Sino-Japanese relations from now on." Wang Chuanhai said loudly with a serious smile on his face.

Cheng Qianfan and Chu Mingyu had just entered the living room on the first floor when they heard Wang Qianhai's speech. Mr. Wang's voice was strong and powerful, and he sounded very emotional.

"Secretary-General Chu, Mr. Wang is accepting a joint interview with Shanghai Daily News and China Daily." Chen Chunpu whispered beside Chu Mingyu.

Chu Mingyu nodded and waited aside.

Chen Chunpu nodded to Cheng Qianfan. He had a good impression of this young man. Seeing Cheng Qianfan listening attentively, he nodded secretly in his heart.

"Mr. Wang, can you elaborate?" a reporter raised his hand and asked.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at the reporter. He was a thin young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

When this person asked questions, he seemed to subconsciously push up his gold-rimmed glasses.

Cheng Qianfan has very good eyesight. He is observing this person:

This man's action of pushing up his glasses does not seem to be a subconscious habit, but because——


These glasses are uncomfortable for this person to wear.

Cheng Qianfan's heart moved.

For myopia people, glasses are their eyes, their most familiar personal belongings, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are even part of the body.

Glasses should naturally be comfortable to wear. This is the most basic principle, especially for these pseudo-journalists. They are not short of money and will not tolerate the discomfort of glasses just because they are short of money.


This pair of glasses is not what he is used to.

Or even just a temporary loan?

Borrowed for what?

Hiding your identity?

These are actually not glasses for myopia, but glasses for plain vision?

Or can you make yourself more cultured, be able to restrain your original temperament, and be more like a reporter?

Cheng Qianfan wondered in his heart, the serious expression in his eyes remained.

"The two great nations of China and Japan are moving forward hand in hand from the bright road. Each loves its country and each other's country. Each loves its nation and each other loves its nation, sovereignty and territory. They respect each other; military, economic, cultural, and all aspects.

, cooperate fully with each other.

In order to enhance the common welfare between the two countries, and at the same time maintain permanent peace in East Asia."

Wang Qianhai nodded, looked around gracefully, and continued.

"It is natural for China and Japan to be friends, as the founding father Sun Yat-sen said: 'China and Japan, no matter what aspects they consider, should work together'.

In the past, we could not work together because there were mistakes on both sides, which resulted in a painful phenomenon that has lasted for more than three years.

I wonder what every martyred people and fallen soldiers thought in their hearts when they were about to die? They definitely don’t want to see the fall of China, and they definitely don’t want to see both China and Japan suffer losses and perish together. They definitely want to see China and Japan suffer.

A day when peace between state-owned enterprises is restored and coexistence and common prosperity occur.

I think that within the country, every people and every soldier must have the same thought when enduring pain. That is to say, the real voice in the hearts of the oppressed people in Chongqing must be the same, but they cannot be shouted out.

That's it." Wang Chuanhai appeared to be very talkative when facing reporters. He likes to use gestures to express his emotions when speaking.

"Even -" Wang Chuanhai raised his voice and said, "people who advocate fighting to the end are not willing to see the day when China and Japan can resume peaceful coexistence and common prosperity, but they think that this day will not come, or it will come too early.

That’s all.”

With a wave of his hand, he said, "The day has come when China and Japan can restore peace and coexist and prosper together. We should shoulder this epoch-making task with one heart and one mind."

Cheng Qianfan had a respectful smile on his face, and his hands seemed to be holding back the uncontrollable applause.

His heart can be described as gnashing of teeth.

In the past five thousand years of China's history, this person is the first person to be shameless and forget his ancestors!

The reporter from the "Shanghai Daily News" who caught Cheng Qianfan's attention asked Wang Quanhai to talk about his feelings on the road to peaceful founding of the country.

"I still remember that on December 18, 2007, when I flew from Chongqing to Kunming, Chairman Long of the Yunnan Provincial Government asked me: 'I heard that in this negotiation, Japan agreed to withdraw its troops within two years after the armistice.


I answered 'yes'.

Chairman Long said: 'It would be better if we can do it faster.'

I replied: 'I think so too.'

Chairman Long said: ‘I hope Mr. Wang will work harder and achieve faster results after arriving in Hanoi.’”

Wang Qianhai took a sip of tea and showed emotion, "This sentence was said on December 18, 27th year. It is now the end of 28th year, exactly two years have passed.

If my proposal could be adopted by Chongqing, by today, the troop withdrawal would have been halfway through! My compatriots!"

Wang Chuanhai was so excited that he raised his arms and shouted at the top of his lungs, "My compatriots all over the country! Think about it for me, how can I not feel sad? How can I not be anxious?

This is the reason why I have no choice but to risk countless hardships and dangers to advocate a peaceful anti-communist and nation-building movement.”

As he spoke, he shook his head and sighed, "Presumably Chairman Long and other party and state monarchs must also regret it now. They regret not following me along the way, otherwise the light of peace would have spread over the land of China..."

"I'm afraid if Chairman Long heard you mention it three times, he would be eager to kill you now." Cheng Qianfan thought to himself.

He began to applaud excitedly, his eyes were full of excitement, and his eyes even turned red.

The applause shocked Wang Chuanhai and the reporters to look over.

"It's so difficult for Mr. Wang." Cheng Qianfan said to Chen Chunpu who was looking over with red eyes, "The ignorant people in the world misunderstand Mr. Wang. Without perseverance and determination, there would be no peace today."

Wang Qianhai glanced at Cheng Qianfan and nodded with a smile to the young man who was moved by his speech.

"In short, when we deal with the current situation, we must think big and think from a distance.

The road to peace and national salvation is not about temporary convenience or the convenience of one thing, but about the permanent friendship between China and Japan and the permanent peace in East Asia.

As for the four northeastern provinces, they were originally part of China's territory, but it has been ten years since September 18th. In these ten years, the changes in facts are obvious to everyone." Wang Chuhai raised his arms and said.

, "It can be done to exchange land for peace. The four northeastern provinces will become a symbol of Sino-Japanese peace, a place of peace and a place of honor."

Cheng Qianfan felt that the hatred in his heart had filled his chest.

Seeing the former vice-president of the Kuomintang making such shameless remarks, he felt that the air in this house was stinky. It was so stinky!

He clapped his hands, his voice choked with sobs, "Mr. Wang has lived up to Mr. Sun's trust. China is very lucky to have Mr. Wang, the country and the nation are very lucky!"

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